Just Another Day at the Office

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Just Another Day at the Office Page 1

by Lacey Kane

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Just Another Day at the Office

  Copyright © 2012 by Lacey Kane

  Cover Design by Adrienne Thorne

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without written permission.

  For more information: [email protected]

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit material and adult language, and might offend some readers. This is for adults only.

  Disclaimer: The sexual practices contained herein are of a fantasy BDSM nature. Do not try any new sexual practice or any of those described within this book without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Many of the acts described within this book are figments of the author’s rather abundant imagination and might, therefore, not be possible, legal, and/or advisable. Neither the publisher nor the author will be responsible for any loss, injury, harm, or death resulting from the use of the information found within this or any other title.














  About the Author

  Other Lacey Kane Titles

  “Good morning, everyone,” Russ Toyer said. He entered the board room and took his seat at the head of the table. Looking down the black oak table at his new staff of product testers, he allowed himself a smile. He’d selected quite the group.

  Chase Bruner sat to his left in Wranglers and boots with a black cowboy hat dipped low over his eyes, looking ready to lasso a bull at any moment.

  On Chase’s left was Jayson Grant, former defensive end for the Dallas Cowboys, wearing a designer suit that accentuated his massive, muscular frame. Early retirement had only allowed Jayson more time to work out, so he was even bigger now than he was in his playing days.

  On the opposite side of the table, Zach Allendale had a yellow legal pad and pen poised to take notes, should they be necessary. Probably a hard habit for the lawyer to break.

  “Welcome to the Toyz ‘R Us team,” Russ said. “I trust you’ve all read through your contracts and know what’s expected.” He looked over at Zach and raised an eyebrow. If any man present was going to have an objection to the contract, it would be the legal mind of the bunch, considering they’d be testing sex toys before they were put out on the market. Zach nodded, though, so Russ pressed on.

  “Excellent. I’ve hired each of you an assistant, carefully selected based on the preferences and requirements noted in your application packets. They’re due to arrive in about fifteen minutes, so you can help them acclimatize to their new responsibilities. A file is waiting in each of your offices with all the pertinent details on your assistants. By mid-morning, my assistant, Abby, will be around to each of your offices to deliver your first test product assignments.”

  Russ shuffled a stack of papers on the table. “You’ve got a weekly budget already set up for your assistants, for other supplies you might need. Check your file for details on how that will work. And you’re each responsible for setting the rules for your own assistants—working days and hours, dress code, system of discipline, and the like.” He met and held each of their gazes for a moment, letting his words sink in.

  “As long as you complete testing of your assigned products each week and finalize the reports for our Monday morning meetings for discussion, feel free to operate your tests and trials as you see fit. Some weeks, we’ll all test the same products, and other weeks we’ll have products catered specifically to our individual specialties and preferences. I’m sure you’ll be pleased with this week’s choices. We’ll arrange a demonstration for the office later in the week. Any questions?”

  Chase leaned over, leaning his elbows on the table. “The contract mentioned somethin’ about client demonstrations, not just demos for the rest of the office?”

  “There won’t be any this first week,” Russ said. “I’ll let you know when we’ve got something scheduled and who I’ll be sending them to. You’ll always have at least a day or two notice, so you can plan how you’ll want to go about the demo.”

  Zach nodded. “Will the clients be allowed to participate in the demonstrations?”

  “Of course, if they want.”

  “And if our assistants don’t work out for whatever reason?” Jayson asked. He cracked his knuckles.

  “If you’ve taken all the disciplinary measures you feel are necessary and aren’t happy with your assistant’s performance, let me know and she’ll be replaced as soon as possible.”

  Russ took another look around. His new product testers were all nodding, eyes narrowed, deep in thought. “Well, if there’s nothing—”

  “I’ve got one last question,” Jayson said. He pushed away from the table, folding his massive arms over his chest. “Well, technically two. Do we have to do all our tests in the office, and can we allow anyone else to assist us?”

  “Excellent questions.” Russ smiled. “Testing can take place anywhere, any time. We have a number of amenities here at the office which can aid you in your testing, but there is no requirement that you use them. As I said earlier, as long as your reports are prepared for Monday morning meetings, it’s a free-for-all. And feel free to enlist assistance. No one else gets paid for their time, but if they’re willing…” He lifted his hands out to the side, palms up, with a shrug.

  The bell tinkled as the front door opened, and the sound of feminine voices filtered into the Toyz ‘R Us board room.

  “Sounds like our assistants have arrived. Let’s get to work.”

  Jayson studied the headshot in his file and looked over the notes. Chelsea Landry. Twenty-one, five-foot-eight, size zero, D-cup bra. Blonde hair and blue eyes, and a cute little button nose. All the things that would look good on his arm.

  He scanned down the list at her sexual profile. Sucks cock like a champ, multi-orgasmic, loves her pocket vibrator, owns two smallish dildos (a five incher and a six incher), anal virgin, one partner at a time, experience with basic missionary and doggy-style positions only, never had an older boyfriend or sexual partner. Jayson chuckled. A lot of that was about to change.

