Bound by Blood (Fire & Vice Book 6)

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Bound by Blood (Fire & Vice Book 6) Page 14

by Nikita Slater

  “Don’t,” she snapped.

  He sighed and rubbed a huge hand over his head, tattoos flexing over his knuckles and merging briefly with the tattoos on his head and neck. She drew her knees up to her chest and hugged them. She leaned her chin on top of her legging clad knees and stared at him accusingly with bright blue eyes.

  “You going to curse me out, kotenok?” he asked, looking as though he had to stop himself from forcing her back to his side. “You should have known I would never allow you to go back to Japan without me. You belong to me. We belong together.”

  She fisted her hands where they were curled against her legs and narrowed her eyes at him. “You are a pig, Boris!” she snapped. “You should have talked to me about Japan if you were so determined to keep me with you. You had no right to bring me here.”

  “You would have fought me and insisted I let you go. I am done fighting with you, Laney. We did that for months and all it did was keep you from my bed. I have no intention of letting you run back to another man. This was the best way. In time, you will see.”

  She huffed out a breath and glared at him. “I doubt any amount of time will make me think that your drugging me and flying me to Russia is an appropriate response to anything,” she retorted angrily.

  “It doesn’t matter. You are here to stay. It is my hope that you will reconcile yourself to this situation and that we become friends again. I am in love with you and I know you have feelings for me as well. I will give you time to adjust to this life before I make demands. I know I was rough on the ship and that I have shocked you by bringing you here. We will start over, here in Russia, become lovers as we are meant to be.”

  Panic flared in her eyes as he spoke of their future together. She crawled toward him and took hold of his hand, her expression clearing of anger as desperation took hold. “You must release me immediately and send me back! Come with me if you must, but please, just let me go to Japan,” she begged.

  Annoyance flared in his eyes. He turned swiftly toward her and took her arms in a biting grip. “Why do you need to see Jin so badly?” he demanded.

  She opened her mouth to tell him, but hesitation clouded her eyes as mistrust took hold once more. A lifetime of betrayal and beatings hadn’t prepared her to give him the benefit of the doubt. She shook her head and looked away.

  Finally, she said, “You had no right to bring me here. I did my duty by you. I have not completed my mission. Now I must get to Japan and fulfill my duty to another.”

  “Jin,” he growled in her face, shaking her.

  “Yes!” she snapped, turning her head to glare at him. “If I am lucky, Jin is not already dead! If I am lucky, I can make it back in time.”

  “And if I am lucky, your Master will cut off his head,” Boris snarled, his dark eyes glowing cruelly.

  The blood drained from Laney’s face and pain pierced her heart. Her shoulders bowed inward as the crushing pain of remembered grief shot through her like a vicious stab wound. Concern and jealousy over her extreme reaction swept over Boris, leaving him torn. He pulled her toward him, intent on seeing her face so he could determine if she was alright. Suddenly her head snapped up, her eyes flashing with hate. Her small fist flew toward his face before he had a chance to move back. She caught him in the side of the jaw with enough force to swing his head to the side. He was impressed.

  She yelped and drew her fist back with a gasp. He was sure that, despite her years of training, she had just bruised her knuckles on his concrete jaw. Still, he was damn proud of the type of punch his woman could throw. She might be small, but she punched like a motherfucking tank. He started to grin, but then caught sight of the residual pain in her eyes as she crawled up the bed, away from him.

  “My Master… he cut the head off of my first love. The only man that I had made love to, until you.” She spoke quietly, her words halting. When she raised her eyes to his, the look on her face gutted him.

  “Laney kotenok, I am sorry. I did not know this. I spoke stupid words in haste. Please forgive me,” he reached for her, but she turned away from him and curled on her side.

  “Please, just go away,” she whispered.


  Laney must have fallen asleep because when she opened her eyes again the room was bathed in shadows, except for a corner with a small, ornate lamp. A blanket had been pulled up to her shoulders. She shoved it back and sat up, covering her mouth as she yawned widely. She hoped there weren’t still traces of the drug in her system. She needed a clear head so she could figure out exactly where she was, and how to get away.

