In Her Arms

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In Her Arms Page 2

by Gayle Keo

  “Same, I'll try out cognac today,” she said.

  “Isn't that a little hard for a lady?” Ethan looked surprised, and Patricia wondered what he would think if he knew that once upon a time, she had been a man.

  “I think it will settle well with the champagne I drank upstairs, and besides, how am I expected to digest all of the steak that we were fed at the party,” she laughed, winking at the waiter, who took off immediately without another word.

  Their drinks were brought in no time and Patricia and Ethan began talking about random topics. He seemed like a fun guy to be around, and he seemed to have information on almost all the topics that she raised. More drinks were brought and patty found herself falling for the man even more. He was not only attractive, he was super-hot, the sort of guy that spelled ‘great sex’.

  “Would you like to dance?” he asked her at some point.

  “Sure, who can deny someone as hot as you a dance,” she slurred drunkenly as he came around the table and pulled her seat out for her.

  She stood up and he took a hold of her hand, leading her to the dance floor with his other hand on the small of her back. The music that was playing was slow, and when they got to the dance floor, he pulled Patricia into his arms. She put her hands around his shoulder as they began grooving to the music. Being so close to the man made her feel even more aroused, and especially when her breasts pressed against his shirt. She leaned her head against his shoulder and she could feel his breath on her ear.

  “You want to know something, Patty?” he said, massaging her hips and making her even more aroused than she already was. “You are the sexiest woman that I have ever met.”

  Patricia felt her breath catching in her throat and her heart skipping a beat. There was also something else that she felt. She felt something beginning to harden in his pants. She felt his love rod getting harder and harder in his pants, beginning to press hard against her belly. Patricia felt like she was going to faint. For the first time, she felt a streak of fear running through her because she felt as if she was a man getting aroused by another man. It was as if she had two mindsets because she was still in the process of believing that she was now a woman and not a man. Heck, she needed to go and get herself another drink first if she was going to go through with this. She had not imagined that there would be a conflict in her mind.

  “Can we go back to our table please,” she said, her voice weak with desire.

  “Don’t tell me that you are already bored of me,” he sounded a little surprised.

  “No, on the contrary, I really like you. I would just like to have another drink and then we can continue dancing,” she said to him as they began making their way off the dance floor.

  “I'll just use the gents’ washrooms and be right back,” Ethan said as soon as Patricia was seated, walking off.

  She flagged a waiter and asked him to bring them a whole bottle of cognac quickly. The waiter did as he was told, and she poured herself a full glass and drained it, before doing so to another one. By the time that Ethan came back from the washrooms, Patricia was on her fourth glass, and her world was already spinning around. She was already as high as a bird.

  Chapter 4

  Ethan Bradford was having a good time so far, and this woman was proving to be way sexier than he had imagined. Even though she was a little too shy, something that actually got him very turned on. She was the best thing that had happened to him in a long time. He knew that he was going to make love to her tonight and he had a feeling that it was not going to be the last time that he did so. As he made his way back to the table, he was surprised to see that Patricia had ordered a whole bottle of cognac and had drank almost all of it.

  “Ethan, you are finally back, I nearly thought that you had deserted me,” she slurred heavily, going to take the glass to her mouth, but he took it away from her.

  “Pattie, what is wrong with you, you have drunk almost a whole bottle of liquor,” he was shocked as he looked at the bottle and at the hot lady that had just downed almost the whole damn thing. “I think that what you need right now is some coffee to clear your mind a little bit.”

  “Coffee, are you out of your silly mind, tonight is a Friday night and you are talking of drinking coffee?” she slurred, leaning across towards the table and almost knocking over all the glasses as he flagged a waiter.

  “Please bring me some coffee for the beautiful lady,” he said to the waiter, who promptly disappeared for the order, returning with it after a couple of minutes.

  Ethan filled a cup with coffee and handed it to Patricia, but she tossed the contents over the edge of the slab and into the sea.

