A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10 Page 7

by Eve Newton

  “No, can’t say as I do,” he says. “How many have asked you and you declined?”

  “Hundreds. More probably.”

  “Really? That many?” He sounds surprised.

  “Yes, that many.”

  “I guess I am more surprised that you told that many people what you are.”

  “A thousand years’ worth of Feeders and acceptors is a long time, Cade. A long time to be alone.”

  “You don’t seem very alone to me.”

  “Not now, no. But there was a time when I was very much alone.”

  “Want to tell me more about this Lance? It might help with the research,” he says casually.

  “Erm, well as I said, he was evil. He took me and held me captive for about twelve years,” I say just as casually, still tapping my nails on the table.


  “That’s the nice word for it.”

  “Oh. I guess then you don’t really want to talk about it?”

  “Not really.”

  “Did he hurt you?” he asks softly, and I am more intrigued as to his tone than the actual question.

  “Yes. A lot. But it was a long time ago and he is dead now.”

  “Is he?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Seems to me, he lives on.” He taps my temple and I pull back.

  “Maybe. I think it’s time you tell me more about your ex-bosses as well. Are you considered a traitor?” I ask.

  “Yes, so is Nico and the others who have defected.”

  “Are you in any danger?”

  “Yes, if I get found, but it doesn’t seem likely. Those Romani you have are pretty damn powerful.”

  “They have you cloaked?” I ask.

  “Yes. That is why Nico has been safe for so many years. I’m not worried,” he says casually.

  “Okay, but do let me know if you feel you are being hunted,” I say with a frown at him, but his face has closed off completely and I know I will get no more out of him than I already have. It’s quite a bit though and I am glad we had this chat.

  I sense Cole at the door and magick on a robe now to Cade’s amusement. I am grateful to see my husband after this weird day.

  “Want me to stay?” Cade asks as I get up to kiss Cole.

  “No, you have been more than helpful today. You may go and do your own thing.”

  He nods. “I will see you in the morning, then. Just yell if you need me.”

  “You’ll hear?” I ask smartly and he laughs.

  “I won’t be far away, Queen Liv.” He waves and leaves us alone.

  Cole is looking at me with raised eyebrows. “You two seem to be getting on well? Is it something to do with that blood oath?”

  “Yes, it is but there’s more to it now,” I state. “Forget him, come here and kiss me. I have missed you.”

  “Mm, I have missed you too. I want a long bath. Can I interest you?”

  “Oh, of course,” I say to his delight and off we go.

  Chapter 7

  “Lizzie?” Devon asks from the doorway.

  “What?” I open my eyes from my bliss of bubbly water, champagne, and my wet, naked husband.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” he says, not actually sounding sorry at all. “We are going out. Wanted to let you know and ask if you wanted to come with?”

  “We?” I ask with a raised eyebrow as Cole looks at me from across the massive tub and shakes his head. “Sorry, no. But you have fun. Not too much fun,” I state with a glare at Jess, who is hanging onto Devon like a barnacle. “Where are you going?”

  “There is a place, where we can go and be…who we are,” he says.

  “Oh. Well, be careful and take Grayson with you.”

  “No need. Sebastian is joining us.”

  “Oh?” I sit up now, somewhat intrigued. Devon’s eyes drop to my naked breasts and Jess just looks away. “Sebastian?”

  Devon nods. “Yes.”

  I blink at him and he returns my look with his CK impassive impersonation. Something doesn’t sit right with me about this at all. I remember seeing them talking in Vegas, when they really should have nothing to say to one another. “Is he here?” I inquire suspiciously.

  “No. Why?”

  “Just make sure you are safe. All of you.” I glare at Jess, “And remember, no feeding…”

  “From humans,” Devon says. “Lizzie, I got this, okay?”

  “Fine. Please let me know when you return.”

  “I will. Christ. You are being very mother hen today. What is with that?”

