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Sentinels of Creation: A Wizard's Soul

Page 30

by Robert W. Ross

  Her face contorted in pain as the fine feathers shrank and thickened, becoming black and leathery. Her porcelain white skin cracked and was replaced with small interlocking scales of light brown. Finally, the green left her eyes as she closed them in acceptance.

  The Chaotic power struck and Ariel opened her eyes again as they burst forth with blazing red fire. Her demonic wings drank up all that was meant to destroy Kellan and it fueled her transformation. Her leathery wings beat the air as she rose and cried out, “Chaos may not harm Chaos! Come my friends, come to me.”

  A moment later, Shannon, Ah’Anon, Meghan, Ares, and Merlin stood in a proactive phalanx blocking Kellan from Maurius and his demons.

  Merlin called to his dragon and wove a concealing mist as Shannon dragged Kellan off to the side admonishing him to rest until his power returned. He resisted and she dug her nails into his arm and trembled as she drained all of what little power he had remaining. The young Sentinel slumped against the tree with a soft muttered curse.

  Ares had organized the six of them well. While Ariel could not harm any of the demons or Maurius with Chaotic energy, she joined Meghan and Ares in their attack on Morpheus. Merlin, staff in hand, demonstrated his complete command of Universal energy as he stood in the rear and continually called forth mystic runes that could both shield allies or assault adversaries as needed. Shannon, fought with a wild abandon that none had ever seen, not even Merlin from his younger days. She wielded the Ordered power with a grace and precision that more than made up for her lacking the raw energy Kellan controlled. Countless times she would rapidly disengage from the fray to launch herself toward the Creation Tree, and each time found Kellan as he was about to attack. Each time, she drained him, and each time he offered a new and creative string of profanity.

  Maurius and his demons fell back toward the rear edge of the plateau with several of the demons missing wings or even limbs. Ares voice rose above the din and urged them on as the god of war declared victory was at hand. He glowed like a small sun amidst the battle as tendrils of Universal power arced outward from him to be drunk in by all who fought by his side. None could match the power of Ares in the midst of war.

  Maurius ripped open a portal and struggled toward it only to see it collapse. Shannon screamed as she saw Kellan stumbling toward the Sentinel of Chaos. “No, Kellan,” she cried, “you are not yet strong enough. Stay back.”

  Again, Maurius opened a portal and again, Kellan reached out a hand from which he sent Ordered power to disrupt it with a puff of violet light as the two energies met.

  Maurius whipped around, his face contorted in rage. “I curse you, Kellan Thorne. I curse you and all you have ever loved. I would rather die here and now than let you draw breath one more day.” As he spoke, ribbons of red energy lanced outward and struck four of the demons tethering them to the Sentinel of Chaos. A fifth cord struck Morpheus but he severed it with a boney protrusion, and glared at Maurius.

  “What are you doing?” the demon of nightmares yelled, but then he saw. Maurius bent forward and pulled on the four tethers of power. As he did so, each demon convulsed then blackened and fell to dust while infusing the Sentinel with a massive burst of Chaotic energy.

  Morpheus stared in disbelief at the four demons’ ashen remains then hurled his arms outward causing a wave of power that pushed Ares and Meghan back several steps. The Archdemon lashed out a hand and ripped open a portal. With a last glare at Maurius he leaped through and the portal vanished behind him.

  “Die!” screamed Maurius as he slammed his hands together and directed all the stolen power at Kellan. A brilliant column of raw energy lanced from the Sentinel of Chaos as Kellan erected a shield that he knew could in no way withstand the blow.

