CAGED (Mackenzie Grey #2)

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CAGED (Mackenzie Grey #2) Page 8

by Karina Espinosa


  With Jonah just a few inches away, his body heat crawled over to me, making it impossible to fall asleep right away. The itch to scoot over and huddle against him was unbearable, but after a while I was finally able to fall into blissful sleep…that is until he started nudging me awake. With my head under the covers, I tightened my fists on the comforter to keep the covers from getting ripped off. This was something I was used to with Roman.

  “Kenz you have to wake up. I have to bring you to the warehouse before sunrise,” Jonah mumbled as he tried to pry the sheets away from me.

  “Is that why you’re here? Bash sent a babysitter?” I grumbled, my eyes glued shut.

  “Well, I wouldn’t put it that way, but yeah, I’m here to make sure you get back as planned,” he said.

  “But I just fell asleep,” I whined. “Five more minutes.”

  I felt the bed dip and then realign. His footsteps didn’t go too far just as I was thrown in the air, landing face first on the floor. Jonah had tipped the mattress over, effectively getting me up. I wiped the bit of drool I had on my cheek and stood, glaring at the asshole before me.


  “Kenz, you told me to give you five more minutes an hour ago! Get in the shower and let’s move. We’re late and you can sleep on the way to Little Falls.”

  Sebastian, of course, was as cranky as I was—his reason different from mine. Jonah and I had been late, but in my defense I was lacking in the sleep department.

  They left Jackson in charge of the Pack while we were gone, as the Alpha and the Beta escorted me to see Charles. The last time I had been in Little Falls, was the first time I shifted with other wolves. The experience was like no other—like a cleansing of some sorts. Those were the good memories, but the not so good memories? Those were my interactions with the Alpha of the Northeast region—Charles Cadwell.

  The tall-iron wrought gate with concrete pillars on either side welcomed us to Cadwell Estate. The familiar three mile drive through the Estate was as beautiful as I remembered and I watched as wolves ran beside our car as bodyguards. Their glowing eyes flashed through the car window as they watched me, so I flashed mine to establish dominance. Once they couldn’t handle my glare, the wolves turned away and ran faster. I faced forward again and met cold blue orbs through the rear view mirror. Creases at the corner of his eyes told me he was laughing, but the quirk of his brow hinted that I had surprised Sebastian Steel. Another point for Team Kenzie.

  Unlike the last time, Charles was already waiting for us by the front door as we drove up the massive circle shaped drive way. The signature Cadwell eyes followed us as we got out of the vehicle. In jeans and a tucked in button up, with his brown hair slicked back in waves—the only difference was the dash of grey hair that peered at the sides.

  Since it wasn’t a full moon, the Estate appeared much larger than before with the silence and emptiness. The Alpha walked down the front steps and whistled at the wolves that escorted us inside the property. Some ran inside the house, and others went into the woods. But none remained besides Charles, Jonah, Sebastian, and me.

  “I think this is a first. I’ve never seen a lone-wolf come out of hiding to get captured,” Charles said. “You are quite peculiar, Mackenzie Grey.”

  “Right back atcha,” I pointed my finger at him and winked.

  “Mackenzie,” Sebastian growled as he elbowed me in the ribs.

  “Ouch,” I scoffed. “Easy there, it was a compliment.”

  “Behave,” he whispered and turned to Charles. “My apologies for our tardiness. I was dealing with some things that took up more time than anticipated,” Bash took the blame.

  “No worries, I expected it,” Charles glowered at me and then shifted to his son. “You look well, Jonah. I presume Miss. Grey’s arrival has brightened up your mood?”

  What the hell was the old man talking about?

  “I’m well, Father,” Jonah said, looking embarrassed. “The office?”

  “Yes, you know the way,” his father answered and we followed him inside. I kept my head down as we walked in, only glancing at the foyer with the double winding staircase. This place was so damn fancy, I was scared to breathe or I might knock over some priceless vase with my lungs. And Charles already looked ticked as it was, I didn’t need to piss him off further.

  We entered his office and it smelled just as I remembered—wood, rain, and cigars. It seemed like things never changed with these wolves—which was downright depressing. They were going to get a rude awakening with me.

  We sat in a sitting area by the liquor cart as Charles poured himself a drink. He offered but we all refused.

  “Mackenzie,” he started. “What brings you back to New York? I’m sure it wasn’t the weather. You look tanned.”

  I smirked. “What did me in was the pizza. How anyone can ever survived without New York pizza is blasphemous, don’t you think?”

  Those brown eyes hardened. “Of course. Such a tragedy,” he said.

  I waved him off. “But let’s skip all the passive aggressiveness, shall we? Let’s get to what you really want to know.”

  “Direct, just like your—never mind,” he smiled. “Please tell us where you have been this past year.”

  I sat between Sebastian and Jonah and I could feel the stiffness of their bodies. They weren’t fond of the banter between Charles and I, but I didn’t care. Something had been nagging me since I returned and this was the perfect time to test my theory. Lone-wolves were killed on the spot, no questions asked, for example: Emma’s father. But I’ve been prancing around for the last thirty six hours, walked right into a wolves’ den, and the worst I probably have are clogged ears from the flight back East. Why was I getting special treatment? From someone who had the power to order my death in a split second.