  A knock sounded at his door. He double-checked that her signed employment contract and the release for the product trials were inside, then closed the file and pushed it aside. “Come in,” he called out.

  “Good morning, Mr. Grant,” Chelsea said as she ducked inside. She had on a long-sleeved, pink button down blouse, a gray pencil skirt that covered way too much leg, and pumps with knee-high pink socks. That wouldn’t do at all. “Mr. Toyer said I should report to you.” A fierce blush stained her cheeks as she looked around the room, already filled with his Cowboys paraphernalia and framed photos of him with some of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders in various states of undress.

  “Take a seat, Chelsea.” Jayson gestured to the chair across from him. “Call me Jayson.”

  She slipped into the chair and crossed her feet at the ankles, then looked up and met his gaze.

  “I’m sure you’re aware of all the details of your employment contract with Toyz ‘R Us, so I won’t bother reiterating any of that to you. Let’s just cut to the chase. I’m a product tester. I’ve got to make certain that all of the products we put on the market are safe, reliable, and deliver on their promises. I have to be sure that everyt
hing we put out is top-notch. The highest quality. We don’t make just plain Jane, run-of-the-mill sex toys. As my assistant, it’s going to be your job to assist me in any and every way I require. Got that?”

  Chelsea nodded.

  “Good, because I’ll be testing them on you.”

  Her jaw dropped. That gave him a good opportunity to check out that sweet, little heart-shaped mouth. It would be a tight fit for his cock, but she could handle him. She had a tongue ring in, too. He must have missed that in her file.

  “Our first product assignment should be here in the next hour or so. In the meantime, let’s get to know each other a little. Why don’t you show me those D-cups?”

  “But—but I thought I was going to be your secretary,” she spluttered. Her eyes traveled to the wide-open mini-blinds covering three of the four walls of his office. Anyone walking by in the hall would be able to clearly see in, as could anyone on several floors in the next building over. “I thought I was going to type up reports and schedule appointments, that sort of thing.”

  “You are,” Jayson replied calmly. “You’ll be doing both.”

  “But it didn’t say anything in the contract—”

  “It said you’d be required to perform all functions related to the job at hand,” Jayson said, interrupting her. He moved around the desk, blocking her exit in case she tried to bolt. “The job at hand is that of assisting a sex toy product tester. Product testers test products, and they need subjects to test those products upon. Why did you think we required you to sign that release if we weren’t going to be using our toys on you, Chelsea?”

  “I thought it was for if I used them on myself. Alone. At home. On a trial basis.”

  Jayson crossed his arms over his chest and planted his feet shoulder-width apart. That was pretty wide, considering. “You thought wrong. It never said anything about any of that. Maybe you should have asked questions before you signed.”

  Chelsea shook her head, her clear blue eyes wide. “This can’t be legal.”

  “Should we go consult a lawyer? We have one in-house, and he assures me everything in these documents will hold up in court.”

  With a huff that sent her bangs flying, she said, “Then I quit.”

  Jayson smiled. She really should have read through that contract before she signed it. “I’ll accept this as your ninety-day notice if you’d like. You can change your mind on that at any point during the ninety days and it will be like you never issued it. In the interim, you’ll have to continue performing your duties as outlined within the contract and as assigned by me. Or, if you want to break the contract outright, then you will owe Toyz ‘R Us a year’s salary, due upon the moment of termination.”

  For a few minutes, Chelsea sat there with her mouth opening and closing, as though she was searching for another argument. “I suppose we should make it my ninety-day notice, then,” she mumbled.

  “Fine. I’ll let Russ know. Now, let’s get back to work, why don’t we? Take off your shirt. I want to see what’s underneath.”

  Chelsea dropped her eyes, but her hands moved to the buttons of her blouse, shaking as she undid them. She had on a sexy little pink bra underneath, the lace-covered, demi-cup sort where her tits were nearly spilling out. When she pulled her arms free, he took the shirt from her and hung it in the coat closet in his office.

  When he came back to her, Jayson moved behind her and trailed his fingertips over the tops of her bra cups, dipping just beneath to tweak her nipples, playing with them. She squealed a little at the contact. Whether she wanted to be aroused or not, those nubs were already rock-hard before he ever touched them.

  Definitely fake boobs, but he didn’t care. Texture had never mattered in terms of getting his cock up as much as size and shape. This pair was just about as perfect as either God or a plastic surgeon could make them.

  “Lose the skirt, too,” he said, still rolling her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

  When she reached behind her back to undo the zipper, it caused those gorgeous breasts to stand up at attention even more than they already were. He didn’t move back at all, causing her to brush her hands against his cock while reaching for it. She gasped, probably because he was already hot and hard and ready. That, or maybe because of how big he was. Either way, he liked the fact that he unnerved her. The zip released, and the skirt fell to her feet. Chelsea had on a tight little pair of boy-shorts, white cotton with pink trim to match her bra.