  “I don’t want coffee, Ethan, I want something stronger than coffee,” she said, a little too loudly for his comfort, attracting the attention of the other guests around them.

  “Patricia, will you lower your voice,” he said to her, thinking that she looked even sexier in this state. “Coffee will sober you up a little and then my chauffeur can drop you off at home.”

  “Drop me off at home, you are definitely losing it here, Ethan. Tonight, I am getting married.”

  “What do you mean that you are getting married, Patricia?” he was shocked and hoped that she was not getting married to another man, because that would totally shatter his tender heart to pieces.

  “Yep, I'm getting married to you, Ethan. I have seen the way that you look at me, the way that your body reacts when you are with me, and I know that you have some special feelings for me. That is why you are going to take me to an overnight wedding chapel and make me your wife,” she slurred loudly, Ethan blushing hard when he noticed the way that she had caused a stir in the bar, all the guys looking at them.

  “Patricia, can we go and talk about this outside?” he said in a low tone.

  “No, we are going to talk about this right here so that these good people can be my witnesses,” she said stubbornly as he wondered what sort of woman she was.

  It was probably the alcohol talking for her, but Ethan wouldn’t really mind getting married to her at all. It would probably be one of the craziest things that he had ever done, but then again, getting crazy ideas is what had made him what he was right now and it was nothing new at all.

  “Patricia, I think that you have had a little too much to drink and you should probably sober up before making such important decisions regarding your life,” he tried to reason with her.

  “Ethan Bradford, are you going to marry me or not. I fell in love with you right from the very first time that I set my eyes on you. I knew that you were the one the very moment that you kissed my hand. I know that you feel the same way too. So will you please stop being stubborn and marry me,” she said loudly, some of the little gathering around them even clapping for her.

  “Go for it, dude,” one of the men shouted.

  “Patricia, you are embarrassing me and putting me in a very tight spot. Could you at least sleep over it and then we can discuss it in the morning?” he said, not even wanting to imagine what the news headlines would be like in the morning if he got married to her.

  ‘Miami based millionaire, Ethan Bradford marries a woman while she is intoxicated after a party’. A smile crossed through his mind at the silly thought, because nothing of the sort was going to happen. He could imagine how furious his lawyer, Mia, was going to be if he married her best friend when she was in such a state. Mia would probably sue him for everything that he had, knowing that she was one of the toughest attorneys in the country.

  “Ethan, if you are not going to marry me, I'm going to ask other gentleman in this room to do so because I'm pretty sure that there are those that would not even think twice about such an offer,” she said stubbornly, looking him in the eyes before looking around at the guests in the bar.

  “I'm ready to marry you, Patricia,” a drunk shouted from a table near them.

  This was probably one of the tightest spots that Ethan had ever been in. He had just met Patricia, knew nothing about her and
yet he knew that what she had said about him was true. It was easy to marry her, but he knew that in the morning she probably wouldn’t remember a thing, and would probably blame him for marrying her when she was drunk. The media would have a field day with the story and it would probably impact some of his businesses negatively.

  He did not want to get married, at least not this way, but he was sure that if he put up a resistance, Patricia just might get married to some other desperate jerk out there, probably even the drunk that had just shouted that he was willing to marry her. Ethan did not even want to start imagining how he could let that happen. It was better for him to do as she wanted, and besides, in his life, he had never said no to a challenge. That was one of the reasons that he was one self-made millionaire. He could always ask Mia to get them an annulment in the morning when Patricia sobered up and realized that she had made the mistake of the century.

