The Goalie and the Best Friend's Sister (New Hampshire Bears Book 9)

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The Goalie and the Best Friend's Sister (New Hampshire Bears Book 9) Page 5

by Mary Smith

  “Thanks, guys.” The coach shakes our hands and Kian releases us into the crowd.

  People begin to talk to us, ask for selfies, and praise us in general. Many of them tell me how great I did this season. I smile, nod, and thank them. I try to sound sincere because they are being nice. I know how fans are – they’re always loyal to us.

  “Nathan.” Kace comes running toward me. “I’m glad you came.”

  I chuckled. “Me too.” I don’t have the heart to tell him I’m here for work. But it even if I wasn’t I would have come anyway.

  “Come on.” He grips my hand and tries to pull me toward his table.

  As much as I don’t want to see Alden again, I know with all these people around he won’t cause a scene.

  “Hi, everyone.” I awkward wave at them.

  They all greet me. Elizabeth, Amara’s and Alden’s mother, kisses each of my cheeks.

  “How are you?” she asks.

  “I’m outstanding. And you?”

  “Well. I’m glad you’re helping out my baby.”

  “It’s my pleasure.” I tell her. I glance over at Amara who’s wooing over Kace’s achievement. She’s going to be a great mom.

  Why am I still thinking this?

  Alden says nothing to me, but Baylor is chatting me up. She’s very kind. I’ve always liked her.

  “When are we going to finish your arm?” She pants at my bare forearm.

  “Soon. Minus my brothers coming in, my summer’s free.”

  “You have brothers?” Kace moves his way in between us.

  “Yes. I have two brothers who are your age.”

  “Can I play with them? Do they like hockey?” he asks excitedly.

  “Sure, I bet they’d love to play with you. They love hockey.” I tell him as his eyes light up more.

  “I can’t wait to have more friends.” He pumps his hands in the air.

  Bas makes his way over to us and praises Kace again. Everyone seems to be getting along. At least we’re all being civil.

  “We’re going to head out,” Alden says pulling Kace toward him. “Our MVP needs some food.”

  “Are you guys coming?” Kace glances at Bas and me.

  “Not me, Buddy. I need to go home.” I hope he doesn’t ask any more questions. I’m not the world’s best liar.

  “Count me out too,” Bas says. “Some other time.”

  “Okay.” He seems satisfied and turns back to Alden and Baylor.

  We say our goodbyes to everyone and head out to my car. We make small talk as I drive back to Bas’ apartment.

  “Workout tomorrow morning?

  “Text me when you’re on the way,” he says getting out.

  “Will do.”

  When I get home I don’t expect Amara to be there, but she is – curled up on the couch.

  “I figured you would be having dinner with your family.”

  “I can’t take Alden’s glares anymore.”

  “I understand.” I sit next to her on the couch. “You want something to eat.”

  She shakes her head. “I’m going to study and go to bed early. Starlight has two early clients and asked me to come in with her.”


  I watch her walk away and quickly wonder if I’ve done something wrong for her to be sad.

  When I wake up the next morning, Amara is already gone. I text Bas to see if he still wants to go to the gym.

  Bas: Sure. Come get me.

  I had a few texts from my brothers. They’re excited about arriving the day after tomorrow. I can say I am too. I haven’t seen them since Christmas. I text them as often as I can. It’s hard being a big brother this far away.

  I pull up to Bas’ apartment and again, he’s waiting outside.

  “Hey,” he says hopping into the car.

  “Bro.” I scrunch my nose. “How much vodka did you drink last night?”

  “Oh sorry.” He rifles through his gym bag and pulls out some peppermints. “I just had a few extra last night.”

  “Okay.” I let it pass because there were a couple of times last season he would celebrate a lot.

  We get to the gym and hit the treadmill first. We each knock out a few miles before hitting the weights. Since my arms still hurt, I worked my legs today. Bas follows suit and we seem to push each other more and more.

  A few hours later, I’m a sweaty mess and dying of thirst. We head over to the juice bar, and we each grab a bottle of water before sitting down at one of the tables.

