Sully's Fantasy (Goddess Isles, #6)

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Sully's Fantasy (Goddess Isles, #6) Page 1

by Winters, Pepper



  Goddess Isles

  Spin-off Novella


  New York Times Bestseller

  Pepper Winters

  Sully’s Fantasy

  Copyright © 2020 Pepper Winters

  Published by Pepper Winters

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Libraries are exempt and permitted to share their in-house copies with their members and have full thanks for stocking this book. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: Pepper Winters 2020: [email protected]

  Cover Design: Ari @ Cover it! Designs

  Editing by: Editing 4 Indies (Jenny Sims)


  Pepper currently has thirty-two books released in nine languages. She’s hit best-seller lists (USA Today, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal) thirty-seven times. She dabbles in multiple genres, ranging from Dark Romance to Coming of Age.

  For more information, please visit:


  Goddess Isles Series – Available Now

  Once a Myth

  Twice a Wish

  Third a Kiss

  Fourth a Lie

  Fifth a Fury

  Sully’s Fantasy (Novella that takes place 5 years after Goddess Isles)

  Jinx’s Fantasy (Novella that takes place 6 years after Goddess Isles)

  Monsters in the Dark Trilogy – Available Now

  Tears of Tess

  Quintessentially Q

  Twisted Together

  Je Suis a Toi

  Indebted Series – Available Now

  Debt Inheritance

  First Debt

  Second Debt

  Third Debt

  Fourth Debt

  Final Debt

  Indebted Epilogue

  Dollar Series – Available Now







  The Master of Trickery Duet – Available Now

  The Body Painter

  The Living Canvas

  Truth & Lies Duet – Available Now

  Crown of Lies

  Throne of Truth


  The Ribbon Duet – Available Now

  The Boy & His Ribbon

  The Girl & Her Ren

  Standalone Spinoff

  The Son & His Hope


  Destroyed – Grey Romance

  Unseen Messages – Survival Romance


  Pure Corruption Duet – Available Now

  Ruin & Rule

  Sin & Suffer


  Can’t Touch This


  For 2020-2021 titles please visit


  To be the first to know about upcoming releases, please join Pepper’s Newsletter (she promises never to spam or annoy you.)

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  Facebook Group: Peppers Playground


  Sully’s Fantasy Blurb

  From New York Times Bestseller Pepper Winters comes a spin-off novella featuring Sully and Jinx from the USA Today Bestselling Series, Goddess Isles

  “There was a wedding and vows and a happily ever after...but there was also lust and fantasy.”

  Sullivan Sinclair has high-powered friends as well as his new family. Invited to attend a masquerade at Jethro’s Hawksridge Hall, he agrees.

  Eleanor Sinclair has a new husband and untold wealth at her fingertips. While living on an island in the Java Sea, their lives are their own. However, a simple trip to England has both of them missing the tropics of home.

  A monster and a goddess who have a special power to escape.

  A fantasy that Sully dares to share.

  A visit to Euphoria like no other.



  Sully’s Fantasy Blurb

  Dedicated to:


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen



  Dedicated to:

  Those who use books for a portal to another existence, era, and experience.

  Words are magic, and I’m so grateful you’re reading mine.



  Some were secrets we liked to hide, others were triumphs we liked to brag about, and others...others were just journeys—steps we took to find who we were, what we stood for, and what sort of mark we wanted to leave behind. Along the way, there were mistakes and challenges, and sometimes, even catastrophic things like death and betrayal.

  A lot of people have said that ‘life is about the journey and not the destination’, and I agreed with a degree.

  My life was still on a journey—it would be until I took my last breath—but now, instead of walking my path alone, I’d found the one person who made everything infinitely more bearable.

  It wasn’t a monetary achievement or career accolade or any other accomplishment that triggered the end of my journey.

  It was her.

  A girl I bought and kidnapped.

  A goddess who I commanded and manipulated.

  A woman who cured me of my sins.

  Eleanor Grace, Eleanor Sinclair, was my destination.

  With her by my side and her hand in my mine, I didn’t fucking care where the journey took us. We could walk into squalor and famine, and I would smile because she was beside me.

  Through thick and thin, Eleanor had my back, my trust, and my entire fucking heart.

  And I had her.

  Every part of her.

  And I didn’t like sharing.

  Good thing we were island recluses these days, and when we did have to travel, Euphoria gave us somewhere to be just us.

  A dimension where no one else existed.

  A fantasy where anything was possible.