  “So, are you just going to sit there staring at me as if I have lost it, or are you going to take me to an overnight chapel and marry me?” she said loudly. “If not, I would like to take up the offer from the man that just said he will marry…”

  He sealed her lips quiet with a kiss and there was a loud applause from their audience. He felt like a character out of a soap opera as he kissed her deeply in the mouth, his cock becoming instantly hard again. It was true, this woman had an effect on him like no other woman ever had, and it was no lie, no way could he let her get married to another man. He would rather take the heat in the morning when she sobered up than let her make such a mistake. Her lips were soft to the kiss and her tongue tasted of cognac, the fruity taste. Both of them had their elbows on the table as they kissed, the rest of the world forgotten to them, and it was Patricia who broke the kiss.

  “Is that supposed to mean a yes, or a goodbye?” she slurred.

  “Yes, I'll marry you, but I'm warning you, you are going to regret this in the morning, but don’t say that I did not warn you,” he said to her, thinking that at least some of the guests in the bar could bare him witness.

  The small crowd clapped as he walked around the table and pulled her seat out for her. She almost stumbled to the ground as she got up, and he had to hold her as they headed out. She was staggering so badly, Ethan had to hold her firmly to support her, it even made him wonder how she would make it down the aisle. He did not even want to imagine what the priest would say when he saw how drunk she was. This was definitely the craziest thing that he had ever done, but despite it all, he felt a certain thrill going through him. When he had come to the party earlier today, he had not known that he would be leaving it with a drunk fiancée and getting married to her the same night. His only focus had been to fuck her, but after finally meeting her, he had realized that he had more than just a crush on her. She was the sort of woman that made his heart flutter in funny ways.

  He did not believe in love because it was for the weak-hearted, and that is why he did not understand what he felt for her. It was definitely more than just attraction. When they had began talking earlier, she had seemed like a very intelligent and learned woman. She knew things that many other women did not seem to know about. She could talk about anything, from politics to plumbing and mechanics. It was as if she had studied both female and male stuff very well, and that made her all the more attractive to him.

  The moment that they got to the parking lot, the valet brought the car that his chauffeur had left for him, a Mustang. He sat her in the passenger seat before taking the steering wheel and pulling out of the hotel grounds. Ethan had always dreamed of a wedding on the strip and that is where he was taking Patricia. He was taking her to Las Vegas so that they could get married there. Since he was getting married, it might as well be exciting. They might be seeking a divorce in the morning when Patricia sobered up and realized her mistake, but before that, Ethan wanted to feel what it was like to get married in the Elvis Presley Chapel. He pulled out his cell phone to begin making arrangements.

  “Hi Clive, could you please prepare the jet for me,” he said to his personal assistant as soon as he picked up the call.

  “No problem at all, sir. Where are you going to, and how many people are accompanying you,” Clive said politely as Ethan pondered the advantages of being a millionaire.

  “Vegas, we are two and we are about thirty minutes away from the airport,” he said to the guy.

  “Consider it done,” the guy said with wonder.

  Ethan looked at the figure seated next to him. Patricia had fallen asleep the moment that they had hit the highway, and Ethan couldn’t help thinking how sexy she looked. Her breasts moved up and down with the motion of her breathing and Ethan did not even want to imagine what they would look like bare without her dress on. They were big and firm, the sort of breasts that would drive any man insane, and the sort of boobies that Ethan felt like he could massage tirelessly. He turned to concentrate on the road, sneaking a look at his watch. It was nearly eleven o’clock in the evening, not too late.

  When they got to the airport, Ethan drove onto the VIP runway, where his jet was waiting for them. He brought the car to a stop and shook Patricia awake.

  “Are we at the chapel yet?” she asked.

  “No, but we will soon be there,” he said, stepping out of the car to go over to her side and open the door for her.

  She leaned against him as he led her to the waiting jet. The pilot looked at him warily as if wondering where the hell he was going with an intoxicated woman, which was none of his business for all that Ethan cared.

  “Good evening sir,” the pilot said as they made their way up the stairs to where he wanted for them by the door.

  “Evening, Jake, is everything set for my flight?” he said to the pilot.

  “Yes, sir, everything is in order.”