  Ariel arced toward Maurius in an attempt to intercept his attack, but Kellan knew she would be too late. His only hope was that his shield would hold until she arrived. He screamed in pain as the power tore first through his shield and then began burning though his manifest armor. A moment later it stopped and Kellan sagged to the ground, thankful for another angelic intersession. He looked up but found it was not Ariel who stood between him and the blinding power of a demonic fueled Sentinel but Ah’Anon and Merlin. The wizard held forth his staff creating a bulwark against the onslaught, but it was not enough. Both he and the ancient vampire burned in front of Kellan, arms outstretched as fire played about their bodies. Ariel slammed down a moment later and Ah’Anon crumpled to the ground while Merlin leaned heavily on his staff. Kellan screamed with unhinged anger. He leaped into the air, his Sentinel’s sword forming from mist and sailed over Ariel. His sword severed Maurius’ left arm at the shoulder and the Sentinel of Chaos fell backward, stunned. Kellan whirled and brought the sword down again, but this time it skittered off Maurius’ shield leaving violet sparks where the two met. The Sentinel of Chaos kicked at Kellan gaining a momentary respite. He frantically ripped open a portal and stepped through.

  “No!” yelled Kellan, “Not again.” He layered his own portal against that of Maurius and was about to jump through after him, when he heard Shannon screaming his name. He tensed again to follow the elder Sentinel but looked back and saw her eyes filled with tears as she cradled Ah’Anon in her arms. Kellan’s stomach lurched and he released the power. His portal winked out and he rushed to Shannon’s side.

  Ah’Anon lay with a fist-sized hole burned through his chest. The ancient vampire shuddered and struggled to speak while Shannon urged him to remain quiet. Kellan felt Ares, Meghan and Merlin gather around as he placed his hands on Ah’Anon.

  “Can you do what you did with Mircalla,” asked Shannon as tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “I’m trying. I’m trying,” said Kellan, “I can’t find the power. The Universal source. It’s not there, Shannon. I cannot find it.”

  “We must leave this place, Kellan,” said Merlin “Your best chance will be to go back to where you first embraced it. We are outside creation and even I have a difficult time channeling the power here.”

  Kellan gestured and a bright green portal rotated into view, but Ah’Anon reached up and laid a restraining hand on the Sentinel’s arm. “No, Kellan.”

  “No,what? We’ve got to get you back there so I can help. Don’t you say no to me, you stupid vampire-mummy.”

  Ah’Anon shook his head again, “It is too late, my young friend. I am already gone. One develops a certain amount of will over the millennia and it alone sustains me now because there is something I need you to do for me.”

  The Sentinel glanced to Ares who shook his head then pointed meaningfully back to Ah’Anon. Kellan leaned down and whispered, “Whatever you need, Anon. Whatever it is, I will do it.”

  The vampire shuddered again and cracks began to form across his face as skin drew tighter against bone. “When the last of my will fades, there will not be much left of me. A five-thousand year old bill comes due and to dust I will return. Please take that which remains to my beloved Mircalla. She will be distraught, but having this part of me close will bring some measure of comfort. Remind her to focus on Maggie. Focus on the miracle you, Kellan, allowed for us to share.”

  “I will do it Ah’Anon. You have my word.”

  “Good, but that is not my primary request. It is for Maggie I ask your support. We do not know what the future holds for her. She is the first and only one of her kind. I charge you with her, Sentinel of Order. I charge you with ensuring she has both life and the opportunity for happiness, love, and friendship. I charge you to be for her all the things I cannot. Do you accept.”

  “Of course, Anon.” Kellan said and the words caught in his throat, “Of course I will.”

  “Swear it, while holding the fullness of your power. Swear it by and with that power, Kellan.”

  The young Sentinel took a shallow breath and embraced his power as Ah’Anon struggled to lock on to Kellan’s brightly glowing eyes. “I swear,” and power crackled around the two men, “I swear by all the power entrusted to me that you
r daughter will want for nothing I can provide. She will be as my own and I will hold back nothing that might bring her happiness, love, and friendship.”

  The vampire smiled as a wave of manifest power wafted from Kellan to settle upon him. Shannon sobbed a moment later as Ah’Anon, bastard son to the first Vizier of Dozier, Pharaoh of the old Kingdom, collapsed to dust.

  Merlin chanted the charm of making and a breeze stirred. It whipped up the ashes and a small golden urn appeared into which they were placed with almost reverential care. The old wizard reached for the urn but fell to the side and would have hit the ground were it not for Ares catching him.

  “Oren?” cried Shannon, “What is it?”

