Risky Pursuit

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by Cheri Crystal

  Risky Pursuit

  (Sequel to Climbing Rocks)


  Cheri Crystal


  © 2013 Cheri Crystal. All rights reserved.





  FIND CHERI CRYSTAL ON THE WEB AT www.chericrystal.com

  Reader’s Comments about Risky Pursuit:

  Cheri, you've done it again, girl. Never ceases to amaze me how reading your tales, whether as AC's [Author’s Challenge on [email protected]] or in Attractions of the Heart, always leaves me smiling. Such intimate dialogue, interaction, and you always deliver with touching confidentiality, and always with that signature pace--bubbly, honest, and sincere. You couldn't resist coming back to these two, could you? So glad. Thank you for a fun romp, even if it is waaaaay higher than I'd have guts to climb! Guess inspiration is everything, huh? ~friz

  Ditto, ditto, ditto!! Awesome story!! It sure lifted up my spirits today!! :) ~Lara Mei

  Fantastic story, Cheri! I really enjoyed it and will definitely look for Attractions of the Heart to read. Thanks for sharing this with us. ~A Reader

  I loved this one, Cheri. It was wonderful to meet up with the characters twenty years on and see how their relationship had developed, settled and matured. Not unlike your writing, actually. What I like about it is the totally natural feel you bring to the characters; these people are real, solid and believable. The dialogue resonates with every-day living. I love this line in response to Lacey's suggestion: I searched her flawless skin and brilliant blue eyes for any signs of fatigue. “Have you been working too hard? Great characters, great sequel. Loved it. ~Trish

  Great story. It was wonderful to be a part of their closeness as Lacey got ready for work. I haven't read the previous stories, but I didn't feel I was missing a back-story. This one held my attention and gave me just the right amount of detail to let me feel I knew all I needed to know. As for making love on top of a rock; I just might have to add that to my ‘to do’ list. ;) ~Aim

  Nice job, Cheri. Your writing has come on a long way since you wrote, “Reading in a Public Place.” I liked this one, especially the beginning -- you set that well, and what a great idea! ~Jo

  I love it Cheri. It was good to meet Sabrina and Lacey again in such a moving finale to their story. ~Dalia

  Cheri, that was an excellent story. Thank you. ~Z


  To all the esteemed members on my literary lists who have read my stories throughout the years and provided much positive and appreciated feedback. Sharing and critiquing our work makes the often solitary pursuit of writing a collaborative and enriching event that strengthens our community. To my colleagues, friends and fans at Radclyffe-writings where I found my first audience--You all rock!

  I n a nightshirt and soft, fuzzy slippers, amidst the lingering aroma of bacon and scrambled eggs, I padded over to give my girlfriend a travel mug of strong French roast, light and sweet, and to see her off. She had just placed one booted foot on a fallen log we had chopped in half lengthwise, sanded and lacquered. The hand-made bench was set in a narrow alcove by the entrance hall and she was strategically positioned, which gave me a great view of her sleek physique. My gaze zeroed in on her butt the moment I spotted it. She secured the laces of her boots with double knots while I imagined taking her back to bed. After twenty years of being together, my knees still grew weak watching her get ready for work. What can I say? The vision of my woman in her park ranger uniform turned me on, and being hot-blooded, I wanted to rip it off just as much.

  I let out a long suffering sigh and she turned to reward me with a promissory smile. She was the epitome of the great outdoors. I loved everything about nature and about her. She was so at home, adept, equipped, and at peace in the elements. And fearless—my exact opposite.

  “Honey, have you seen my hat?”

  I pulled myself back from reliving each miraculous moment of the day we met and how my guardian angel had suddenly appeared when I needed her most.

  “Oh, your hat? Let me look around.”

  I searched all the usual places—the hat rack, the hall closet, the dining room table. Ah ha! The couch, I thought, heading toward the living room. Last night, impatient as always to get my Lacey-fix, I had stripped her of out of her work clothes the moment she stepped over the threshold.

  My steps quickened, but I abruptly stopped beneath the arched entryway of the living room. Sprawled out and lounging on the throw rug was the culprit.

  “Barrett! What did mommy say about lying on mama’s hat?”

  Moving a stubborn Siberian Husky was no small feat, and outsmarting him was next to impossible, but knowing his weakness for pleasing Lacey, made the task easier. My voice softened and rose to cajole the territorial beast. “Barrett, baby, bring mama’s hat.” It was a good thing he was cute. My irritation faded when he did me a huge favor by getting up, despite holding the booty in his teeth. I cringed. He reached Lacey first.

  Thank God the hat, now littered with remnants of hair and doggie-drool, held its shape under forty-five pounds of flesh covered in two coats of grey and white fur. “You’re lucky mama is such a sucker for you,” I scolded, when I joined Barrett, who was receiving love pats from my girl. I’d have thrown a shit-fit had he pulled that stunt with me.