  “Seeing anyone?” I ask.

  “No. I’m trying to focus on staying in the PHL. I think a female would distract me. What’s going on with you and Amara? I saw how she was looking at you.”

  I told him about our current situation and how I do want to date her.

  “Why aren’t you?”

  “I guess it’s because Alden hasn’t given his blessing.”

  “Look,” Bas says with a firm voice. “He’s going to be pissed off either way. Why don’t you at least try with Amara? Maybe you two are meant to be only friends but you won’t know until you try.”

  He has a point. We haven’t tried yet. “Thanks, Bas. I think I will.”

  I’m sitting here waiting for Amara to come home. I made a three course dinner I found on YouTube that didn’t seem to be too hard for me. I’m in a pair of dress pants and a button up shirt. I light the last of the candles and wait.

  It doesn’t take long for her to walk through the door. “What’s all this?”

  I hand her a single rose. “I would like to take you on a date.”

  Her smile slowly grows. “Really?”


  “I’m not dressed. Can you give me fifteen?”

  “Yes. Of course.”

  She rushes off to change, and I finish plating up our food. I make sure everything is arranged perfectly as she walks back in.

  My jaw drops. She’s in a short purple dress. A very form fitting one that shows every curve and a lot of cleavage.

  “Is this okay?” she asks, spinning around.

  “Very much so,” I say without thinking.

  She giggles as she walks over to the table, and I pull out her chair. “You really do look nice.” I repeat.

  “You do as well. What are we having tonight?”

  I explain the menu as I pour her a glass of wine.

  “What made you go through all this?”

  I sit down and pick up my fork. “Because Bas said something which made a lot of sense. Therefore, I decided tonight was going to be date night.”

  “May I ask what he said to change your mind? Or at least push it this direction?”

  “I have been waiting for Alden’s blessing, but I don’t think he’ll ever give it. So, we should proceed without it and maybe figure out if we’re meant to be friends or something more.”

  She stops mid-bite and thinks for a moment. “He does have a point, doesn’t he?”

  “Exactly.” I nod. “So… here we are.”

  “So… here we are.” She repeats and bites down on her lip before going back to her food. “Tell me about your day.”

  “Not much to tell. I worked out with Bas and then created this.” I wave my hand over the table. “What about you?”

  She goes on about her day at the shop and the clients that came in. “Oh and Starlight invited me to go out with her to The Vault.”


  “Yes. She thinks it’ll be fun, and I’ve never really been to a nightclub. Isn’t that where you’ve gone?”

  I nod. “I’ve been there a few times with the guys.”

  “Is it fun?”

  I’m not sure how to say what The Vault is like. It’s mainly scantily dressed females humping every guy they can. And the guys are balls of Alpha fueled hormones who are grinding up against anything that stands still.

  “It’s okay.”

  “I’m excited to go. Do you want to come with?”

  “No. You should have a girls’ night.” I kno
w she doesn’t have many friends. It’ll be fun for her. Although a small surge of jealousy washes over me. What if she meets someone else?

  “Are you okay?” She touches my hand.

  “I’m great.” I lie. “How’s the food?”

  The topic quickly moves to the food. It’s something we both talk about with ease. Amara talks of things she likes to cook and create. She seemed to do all the cooking when she lived with Alden.

  I pull the brownies from the cooling rack. “Don’t get too impressed by this. It’s from a box.” I chuckle as I scoop vanilla ice cream to place on top.

  “It’s perfect. Thank you for everything.”

  “You’re welcome.” I set the plate down in front of her.

  She moans on her first bite, and I stare at her as she licks her lips. She’s stunning. I turn back to my dessert and try to think of anything but her delicious lips on any part of my body. I’m not the type of guy to masturbate every day, but it’s getting close since she’s moved in. I think of her all the time – and I have done unspeakable things to her.


  “Yes,” I say louder than necessary.

  “I asked if you had anything else planned.” Her cheek slightly turns red.

  “Oh, um, not really. Do you want to do something?”

  “What about dancing?”

