Gangsta Bitch

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Gangsta Bitch Page 16

by Sonny F. Black

  “Baby, talk to me,” she patted his face.

  “I knew I should’ve made you stay home,” he tried to tease, but only ended up coughing blood in her face. “My bad,” he tried to raise his arm to his mouth to wipe the blood off but couldn’t quite manage.

  “I’m gonna call an ambulance,” Frankie pulled her cell out, but Duce grabbed her by the wrists.

  “And tell them what? I got shot trying to kill your boyfriend over a five-year-old murder?”

  “What should I do?” she asked frantically.

  “Just hold my hand, baby. Sit by me for a minute and let me think about how it used to be.”

  Frankie looked down at him, dropping tears on his face. She couldn’t believe after all this time she was going to lose him again. “Duce…”

  “Don’t talk baby, just be with me for a minute,” he pleaded. Duce’s body stiffened as a shock ran through him and then he was still. Frankie placed her ear to his chest but there was only silence.

  “Duce, talk to me,” she shook him. He opened his mouth to speak, but the only thing that came out was blood. “Don’t die on me, baby. Don’t you dare leave me again after so long!” Frankie pleaded but, as the light faded in his eyes, she knew it was a wrap. Still clutching her lover in her arms, she turned her murderous glare on Cowboy, who was aiming his smoking pistol at her.

  Cowboy recognized the look in her eyes and got a firmer grip on his pistol. “By the time you get the notion to do it, I’ll been done rocked your pretty ass to sleep. That was some dirty shit, Frankie,” he continued, “and even though you tried to put my lights out over this nigga, the sucker in me wants to forgive you. The things I’ve done and will do in life are fucked up, but that’s the G-code, ma. Kill or be killed, you know how it is.”

  “I hate you, Cowboy. You’re a fucking monster,” Frankie sobbed.

  “You don’t mean that,” he said emotionally. “I put you in pocket…gave you a purpose, and this is how you carry it?” he couldn’t hide the hurt in his voice. “Why Frankie, why do this to the man who you’re supposed to love?”

  Frankie looked from Duce to Cowboy with tear-filled eyes. “As I sit here watching my heart bleed out on to your kitchen floor, I’m asking myself the same question,” Frankie stroked Duce’s bloody face.

  “Come with me, Frankie,” Cowboy extended his hand. “We can work this shit out, ma.”

  For the first time, Frankie looked directly at Cowboy and he could see the pure hatred in her eyes when she spoke. “Cowboy, if you’re gonna kill me, you better get on with it, because as God as my witness as soon as I can get the strength in these limbs, I’m gonna snatch that piece up and kill you,” she nodded at her abandoned gun, laying on the floor less than three feet away.

  Cowboy looked from the body of his dead enemy to the woman he’d been sharing his bed with all this time. A part of him hoped that he would see those loving and obedient eyes staring back at him, but there was only hate. “Even in death, this faggot still got your heart? So be it, Frankie Five Fingers.” Cowboy’s finger touched the trigger, but several red dots appearing on his chest gave him pause. He looked up and when his brain registered what was going on, all the blood rushed to his face.

  “You were a fool to steal from me, bandito,” El Pogo said from the doorway. Several hard-faced and armed men trained their weapons on Cowboy. “Adios,” El saluted him.

  “No, no, no!” Cowboy raised his hands, having them blown off in chunks. The first wave of bullets knocked him into the far wall, and the second wave pinned him there. When they finally stopped firing, Cowboy was a little more than a pile of flesh and some clothing. One by one, the men stepped out of the apartment, leaving El Pogo. Without even turning around, Frankie could feel his eyes on her.

  “What did you see?” he asked.

  “Not a mutha fucking thing,” Frankie said, never taking her eyes off Duce. “As a matter of fact, I wasn’t even here.”

  El Pogo nodded. “Let’s hope you stick to that, so my people don’t have to come looking for you too, Frankie Five Fingers,” he said slyly. She didn’t miss the threat beneath his words.