  “Just stuff,” I say mysteriously, and he cocks his eyebrows at me. “Tell you later,” I mutter.

  “Fine. You two enjoy your soak.”

  “We will,” Cole says.

  They leave and I decide I need to find out what’s going on. But now isn’t the time. I move forward so I am now face to face with Cole. “How was your day then?” I ask and he starts.

  “I don’t think you have ever asked me that before.”

  “No? Am I really just a selfish bitch?” I ask somewhat seriously.

  “Err, what brought that on?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know, Cole. This bad feeling is getting worse.”


  “Dream manifestations. Weird arse shit.”

  “Like what?”

  “Lance,” I say, and he grimaces.

  “Baby, he’s dead. You killed him; he can’t hurt you anymore.”

  “I know. It isn’t like that though. They are happy dreams. For the most part.”

  “Happy? What do you mean?”

  I explain it to him, minus the baby part again, and he is less than impressed. “Liv, that is just weird. Why would you be dreaming that?”

  “I don’t know,” I say and splash my hands into the water in frustration. “I don’t want to think about it. Not when I have you here and I am going away for a couple of days.”

  He stands and takes me in his arms, carrying me to the bed where he takes me with great abandon, wet as we are, again and again until I am spent and fall asleep.

  “We’ll try this again,” Lance says to me with that smile.

  “Try what again?” I ask him, confused.

  “Getting you to our bedroom so I can have my way with you. Once the baby comes, we won’t have much time to be alone.”

  “The baby,” I say in wonder as I look down and stroke my stomach.

  “Our baby,” he says as he pushes a door open to a room that is clearly our bedroom.

  “Oh, Lance,” I say to him with a smile as I notice the bassinet in the corner. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you.” He kisses me, running his hands gently over my bump, and I kiss him back, wanting him.

  “See, I told you I didn’t have to try very hard,” he says with a chuckle.

  “And I told you, you never do. I love you.”

  “I love you, Aefre. We belong together,” he whispers.

  “No!” I wake myself by shouting out.

  “Liv? Baby. Was it one of those dreams?” Cole asks from across the room.

  Panting, I put my hand over my heart. “Yes.”

  He crosses to me instantly and hugs me tightly. “Tell me.”

  I shake my head. “I want to forget it.”

  “Liv, this is getting serious. Why do you keep dreaming about him in this way?”

  “Someone wants me to,” I say, knowing that Cade is right about that. “I have to figure out who and kick their arse.”

  “I will join you,” Cole says forcefully, and I smile at him.

  “You should go, you’ll be late,” I say, glancing at the clock.

  “No, I’ll stay.”

  “It’s fine. I have to get ready to go anyway.”

  He looks at me and says, “Tell him about this, so that he can fix it.”

  “Fix it?” I ask with a frown.

  “You once told me it’s what he does, so now he can swoop in and save you. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.
” He gives me a smile, so I know that he isn’t being a dick about it.

  I snort in amusement. “You have no idea, but I don’t think it’s something he can fix. Not yet anyway. I have no idea what it is.”

  “Tell him anyway so he can make sure you’re as safe as possible. Okay?”

  I nod dutifully. “Yes, sir.”

  He kisses me, happy I have complied without an argument, and he leaves without saying anything else, leaving me alone in our bed, worried about who is trying to manipulate my dreams and the bigger question, why? To what end?

  “Ready?” CK says as he pops into existence and I blink at him. Seeing me as I am, he says, “Clearly not. Aefre. It is 6 AM. Time to go.”

  “Six? No, it’s only just gone five.”

  “No, my sweet, it is six.” He points to the clock and it does say 6:01 AM. Where did the last hour just go? I look down at myself still sitting naked in the bed in the exact position when Cole left me. “Are you feeling all right?” he asks me, overly concerned now that I am still not moving. He sits next to me on the bed and takes my hand.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I guess I must have gone back to sleep after Cole left,” I say. “Just give me a minute.”

