Anthology - Threefold

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by Desiree Holt

  'Party of Three' by Desiree Holt

  Carolina “Carrie” Derosa had the hots for her boss, Drew Magellan, from the first day she went to work for him. Little did she know that Drew wanted her just as badly, but the same thing was holding them back—taboo on sex in the workplace.

  When Drew’s friend, Linc Conover, drops into the office to see him after hours and they bump into Carrie on her way out, the sparks that fly from all three light up the hallway.

  It doesn’t take long before they adjourn to Drew’s condo and fall into a whirlpool of eroticism.

  But no one expects jealousy to rear its ugly head. Who will come out on top in this ménage—so to speak?

  'Trust, Love, Submit' by Kim Dare

  Dallen and Caroline understand each other’s needs perfectly. That’s the problem, they both need the same things—things another submissive has no chance of providing. They need a dominant in their lives.

  Finding someone they want to submit to isn’t easy. Finding a good dominant who is equally interested in them both is even harder. After several disastrous encounters with different doms, the only thing that’s keeping them going is hope.

  When Horton sees a beautiful young couple, playing in a local club, he knows he’s spotted his ideal pair of playmates, but he’s not looking for anything serious. He’s not looking to fall in love with anyone.

  Can three people looking for very different things find real happiness in each other’s arms? Caroline, Dallen and Horton are about to find out.

  'Strangers in the Night' by Brynn Paulin

  Book one in the Behind Sin's Door Series

  The bar, Sin’s Door, has a reputation and McKenzie Stewart knows all about it.

  She’s been warned it’s nothing but a meat market, but meeting someone is exactly what she has in mind when she goes there one hot, September night.

  Little does she realise that she’ll meet not one but two men and experience pleasure that keeps her coming back for more.

  'Keeping Faith' by Kris Norris

  As a helicopter pilot, Faith Anderson is pretty open-minded. But when she finds her lover’s best friend in his bed, naked, she assumes the worst and leaves, not realising she’s just walked out on years of planning.

  Donovan can’t believe his ultimate seduction has just gone up in flames, not after finally finding a woman he and his friend, Parker, know is the other piece to their puzzle.

  They’ve spent years watching her, and after being together for over a year, one miscalculation has ruined everything…until Parker comes up with a plan that’ll have Faith flying back into their arms, and their bed.

  'Between A and Z' by Suzanne Graham

  Mia dubbed her life-sized clay sculpture, Adam, because he is the first man she’s ever made. Most of her work has been female torsos, but recently her muse insisted it was time for her to produce a man. Though, she might have been confusing her surging libido with her artistic muse.

  Mia has been abstinent for nearly a year, but not because of any plan. Her best friend, Shirle, has organized a party for Mia to put an end to her long dry spell and give her vibrator a night off. Before she even gets out of Shirle’s car, Mia meets Zed.

  Zed has come to the party to win a challenge. The waiters at the restaurant where he is the head chef and owner don’t think a black French chef can country line dance. Once he meets Mia, his purpose for the night changes. He plans to spend the evening with this incredibly sexy woman whose sense of humour is developed enough to subject herself to the intense teasing from her friends about her lacking sex life. But he must decide whether he still wants Mia when he discovers Adam plays an important role in her life.

  'Lust Dazed' by Charlotte Stein

  Ellie, Evan and Jimmy have always been best friends. They work together, play together, support each other and...accidentally eavesdrop on each other, doing some very dirty things.

  When Ellie hears what Evan and Jimmy have been doing behind her back—watching smutty movies that feature women who look just like her—she doesn't know whether to be bemused or offended. Or maybe just hugely turned on.

  And that's not even getting into the secret crush Jimmy seems to have on Evan...or the plans he has for the three of them, now that everything's out in the open...

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Threefold Anthology

  ISBN # 978-0-85715-277-0

  Party of Three ©Copyright Desiree Holt 2010

  Trust, Love, Submit ©Copyright Kim Dare 2010

  Strangers in the Night ©Copyright Brynn Paulin 2010

  Keeping Faith ©Copyright Kris Norris 2010

  Between A and Z ©Copyright Suzanne Graham 2010

  Lust Dazed ©Copyright Charlotte Stein 2010

  Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright September 2010

  Edited by Christine Riley

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning/melting.


  Party of Three

  Desiree Holt

  Trust, Love, Submit

  Kim Dare

  Strangers in the Night

  Brynn Paulin

  Keeping Faith

  Kris Norris

  Between A and Z

  Suzanne Graham

  Lust Dazed

  Charlotte Stein


  Desiree Holt


  As always, to my personal hero who continues to live in my heart.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Ménage à Trois: Folie à Deux Winery


  He wanted her. There was absolutely no question about it. Wanted her the way he’d never wanted another woman before. With such an intensity that at times it threatened to burn him alive.