  The old wizard smiled, “I’m afraid that I must disturb this solemn moment. It appears that our friend Maurius has done more damage than I originally thought.”

  “Oh no,” said Kellan, “no, this is just not happening. What are you saying, Oren?”

  “I am saying, my old friend, that I hope you were right in declaring you would be able to procure for me a soul, because I will be needing one before the sun rises this very day.”

  “No, that’s crazy. You seem barely singed. You are gonna be fine, Oren.” Kellan reached over and touched the old man. “Just let me try and heal whatever you think is amiss.”

  The wizard moved Kellan’s hand gently aside and shook his head. “No, Kellan. Atropos told me this would be the day. She said I must arrive at the henge by dawn if there is to be any chance of my experiencing transitional death rather than the oblivion that would be my fate otherwise.”

  “This day? You said before the year was out. And what henge? You mean Stonehenge?”

  Merlin smiled wanly, “You had enough on your mind, Kellan, I didn’t want to burden you further and sometimes Atropos can be a little off. Not this time it seems. As for Stonehenge, yes, we must go to the very same. I asked you before, where else would a Master Druid make his home if not near the most powerful circle yet in the world? Take me there, Kellan, and find for me the soul you promised.”

  The Sentinel set his jaw and looked to Ares. “Seramai, help him up, please. Carry him if need be. We are going to Stonehenge.”

  Chapter 22

  A Circle Of Stone

  Kellan’s feet had barely touched English soil before he took command of their make-shift triage area. He glanced at his watch and found it missing, burned away by Maurius.

  Dear AppleCare, you may have a hard time believing this but, his mind began before he shut it down with a low curse.

  “How long until dawn?” he asked to no one in particular.

  “About three hours,” replied Ares, then added, “the sky will lighten considerably before that, if it matters.”

  Sentinel-Kellan, that is incorrect information and given the urgency of the situation, I would like to correct it.

  “Go, Jarvis,” replied Kellan urgently.

  There was a split-second pause and Jarvis responded. Where would you like me to go, Kellan?

  The Sentinel worked his jaw in frustration, “No, I mean tell me exactly when sunrise occurs at this location, and please stop speaking through my head. Use, my phone or something.”

  The time is now 6:22 am. Dawn at your exact latitude and longitude on December 23rd, 2017 is 8:04 am. You have exactly one hour and forty-two minutes. Standby, scanning for a working telecommunications device among you.

  Ares had already laid Merlin gently in the very center of the circle, between two fallen stones. Shannon undid a clasp to her tartan skirt and pulled. It made the telltale sound of velcro as it came free of her waist to reveal numerous hidden weapon lashings, most of which were now empty. She knelt beside the stricken wizard, folded it several times and placed it under his head like a pillow.

  Kellan clapped his hands and said, “Ok people, we have exactly one hour and forty-two minutes to figure this out. And make no mistake, we will figure it out.”

  Kellan joined Shannon at Merlin’s side and said, “Oren, how are you doing.”

  The wizard smiled, “I’m dying, Kellan, but other than that, I’m fine. I am not in undue discomfort if that’s what you mean, but nothing can now stop the natural course of events.”

  The Sentinel nodded, but said, “What about a temporal portal? I could portal us back to yesterday and that might give me more time to find you a soul.”

  “I’m afraid not,” replied the wizard, “the Chaotic energy that passed through me did so in creations’ workroom. Time does not flow there, Kellan, thus when we came here from there, we formed a fixed point.” He placed a warm hand on Kellan’s and smiled, “You cannot trick your way out of this one, my old friend. I told you earlier, death or destruction are the only two outcomes for me this day.”