  Frankie knelt there for a while longer before the reality of her situation set in. She got to her feet and rushed to the closet where she drug out Cowboy’s roll-on suitcase. She took the money from the safe, the freezer and several other stash spots Cowboy had in the apartment. Trying to keep her cool, she wheeled it all outside and put it with the money in the trunk of Cowboy’s ride. She knew he had several other safe houses where he kept money and jewels, but she would leave that for the scavengers. One thing Frankie always knew was how to cut her losses, Duce had taught her that. Frankie wasn’t sure where she would go or what she would do with her new life, but whichever way the wind blew her, she’d do it by herself. Frankie had been blessed and cursed twice in a lifetime, but this time Duce left her with a priceless jewel. A cold heart wasn’t hard to mend, it was impossible.






  POW! Diamond’s back slammed against the wall. The impact of her vertebrae crashing into the drywall caused her framed, autographed pictures of basketball player, Darius Jones to shatter onto the hardwood floor. Diamond’s life flashed before her eyes as she thought back to all the lives she had ruined; all the marriages she had wrecked in her short time on earth; twenty-five years to be exact. The loud thunder clapping through the skies drowned out her agonizing screams.

  Her deadly moment had come. The red hot slug from the .357 Magnum ripped through her right shoulder blade, shredding tissue and bone along the way. The crumbling drywall was no match for the angry bullet as it tore through speedily. It destroyed everything in its path, and caused Diamond to fear for her life. Her heart pounded as she tried desperately to reach the .25 automatic tucked down in her purse. To her surprise, it wasn’t there. Suddenly, she looked up through tear soaked eyes and saw her assailant holding the missing pistol.

  “Looking for this?”

  The shooter’s haunting laugh sent chills up and down Diamond’s spine. Bleeding profusely, she struggled to stand up.

  “Who the fuck is you? What the fuck is this shit all about?” Diamond asked hysterically.

  “You’ve stolen something from me that I can’t get back, and now its time to pay the piper,” a cold voice whispered.

  Diamond was sure that she’d heard the voice before but couldn’t quite place it. The shooter was dressed in black jeans, a black pullover hoodie, and black boots with a black fedora hat pulled down over one eye. Diamond looked at the floor in amazement as the .25 automatic slid across the floor to her.

  “Go ahead, bitch. Pick it up.”

  Foolishly, Diamond snatched the gun up, pointed it, and pulled the trigger. The hooded gunman’s sinister laugh resonated throughout the room.

  “And all this time I thought you were smart. But you’re obviously a dumb bitch. You really think I would give your ass a loaded gun? All that cum you’ve been swallowing has made your ass semi-retarded.”

  Diamond threw the gun down in disgust.

  “Fuck!” she shouted.

  “Yep, bitch! That’s exactly what you are! Fucked!”

  As hard as she tried, Diamond just couldn’t get a clear read on the voice that was coming at her. Whoever it was sounded very well educated. There was no slurred speech or slang to connect them with the hood.

  “What the fuck is that ‘spose ta mean?” Diamond asked.

  “It means, it’s payback time and there’s nothing you can do to stop what’s about to happen to you.”

  Diamond’s eyes bulged.

  “You’ve allowed your over-active vagina to ruin your life. You fucked the wrong guy, baby. You took away my life and now I’m gonna return the favor.”

  Diamond tried to think back, but she’d fucked so many men that she couldn’t be sure who the shooter was talking about. Diamond flinched when her assa
ilant pulled something from her back pocket. With a flick of the wrist, a picture sailed across the floor toward her feet. Reaching down with her good arm, she picked it up and stared at it.

  “I don’t even know this fuckin’ kid!” she wailed.

  “Well, maybe you should meet him then. The assassin walked stealthily toward Diamond with the barrel pointed at her head. When the hat and glasses were removed, a look of confusion spread across Diamond’s face. Then it hit her.

  “Wait a fuckin’ minute! It’s you! But why? You…”

  “Your worse fuckin’ nightmare, bitch! I would tell you to say hello to him, but he’s in heaven. And you’re on your way to hell.”

  Light flashed in Diamond’s face as several hollow point bullets were fired. For the first time in her life, Diamond began to pray, and hoped like hell she would survive.

  Chapter One


  How it all Began

  “Where the fuck these bitches at?” I yelled to no one in particular.