  Chapter One


  Make something enjoya
ble, and time was forgotten. Those tight clusters of minutes vanished because we were present in that singular moment. Entirely consumed by the experience we found enjoyable. However, change enjoyable to painful, and time became far too noticeable. Those tight clusters quadrupled, so a moment lasted four times as long. Human nature caused us to fight against the clock, to be free of that painful situation and run.

  I’d experienced both in my life.

  When I was younger, there’d been the shortness of school holidays, and the eternity of stressful exams.

  And then, of course, there’d been the kidnapping.

  The men who’d grabbed me in the kitchen of the backpackers, where my boyfriend and I were staying, had caused time to slow to a terrifying crawl. It abandoned me to the dark cell I was held in and didn’t start ticking again until I was flown to Goddess Isles and met the man who’d purchased me.

  But the moment our eyes met?

  Time ignited and disintegrated. Every clock smashed. Every minute hand broke into pieces. Why? Because time was no longer needed.

  Time was the structure that all humanity and nature marched to, but had the power of cutting you free. It erased all notion of time because it honestly didn’t exist for us anymore.

  We’d found each other.

  Our countdown was over, and we lived side by side in bliss.

  “Jinx...what are you mooning over now?”

  Sully’s rough baritone ripped me from my musings, making me blink and squint in the bright Indonesian sun. Raising an arm, well-tanned from living in the tropics and ignoring the constant glitter of sand upon my skin from living on an island, I grinned at my sexy husband. “Not mooning, thinking.”

  “Uh-huh.” Sully rolled his stunning blue eyes and scratched at this thick five o’clock shadow. “Well, whatever you were thinking about, snap out of it. I asked you a question, so give me an answer, woman.”

  I padded toward him, barefoot with just a wraparound cream dress encasing a silver bikini beneath. This impromptu visit to Serigala had turned from a fleeting inspection into an all-day excursion.

  “What was the question?” I stopped beside him, trailing my hand in the manmade pool that housed shallows, caverns, and aquatic dens perfect for the tenants currently healing within.

  With my fingers dangling in the warm water, I smiled as a shy shadow moved toward the surface. Sully wrapped his arm around me as the mimic octopus drifted closer, it’s graceful swim and small body melting my heart like it did every time I’d visited.

  “And you say I’m the one with power over animals,” Sully murmured as a small octopus reached out with a tentative tentacle and wrapped it around my pinkie. The sensation of its tiny suckers and the silkiness of its sinuous arms never failed to cause wonder.

  “He’s just come to trust me, that’s all.”

  “Wrong. It’s because he can sense you’re trustworthy.”

  “You’re the one who saved him. Saved all of them.”

  “We saved them.” He pressed a kiss to my temple as a second octopus floated from its hidey-hole and descended into my palm, wrapping its tiny tentacles around my wrist, and curling out of the water like strange flower fronds.

  Both mimics were speckled light brown, muted and content. However, when they hunted or were chased, they could mimic so many things—not just in colour camouflage but movement too.

  They could swim like a flatfish, or stalk like a lionfish, or even threaten like a venomous sea snake. I’d done research on the critters ever since Sully had been called to rescue five of them when sea dredging on the main island dumped them from their home, leaving one dead, two seriously injured, and two traumatised.

  I’d visited often in that first week of healing and found them utterly fascinating. The fact that they’d only been noticed in the late 90s was a testament to how well they could mimic their underwater world and stay hidden, and the level of intelligence in their quizzical gaze made me think they’d willingly hold a conversation with me if we spoke the same tongue.

  The first mimic uncoiled its tentacle from my pinkie in favour of squeezing my thumb. A flash of brown and white over his body warned the other octopus that he’d claimed me.

  The other octopus, missing a tentacle and still wounded from the dredgers, puffed up to twice its size and crawled up my arm out of the water.

  Sully chuckled. “Guess I have some competition for your affection.”

  I grinned and offered my other hand, transferring the suckered tentacles to my free palm and then placing him back underwater. “They’ve certainly made me fall for slippery things.” I laughed as the two octopuses squeezed my fingers, then slipped away, sinking to the bottom where they ruffled up the sand in search of snacks.

  “They’ll be released in a month. They’re almost ready.” Sully waited as I rinsed off my hands and wiped them on my dress. He didn’t reprimand about the price tag of my clothing or make me feel as if I should take more care. He just grinned and clamped both hands on my hips to scoot me to face him.

  His head ducked, his nose nuzzled mine, and his lips pressed sweetly to my mouth.