  “Of course,” he says and waits patiently while I go shower. Well, of course he is going to wait patiently for that, I think a bit grimly, still baffled as to where that time went. Dreams are one thing. Blackouts are something else. I get out of the shower and take my time getting ready, needing some time to think. I move around the room wordlessly as he watches me with narrowed eyes.

  “Aefre,” he says eventually.


  “You don’t seem very happy. I thought you would be more excited to go to Ponte,” he says in a tone that suggests he is worried as to my answer.

  “No, I am happy, my love. I love going there. I love it when you take me there. I still can’t believe that last year was the first time in over two hundred years since I was there.”

  “I would have brought you sooner, but I didn’t think you wanted to go,” he says uncertainly. “Something is bothering you, though. Is it because of the last time we were there and what happened with…Gustav?”

  “No. No, it isn’t that. Although, thanks for the reminder,” I mutter. “I am just tired, that’s all.”

  “You haven’t fed, have you?”

  “No,” I admit in a small voice.

  He sighs. “Why am I not surprised?” He holds his hands up. “I am loathed to do it this way, but I fear offering you my blood won’t sustain you for very long. I have plans for us that include you being at your best,” he says with a small pout and my eyes widen.

  “Oh, really? Well, a girl isn’t going to snub the offer of the century. I have been dying to get my hands on you. In a Dragon-feeding way.”

  “Hm, yes, well. Don’t get used to it. I am only offering this to you because I want you alert and focused.”

  “Gee, selfish much?” I say to him as I step closer.

  “I told you a long time ago, Aefre, I am a selfish creature. Especially when it comes to you.”

  I take his hands. He cringes slightly and I tilt my head at him, saying, “I can go and find Xane if this offends you.”

  “That offends me more. What am I if I can’t sustain you? Even in this way.”

  “The love of my life,” I say to him before I pull on his energy and he scowls at me as it leaves him and enters me. I relax as I get stronger. I release him and step back, giving him some room to process.

  “To your satisfaction, I trust?” he says.

  “Quite the boost, my love. Everything I had hoped it would be and more.”

  He peers at me curiously. “You really thought about what it would be like?”

  “Of course. It may not be for you, but it is just as intimate for me as the bite,” I tell him shyly.

  “Well, in that case, you will only ever do this with me and certainly not the Demon,” he says emphatically, and I chuckle.

  “Still so possessive.”

  He grins winningly at me, pleased now that I am back to normal and no longer moody and brooding. “Only for you. Now, can you tell me why you had a million dollars transferred to my account?”

  Taken aback I blink at him before answering, “You paid off Cole’s mother to stay away from him. He didn’t want to be in debt to you.”

  His turn to blink at me. “Who told you I paid his mother a million dollars?” he asks.

  “Nico,” I reply, confused. “Didn’t you?”

  His hesitation has me most concerned and when he carefully answers with, “Why, yes I did,” I pounce.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” I demand.

  “Nothing,” he says innocently, but he isn’t fooling me.

  “CK,” I say sternly, crossing my arms.

  “Aefre,” he says back. “I took care of it. Leave it now. It was unnecessary for you to give me the money.”

  Now I am more than concerned. I am downright worried. This is sounding less like a payoff and more of a payout to ‘take care of it’, or her, as the case may be. I don’t get to answer as Cade makes his entrance then. “Ready?”

  “Yes.” I narrow my eyes at my sire, but I know it will be a fruitless venture to pursue this topic with him. I suppose all I need to know is that she won’t come bothering Cole, I will just have to overlook the fact that I don’t know any facts. Never a good sign.

  “Where are we going?” Cade interrupts my thoughts.

  “Italy,” I say to his surprise.

  “Oh? That’s…far away.”

  “Not when you can get there in the blink of an eye. Or in my case a swirl of dark inky fog.”

  “I suppose,” he says. He looks uncomfortable.

  “Come,” I say and hold out my hand.

  “You are taking him?” CK asks.

