Radio Sass TSU After Dark: Sassy Ever After

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Radio Sass TSU After Dark: Sassy Ever After Page 1

by Tl Reeve

  Radio Sass

  (A TSU After Dark/Sassy Ever After Novella Crossover)

  International Bestselling Authors

  TL Reeve and Michele Ryan

  Radio Sass

  A Sassy Ever After Story

  Copyright 2018 TL Reeve & Michele Ryan

  Published by MT Worlds Press, Inc.

  Winter Springs, FL 32708

  Formatting by Celtic Formatting

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Radio Sass

  (A TSU After Dark/Sassy Ever After Crossover)

  Welcome to TSU After Dark...

  Natasha Nemescu is ready to start a new chapter of her life—even if it is a couple years later than she intended. As a new student at Turnskin University, she looked forward to her classes and a chance to join the new Co-ed Greek house she’d learned so much about while trying to find the right college for her.

  However, when she arrives nothing goes according to the plans she’s made. Her classes are at night. She’s getting weird looks from the rest of the students, and everyone is calling her “your highness.”

  Natasha isn’t royalty—she’d know if she was.

  Yet, three men are about to rock her world and prove to her there is royal blood in her system. Whoever said college would be the best years of her life, obviously never met Natasha Nemescu.


  To Milly

  Thank you for allowing me to play in your world. I had a blast. I hope to do it again sometime.

  To My Family

  Thank you for putting up with long nights, no sleep and my “one more chapter” speech. It’s a pain in the butt sometimes, but you guys never waiver. Thank you for the food too. Without it, I’d starve, and I’d never have the brain power to write that “one more chapter.”

  To Michele

  Thank you. Seriously. Sometimes I don’t know what I would do without you. You are the one person who can put me in my place when I need it and also my biggest champion. I didn’t know when we first met, if we’d be friends, let alone seven years later, here we are. Thank you for everything. And, yes, I hope you’re a sobbing mess right now. he-he-he

  To You, Dear Reader

  Thank you. For everything. These stories have become near and dear to Michele and my heart. This new series is dedicated to you. This is my fun series. Stay tuned for more.

  Dear Readers,

  Welcome back to TSU.

  After several long discussions with Michele, we have decided to open our world up for the things that go bump in the night. When we first started TSU, we hadn’t even contemplated the whole demons, vampires, or witches aspect. However, when I got invited to Milly’s Sassy world—a world where there are shifters, humans, demons, witches, vampires and such... Well, Michele and I got bold.

  We have created a new subseries for TSU: TSU After Dark. A whole series dedicated to those creatures who are night dwellers. Radio Sass is the first book. We also have plans for more demons and vampires. We’re just putting it all together now, so we can start this new chapter of our series. We are so stinking excited, I can’t even explain it.

  Some of the original characters from TSU will make appearances in each book, and some will even transfer over into our other Window Rock World series.

  Did I mention Natasha and her brothers are also the heirs to the Nemescu company and fortune?

  We hope you enjoy this book. As always you can drop us a line at [email protected] or [email protected] and if you’d like, you can join our facebook group:

  Also, if you want to follow along with our Window Rock World you can do so @ or

  Until next time, keep reading!

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  “Natasha Nemescu,” Natasha said, stepping up to the table situated in the middle of Turnskin University’s quad. She’d been waiting for this since moment since her brother called her. “Freshman.”

  The dark hair girl glanced up at Natasha, then searched through the organized packets resting in a brown storage box. “Nemescu, you say?” She arched a brow while she continued to delve through the folders. She didn’t seem too overtly nice, but then again, Natasha didn’t know her, and she didn’t know Natasha.

  The last time she talked to her brothers, talks which were becoming less frequent by the week, they tried to prepare her for what to expect. Unfortunately, what they said and what she experienced were two different things. It made her a bit self-conscious and also wonder if she’d made the right decision. You’re here now. No looking back.

  Sebastian and Erik were five years older than Natasha and spent more time with their mother and father before their mother passed away. No one talked about her—their—father, but the disconnect between her and her brothers only seemed to widen as they grew older. While she played with dolls, they were gaining interest in girls and hanging out with friends. Her grandmother and grandfather did the best they could to hold the family together, and she appreciated them and their sacrifice. At their age, it couldn’t have been easy raising a five-year-old girl and twin ten-year-old boys.

  After a while, she stopped trying with them. One day when they were ready, she assured herself, they would come back into her life. Until then, she made the best of everything.

  Then last year, her brother Sebastian reached out to her. He told her about Turnskin University and encouraged her to join them. According to the information she learned while researching the school, the whole school catered to others with a smattering of humans. The Co-Ed house was new too. The once low performing sorority had been transformed into something more—better. Something anyone who joined would be proud of. Natasha jumped at the chance to join them.

  “Oh, here we go,” the girl said, grabbing her file. “Since you’ve pre-applied for our new Co-Ed house, your registration form is in your packet along with your class schedule, maps and other pertinent information.”

