Anthology - Threefold

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Anthology - Threefold Page 33

by Desiree Holt

  He panted hot breaths into the hollow of her throat, one firm hand sudden and shocking on her thigh in an effort to get her legs together. Or at least—together long enough to get her panties down.

  After which he seemed to want nothing but apart, apart, and oh God, could Jimmy see between her legs? She breathed short and shallow just thinking about it—two sets of greedy eyes on the swell of her pussy, all that wetness glistening on her exposed flesh.

  It made her stir restlessly in a way she didn’t really want to think about. As did Jimmy saying—

  “Lick her pussy, first.”

  She couldn’t stop the moan that swelled in her throat. It just wanted out more than all the rest of the words stuck back there— we’re ruining our friendship, you’re messing with his head, what’s gotten into you? All of those sorts of things.

  And when Evan made his way down the couch—so eager it made him awkward and all elbows—she thought of nothing but what his mouth would feel like, on her. As good as on her belly? Her breasts? Another moan caught in the back of her throat, to think of that gorgeous mouth sliding greedily through her slit.

  Then he was there, and oh God, it felt it even better than she could have possibly imagined. So much better, because she could see him crouched uncomfortably at the end of the couch, as though he didn’t care about anything on him and just wanted to obey Jimmy, or get her off, or some combination of the two—right the fuck now.

  While Jimmy hovered over the pair of them, moving in a way that could only really suggest one thing. She’d know it anywhere, that motion—a sort of furtive shimmy, as though jerking off was just that dirty, a naughty thing you had to hide. And really, what else could he do but keep it on the down low? This was something they’d never be able to talk about in polite conversation.

  Evan’s squirming tongue alone precluded anything like talking, or going about your real, normal life. He wriggled it around and against her clit with unnerving dexterity, until she wanted to pull out her own hair and possibly float out of this soon-to-be-embarrassed body, which only got more embarrassed with every word out of Jimmy’s mouth.

  “His last girlfriend wouldn’t let him,” he said, and it came out so casually that she almost chastised herself, for thinking that they’d never have normal conversations again.

  Why, here was one right now—about Evan’s lack of oral sex loving sex partners.

  Amazingly, words managed to blow out of her mouth.

  “You’re kidding. Are you kidding?”

  Though they didn’t seem like reasonable ones. It had to be some sort of crazy, to hold up a question and answer session with a man who had directed another man to lick your pussy. Of course, there was always the possibility that she had accidentally stepped into Unlikely Porn Movies Starring The Sexually Challenged, by mistake.

  Especially since Jimmy just looked so nonchalant, when he answered. As though absolutely no tugging of his cock was going on, behind the scenes.

  “Nah—he told me. She had a phobia. Drove him so crazy that now he gets hard if you even talk about eating pussy.” She felt something like hysteria swell up inside her, when he shaded his mouth for the next part of this conversation. Like they were two best friends in a sitcom, whispering in an exaggerated and ridiculous fashion. “He popped a boner when we were at the movies, once, because they were going on about muff diving.”

  “Just—I don’t think we should be talking about this while he’s between my legs.”

  Again, it took an effort to get the words out. But it was something of a relief once they were shoved in his direction.

  “Why not, baby doll? I’m willing to bet you any money you like he licks harder and faster and better whenever I’m talking about this sort of thing.”

  She considered denying that it was the case. Until Jimmy mentioned something else completely humiliating and embarrassing about him, and Evan flicked his tongue over that too, too right spot. The one just to the right of her clit, just as it started to rise—God. God it felt so good she had to bunch the couch into her fists—even when the couch didn’t want to go.

  Something definitely ripped. Her second orgasm had seemed to dance on the edge of too-sensitive for a while, but now it surged to the forefront, ready and waiting.

  “You gonna come, Ellie?” Jimmy asked, and there was something about his almost…disinterested tone that yanked at her. It appeared forceful and yet not, demanding and yet laidback. She couldn’t pinpoint it—and neither, it seemed, could Evan.

