Mark Griffin

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  Gennell, Mina. see Minnelli, Mina (mother of Vincente)

  George White’s Scandals

  Gershwin, George

  Gershwin, Ira

  Gershwin, Leonore

  Gerstner, David

  Getzwiller, Marion

  The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini

  G.I. Bill of Rights

  Gibbons, Cedric

  Gibson, William

  Gielgud, John

  Giganti, Denise

  Giganti, Giuseppe


  Gilbert, Adrian

  Gilbert, Justin


  Gillin, John

  Gingold, Hermione

  The Girl of the Golden West

  Girls in Prison

  Gish, Lillian

  Glass, Ned

  Gleason, Keogh

  Going My Way

  Goldman, William

  Goldwyn, Sam

  Good News

  Goodbye, Charlie

  Goodrich, Frances

  Gordon, Max

  Gordon, Ruth

  Goudeket, Maurice

  Gowns by Roberta

  The Graduate

  Grahame, Gloria

  Granger, Farley

  Grant, Cary

  Gray, Dolores

  Grayson, Kathryn

  Great Flood of 1913

  The Great Ziegfeld

  Green, Adolph

  Green, Johnny

  Green Mansions

  The Green Pastures

  Greenwich Village

  Gregg, Jess

  Guernsey, Otis L., Jr.

  Guetary, Georges

  Guilaroff, Sydney

  Guilianelli, Danica D. see Giganti, Denise

  Gumm, Frances. see also Garland, Judy

  Guys and Dolls

  Gwenn, Edmund


  Haakon, Paul

  Haber, Joyce

  Hackett, Albert

  Hagen, Mike

  Hale, Prentis Cobb

  Haley, Jack, Jr.


  Hallowell, John

  Hamilton, George

  Hammerstein, Oscar

  Hanrahan, Bill

  Hanrahan, John

  Hans Christian Anderson


  Harburg, E. Y. “Yip”

  Harlan, Russell

  Harris, Barbara

  Harris, Jed

  Harris, Richard

  Harrison, Rex

  Hart, Lorenz

  Hart, Moss

  Hartung, Philip T.

  The Harvey Girls

  Harvey, Stephen

  Haskell, Molly

  Hawks, Howard

  Hay, Harry

  Hayton, Lennie

  Hayworth, Rita

  Head, Edith

  Heerman, Victor

  Hellman, Lillian

  Hello, Dolly!

  Henreid, Monika

  Henreid, Paul

  Henriquez, Yola

  Henry, Bill

  Hepburn, Audrey

  Hepburn, Katharine

  From Here to Eternity

  Herwood, Marion. see Keyes, Marion Herwood

  Herzog, Sid

  Heston, Charlton

  Heston, Lydia

  Hickman, Darryl

  Hilton, Nicky

  Hirschhorn, Clive

  Hirsh, Dave

  Hitchcock, Alfred

  H.M.S. Pinafore

  Hoctor, Harriet

  Holliday, Judy

  Holm, Celeste

  Home from the Hill

  Home, William Douglas

  Hooray for What!

  Hope, Bob

  Hopper, Hedda

  Horne, Lena

  Horosko, Marian

  Houseman, John

  How the West Was Won

  How to Marry a Millionaire

  Howard, Ron

  Huckleberry Finn


  Hudson, W. H.

  Hughes, Alice

  Hughes, Elinor

  Humphrey, William

  Hunt, Marsha

  Hurd, Jack

  Huston, John

  Hutton, Betty

  Hyer, Martha

  I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang

  I Dood It

  I Love Louisa

  I Love Lucy

  I Picked a Daisy

  I Remember It Well (Minnelli)

  I Was a Teenage Werewolf

  Ibáñez, Vicente Blasco

  Independent Progressive Party

  Ingram, Rex

  Invitation to the Dance

  Irving Thalberg Award

  Jackson, Michael

  Jackson, Petunia

  Jacobs, Jody

  Jailhouse Rock

  Jeans, Isabel

  Johnson, Lynda Bird

  Johnson, Van

  Jones, James

  Jones, Jennifer

  Jones, Robert Edmond

  Jones, Shirley

  Jourdan, Louis

  Journal-Herald of Delaware

  The Judy Garland Show

  Kael, Pauline

  Kander, John


  Kaufman, George S.