  Drew Magellan could have everything and anything he wanted. Any woman he wanted. But he didn’t want to settle for just any woman, and he’d had plenty to choose from.

  No, he wanted Carolina Derosa, the gorgeous blonde client manager who was the hottest ticket on his staff and didn’t seem to see him as anything but her boss. Remote. The man who paid her.

  And why should she? There were rules about things like that. If he made a move on her while she worked for him, she could sue him for sexual harassment. If he fired her, he’d be getting rid of his most valuable human asset.

  He groaned as his cock hardened and pressed against his zipper, threatening to break through the fabric. He needed a hook but damned if he could think of one.
/>   “I’d love to meet the woman who put that look in your eyes.” Linc Conover’s voice was amused as he lounged in one of the big chairs in the office. Just back from two years as a civilian contractor in the Middle East, he’d dropped in to see Drew and catch up on things.

  “What makes you think it’s a woman?” Drew asked defensively.

  “Hey, how long have I known you? I can tell when it’s a business look or a woman look. We’ve shared enough women so I can tell the signs. So give it up. Who is she?”

  “No one you know. Just…someone.” He pushed himself away from his desk. “Let’s go downstairs to Mike’s and get a drink, then we’ll head out and find a good place for a steak.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Linc unfolded from his chair. “Maybe we’ll run into this mystery woman of yours.”

  “Hardly likely. Let’s go.”

  Chapter One

  Carrie Derosa slammed her desk drawer shut and picked up her jacket and purse. The day had been long. Much longer than usual, with two clients who wanted reassurance on every item in their portfolio, then more assurances after that. She couldn’t exactly say she blamed them. In a down economy, everyone from the couple with penny stock portfolios to corporations responsible for other people’s money wanted to know their investments were safe.

  And Carrie prided herself on not only having great rapport with her clients but also keeping on top of an ever-changing situation so that her assurances were based on real information. After two years in her present position, she’d acquired a valuable list of clients, attracting them and their money and earned herself several very nice bonuses. But the last few weeks, with an unstable stock market, had been taxing and tiring and she needed some time for Carrie.

  Oh, yeah. Time for Carrie. With who? She’d immersed herself so deeply in her career trying to make herself the golden girl and attract the attention of her very, very sexy boss her social life had virtually disappeared. Carrie sighed. Her date life, and subsequently her sex life, had been woefully absent lately. Too much work with too little energy left over. She could barely remember the last time she’d gotten laid. And wasn’t that pathetic? She needed to do something about that.

  She’d been spending too many nights by herself with one of the erotic romance novels she loved to read, a selection of her favourite battery operated toys and no one to give her an orgasm but herself. And fantasies about her boss. Drew Magellan was so far out of her league, she wasn’t even on the same planet. She needed a reality check for sure. Women like her only wound up with men like Drew in fairy tales, and she’d long ago stopped believing in them.

  A glance at her watch told her if she hurried home and changed she had enough time to call her friend, Lora, and talk her into a pizza. If Lora didn’t have other plans.

  Taking one last look around, she flicked off her office lights and closed the door. One more day marked off at Magellan Enterprises, one day closer to her vacation. And god, could she use it. Maybe she’d meet some hot hunk who’d want to have wild monkey sex with her, and she could work off some of this unresolved sexual energy bussing around in her system.

  Maybe two hot hunks!

  Now there was a thought. She had two friends who swore that a ménage situation was so over the top it was mindblowing. Plain sex would never be the same for her again.

  As if. I can hardly find time to crawl into bed with one man, let alone two.

  Suddenly the thought of Drew Magellan and a faceless man, naked and in bed with her, popped into her mind. Three bodies tangling the sheets in every possible combination and…

  Stop it! Those kinds of thoughts will only get me into trouble.

  Oh, but right now she could use a good dose of trouble.

  She had her head down as she searched in her purse for her keys, which was probably why she didn’t see either of the men coming out of the office next to her until she bumped into one of them.

  “Oh!” Her keys dropped from her fingers to the floor, and she looked up to see the rugged face of her boss, Drew Magellan, staring at her. For one brief, humiliating moment, she was afraid he’d look at her face and immediately know what she’d been thinking. Then she mentally shook herself. Impossible. “Ohmigod, I am so sorry. I just wasn’t paying attention.” She tried on a smile. “End of a long day, right?”