  Instead he lapped harder, faster, and when she felt his hand leave the death grip it had previously had on her thigh, of course it was obvious why. He wanted to finger her while he licked as Jimmy left his place behind the couch.

  Naturally, she knew what that meant. Even in the middle of this aching bliss and her eyes that wanted to close and Evan actually gasping into her pussy, she knew what Jimmy moving signalled.

  He was going to actually get closer to them, and maybe…do things. In fact, definitely do things. She watched him through slitted eyes as he tore off the t-shirt he was wearing and revealed the solid golden shape of his body beneath, only sighing when she thought of Evan not being privy to the show.

  But that only made her consider Evan wanting Jimmy and not wanting her, and oh, confused feelings, confused feelings, what if this was all just them trying to fuck each other through the safe medium of a woman? Though the sight of Jimmy leaning over Evan’s crumpled up body…boy, did that ever make it hard to care.

  Just the way he rubbed a gentle but clearly desiring hand, over the curve of Evan’s back—and palmed his own stiff cock, as he did so. She could just about make out the thick line of it along the seam of his shorts, through the haze of pleasure and the flick of Evan’s tongue and oh God, the way he moaned when Jimmy stroked him.

  “Come on, man,” Jimmy said. “Make her come so you can fuck her.”

  And that was it. That was Jimmy, crossing the bridge between Evan’s hesitancy and reticence and all the things he’d never said, and the dirty things he actually seemed to want.

  Her entire body tightened under the pressure of words she never thought she’d hear, and once they were out it was all just gushing pleasure and her pussy tightening around the sudden press and slide of Evan’s fingers and the startled sound he made, for reasons she couldn’t identify.

  Until her orgasm died down, and he pulled away just a little to tell her that he had felt her clit fluttering, against his tongue.

  She couldn’t find anything bad about his focus being on all the wrong things. And even more so, when it seemed to allow him the dazed leeway, to let Jimmy roll a condom over Evan’s painfully stiff prick.

  She watched, unable to breathe, as deft and very male fingers slid over his length, teasing briefly in a way that definitely made him shiver. One of his arms even found its way around Jimmy’s shoulders, momentarily, as though his balance had lost its way on the journey towards ultimate straightness.

  However, Jimmy didn’t do what she felt sure he was about to. She felt so sure, for a moment, that breath-holding turned into a prepared gasp of shock. He leaned into Evan, ruffling his hair at the back as though he’d turned into Jimmy’s big puppy, and that sly mouth of his came very, very close to Evan’s slack one.

  And Evan didn’t move an inch. Not one inch. As though something about Jimmy’s commanding yet affectionate manner left him wasted and pliant, unable to move beyond anything but pleasure. All the eager pussy eating and the rutting against her and the coming all over her seemed like definite indicators of girl-liking, and yet…this. And Jimmy. And dear Lord was she ever going to be confused while writing in her journal about this, later on.

  Dear Diary,

  Today I had a sexually confused threesome with my two best friends. It could be that they have just mistaken me for a man.



  Though was it okay if she sincerely hoped her diary thoughts were wrong about that whole thing? Smutty books said
men liked to experiment with each other left right and centre, didn’t they? But then again, smutty books also had werefrogs and magic dildos in them.

  What did they know, about reality?

  Or about possibly bisexual men arching over her, expression overflowing with eager desire, while a very non-gay feeling cock rubbed and stroked through her slit.

  Though somehow, it wasn’t the feel of him doing so that made her shiver and murmur his name. It was the way he blurted out a breathless apology, when the thick head of his cock rubbed over her far too sensitive clit, and the sound out of her mouth edged into discomfort.

  That was the thing, the gesture that pushed all questions out of her head and just made her want to link her arms around his neck. Help him the way that Jimmy just had, by reaching between their bodies and guiding him all the way in.

  She felt him flinch at the touch of her hand, then shudder as he slipped into the warm clasp of her pussy, his mouth searching out hers before he’d even begun any kind of slow rock in and out.