  She crawled toward the edge of the bed with the intention of finding a washroom and taking care of her most immediate need. A flash of movement in the lamplight had her reaching for her holster. Two things registered at once: she wasn’t armed and Boris was sitting in an armchair watching her.

  She sighed in annoyance. At least the correct brother was watching her sleep this time. She climbed off the bed, flinging back the covers that clung to her and glared at him. “Washroom?” she demanded, crossing her arms over her breasts.

  He inclined his head to the right and tried not to smile at her attitude. She narrowed her eyes at him, pressed her lips together and stomped toward the washroom. It took great strength of will not to slam the door shut, but she resisted the childish urge. She locked it and set about restoring order to herself. She felt safe enough with Boris in the next room to take a quick shower and even wash her hair. She glanced curiously at the bottles, labelled in Russian. Though she spoke the language, she had never learned how to read it. She figured out quickly which was shampoo and which was conditioner.

  She was in the process of rinsing conditioner from her hair when she heard a click and the door opened. She stiffened and glared over her shoulder. Of course, Godzilla would not respect a locked door and her wish for privacy. Her eyes widened and the breath caught in her throat when she saw that he wore not a single thing as he stepped into the washroom and closed the door quietly behind him.

  She dropped her hands and continued to watch him suspiciously over her shoulder. She stood facing away from him as he stalked closer to the glass shower stall, his eyes sweeping over her naked body like he’d never seen a woman before. She knew that the hunger on his face was for her alone. An answering heat flared in her belly, though she tried to desperately to ignore it.

  “No,” she said clearly, narrowing her eyes at him.

  Though they had made love many times, she hadn’t seen him so closely, so clearly. He was magnificent. So tall and strong and broad. Muscles rippled all down his body, decorated in tattoos. Some were sweeping and beautiful, like the cross and the kneeling Virgin Mary, while others were stark and slashing, like the skulls and daggers. His penis jutted from a thick nest of dark hair, ready for her. The surrounding tattoos on his thighs looked terrifying next to his huge cock. She wondered again how she ever managed to fit him.

  “Do not say no to me,” he growled, through the steamed glass. Even though the shower stall was raised, he was so much taller than her.

  She turned and faced him boldly. His eyes dropped instantly to watch the streams of water caress the peaks of her taut breasts and make paths over her belly, down toward her aching pussy. She glared angrily at him.

  “You drugged and kidnapped me,” she snapped.

  He nodded. “I did. And I would do it again.”

  “It hurts that you would do that to me, Boris!” She slapped a hand angrily against the glass separating them.

  He opened the shower door and stepped up, crowding her inside the stall. She moved back against the wall, away from him. She shook her head as he advanced toward her.

  “No!” she snapped.

  “Stop saying that,” he growled down at her, reaching for her waist and pulling her against him. His thick cock pressed against her belly, nudging the underside of her wet breasts and drawing a gasp from her. “I wanted to give you time, Laney kotenok. I thought I could go back to building
friendship with you until you forgave me. But I didn’t last five minutes thinking about you naked and wet in here. Can’t leave you alone.”

  He picked her right up off her feet and pushed her back against the wall, wrapping her legs around his waist. She gasped and clutched his shoulders, digging her short nails into the skin.

  “Blyad, feels so fucking good when you use little claws,” he groaned, burying his head against her shoulder and licking the moisture from her skin. His penis was so long is nudged her from front to back, touching every part of her pussy and ass.

  She moaned and tipped her head back against the wall, allowing the incredible sensations to flood through her. It felt like it had been weeks instead of a day since he had last been inside her. She ached for him, physically and emotionally. She wanted her behemoth lover in a way she couldn't explain, not even to herself.

  “Don’t say no to me, little ninja,” he whispered, licking his way up to her ear. “Cannot let you go.”