  “We’ll be going shopping for supplies this afternoon,” Jayson told her, kicking the skirt aside. The boy-shorts wouldn’t do, and his budget would allow for lingerie, lube, condoms—all that sort of thing.

  Chelsea just nodded at him. She probably didn’t have a clue what he meant by ‘shopping’ or ‘supplies,’ but that was just as well.

  As it was, just from the little bit of attention he was paying her tits, her breathing was weak and her eyes had turned a deeper shade of blue. For all her sass, she was going to be an easy one to work with.

  Jayson took his hands away from her breasts finally—though he did it reluctantly. He reminded himself he’d have plenty of time to do far more than he was doing then. “Bend over for me at the waist.”

  She glared at him, but a minute later, she did as he asked. As soon as she did, Jayson bent over and rubbed her ass. His hands were bigger than her cheeks. God, he would love to fuck that ass, pulling hard on those massive tits to ram her down further onto his cock. He would, too. Soon. But first, he’d have to spend some time working her up to it.

  “So,” he said while he squeezed and pressed against her cheeks, “like I said, this afternoon, we’ll go shopping for supplies. Tomorrow, instead of coming in to the office, you’re going to come to my house. Be there at nine a.m. sharp. I’ll give you your uniform before you go home tonight.” He slipped a finger beneath her panties and slid it along her already sopping wet pussy lips and then back, until it pressed lightly against her tight little puckered hole.

  She gasped. “My uniform?” she said on a moan when he pushed his finger inside, up to the first bend, and then wiggled it.

  Before he could answer, a knock sounded at the door. Must be Abby with their test products. “Come in,” he called out, not moving from his current position.

  Chelsea squirmed and tried to straighten herself, but he planted one hand at the base of her neck to hold her in place and kept the other on her ass, one digit working in her nether hole. The door opened, and a sexy, little brunette came in with huge eyes, staring at Chelsea and carrying a sealed box.

  “Set that on the desk, please, Abby.” Jayson pressed his finger deeper, moving to the second joint, and used two others to slide inside her cunt. She squirmed against him—but even more wetness met his efforts.

  Abby hurried inside and nearly dropped the box, her jaw hanging slack. Then she looked back at him. “Mr. Toyer said I should ask if you needed anything else from me before I go, Mr. Grant.”

  Did he? Several ideas ran through Jayson’s head, but he figured he’d better not scare either of the girls too quickly. “That’ll be all for today. I’m sure you have other things to do.”

  He didn’t have to tell her twice. Abby nearly sprinted out the door and slammed it shut behind her.

  “Well,” Jayson said, “why don’t we see what we’ve got to test this week, hmm?” He regretfully removed his fingers, guided Chelsea back to her seat, then moved behind the desk again. From his desk drawer, he pulled out a box opener and cut the seal.

  He couldn’t stop the wide grin that overtook him then. Russ Toyer was a fucking god.

  That smile couldn’t be good. Chelsea leaned forward, trying both ignore the ache in her sex, butt, and tits, and to see inside the box, but then thought better of it. Maybe she didn’t want to know.

  Whether she wanted to know what was in it or not, though, didn’t seem to matter.

  Jayson looked up and met her eyes with a lewd grin. “Looks like Russ’s looking out for me.” He lifted
out the contents, one item at a time, setting them out on the desk in front of her.

  It was all Chelsea could do not to gawk. She was no stranger to sex toys, but she’d never seen the likes of these first items. They looked like shorter, wider, cone-shaped dildos, in graduated sizes and made of steel. Four of them, all lined up in a row like little ducks. But he didn’t stop there. He pulled out two regular looking dildos that were definitely bigger than any she’d ever used. Then a black, leather, strappy looking thing—something that could only go around her waist and between her legs. Was that a chastity belt? Good grief, he couldn’t seriously intend to use that on her. Then he pulled out two final items: a monstrous tube of lube and a long, twisty, pink silicone thing with bumps of varying shapes and sizes all over it.

  This was going to be unlike any job she’d ever had before.

  When he finally emptied the box of all its contents, he moved it to the floor beneath his desk and winked at her. “Know what all of this is?”

  Chelsea gulped and shook her head.

  “These two,” he said, pulling the dildos closer to him for inspection, “I’m sure you’ll recognize, are dildos.” He looked at the bases and smirked. “Vibrators, actually.”

  Jayson picked up the steel items next. “And these lovely devices are graduated—” he broke off to look at the bottoms again— “vibrating butt plugs. Both the dildos and the butt plugs are designed to fit into this harness, which will hold them in place for as long as I want them there.”

  So it wasn’t a chastity belt. Jesus freaking Christ, it was even worse than she’d imagined.

  “I’m sure you know what lubricant is. We’ll be needing plenty of it, it appears, because of all of these anal toys. And finally,” he said, picking up the odd looking silicone thing, “this is what Toyz ‘R Us is calling a snake. That’s all you need to know about it for now, though. We’ll play with it later on.”


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