  They always crampin’ my style with this bein’ late bullshit. Most bitches like to be fashionably late so they can make an entrance, but not me. I like to get there and scope out the product. That way, if I’m not feelin’ the spot, or the men then I got time to go somewhere else, and it won’t interfere with my dick searchin’ time. I thought about drivin’ myself and just tellin’ Essence and Angie that I would meet them at the club, but then I came to my senses. Gas in Cleveland had soared to damn near four dollars a gallon. Why the fuck should I drive and use my gas? Fuck that. Let them hoes drive their own shit, I told myself with a smirk.

  I stopped to laugh while checkin’ myself in the mirror for the fifth time in the last twenty minutes. No doubt, I was a sexy bitch. I slid my hand across my short, pixie cut, hair style wondering why people couldn’t see a touch of Halle Berry in me. Besides our similar hairstyles, we were both curvaceous, same height, same complexion, just different sized wallets. The only other difference was the fact that Halle once had a sex fanatic on her hands, and I in turn craved sex daily.

  It was never hard to get my daily dosage ‘cause niggas go crazy over Dream, the nickname I’d given my pussy. Like this one nigga I use to fuck around with. I can’t even remember his name… but this nigga was actin’ like he ain’t ever seen pretty, succulent pussy before. Talk about clingy; I couldn’t take a shit without him wanting to wipe my ass. The only way I could get rid of the magnet muthafucka was to have Essence and Angie bring him by the house and act as if I had a surprise for him. I had one for his ass alright. As soon as he walked through the door, he was treated with the surprise of seeing my lips wrapped around another nigga’s dick. The look on his face was priceless. Essence and Angie laughed for almost an hour behind that shit.

  The worst part by far though was that the lame ass nigga didn’t even have the self-respect to get mad. He just stood there cryin’ like a bitch, askin’ how could I do that to him. Now I know that I’m a bad bitch but damn, show some fuckin’ dignity. If that situation taught me anything, it taught me that just because a nigga has a big dick doesn’t mean that he can fuck.

  Suddenly, I stopped thinkin’ and rushed over to the window to look out into the darkness. I got annoyed because I still didn’t see my girls, or any headlights comin’ down the street. Not content with the view, I opened the door, walked on the porch and looked up and down the street. Still, nothing. Starting to get pissed, I flipped open my cell phone to call Angie.

  “Yo’, where the fuck y’all at, chick?”

  “Keep yo’ bra on hoe, we coming.” Before I could spit out a comeback, Angie hung up on me.

  “Bitch!” I shouted. I’ma get the last muthafuckin’ laugh on her ass. That chick owes me ten dollars and as soon as she turns her head tonight, I’ma go through her purse and clip her trick ass. That was a promise. Friend or no friend, I never played when it came to money. I didn’t have much, so what I had, I needed..

  Knowin’ that there was nothing else that I could do besides wait, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Mango Alizė that I had chillin’ in the fridge. After gulpin’ down a few swallows, I decided to call Angie’s ass back and cuss her out for hangin’ up on me. Just as I started to dial, the phone vibrated in my hand. After checkin’ the screen and seeing that it was my boss, Jason Sims, I let it go to voice mail.

  As much as I loved havin’ his white, eleven inch dick blowing my back out, tonight was girl’s night out. Plus, I was sure to get a chance to test drive some fresh dick at the club. Dream needed variety. Maybe I can catch him at work so we can sneak off somewhere. I really wanna suck him off, I thought with a devious smirk.

  I remembered the last time his pale-lookin’ ass came over. Me and my girls were just chillin’ out, smokin’ a fat ass blunt and watchin’ Martin re-runs. But as soon as he walked in with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder, I knew what time it was. Fifteen minutes later my girls were out the door and I was gettin’ my ass waxed. Damn, just thinkin’ about that night got me hot as fuck. As if it had a mind of its own, my right hand found its way to the top of my off the shoulder, metallic looking dress and dove inside. Ever so slowly, my hand slid over my left breast and caressed my size 34 Double D’s.

  “Oh shit,” I inadvertently moaned as I pinched my now swollen nipple.