  Lacey vigorously rubbed both sides of his neck, dusted off her hat, and placed it atop her crown of shining gold. Her hair retained a natural luster since the day we met on Moro Rock in Sequoia National Park. Back then, I may have been immobilized from my intense fear of heights, and she had saved me from ending up a potato crisp before lightning struck, but I wasn't too dizzy to miss what a stunning beauty she was at first sight.

  She opened her arms, and I leaned in for a see-you-tonight kiss, hoping to make it last as long as possible before she was off to protect the forest and its inhabitants from foes. I hated to let go.

  “You have your frisky smile on,” she murmured.

  “I can’t help it when you do that.”

  She shifted her stance to gaze into my eyes, and my heart skipped a beat. “Do what?”

  “That. The way you look at me that makes me melt. You’re the most gorgeous, generous, and loving woman on earth, and you’re mine. I can’t help it if you make me want you all the time.”

  Her creamy skin flushed as her grin widened. “Good, because I want you more.” She lifted my hair away from my face, lacing her fingers like a wide-tooth comb in the long strands before bestowing her signature soft kiss on my lips. Barrett nuzzled his wet nose between us, determined not to be left out of the family hug.

  “Hey, no butting in,” I whined, but Barrett continued wagging his tail, and as usual paid me no mind.

  “Barrett, place.” Lacey pointed and he scooted over to his bed, sitting obediently, awaiting another love tap from his master of the universe.

  “You amaze me. Are there secret powers in here?” I rooted around her shirt pocket, while enjoying a free feel of her breasts.

  “I’m on to you, Sabrina.” She grinned, and I stole a quick kiss. “Hold that thought ‘til later, or I’ll be late.”

  “I’ll miss you all day long.” I pouted. “I wish you didn’t have to work weekends.”

  “Me too. But you’ll have the whole day to yourself. Our anniversary is coming up soon. Why don’t you research vacation destinations to celebrate twenty-one of the best years of my life?”

  “You mean our lives. Hey, we always climb Moro Rock and pop a bottle of Champagne.”

  “We can do that again, but I was thinking more along the lines of something, I don’t know, more risky.”

  I took a step back. Just contemplating daring feats others find exhilarating elevated my fear factor quadruple fold. “Perhaps you don’t remember how scared shitless I am of heights. Isn’t climbing somewhere shy of 6,725 feet risky enough?”

  Lacey pulled me back into her embrace. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks, but please don’t suggest jumping out of airplanes or hang gliding because it’s not happening in this lifetime, or ever.”

  “Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of a new pursuit. What would you say to mind-blowing sex, both of us as naked as the day we were born, right there on top of old Moro Rock?”

  I searched her flawless skin and brilliant blue eyes for any signs of fatigue. “Have you been working too hard?

  She chuckled. “I love my little worrier, but I’m fine. Wouldn’t it be a hoot to go up there, and at the first sign that we’re alone, we do it? I don’t know anyone who has ever had sex on Moro Rock. Do you?”

  “Uh, no! And the reasons are crystal clear to me.” I held up my hand for emphasis, my fingers spread and ready for the countdown as I ticked off each one. “One, they may be afraid of falling off while in the throes of passion. Two, they may get caught in a compromising position by a band of hikers. Three, being naked that high up could result in sun poisoning on their privates. Four, well, I can’t think of four just yet, but I’m sure it’ll come to me. And five, they’re not stupid enough to try.”

  Lacey was actually laughing, a full-blown belly laugh, but I bit back a smile and held my ground. Her laughter filled the hall as I displayed my tight fist.

  “Go ahead, and poke fun at my phobias, but are you serious? You’re a park ranger, a respected park ranger who has her picture in the papers, on television. What if one of your workers or colleagues or your boss decides to do a random check and sees us? Or an unsuspecting tourist gets a free X-rated, girl-on-girl peep show?”

  “We could take Barrett. He’d alert us if the coast isn’t clear.”

  “Great! Just great.” I shook my head. Had she lost her mind? “What about surveillance cameras? Huh?”

  “They are crap and break down more than they work. Maintenance takes their sweet time repairing stuff. Relax. Think about it. It’ll be really hot if we pull it off.”

  “I think you’re crazy. It’s a good thing I love your adventurous side.”

  “I love all your sides.” She ran her hands along the planes of my torso. My nipples hardened and my center clenched when she cupped my butt. I was ready to go to the ends of the earth if she’d move her hands around to the front and just enter me now. “Stop doing that or you will not only be late, but you may not make it in at all.”

  “We can start a new hobby. Each year we’ll choose another National Park where we make wild, passionate love under the heavens.” She sighed as if living the fantasy. “I’m game if you are.”

  “I’ll see. Now scoot, before I rip your uniform off and render you senseless.”

  Lacey gave me a last lingering kiss and left Barrett and me watching her from the doorway.

  “Barrett, your mama has gone muy loca.”

  Barrett just wagged his white-tipped tail and panted. Typical.

  Before Lacey and I met, I never imagined having sex on a mountain, much less climbing up there to even try. Was there anything I wouldn’t do for my best girl? I guess not. This time, her backpack was stuffed with a few added supplies, plus treats for our trusty watch dog. While trying to sneak in the tiramisu I’d made as a surprise, I pulled out some camping gear.