  Natasha accepted the envelope and opened it. As she looked through it, she frowned. “I’m sorry…night classes? I kind of wanted day time.”

  The girl tilted her head then shrugged. “Well, sorry.” The girl looked at her for a second more, then held her hand up. “Next.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Natasha stuffed everything into the folder then shoved it back into the packet. She turned from the table. Oh well, what do you expect? You’re the newbie. Not top man on the totem pole.

  True enough.

  “They always do this.” A guy came up beside her. “Jacob.” He held out his hand. “Junior.”

  He had short brown hair and amazing green eyes. In the late-afternoon sun, Natasha swore she saw something preternatural within them. It’s probably because you’ve been driving all day. You need a nap. Jacob stood a few inches taller than her. He didn’t have the bulk of a shifter, nor was he slim like a vampire. He h
ad an athletic build and an easy smile.

  Natasha took his hand. “Natasha.”

  “Nice to meet you. So, night classes huh? I have them too.”

  “I’m not happy about it.” In the spring, she’d sign up for the classes she really wanted, during the day. “But, it’s only for a semester, I can handle it.” She lifted her chin slightly.

  “It’s not so bad,” he said. “You might like them.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” Not really.

  As she started away from the crowd with Jacob, stray glances were thrown her way along with the murmurs of her last name.

  “Nemescu…” one said.

  “What did she say? Nemescu?” A girl gave Natasha a side-eyed glance.

  “No way,” another whispered.

  The uncomfortable sensation of being ogled slid down her spine and settled in the pit of her stomach. Natasha pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and quickened her pace. She didn’t understand why they were so consumed by her name, or why some of them sounded as though they were in awe of her existence. Truth be told, she was more of a Niven—her grandfather’s last name—than a Nemescu. She couldn’t remember a time her grandfather Liam, hadn’t been there for her. And when her mom passed away, leaving her alone with her brothers, Liam actually made it a point to make sure she understood she belonged. Ugh, you’re just being dramatic. They probably know your brothers.

  “Nemescu, huh?” Jacob cocked a brow. “Well, it’s good to meet you, I’m sure we’ll see each other around.”

  “Yeah, sure. I bet we will.” She smiled up at him. “Good to meet you, Jacob.”

  “Likewise.” He winked before heading in the opposite direction.

  She pulled her keys from her pocket as she drew near her car. She’d rented one of those small pull along trailers for her things, so not to inconvenience her grandparents. Between her grandmother’s shop and her grandfather’s butcher business, she didn’t feel right asking them to help. Her grandmother hadn’t been happy about the idea of her going it alone. Her grandfather even less so. However, once she made her choice to attend Turnskin University, she jumped in with both feet. Kids were supposed to leave the nest, right? She was twenty after all, not a child. An adult.

  After getting into her car, Natasha rested her head against the headrest. The drive had taken sixteen hours. She stopped twice to eat and once to nap. She didn’t have the funds to go all out and rent a hotel room for the night. Nor did she want to push herself to drive the long distance without really knowing where she was going. Instead, she pulled into a truck stop and parked near the big rigs. The clatter of cow hooves on metal had woken her early the next morning.

  When she opened her eyes, the truck’s driver stood near her driver side window, startling her. She reached for her bag where she had a can of pepper spray. She’d been willing to use it, until he gave her a friendly smile and held up a disposable insulated cup.

  “Coffee?” The guy handed it to her when she rolled down the window. “You looked pretty out of it last night.”

  She had been. She reported for her final shift at the shop with her grandmother then went home at two in the afternoon to finish packing the trailer. By the time she pulled into the truck stop, it’d been midnight. “Yeah, sorry.” She took the cup from him. “I hope I didn’t bother you.”

  “Nah,” he answered. “Just different seeing… this.”

  He bought her breakfast, then wished her well. When they pulled out of the driveway, Natasha continued west while the man headed east to the slaughter house. She grinned. In the last twenty-four hours she’d forged a completely different life, for sure, but a sense of pride welled within her.

  She grabbed her welcome kit off the seat beside her. As much as she knew how to get into the school, she hadn’t seen Greek row where all the houses were located. A giddy spark of excitement shimmered within her when she spotted the new Co-Ed house on the map. Part of the house’s motto reminded everyone they had a place to call home. No matter their sexual orientation, gender, shifter, demon, vampire, or human. It kind of reminded her of Blue Creek in a way. She never felt like an outsider even though she knew nothing was what it seemed there. When she turned eight, her grandmother and grandfather figured she was old enough to know the truth. She lived in a community of others.

  That day, she accepted their words as truth and never doubted for a second what her grandparents told her. As she’d grown older, those truths were reinforced and it’d been why, when her brothers told her about Turnskin University, she’d immersed herself in researching the school and where she’d be living.