  His answering smile nearly melted her thong. “No problem.” He bent down to retrieve her keys. When he handed them to her, his fingers touched hers and a shock of electric current raced through her.

  Oh, hell!

  She hoped she didn’t embarrass herself by drooling over him right there in the reception area. His jet black hair and smoky silver eyes accented a face with high cheekbones and a square jaw. Not quite handsome, he had a rugged sexuality about him that set her motor humming far too often.

  “Thank you,” she managed, then realised there was another man just behind him.

  Drew smiled, a curve of his lips that sent shivers straight down her spine and soaked the crotch of her panties. Damn, she was in a bad way.

  “I don’t think you’ve met Linc Conover, have you?” He gestured with his hand, a casual wave. “We’ve been friends for years but he’s been out of the country for two years working as a private contractor in the Middle East.” He turned to the other man. “Linc, meet Carrie Derosa, one of my top client advisors.”

  No wonder she’d never met him. Carrie was positive she’d remember him. Linc Conover wasn’t a man any woman would forget under any circumstances. The two men couldn’t have been more different. Drew was in his custom tailored business suit, pale grey shirt and striped ties, his ‘business uniform’ that he wore as if he’d been born to it.. Linc wore khaki slacks and a turtleneck sweater but still carried the same air of success that Drew did.

  More classically handsome than Drew, he had finely chiselled features, straight sun-streaked blond hair and eyes as blue as the sweater he was wearing. The smile he gave her was blinding.

  Images of writing naked bodies flashed into her brain, and she almost dropped her keys again. What would Drew think if she told him about her fantasies and invited him and his friend to tangle the sheets with her?

  I have to get out of here. Right now!

  “Always happy to meet a beautiful woman.”

  She held out her hand for him to shake, but instead he leant forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Much better than a handshake, don’t you think?”

  Wow! Spears of sensual pleasure stabbed through her straight to her nipples and the very core of her sex. One more kiss and she’d probably rip off her clothes right here.

  What on earth is wrong with me? I never, ever act this way.

  But something about Drew Magellan made her take leave of her senses. And his friend was only upping the erotic factor.

  Drew’s eyes narrowed as he watched his friend, and the muscles in his face tightened for just a brief second. What was that all about? Then the casual smile was back.

  “Working a little late, aren’t you?” he asked.

  “I wanted to finish up the notes on my meeting with the Winsteads. They wanted to make some changes in the distribution of their funds.”

  “How about joining us for a drink?” He nodded at Linc. “We haven’t seen each other since before Linc headed overseas. We’re just going downstairs to Mike’s. Be nice to have some pleasant company to look at.”

  Carrie was well aware that Nine-hundred South Street was more than just offices. The top ten floors were pricey condos, one of which Drew lived in. And on the ground floor were shops, a concierge service, and Mike’s, a bar/cocktail lounge. She had taken clients there sometimes for drinks or lunch. The food was good, the drinks even better, and the atmosphere was soft and dim rather than rowdy as most places like that were. But have drinks with Drew, her boss? And his friend? Other than business meals or at conferences, they’d never socialised in all the time she’d been working there.

  What would he think, she wondered, if he knew exactly
what had been on her mind before she left her office?

  Stop that. Idle daydreams like that can get you in trouble. Drew is only being polite.

  “Carrie?” His deep voice, touched with amusement, broke into her concentration. “I didn’t think the question was that complicated. Would you like to have a drink with us at Mike’s?”

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Why the hell not? “Why, yes. That would be very nice. Thank you.”

  When they rode down in the elevator, somehow the two men managed to sandwich her between them, leaning bodies bumping up against her. The mingled scents of their colognes teased at her nose and perked up her hormones. Her nipples hardened and pressed against the satin fabric of her bra while she felt a sudden rush of cream in her panties.

  Well, hell! This would never do. It was bad enough she entertained fantasies about her boss, but she certainly didn’t need this kind of response to his friend…who she’d just met.

  Lora was right. She really needed to get out more. Much more. By the time they reached the lobby level and walked towards Mikes, the throbbing in her swollen folds was reaching fever pitch. Her thighs were damp with the moisture that seeped from her crotch, and she was afraid her nipples would poke right through their restraining material. Her palms were damp and her mouth dry.

  What the hell was happening with her? To her? She was having a drink with her boss and his friend. Just because she pleasured herself with toys at home while dreaming about him didn’t mean anything was actually going to become a reality. It was outside the rules for the boss to fuck the employees, and when it came right down to it, that’s what she was. An employee. It might look like she was a woman going to have a casual drink with two gorgeous men, but when all was said and done it was still business.


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