  “Well, you take him then. I’m not fussed.”

  “Err,” Cade says. “You might not be fussed, but I am. I will go with you.”

  CK looks offended at that but I placate him with a smile. “I will take both of you.”

  “You are going to usher me to my own house?”

  “Yes,” I say decisively and take both their hands and swirl off before either of them can protest further.

  We land in the Grand Entrance Hall of Ponte Sull’acqua and Cade grips my hand tighter to steady himself. “That is not a normal way to travel,” he says grimly.

  “How many times do I have to tell you, we aren’t normal?” I chide him.

  “No kidding. Hello, Nico,” he says, turning around.

  “Cade,” Nico says.

  “Well, we will leave you two to get sorted. Nico, please show Cade around. Cade, make yourself at...home,” CK says with a somewhat pained expression. Back in the day, this place used to be packed to the gills with Vampires from all over the world. Every night was a party and every day was filled with laughter and fun. Nowadays it is completely empty save for Marguerite and sometimes Nico and of course us when we are here. For some reason, his castle has become his island. The place he goes to get away.

  Cade takes in his surroundings, mouth agape. “Fuck me. Is this a castle? You said ‘house.’”

  “Yes, it is a castle. A very, very old one and everything in it is priceless. Do be careful where you go and don’t touch anything. I don’t trust your clumsy human reflexes,” CK grouses at him and I bite my lip to stop the smile.

  “Aefre. If you please.” He holds out his hand, clearly expecting me to do all the work here. I don’t mind though. He spent over four hundred years ferrying me around, it’s the least I can do.

  “Oh, Nico. Will you please show Cade the library? He may find it useful, for his…research.”

  Nico nods at me and Cade bobs his head in understanding. “Good. We will see you anon,” I say and grab CK’s hand and Astral us off to his bedroom, remembering Cole’s plea earlier. I will try my very best to do as he asks but when I am with my sire, I tend to forget about everything else. />
  “Glad to see you tidied the place up a bit,” I say, casting a glance over the, now, spotless bedroom.

  “Yes well, I wanted to leave everything as you left it last June.”

  “You tend to want to do that, don’t you? Leave things the way I left them.”

  He looks a bit embarrassed. “I can’t help it. When you aren’t here, it’s all I have.”

  I don’t really know what to say to that, so I stay silent.

  “You will live here with me when it’s time, won’t you? You said that you would,” he asks suddenly.

  I did? I try to remember when I said that. Oh yes, when we spoke about the terms. “Yes, I remember. Of course, I will, but…”

  “Yes, I remember you saying that you wouldn’t come alone,” he says, clearing his throat abruptly. “I want this to be our home again, Aefre. Yours and mine.”

  “Well, it was never mine,” I say with a wistful smile.

  “I will make it yours,” he says quickly. “I will put your name on the deeds with mine.” He moves closer. “I want everything to be ours. I want to share everything with you.”

  I am stunned into complete silence now. I am not even breathing as he takes my hand. That is some show of commitment from my commitment-phobe-of-a-sire. A ring is one thing. It can be taken off and forgotten. Giving me half of his ancient, precious, beloved estate, sharing it with me, making it ours? This is something I thought he would rather die than do.

  “Aefre?” he says, worried. “Is it too much? I don’t mean to scare you off, I just want everything to be perfect.”

  “Too much?” I gulp. “Yes, it probably is. For you. For me it is everything I ever dreamed about. Oh, Constantine. Why do you always come with the goods at the wrong time.” I take his face in my hands. “Your timing is epically, epically bad, my love.”

  He looks chagrined. “I know. I am stupid. A fucking idiot for ever letting you get away from me in the first place.” He takes my hands in his and says, “Never again. I will wait this out now that I have seen the future and we will be together then forever. Always and forever. And this time we are sticking to it.”

  “I will hold you to that, you know. Now come here and make love to me. I want you to undress me completely and make it to the bed this time.”


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