  Kaye, Danny

  Kazan, Elia

  Keaton, Buster

  Keel, Howard

  Kelly, Gene

  An American in Paris and

  Brigadoon and

  Huckleberry Finn and

  The Pirate and

  proposed Roberta remake and

  Kelly, Grace

  Kendall, Kay

  Kern, Jerome

  Kerr, Deborah

  Kerr, John

  Keyes, Marion Herwood

  Keyes, Peter

  Kidd, Michael

  The King and I

  King, Henry

  King Kong

  King, Peggy


  Kiss Me Kate

  Klein, William

  Knight, Hilary

  Knoblock, Edward

  Knox, Donald

  Koch, Howard W.

  Koverman, Ida

  Kramer, Stanley

  Krasner, Milton

  Krueger, Miles

  Kubrick, Stanley

  La Bohème

  La Cava, Gregory

  La Dolce Vita

  Lachaille, Gaston

  Lady in the Dark

  The Lady of the Camellias

  Lahr, Bert

  Lambert, Eleanor

  Lambert, Gavin

  Lanchak, Raymond

  Lane, Burton

  Langley, Noel

  Lansbury, Angela

  Larson, Jack

  The Last Laugh

  LaTouche, John


  Laurents, Arthur

  Laurier, Marguerite

  Lawford, Peter

  Lawrence, Gertrude

  Le Beau, Grandmother

  Le Beau, Mina (mother of Vincente). see Minnelli, Mina (mother of Vincente)

  Lean, David

  LeBaron, William

  Leggett, John

  Legion of Decency

  Leigh, Vivien

  Leigh, Wendy

  Leonard, Robert Z.

  Lerner, Alan Jay

  LeRoy, Mervyn

  Letellier, Henri

  Levant, Oscar

  Lewis, Jerry

  Lewis, Robert

  Lewton, Val

  A Life of Her Own

  Life with Father

  The Light Fantastic


  Lilley, Edward Clark

  Lillie, Beatrice

  Lilly, Doris

  “Limehouse Blues”

  Lindsay, Howard

  Little Caesar

  The Little Minister

  Lockhart, June

  Loder, Charles A.

  Loewe, Frederick

  Logan, Joshua


  The Long, Long Trailer

  Loos, Anita

  Loper, Don

la, Carlos

  Love Me Tonight

  Lovely to Look At

  Ludwig, William

  Luft, Joey

  Luft, Lorna

  Luft, Sid

  Lukas, Paul

  Lunt, Alfred

  Lupino, Ida


  Lust for Life

  Lyon, Sue

  Lysinger, Frank

  MacDonald, Grace

  MacDonald, Jeanette

  MacGill, Moyna

  MacKenna, Kenneth

  MacLaine, Shirley

  Madame Bovary

  Magnani, Georgette


  Mamoulian, Rouben

  The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit

  The Man Who Came to Dinner

  Mancini, Ginny

  Mancini, Henry

  Mandel, Johnny

  Mandelbaum, Howard

  Mankiewicz, Joseph L.

  Mansfield, Richard

  Marans, Jon

  Marengo, Ronnie

  Marlen, Gloria

  Marshall Field

  Martel, Christiane

  Martin, Dean

  Martin, Ellie

  Martin, Hugh

  Martin, Mary

  Mary Poppins

  Mason, James

  Mason, Sarah Y.