  “Where would you like to go? I’m not the world’s best dancer.” I warn her.

  “How about we stay here?” She gets up from the table and picks up her phone from the coffee table. She taps on the screen and a slow country song comes through my Bluetooth speakers.

  “Nathan, may I have this dance?” She holds out her hand to me.

  “Yes.” I wipe my mouth and stand up. With her heels on, she comes up to my chin. I like taller women.

  Amara puts her arms around my neck, and I slide mine around her waist. After she lays her head on my chest, her soft, flowery scented perfume fills me.

  “May I ask you a question?”

  “Sure.” I choke out. I’m trying hard not to become… hard.

  “When are you going to kiss me?”

  We both stop swaying and she pulls back slightly.

  “Usually at the end of a date, there’s a kiss.” Her eyes nervously bounce all around my face.

  “Um… you’re right.” I step back slightly. I cup her face and pray my hands aren’t sweaty as I lean in.

  Our lips touch. Her lips are soft and delicate. She pulls back and smiles. I lean back in, capture her lips with mine and pull her body close to me. She digs her nails into my hair, then she opens her mouth and our tongues tangle together. It all seems to be moving fast and I stop our kiss.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, trying to catch her breath.

  “Yes, but I don’t want to push anything.”

  “What do you mean?” She frowns. “You don’t want me––”

  “That’s not true at all.” I can feel myself almost tenting in my pants. “I just want to take things slow.”

  “How slow do you want to go?” She throws her hands in the air. “I like you and you like me.”

  “And that doesn’t mean we have to fall into bed together after the first kiss.” I counter.

  She rolls her eyes and turns away. “I’m going to bed. Thanks for the date.”

  After she slams the door, I wonder what the hell just happened.

  Chapter Seven


  I give up. I stare at the spreadsheet and grow more frustrated. When I woke up this morning I quickly left the house so I didn’t have to come face-to-face with Nathan.

  “Amara, you look like you could kill someone.” Starlight leans against my counter.

  “You really do.” Baylor comes up on the other side of me. “Is it Alden again or the paperwork?”

  “Nathan.” I sigh and toss the pen down.

  “Tell me all about it.” Starlight’s eyes go wide. She probably thinks it some type of sexual details.

  I go into how sweet it was coming home to the candles and homemade dinner. I tell them about the dance and kiss.

  “I think you’re too much like Alden,” Baylor says.

  “Hey.” I’m offended. “How can you say something like that?”

  “Because he’s an Alpha and you are too. Maybe that’s a turnoff to Nathan.” Baylor explains.

  “I’m tired of being a virgin.” I whine.

  “Wait. You’re a virgin? As in a real life one?” Starlight stares at me as if I’m an alien who fell out of the sky.

  “Yes and I’m going to remain one forever.”

  “That’s not true.” Baylor rubs my back. “You’ll find someone. You’ll be in love and it’ll happen.”

  “Doubt it.” I grumble.

  “That’s it.” Starlight stands and hugs me. “I’m getting you laid. We’re going to The Vault tonight, picking the hottest guy, and you’re going to ride him to the moon.”

  I do laugh at her and shake my head. “I’m going with you tonight, but I doubt I’ll ride anyone. Although I wouldn’t mind grinding up on a few guys.” I counter with a shy smile.

  “You are so like Alden.” Baylor sighs and heads back to her station.

  I pick out the shortest, hottest looking dress I can find on the rack when I went shopping. Right now, I’m staring at myself in my mirror wondering what the hell I was thinking. It’s hot pink, stopping just below my ass, and if I move too quickly, my breasts may come flying out.

  “I wish I bought booby tape.” I adjust them again hoping I don’t flash them to everyone at the nightclub.

  Starlight texts me again saying she’ll come pick me up in an Uber. I’m nervous about going out because I don’t know what to expect. Is it like the movies where everyone is laughing and having a good time? Or is there going to be a bar fight every two seconds and I’ll get hurt?

  Knock. Knock.

  “Come in,” I say turning toward my bedroom door.