  A few minutes later they were over thirty thousand feet above the ground, Ethan heading for his unplanned wedding. He had put Patricia in her seat and belted her in, and he sat across from her. She had fallen asleep as soon as the jet had taken off, and so he was left to himself. It was a good time to reflect on his life. Forty and still single was quite an achievement and it struck him that he was off to get married and yet it was something that he had never considered before. This was something that was going to tie him down if Patricia did not want a divorce, because it would mean that he would no longer have the freedom to fuck all the chicks like he had in the past. It, however, felt right. Maybe the marriage bug had finally gotten to him, because this was surely not his way of thinking.

  It seemed almost like forever before the pilot announced that they would be landing in a short while. The plane began its descent and the colorful lights of the city came into view below them. Ethan shook Patricia awake.

  “Hey, princess, we are almost there, wake up,” he said, pointing down at the city.

  “Where are we, what place is this?” she slurred.

  “Welcome to Vegas, baby.”

  “Are you kidding,” she sounded excited. “You brought me all the way down here to marry me on the strip?”

  Before he could reply, she leaned forward and threw her hands around his neck, her lips seeking his as she began kissing him passionately, almost hungrily. The same effect as before overcame him, and he felt his pecker hardening in his pants, his blood beginning to boil. He wanted this woman more than he had ever wanted anyone before. It was as if Patricia was the very air that he breathed, and being around her was making his common sense disappear. That was the reason why they were on the jet just about to touch down in Vegas for their wedding. It was as if the desire that Ethan felt for her had brainwashed his thinking and now he was doing something that he would never done, not even had he been on drugs.

  The jet came to a stop and they finally got off and made their way to the waiting limo. The chauffeur opened the back door for them and Ethan let Patricia enter first before following suit. She was still high although not as high as she had been when they had left Miami.

  “Where to, Mr. Bradford?
” the chauffeur asked, lowering the privacy window of the limo.

  “If we have everything that I had requested, then take us to the Elvis Chapel, Steve,” Ethan said to the chauffeur.

  “Okay, sir,” he said, the privacy window sliding shut.

  Ethan sat back on the plush leather seat. Patricia was seated next to him and he had to force himself not to touch a section of her thigh that showed though a slit that ran all the way from her hips down to her ankles. Just the sight of her bare flesh made him hard with desire. He had never felt so much lust toward anyone before; it almost scared the shit out of him.

  “Is there anything to drink in here,” she said, leaning on him.

  “Sure, there must be champagne in the mini fridge over there,” Ethan said, leaning forward to open the fridge.

  He pulled out a bottle of sparkling champagne and handed it to her. While he was still in the process of getting her a chute, she popped the bottle open and drank directly from it. Not the best of manners, but being that it was Patricia that was doing it, it was suddenly one of the sexiest gestures that he had ever seen. Some of the champagne ran down the sides of her mouth, but she did not seem to care at all. She downed half the bottle before she handed it back to him and leaned back in her seat with her hand resting on his thigh. Ethan put the bottle away and then tried to concentrate on the traffic outside, but Patricia made it impossible with her hand resting so near his crotch. He felt his cock beginning to harden, and as a tent began to form in his pants, he felt her hand moving closer to it.

  He thought that he was going to die of need as her hand was suddenly on top of his crotch, stroking his dick gently up and down. Patricia seemed to tremble as she stroked his cock, almost as if she was marveling at the size and imagining it already deep inside her wet, hot pussy, bonking her like it was the end of the world.

  “You are so huge and I can't believe that tonight you are going to make me yours, totally,” she slurred softly as she moved her hand off his cock and pushed her hand into his pants through his waist. She pushed it past his boxers and Ethan felt her fingers brushing over his shaft as they circled it. She began jerking him up and down slowly but firmly, and he felt as if he was going to go crazy. At this rate, he was going to cum before he even got the chance to get married first, and yet they were so close to the chapel. He took her hand and pulled it out of his pants.


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