  “How are we going to have enough time to blow up a mattress, toast to our everlasting love and get naked?” I worked on keeping my exasperation at bay, but quite frankly, making love atop a giant rock was ludicrous, if not uncomfortable. I added, “I must be nuts to agree to this.”

  “Let’s just see how it goes. We don’t have to do it if the conditions aren’t right.”

  “What? And have you pouting because I chickened out?” I dropped the suntan lotion in her backpack. “No way, Jose!” I hrmpfff’ed and stalked off to use the bathroom one last time, calling out, “Last time,” before she could comment that I had made six trips already. I took care of business, and ran back down the stairs, before heading to the kitchen. Maybe I was stalling, but wouldn’t you?

  Each year, I’m amazed I can still do it. Lacey had taught me not to look down and convinced me to concentrate on her soothing tone. I marveled at her unwavering confidence in my abilities with her solemn promises to protect me. Only then was I able to take baby steps all the way to the top.

  “Sabrina! It’ll be our next anniversary if you don’t hurry up.” I could tell Lacey was already by the front door.

  “Hold your horses, you.” Barrett nudged my thigh with his nose, “I’m getting extra water for Barrett.”

  “He won’t need a gallon. Come on.” She stalked into the kitchen and zipped up my fleece jacket. “There, much better.”

  “You’re just afraid someone will sneak a peek at my cleavage.”

  “That tee is too big. The v-neck is almost down to your navel.”

  “That’s an exaggeration and you know it. Everyone will be too interested in the Sierra Nevada to pay me any mind.”

  She flashed an appreciative smile. “I doubt it.”

  “And if you keep that up, I may have to take you before we leave the house.”

  “Okay, not another word from me.” She buttoned her lips.

  “Yeah, right.”

  Lacey whistled to Barrett. “Here, boy. We’re going to the top, and you’re coming too.” Barrett jumped around as if she had given him a world of treats in an unlimited supply. It was uncanny how much more he danced for her than for anyone else. I felt so much like Barrett at that moment. My heart burst with love for every ounce of energy she possessed, her goodness unequaled by many, and how loved, safe, wanted, needed and complete she made me. My fears were forgotten for the moment.

  “I never thought we’d need a chaperone for sex, but our husky here is going to sit by the landing and deter anyone from coming any closer.” She did one last check around the house and at our equipment, noting that I had to tie my hiking boots better, which I did. I was relieved she hadn’t noticed the dessert.

  “How are we going to get him to discourage visitors?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “You’re going to keep me in suspense, too? Aren’t I being the best sport already?”

  “Yes, and you’re going to be duly rewarded.” The moment she kissed me, I wanted to suck in her lips and never let go, but I had to know her secret. Still, no hints were forthcoming.

  We drove the jeep to the base of the mountain. I helped Lacey gather the gear, and we were off for a whole new adventure.

  “Shall we?”

  I loved her toothy smile. “Yes. Lead the way.”

  Barrett followed without being asked.

  I took a long, deep breath, held it, and let it out slowly. Lacey reached for my hand, and I felt a few of the muscle fibers in my neck relax first. I did a mini-mental pep talk, put one foot in front of the other and off we went. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky when a few visitors nodded in our direction before going back to their cars.

  “Alrighty then, we’re off.”

  I put on my bravest smile. She chattered away while I worked harder than necessary keeping up.

  Lacey chanted as she climbed, “I think I can, I think I can,” until I threatened to strangle her, only I caught her lips in a
noisy kiss instead. We were at the halfway mark, and I fought my fear, until I could finally replace panic by coming up with endless gift ideas. What could my girlfriend have in mind to celebrate the day we met? I had seen inside her bag, and except for the deflated mattress, all the usual rock climbing stuff was all there. What if she had planted a present somewhere on the summit? I grew anxious imagining a search way up high, and worse still; I worried about being caught with my pants down.

  She deepened our kiss. “You taste divine,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  A tingle started in my tongue and didn’t stop there as the heat pulsated all the way down to my core. “I want you.”

  “We’re almost there, my love.”

  “Good.” I briefly glanced over the railing and involuntarily shivered.

  “Don’t look down.”

  “I’m not.”

  We stopped to give Barrett water and had a few sips, as well. When we continued, I peered into her eyes as a last ditch effort of making it another step.

  “I hate that it still bothers me.”

  “Think pleasant thoughts.”

  “Why don’t we talk about my surprise?”

  “It won’t be a surprise then.”

  “One teeny, tiny hint, pretty please.”

  “You’ll soon see. Come on. I’m going to seduce you, love you and fuck you until your lusty screams bounce off each giant tree.”

  If my smile was any broader, I could have swallowed a huge chunk of Moro Rock; her self-satisfied grin held all the promise I needed to hasten my pace.

  Barrett was busy poking his nose in a crack in the rocks, scratching the wall with his claws. I hit my leg for emphasis. “Hurry up.”

  “Come on, boy. Mommy is getting excited,” Lacey teased.

  “Like you’re not,” I protested, despite feeling her energy radiate right through me.


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