  It felt like he needed it, that reassurance of her kisses, and though such an idea was disturbing, it also flooded her with warmth. Of course the warmth could have been entirely down to the sensation of his thick cock, sliding ever more rapidly and urgently into her—but who was she to split hairs, when everything combined made her giddy with pleasure?

  Even the suddenly frantic churn of his hips and the press of his fingers deep into the flesh of her hips and his mouth all wet and slack against the side of her face—even those things felt good. And they felt better, knowing that he’d already had two go arounds and probably shouldn’t even be hard, yet could still somehow work up this level of excited enthusiasm.

  Such excited enthusiasm that Jimmy felt the need to murmur at him to slow down, and placed careful hands on either side of his hips to urge him into a deeper, more drawn out sort of roll. Fuck her like you want it to stick, he said, and that seemed insane and yet so, so good.

  As did the sight of Jimmy, jerking off as he offered his little sex tutorials.

  He had his pants shoved down to mid-thigh, one knee up on the edge of the couch, cock jutting up and almost over Evan’s back. With every roll of Evan’s hips—and sweet slide of pressure over her g-spot—his skin skimmed very close to Jimmy’s prick. So close, in fact, that every now and then Jimmy would angle his cock down, and slither a streak of pre-cum over his friend’s back.

  It was lewd, and filthy, and it made her want to cry with pleasure. And apparently, it didn’t feel much different for Evan. He breathed her name in her ear, shakily, taking her hand when she offered it and squeezing, squeezing. Any moment, he was going to come, she knew, though he at least had the wherewithal to ask if she wanted him to touch her clit again, rub her until she got off, do anything at all and in any order.

  In answer she wrapped her legs tight around his waist, drew him close and urged him on, both because of the feel of him fucking into her and all that provoking of bucket loads of good low down sensation, and because…well. He seemed to need it. He delighted too clearly in the squeeze of her hand and her sudden instinct to say his name—though she couldn’t blame him.

  Lord knew what kinds of things could be confused, in a situation like this. Especially when she was coming close to some awesome kind of orgasm just from being fucked nice and hard, and in that same instant another man grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his cock.

  It was hard to tell amidst the jumble of limbs, but she knew Evan was looking even without the benefit of a clear sighting. Mainly because his thrusts grew choppy and erratic, and even more so when Jimmy grunted come on, Ellie, make me come, make me come all over him.

  At that, the level of panting and squirming grew to epic proportions. He twisted over her as though simultaneously trying to get away while pushing for more, and she could feel his grip, tightening over hers. Any second and he was going to pull her hand off—then Jimmy got really close, and Evan’s entire body seemed to seize.

  She watched his eyes scrunch closed—in almost the same way as when he’d come all over her—right before he managed to blurt out a little no, don’t. It emerged wearing the same embarrassed tone he’d had when telling Jimmy not to look at him, but this time it ended with a guttural groan he couldn’t deny.

  And nor could she. It excited him, it was obvious—and even worse—or better, depending on the point of view—it thrilled through her, too. The feel of him coming, inside her, while trying to fight it. The idea that Jimmy was doing the same thing through her fingers and all over the back of his best friend.

  And finally the fact that none of it felt wrong. Not even a little bit.

  Chapter Four

  Evan woke with his face pressed into Ellie’s…well. That was definitely her boob. And she definitely seemed to be asleep, too, with one leg still casually thrown over him and everything still vaguely slick and sticky between them.

  He recalled snapping off the condom and hurling it…probably not in the trash…but beyond that, things remained foggy. Had she rubbed his back until not lying down on her became almost criminal and definitely stupid? He felt sure she’d at least planted some reassuring kisses, all over his mouth and his cheeks and oh, Ellie. Ellie.

  They’d had sex. He’d actually taken out his penis and put it in Ellie Morgan and she hadn’t said oh, no, fuck what are you doing? In any sort of horrified voice. She hadn’t cried and told him they should just be friends, or looked mildly disgusted or slightly afraid or any of the other things girls largely did, when he tried to get on top of them.