  “Is it dawn or light, Oren,” asked Shannon, then added, “I mean is it—”

  The old wizard cut her off, “I know what you meant. It is dawn. The moment the first sliver of sunlight crosses the horizon, my fate is set.” He laid his head back against the makeshift pillow and closed his eyes. “I’m so tired.” Kellan and Shannon shared a worried look and made to stand when Merlin’s eyes flew open and he grabbed at the Sentinel. “Kellan, this is important and damn my nonexistent soul for not thinking of it sooner. My power is fading, I can feel it leaching from me with each passing moment. There are,” the wizard paused as if looking for words, “certain magics that are sustained by my tacit will. Most are inconsequential, like the balcony warming spell you noticed earlier. But there are certain cloaking spells I’ve deployed and I fear they will begin to unravel as my time nears.” He swallowed hard. “One in particular concerns me. If it fails before my death, I need your promise that you will attend to it.”

  Kellan shook his head sighing, “Let’s not talk about that now, Oren. I’m still hoping we can—”

  “No!” said the wizard as his grip tightened on the young Sentinel’s arm. “Do not waste what little time I have left trying to change the outcome. Find me a soul or let me pass into oblivion knowing that you spent every last second trying to do so. Now promise me you will attend to such an eventuality.”

  “Of course, Oren, I promise but I don’t even know what you are talking about.”

  “You will, should it happen,” he said with a contented sigh and rested his head back against the pillow.

  Sentinel-Kellan all communications devices among your party are non-functional except for Juliet Herrick’s. Do I have permission to hack her device?

  “For god’s sake, yes, Jarvis. What a stupid question. Do it.”

  In process, Kellan, and for the record it was you who insisted I comply with privacy and ethic standards. I did not realize that such standards were situational.

  Kellan let out a breath and said, “You’re right, they’re not, but—”

  “Hack complete,” said Jarvis. Everyone turned toward Juliet who pulled her iPhone from a back pocket in surprise and held it out to Kellan.

  “Just set it down there so we can all hear.” She did. “Ok, we have about one and a half hours and I need to find a way to to procure a soul for Merlin in that time. Quick round-table, people. I need Ideas.”

  Ares and Meghan both immediately shook their heads. “This is not my area of knowledge, Sentinel of Order,” began the god of war, “I am sorry. All I can tell you is that I have seen such souls depart men and women on the battlefield. From whence they came or to where they go, I could not say.”

  “Wrong question, Kel,” said Juliet, “or at least not the right first question. Let’s start with determining exactly what a soul is, then where they come from, then worry about how to get one.”

  Ares nudged the young woman and she looked up at him. “See, not a stupid, useless, girl.” She flashed him a weak smile then turned back to Kellan who nodded.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Ok, what’s a soul?” No one spoke and Kellan felt his stomach sink.

  “You are the one with the super computer-nerd-brain, Kellan,” said Meghan clearly irritated.
“Pull something useful out of there for a change rather than random Doctor Who quotes.”

  “I do not believe that will be helpful, Miss Daugherty,” came Jarvis’ voice. “While Kellan remembers what he’s seen or heard, I have access to almost everything. I have scanned all available information and nothing presents as useful to this situation.”

  “It is a fragment of the Creator,” said Ariel softly. Kellan turned to the demon who had been standing quietly some distance away and motioned her closer. She walked slowly and wouldn’t meet his gaze.

  Kellan moved to close the distance between them and looked up at her.

  “Do not gaze upon me, Sentinel of Order. I am fallen. I am a heinous corruption. I am not—”

  Kellan embraced her and she stiffened. “An Archangel,” he said finishing her thought then added, “but you are our friend. You demonstrated the very essence of agape that we all hope to have the strength of conviction to demonstrate. I couldn’t care less the color of your eyes or the delicacy of your wings, Ariel. You are one of us.”

  The Archdemon looked down and nodded, then said, “I was not there, but at the time of creation, it is said our Father took a piece of his essence and shattered it into countless shards, each being a potential soul. Such shards are stored until they are transformed into souls at the moment of human conception. It is believed that when the Guff is empty, creation will cease.”

  “The Guff?” asked Meghan.

  “The Guff or Guph has been extensively written about for over three millennia,” said Jarvis. “It has also been referred to as Otzar, which means treasury. It is essentially a repository for fragments of creative energy that are each potential souls.”

  Ariel nodded at this.

  “Ok,” said Kellan as he began to pace around, “this is helpful. So where would this treasury be and how do I break into it.”


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