  Mata Hari

  Mattachine Society

  A Matter of Time

  Maule, Michael

  May, Bert

  Mayer, Louis B.. see also Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

  McCarthyism and

  on The Pirate

  Schary as successor at MGM

  McBride, Gil

  McCarthy investigations

  McElhaney, Joe

  McGarry, William

  McGehee, Scott

  McLeod, Norman Z

  McQueen, Butterfly

  McRae, Ellen

  For Me and My Gal

  Meet Me in St. Louis

  Mell, Marisa

  “Memorial to a Bad Man”

  The Men Who Made the Movies (Schickel)

  Merman, Ethel

  Merrick, David

  Merrill, Dina

  The Merry Widow

  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)

  and childhood of Liza Minnelli

  Freed Unit

  Garland’s contract renewal of 1947 with

  importance of musicals to America

  and Legion of Decency

  and Lucy-Desi movie (The Long, Long Trailer)

  Minnelli’s duration with on The Pirate

  Schary as successor of Mayer

  in viewing Garland as liability

  Ziegfeld Follies and


  Meyer, John

  Mielziner, Jo

  Milford, Nancy

  Miller, Alice Duer

  Miller, Ann

  Miller, Denny

  Miller, Gilbert

  Miller, Marilyn

  Millocker, Karl

  Milner, Virginia

  Mimieux, Yvette

  Minnelli Brothers Mighty Dramatic Company Under Canvas

  Minnelli, Christiana Nina (daughter of Vincente)

  author’s attempts to contact birth of

  childhood of

  custody to mother of

  and death of Minnelli, Vincente

  and trip to Paris (1957)

  and will of Minnelli, Vincente

  Minnelli, Denise. see Giganti, Denise

  Minnelli, Frank (F.P.) (uncle of Vincente)

  Minnelli, Georgette. see Magnani, Georgette

  Minnelli, Lester Anthony. see Minnelli, Vincente

  Minnelli, Liza (daughter of Vincente) author’s attempts to contact birth of

  and birth of Christiana Nina Minnelli

  childhood of

  On a Clear Day You Can See Forever and

  and The Courtship of Eddie’s Father

  and death of Garland

  and death of Minnelli, Vincente

  living with Lucille Ball

  A Matter of Time (Film of Memory) and

  on Minnelli, Vincente’s eightieth birthday

  performance at Carnegie Hall (1987)

  and retrospective of Minnelli, Vincente

  on set of Madame Bovary

  and will of Minnelli, Vincente

  Minnelli, Mina (mother of Vincente)

  Minnelli on Minnelli

  Minnelli, Paul Felix (brother of Vincente)

  Minnelli red

  Minnelli, Tina Nina. see Minnelli, Christiana Nina (daughter of Vincente)

  Minnelli, Vincent C. (infant brother of Vincente)

  Minnelli, Vincent Charles (V.C.) (father of Vincente)

  Minnelli, Vincente. see also specific productions, e.g. The Clock age altering and

  Alzheimer’s disease and

  and Anderson, Lee (Margaretta Lee)

  and art of “reality inside unreality”

  artwork of

  autobiography of (I Remember It Well)

  Best Director Academy Award

  birth of

  and birth of Christiana Nina Minnelli

  and birth of Liza Minnelli

  and childhood of Liza Minnelli

  The Clock and

  as costume designer for Radio City Music Hall

  and death of Garland

  declining health/death of

  divorce from Garland

  divorce from Giganti

  divorce from Magnani

  drawings of

  early creativity of

  effect of Uncle Frank’s suicide on

  Freed, Arthur and

  grandchildren, Vincente and Xeminia

  and identifying Streisand with Garland

  introduction to Garland

  as Lester Anthony Minnelli

  marriage to Anderson

  marriage to Garland

  marriage to Giganti

  marriage to Magnani

  Meet Me in St. Louis

  The Minnellium and

  name change from Lester

  parents of

  re-igniting Garland romance during The Clock

  and recurring themes introduced in “Limehouse Blues” (Ziegfeld Follies)

  relationship with Gene Kelly

  on removal from Easter Parade of

  sexuality and. see also Tea and Sympathy

  siblings of

  will of

  Willis High School photo

  Yolanda and the Thief

  Minnelli, Vincente Charles (V.C.) (father of Vincente)

  Minnelli, William Francis (brother of Vincente)

  The Minnellium

  The Miracle Worker

  Mishkin, Leo

  Mitchell, James

  Mitchum, Robert

  Mochrie, Bob

  Moffit, Peggy

  Monet, Joseph

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Monta, R.