  In fact, he was pretty sure she’d actively encouraged the getting on top. And the licking and touching and hand jobs. She’d even been all over the hand jobs that included his friend.

  Which probably should feel much, much worse than it apparently did. He waited, patiently, to endure the emotional avalanche, or the crisis of sexuality, or something else probably awful and life-changing. And when nothing came beyond mild disgruntlement about Jimmy crushing his legs at the end of the couch, he thought about calling himself up.

  You know, just to make sure that himself hadn’t accidentally been taken over by a pod person, in the middle of the night.

  Even Ellie had seemed to think he needed comforting reassurance and cuddles and boobs in his face. And she was the person who’d touched Jimmy’s cock right before Jimmy decided to come all over—

  Gross. And maybe kind of hot. But also gross.

  He ran a hand over his bare back, beneath his sleep shirt. Nothing was left of whatever had been there, but he could still sense it. Probably lurking, near his armpit— that hot wet splash of whatever Jimmy was calling it, lately. Jizz. Spunk. Liquid love.

  Strangely it was the latter that made his cheeks suddenly burn. Well, maybe that coupled with the thought of walking around with a constant brand on his back and side. I did something most straight guys usually don’t. And I did it while fucking a girl I’ve had a crush on forever.

  The whole thing was so weird it seemed impossible that people wouldn’t know just by looking at him. When Ellie looked at him, why, she would almost certainly know. She would always know because she’d been a part of it, and probably next time she’d want him to…and maybe also…and did she like it when he…? God. God.

  There was something definitely not right about how turned on such thoughts were making him. And particularly so, when Ellie was going to wake up any moment and catch him—his groin was just too close to her thigh for her to miss it. Then maybe Jimmy would wake up, too, and Ellie would giggle about his hard-on, and they’d start discussing his many and embarrassing sexual kinks and oddities, and that would just be unbearable.

  While also being as equally arousing as the feel of her warm skin, pressed against various parts of him.

  It felt almost fortunate, that Jimmy woke up first. Almost.

  “Did we totally just have a threesome? Because bro, I think we did. Up top.”

  Then he held out his hand, for Evan to high five.

  “Don’t, just—shhhh. And put your hand down, I’m not going to slap it.”

  But Jimmy just snorted a laugh into what was most likely the bottom of his friend’s leg, before shifting and scrunching around on a sofa that now felt far too small. Evan noted with something like embarrassment, that Jimmy hadn’t bothered to put a top back on. He’d just laid all night over both of them, with no top on.

  At which point, his brain spewed forth—

  Man, he must be freezing.

  Shortly followed by the knowledge that Jimmy didn’t look freezing. If anything he looked boiling hot and totally full of himself, which seemed very different to “bothered that he doesn’t have a blanket”.

  “Come on—you’re not gonna be all uptight about it, are you?”

  Evan tried to twist around into some sort of dignified position—but it didn’t come easy, while simultaneously trying not to wake Ellie.

  “No. No. It’s just…maybe it wasn’t cool, okay? Maybe she won’t be happy about it.”

  And lowering his voice to say so just made it seem even less cool.

  “Ah, she loved it! Loved fucking you, at any rate—told you so.”

  He spoke as he stood, stretching all over like a big dumb cat and scratching places Evan really didn’t want to know about. But it was Jimmy’s tone that really did a number on him—that smug tone, as though he’d played some kind of matchmaker.

  Though in all honesty, Evan couldn’t really say he hadn’t. Not with one hundred percent surety. Not enough to satisfy his brain, which continued reeling. Dear God, had Jimmy really brought him and Ellie together with the aid of a threesome?? How on earth would they tell their grandkids that story?

  “I really don’t think this is proof of her undying love,” Evan said, and only realised he hadn’t whispered when Ellie suddenly uncurled behind him, shifting until her legs laid either side of his body and her breasts pressed ever so nicely into his back.

  Then said, as she nuzzled a kiss into that sensitive place just below his ear—


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