  After bringin’ my left hand up to squeeze my right nipple, I let my right hand drop toward the bottom of my dress. Before I knew it, my finger was attacking my clit. Soon after, two fingers found their way inside my wet love hole. I finger fucked myself until both of my fingers were dripping with pre-cum. Wantin’ to bust a nut in the worst way, I slid my fingers out of my pussy and guided them back up to my clit. I pinched, messaged, teased, and flicked my little man in the boat until I exploded.

  “Oooo, shit that felt good,” I moaned to myself as hot cum ran down my honey colored legs, slightly burning my inner thigh.

  A voice sounded.

  “Bitch, what the fuck you doing?”

  Startled, I opened my eyes to see Essence and Angie standing in front of me with smirks on their faces. As usual, Angie’s face was perfectly painted with tons of make-up; different color eye shadows, foundation, blush, and mascara that looked as if it would never come off. Her micro braids were pulled up into a tight ponytail.

  “The fuck it look like I’m doin’, Angie,” I shot back, showin’ them that I wasn’t embarrassed in the least. “You hoes took so long; so I figured I’d get a nut off while I was waitin’.”

  “Damn, slut. Yo’ nympho ass couldn’t wait ‘til you got back home?” Angie asked with her nose turned up.

  “Nympho? Chick, you got a lotta nerve.”

  “Look, you two can argue in the car,” Essence said in her overly proper voice. “Let’s roll.”

  Essence led the way as me and Angie eye-balled each other, headed out the door in search of some hot action.

  “And how come yo’ ass don’t never drive?” Angie had the nerve to ask me.

  “Yes, how come you don’t ever drive,” Essence cosigned.

  Jealous-ass hoes, I thought. Just as I was about to make up an excuse, I heard a deep, raspy voice call my name.

  “Yo’ Diamond, can I holla at chu fo’ a minute?”

  I turned my head to the right to see my neighbor, Paul, starin’ at me with puppy dog eyes. Although this muthafucka was really starting to get on my fuckin’ nerves, I smiled to myself at the thought of my pussy being so good that it kept on breakin’ these weak-ass men down.

  “Damn, girl, that nigga still sweating the fuck outta you?” whispered Angie.

  Nodding my head and rollin’ my eyes, I asked my friends to wait in Essence’s whip. Like I knew those nosey bitches would, they let the windows down so they could eavesdrop. “Damn, you hoes nosey,” I said, poppin’ my lips. They gave me the finger as I turned around and walked toward Paul.

  “What, nigga? Don’t you see I’m ‘bout to kick it with my girls?”

  “Yeah…I mean…I jus
t wanna holla at chu fo a second.”

  “What you want Paul?” I asked, rubbin’ my temples like I was gettin’ a headache.

  “I’m jus’ sayin’ Diamond…I mean damn, what the fuck I do? I thought we had a good thing going and you just dropped a muthafucka!”

  After lookin’ at his screwed up face, I broke out into laughter. I know this sucka for love ass nigga don’t call his self gettin’ mad. Not when after I cut his ass off from the punanny, he cried like a bitch. After I finally stopped laughin’, I put my hands on my shapely hips and went into check-a-nigga mode.

  “First of all Paul, I told yo ass from the gate, I wasn’t lookin’ for no serious type shit. I ain’t tryin’ to be wifey to no muthafucka.”

  “I’m just sayin’, Diamond, I ain’t tryin’ ta make you wifey, I just wanna keep havin’ a good time wit chu.”

  I can’t lie. I thought about goin’ one more round in the sack with Paul, my El DeBarge look-alike. The nigga couldn’t fuck worth shit, but his tongue game was on point like a muthafucka. I quickly dismissed that thought, knowin’ that this nigga would get even more sprung if I gave him any more of my killer pussy. Dream was a beast.

  “Look, Paul,” I said preparin’ him for the lie I was about to spit out. “I didn’t wanna tell you this but apparently yo ass need to hear it. The reason I stopped fuckin’ you is because me and my ex are gettin’ back together. I didn’t tell you at first because I didn’t wanna hurt your feelings, but you keep pressin’ me about the shit.” I paused to lick my thick lips ‘cause I knew that shit turned him on. “Look, I gotta go. My girls gettin’ impatient. Plus, I don’t want my dude to do a ride by and catch me talkin’ to you.”


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