  I kissed him back.

  Soft to start and then harder as he slipped his tongue inside me and quested a deeper kind of connection.

  My heart instantly raced. My core liquefied. My entire body set off fireworks. Our conduit of connection hummed with quick-fire need. I moaned, reaching up to run my fingers through his hair.

  He pulled away, running his tongue along his bottom lip. “Christ, you turn me on.”

  “You can’t keep doing that,” I whispered.

  “Keep doing what?” He arched his hips into mine, showing it wasn’t just me affected by our spontaneous kiss.

  “Keep making me lose my mind every time you kiss me. You’d think I’d be bored of kissing you after all this time.”

  “Bored?” He scowled with mock offensive. “After five years of marriage, you’re saying you want to replace me?”

  I laughed. “I’m saying, after five years of marriage, I keep expecting this chemistry to fade a little...after all, I do know everything about you now. I know your deepest, darkest secrets.”

  “My only secret these days is that I want you all the goddamn time.” He pressed his hips harder into mine. “And that chemistry you’re complaining about is one of the things I love most about us.”

  “The fact that we can’t keep our hands off each other?” I grinned. “That we have a reputation of improper obsession? That the staff whisper behind our backs that we’re high on whatever drugs you’ve been cooking, and it’s made us incapable of surviving without being in each other’s pocket?”

  “Precisely.” He chuckled, letting me go and taking my hand to lead me back through the rebuilt sanctuary of Serigala. After Drake’s bomb five years ago, we’d taken our time to landscape, design, and hire the right people. The island was once again a fully equipped, highly successful rehab facility for broken and abused animals. “In fact, I need access to your pockets right now.”

  “I’m wearing a dress. It doesn’t have pockets.”

  “It’s a metaphor, Jinx. I need inside your pocket. Your hot, wet—”

  “Behave.” I swatted his arm. “You had me last night.”

  He threw me a rakish smirk. “Exactly. That was hours ago. I need you. Otherwise, the whispers that I can’t survive without you will prove true, and I’ll die right here.”

  “I swear you weren’t always this dramatic or mischievous.”

  Guiding me forward, he threw me a besotted, heart-stopping look. “You improved me.”

  “I broke you more like.”

  “You married me.”

  “Same thing.”

  He let out a massive laugh, making my insides flutter and my body tingle.

  I laughed too. “By the way, what was your question that was ever so important five minutes ago?”

  “Don’t know. Don’t care. I want you.”

  “Anything to do with Serigala? An
animal? A vet?”

  Sully frowned before recalling. “There’s a Chinese cosmetic company that’s finally shutting down its animal testing—after our campaign and immense social media pressure. They have hundreds of rabbits, rats, and a few chinchillas that need rehabbing.”

  “And you wanted to know if we have space for that many new arrivals?”

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay taking on several more hundred lives.”

  I stroked his cheek. “You should by now that you don’t need to ask, Sully. After all, you have a few more vacant islands. We have room to spread. Of course, I’m fine with them coming here. The more the merrier.”

  “And now I want you all the more, woman.” He ducked and kissed me, his tongue aggressive with want and affection.

  I pushed him away, my heart dancing. “If you’re that determined, let’s go home and find somewhere private.”

  “Finally, you agree.” He smirked, capturing my hand and kissing my knuckles. “Let’s go.”

  We smiled and strode toward the hustle and bustle of Indonesian helpers, vet assistants, and habitats.

  So far, Serigala was an island where any animal—fanged, farmed, or forgotten—could come to receive vet care, heal, and be placed in a safe forever after home or released back into its natural environment. We’d expanded from the vet care I’d opened on Batari while Sully was in a coma and were almost at full capacity on Serigala. Last year, excavation work had begun on yet another one of Sully’s islands. Kapu-Kapu, Indo for butterfly, would officially start housing all manner of creatures in a few months.

  It didn’t matter how many animals needed our help, we would offer them all sanctuary.

  Local staff nodded and smiled as Sully and I made our way through the compound with its spacious pens and shelters where even a Sumatran Tiger was housed away from the herbivores like orangutans that’d been a part of a black market pet ring. The tiger had been seized by law enforcement when a large drug cartel was dismantled in Bali. It’d been so badly mistreated that two paws had to be amputated and an eye removed.

  Luckily, he was healing and learning to trust he was safe now. I was grateful we’d been able to take away his pain and give him peace, and hopefully, we’d be able to grant him a wild existence, even with his disabilities.


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