  “I shouldn’t… let you,” she gasped, squirming wetly against him. She could stop him if she wanted to, at least momentarily. A finger in the right pressure point, or a knee to the groin. But god help her, she wanted him so bad!

  He slid a broad hand down her back and between her ass cheeks, sliding one long finger into her tight aching channel. Laney cried out and arched back against the marble wall, impaling herself deeper on his finger.

  “Fuck!” he snarled, staring into her face as she rode his hand, reaching for her own orgasm.

  He dropped his head and captured her engorged nipple between his lips, drawing on the small brown bud until her cries filled the bathroom. It didn’t take long before her pussy was tightening around his finger and the screams of pleasure strangled in her throat for long seconds as orgasmic pleasure crashed over her. She arched violently in his arms until he was forced to release her nipple and adjust his hold so she wouldn’t fall.

  “Fuck,” he said again, watching in awe as she came down from a powerful orgasm. “More,” he growled, dropping her to her feet and forcing her to remain upright with a huge hand spread across her belly. He dropped to his knees in front of her and swung her leg over his shoulder, opening her pussy to his ravenous gaze.

  “Boris, no!” she shrieked, reaching to push his head away and trying to close her legs, knowing the oral sensations would be too intense after such an explosive orgasm.

  “Stop saying this to me!” he growled, gripping her wrists in one hand and holding them against her stomach while he spread her pussy wide with the fingers of his other hand.

  “Ahhhh… oh my fucking god!” she yelled, tipping her head back and closing her eyes. The first touch of his tongue to her over-sensitized clit had her eyes flying open again and shrieks of pain and pleasure erupting from her throat. She jerked her hands desperately, but his hold was unbreakable. She had no choice but to accept the torturous licks of his broad, rough tongue.

  She begged him to release her at the same time as thrusting her hips against his magical mouth, silently entreating him for more. He slid fingers into her slick passage and massaged her g-spot while rolling her clit between his tongue and teeth until she was screaming and thrashing in his tight hold. She came apart above him in breathtaking ecstasy that had him moving back quickly to catch her as she fell.

  Laney didn’t have any time to recover. Boris pulled her swiftly underneath him until she was on her hands and knees on the slippery floor of the shower. She would have collapsed, except he held her body tightly against him. He moved behind her and she barely had time to register what was happening when he pulled her hips to him, lifting her completely, and thrust full length into her tight passage.

  Laney arched back against him, screaming as the fullness of his rough entry hit her. She understood why he wanted so many orgasms from her. So, he could fuck her the way he wanted, hard and fast, without hurting her. She reached forward, bracing herself against the bottom of the shower as he pounded into her from behind. Her cries of building pleasure mingled with his grunts as they raced toward a violent peak together. She felt him lean back, though he still had an arm looped around her waist to hold her up and compensate for their height difference. She glanced over her shoulder and gasped as his hand came down on her upraised ass in a sharp slap.

  Laney screamed in anger and pulled her hips forward. He jerked them back into his body, slamming into her again. She opened her mouth to yell at him and then realized that the smack on her ass was morphing into something pleasurable. Her mouth opened in surprise and then she gasped as his hand came down again in another crack. She was helpless, caught between anger and bliss each time he hit her ass cheeks, alternating between the two.

  She moaned low in her throat and arched her back downward. Suddenly she felt something cold hit her ass and shrieked in surprise. She twisted around to see him tossing a shampoo bottle over his shoulder.

  “Oh god… oh fuck!” she moaned, knowing what would come next and not sure if she could bear it. She reached out to hold onto something, but there was nothing inside the slippery shower. She moaned and bit her lip as she felt his long, thick finger penetrate the barrier of her anal passage. She should have known why he would want her in this position. The man seemed determined to claim every part of her, no matter how she felt on the matter.