  Bell Dryer, President, and Victor Lorenz, Vice President, had reached out to her for a video conference. They were both so nice. Victor had impeccable style, while Bell reminded her of a, well, Stepford wife. She hated even thinking it, but the girl had some serious retro clothing issues.

  Natasha pulled out of her spot and followed the directions on the map she’d placed on the seat next to her. Now, she wished she would have arrived sooner, not just because the school was huge, but because she hoped to see her brothers and spend time with them as well. Later. I can do it later.

  She glanced at her surroundings while following the directions. There were acres of wooded area for shifters to run whenever they needed, along with a tranquility she’d come to yearn for. It’d been why she loved Blue Creek so much. Miles upon miles of open land and serenity. There were hiking trails everywhere and she’d explored each and every one of them. She wondered if she could do the same at school. Later. You have plenty of time.

  As she turned the corner onto the street she needed, a moving van blocked the driveaway of a pretty swank house. Two girls, blondes, stood near the vehicle tapping their feet while swiped tears from their eyes. Another girl stood near the gate carrying on an animated conversation with a nice-looking older guy. The man wore a grim expression as the girl continued to rail against him. Okay, I’ve gotta find out what happened there. She never considered herself a nosey person, but she did make the occasional exception.

  The address to the home she needed appeared a few hundred feet from the glitzy house she drove past, and Natasha pulled into the small parking lot. She couldn’t believe the place. It reminded her more of a lodge than a house. The white stucco facade complemented the mocha trim. There were four cars in the lot on the side of the house, which left one spot on the end. It might be the farthest from the door, but she’d deal. As she got out, she took in her surroundings. The two-story monster of a house stood out in contrast to the others near them. Music played in the back yard while conversations echoed off the outer walls. A sign had been posted on the gate, announcing everyone was welcome and to come on in.

  “Don’t mind if I do.”

  Natasha pushed open the gate and sucked in a breath. Their property went on forever. At least five hundred feet from where she stood, sat a gazebo where a group of people were sitting carrying on a conversation. To the right were a few picnic tables also filled with guests. A splash of water drew her attention. In the pool, lounged a couple cuddled together, while another duo sat near the curve in the pool, laughing. The curvy girl closest to Natasha couldn’t take her eyes off the hot guy beside her. Mates.

  More than once she wondered what it would be like to find the one person who would complete her. She’d only experienced it vicariously through her grandparents and those in Blue Creek. Sometimes she wanted it more than she wanted her next breath and the next minute, she hated it with a passion. She despised feeling jealous of those she considered friends. She supposed it’d also factored into her leaving home. Most of the people she went to high school with and had lived side-by-side with were pairing up, and she couldn’t even get a date. Sure, she had the occasional friend with benefits, but even that well was drying up quick.

  Of course, she’d never tell anyone about it. She didn’t want them to pity her or try setting her up with their cousin twice removed on their mom’s, sister’s, best friend’s human side
or whatever. It just felt weird. To her, she’d rather be single than get setup.

  The gate clattered shut behind her, and all eyes were on her. Natasha swallowed hard, raising her hand to wave. A petite blonde, the same one she spoke to during the video conference approached. She wore a small pair of jean shorts and a tank top. So, she’s not always dressed so primly, good to know. Bell smiled at Natasha as she extended her hand.

  “You made it!” Her bright smile eased a bit of Natasha’s anxiety. “Did you find everything okay? What about checking in? Do you need any help?”

  A man the size of a mountain lumbered over to them. “Bell, don’t suffocate her.” A twinkle of humor lit the guy’s blue eyes. His larger than life form towered over Bell. “I’m Christoph, Bell and Jackson’s mate.”

  Natasha blinked. “Uh…”

  “Did you tell her we’re fucking too?” Another man, Natasha suspected could be this Jackson Christoph spoke of, approached. “You’re a horny fucking lion.”

  Christoph snatched at the front of the other man’s shirt and yanked him forward. “Can’t help it.” He claimed the man’s mouth, and a soft sigh passed Bell’s lips.

  Well damn. What a welcome to the neighborhood.

  “Can you guys suck face somewhere else, please?” Another girl appeared near the rear of the house. “We have company.” She pointed to Natasha.

  Bell blushed. “Sorry. We’ve only been mated a year.”

  Oh. “Congratulations,” Natasha answered.

  “Thanks.” Bell beamed. “So, did you bring your things or are you waiting for them to be shipped?”

  “Brought them with me?” Natasha hitched her thumb over her shoulder, toward where she parked her car.

  Bell grinned. “Great!” She linked arms with Natasha and drew her near the edge of the patio. “Everyone, I have an announcement to make.” Those who were further out eased forward. “This is our new pledge, Natasha Nemescu. Natasha, this is everyone.” Bell pointed toward the pool and ticked off several names. “That’s Hayden and Nico, and Bodhi, Hayden’s twin, and his mate Emma.”


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