  Montand, Yves

  Montez, Maria

  Moonjean, Hank

  Moore, Grace

  Moore, Mary Tyler

  Mordden, Ethan

  Moreno, Rita

  Morgenstern, Joseph

  Morning Glory

  Morros, Borros

  Mother, Jugs and Speed

  Motion Picture Production Code

  Moulin Rouge

  Mr. Imperium

  Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch

  Mulligan, Jerry

  Murder on the Orient Express

  Murnau, Friedrich

  Murphy, George

  My Fair Lady

  Myles, Morton

  Nash, Mary

  Nathan, Robert

  Natwick, Mildred

  Neame, Ronald

  Negulesco, Jean

  Nelson, Ricky

  New York American

  New York Drama Critics Circle Award

  New York Paramount

  The New Ziegfeld Follies of 1936-1937

  The Next Voice You Hear

  Nicholas Brothers

icholson, Jack

  Night and Day

  Night People

  Nina (A Matter of Time)

  Nixon, Marni

  North, Alex

  Norton, Elliot

  Not in the Guidebook

  O’Brien, George

  O’Brien, Gladys

  O’Brien, Margaret

  O’Brien, Virginia

  Oedipus and the Sphinx

  “Of Good and Evil”

  Oscars. see also awards

  An American in Paris and

  The Bad and the Beautiful and

  The Collector

  Designing Woman and

  Elmer Gantry and

  Father of the Bride and

  Gigi and

  Lust for Life and

  Rainer, Luise and

  The Sandpiper

  Some Came Running and

  O’Shea, Tessie

  Owen, Randy

  Paint Your Wagon

  The Painted Veil

  Palace Theater

  Pan, Hermes

  Panama Hattie


  Paramount Pictures

  Minnelli as set designer at


  The Parent Trap

  The Parisians. see Gigi

  Parker, Dorothy

  Parker, Eleanor

  Parsons, Louella

  Pasternak, Joe

  Patten, Luana

  Paull, Lawrence

  Paxton, John

  Peck, Gregory

  Peck, Seymour

  Peck, Stephen

  Pennell, E. R.

  Pennell, J.

  Peper, William

  Peppard, George

  Perelman, S. J.

  Perkins, Anthony

  Perkins, Millie

  Perry, Eleanor

  Peter Brent Brigham Hospital (Boston)

  Pettit, Roland

  Pfeiffer, Michelle

  Pickup on South Street

  The Picture of Dorian Gray

  Pidgeon, Walter

  The Pirate

  A Place in the Sun

  Poer, John




  Independent Progressive Party

  Polk, Oscar


  Ponedel, Meredith

  Porter, Cole

  The Postman Always Rings Twice

  Powell, Dick

  Powell, Eleanor

  Powell, Jane

  Powell, Michael

  Powell, William

  Powers, James

  Preminger, Otto

  Presenting Lily Mars

  Presley, Elvis

  Pressburger, Emeric

  Previn, André

  The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex

  Proclemer, Anna


  “Public Melody Number One”

  Purdom, Edmund

  The Purple Plain

  Pye, Merril

  Quinn, Anthony

  Radio City Music Hall

  Minnelli directing first show at

  Radosavljevic, Danica. see Giganti, Denise

  Rainer, Luise

  Raksin, David

  Ramey, Lynn

  Ramey, Marcia

  Ransohoff, Martin

  Rasch, Albertina

  Ravetch, Irving

  Raye, Dorothy

  Raye, Martha

  Raymor Studio (Chicago)

  Rear Window

  The Red Badge of Courage

  The Red Shoes

  Reed, Rex

  Reform School Girls

  Reinhardt, Gottfried

  The Reluctant Debutante

  Renoir, Jean

  The Return of the Vampire


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