  When Nathan walks in he stutters on his steps. His mouth drops when he sees me. I watch as he studies me up and down.

  “What are you wearing?”

  “A dress.”

  “Are you sure?” He barks.

  “Yes, I am. What do you want?” I move about the room, picking up my phone and small clutch.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I told you last night. Starlight is taking me to The Vault.” I face him, putting my hand on my hip.

  “Dressed like that?” He points at me.

  “Yes.” I try to keep my cool and confidence, but I’m not sure it’s coming off that way. My phone dings.

  Starlight: Here

  “Bye.” I brush past him and head down the hall.

  “Wait.” He grabs my elbow. “You can’t go out like this.”

  I jerk my arm out of his grasp. “I’m twenty-one and you’re not my husband nor my boyfriend. In fact, even if you were, you can’t tell me what to do. Now, goodbye and have a good night.”

  His mouth is still hanging open as I slam the door and head out to the waiting Uber.

  “Damn, girl.” Starlight whistles as I slide into the seat next to her. “Someone’s getting laid.” She sings.

  I giggle and change the topic. “I love your outfit.” She’s wearing a very mini jean skirt and a glitter top. It’s clear to see her entire back is open, and it’s just a tie-on shirt.

  “I’m hoping to get laid.” She winks.

  This makes us both laugh. Tonight’s going to be interesting and fun.

  “What is it?” I yell over the music.

  “Lemon drop. It’s a shot,” she says. “Drink it like this.” She opens the sugar packet and puts some on her tongue. Then she takes the drink and tosses it back, then picks up the lemon and sucks on it. “Just like that. Come on it’s your turn.” She claps and pushes a shot over to me.

  I follow the same steps as she did and when I finish it I begin to cough. “It burns.” I manage to get the words out.

  “It’ll go away wh
en you drink more.” She jokes, but I really think she’s serious. “Let’s get you something fruity. Bartender, we need two sex on the beach.”

  “I can’t spend too much money. I’m on a budget.” I want to drink but not fall over.

  She gives me the look as if I’m growing a second head. “Girl, we won’t be buying drinks.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “We’re going to get guys to buy us drinks.” She glances around the bar. “And those are the boys who are going to do it.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Watch and learn, grasshopper.” She bops my nose with her pointer finger and turns back to the guys. She makes eye contact and gives them a small smile. Then she waves and winks.

  “This won’t work.” I tell her, but after another moment the two guys come over.

  “Hello, ladies,” the taller of the two says. “I’m Franklin and this is Will.” He points to the other next to him. “Can we buy you ladies a drink?”

  “Sure.” Starlight beams as the bartender sets down the drinks. “You can purchase these first and then we’ll see if we need more.”

  Franklin lays down a fifty and tells the bartender to keep the change. I’m not sure who he’s trying to impress. “And what would your lovely names be, ladies?”

  “I’m Starlight, and this is my girl Amara. It’s her twenty-first birthday.” She adds.

  “Happy birthday.” Will raises his glass. “That’s some nice ink you both have.”

  I glance down at my upper arm. Baylor did the design. It was an open book with all the items I love flowing out of it. Even Alden’s name.

  “I’m a tattoo artist.” She volunteers her information. “Amara works there as well. She’s studying to be a nurse.”

  “Really?” Will smirks. “I’m a resident at county.”

  “Wow.” I turn fully to him with my drink. “What made you become a doctor?”

  “I’m sure a lot would say to help people and pursue medical advancement, but I’m in it for the money.”

  “Oh.” How does someone reply to a statement like that? “I hope you’re able to make lots of it then.”

  “Thank you.” He grins.

  Franklin is talking to Starlight, but I can’t hear what they’re saying. I look around the dance floor and watch everyone grinding on each other. I wish Nathan were here to dance with me. Although, he probably wouldn’t want to. Last night’s dance had been perfect. The kiss was spectacular. But he doesn’t want to rush anything. To me, it translates as he really doesn’t want me. Sure he made dinner, danced with me, and kissed me, but he treats me like a fragile doll.


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