  She felt lightning ripping through her, from her ass to her pussy and all through her belly as one hell of an orgasm built within her. She was certain that sparks must be flying out from her, despite the constant rain of the shower down on their twisting, thrusting bodies. Then she felt him start to pound her harder and his cock flare to an almost unbearable size within her body. She shrieked from the pressure, between his cock in her pussy and his finger in her ass. Orgasm ripped through her, tightening both of her passages around him, strangling his cock and finger until he was coming with her, pumping hot semen deep into her pussy.

  Boris held her tightly for a moment before allowing her limp body to slide to the bottom of the shower. He crouched over her, watching her face as she panted and squirmed in the aftermath of the most intense orgasms he had yet given her. He brought his leg up and leaned over her, his semi-hard dick brushing against her hip where she lay prone. He moved strands of wet black hair from her cheek and leaned over to press his lips against the sharp bone of her cheek, then against her ear.

  “Never say no to me, kotenok, and we will be happier together in future,” he rumbled, then pushed himself upright. He left the shower stall and dried himself off, all the while watching her carefully.

  Laney moved slowly as the blood made its way slowly back to her head. She narrowed her eyes at him and bared her small teeth as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. “Fine. How about nyet? Or il rifiuto? Or maybe la negativa? How do those work for you?”

  “Ah, baby, you make me want to get right back in there with you,” he growled. “Keep talking dirty.”

  Laney saw that he was indeed getting hard again and had to stifle a giggle. She dropped her eyes from his naked body and grumbled, “Go get dressed, Godzilla. I’m hungry. Or do you intend to starve me as well as kidnap me?”

  He sighed heavily and reached for the door. “You are correct, moy kotenok. Dinner will be shortly and I believe you will not be disappointed. We are big eaters in this country.”

  When she reentered the bedroom there was a garment bag on the bed. She tightened the towel over her breasts and raised an eyebrow at Boris. He was dressed again and sitting once more in the armchair. She recognized the length and shape of the bag. No freaking way was she going to wear a dress twice in one year. Claudia’s wedding was a good reason. Dinner with two asshole Russian brothers that she’d rather gut like fish than eat with was not a good enough excuse.

  “Not happening, Godzilla,” she snapped, shoving the bag off the bed and sitting on the mattress cross-legged, careful to arrange her towel conservatively.

  He stood, reaching his ungodly 6’7” slowly, as though reminding her of their size di
fference. He could easily make her do whatever he wanted. Maybe, she acknowledged silently, but that dress will be in shreds by the time he gets it on me. She’d been training as a Yakuza assassin since the age of five, she could hold her own. At least for a little while.

  “We dress for dinner here, kotenok,” he said, reaching for the garment bag and placing it back on the bed next to her. She glanced at it as though it were a snake. “It would please me if you wore this tonight. I chose it myself.”

  Laney hugged her knees to her chest and rolled her eyes. “Well then, you have convinced me. How could I disagree with such a convincing argument?”

  He reached out and grabbed her by the back of her neck before she could roll away from him. She brought her hands up between them, reaching for the pressure point in his neck, but he captured her hands in his massive paw and trapped them between their bodies.

  “I will allow you a compromise, my spitting little kitten,” he growled down at her with a grin. He swooped down and captured her lips in a quick, devastating kiss, before releasing her as quickly as he’d grabbed her.

  Laney rolled away from him, toward the far side of the bed before he could snatch her again. He had stepped back from the bed though and reached for something she hadn’t seen previously. She watched warily as he lifted leather strapping from the floor beneath the chair he’d been sitting on. Then she gasped in appreciation when she saw that attached to the leather were two gorgeous sheaths. He turned to her and held them out. Like a child that couldn’t help herself, Laney stuck her hands out and looked up at him with big, pleading eyes.

  He flashed her a wide-toothed grin and dropped the sheathes into her upturned palms. She quickly smoothed the strapping across her legs and worked out how they would cross over her hips. The blades would sit just below her kidneys so they could be easily hidden beneath clothes if that were her desire. Though for tonight she suspected they were meant to be on display over the dress.


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