  “That’s where we might hit a snag,” I said. “I can’t tell you where I’ve been, but I can tell you what I’ve done,” I grinned. There was no way I was going to spill the beans on Lucian. I wouldn’t put it past them if they killed him just for aiding and abetting. And that would lead to Roman, and I didn’t want him involved—hence all the unanswered voicemails and text messages I’ve been avoiding.

  “Pray tell, what have you done?” he chuckled as if I amused him.

  I stood from my seat and paced in front of them, ticking off everything I’ve done on my fingers. “First, I went on a Vision Quest,” that got a gasp from them, “and boy was that one hell of a trip. Like being on acid or some shit, not that I would know,” I laughed. “Then I got to chill and enjoy my quasi freedom. You know typical shit like sippin’ mojitos pool side, sleeping in, and binging on all episodes of The Gilmore Girls. Have you seen it? Seriously, give it a shot.”

  “Mackenzie,” Sebastian warned but I didn’t look at him, I didn’t want to lose my nerve.

  “I digress, and then I had an interesting chat with my wolf. Man, she’s awesome. We’re so in tuned with one another, I’m no longer moon-bound. Oh, and I also got to meet some cool supernatural peeps. Like Nymphs, Warlocks, Imps, Ogres, and even a ton of Sucubi—which brings me to my last thing. Emma.”

  “That was your scent we caught on her?” Charles asked.

  “Her scent?” Jonah interrupted but his father ignored him. The boys didn’t know that Charles had gotten a lead on me. Interesting.

  “Bingo, daddy-o,” I joked, “and I want to know where she is.”

  My stare met Charles head on as he tapped a hand on his chin, contemplating everything I said.

  “That’s why you’re here? For a child?”

  “Wow, you sure are on a roll there, Mr. Cadwell. You should play the lottery.”

  “She was reported by the Desert Wolves—any relation to you?” his eyes narrowed to slits.

  I scrunched my brows inward. “The what?” I lied. I couldn’t implicate La Loba either, she had been too good to me.

  “Guess not,” he paused. “If you must know, the child is here, under my order.”
  All the confidence and cockiness that pumped through my veins chilled into ice, and I felt the blood drain from my face. Why would they keep her at the Estate for all this time? I had been told she’d be given to a Pack. I inhaled to catch a whiff of her scent but the smell of cigars in his office overpowered all of my senses.

  “Oh don’t fret, Miss. Grey, she is in excellent hands. Quite the spitfire like yourself,” Charles said. “I’ll even let you see her before you leave—but only if you do as I say.”

  Deals. Of course he wanted to bargain. My loyalty for a quick visit—and I hated to say, but I wouldn’t do it—not even for Emma. That thought made me sick to my stomach.

  “Dad, this isn’t necessary,” Jonah said. “We aren’t here to play games.” Sebastian only watched me, always the observer.

  “No games, Son. There is only one thing I want from Miss. Grey, and then she is free to go,” Charles said and that piqued my interest.

  “Free?” I inquired. “Like lone-wolf free?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Free.”

  I half coughed, half gasped, as Charles said the one thing I never thought in a million years I’d ever hear him say.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  He leaned back in his chair and took a sip of bourbon from his tumbler. “I only ask that you take a seat and listen to a story. When I’m done, you can decide what you deem is best for yourself—and if being a lone-wolf is what you think is right, we will not hunt you. Do we have a deal?”

  Without a second thought, I extended my hand to Jonah’s father. “Deal.”

  Chapter Eight

  “The American Summit consists of the five region Alphas of the United States, two Alphas from Canada, and one from Central America,” Charles stated. “Many lone-wolves believe South America is a haven because no designated Packs live there, but that’s a mistake. We have a team of trackers positioned there, keeping that continent free of lone-wolves.”

  I sat by myself as I listened to Charles, but watched Sebastian and Jonah on the sofa in front of me. It couldn’t be this easy. There was no way I would listen to some story and have my freedom, it sounded like a trick.

  “Why are you telling me this?” I asked, impatient.

  “Just listen, Miss. Grey,” Charles said. “Europe on the other hand, is different from the New World. They still live by very old laws—and still rule under a monarchy.”

  “Charles, no,” Sebastian interrupted as he stood. “She isn’t ready.” His blue gaze flickered between the Alpha and I in concern.

  “Sebastian, you don’t give Miss Grey enough credit. If she’d like to keep her freedom, then I’m sure this small story won’t do much damage, yes?” he motioned to me.

  I was still looking at Bash and Jonah, both of them appeared as if they would throw up at any minute. How bad could this story be?

  I nodded for him to continue, even if my gut told me to call off this deal, but I wanted to be free more than anything. I’d pay the consequences sooner or later.

  “Very well,” Charles continued with a grin. “As I was saying, the European Summit does not consist of a committee like here in the New World, but a monarchy. One that has been ruled by the same family for many centuries. Although we have a Summit, the European one can overrule us whenever they’d like because they are the law.”

  He paused to take a drink and I couldn’t stop bouncing my right leg like Emma does. He was building up for something major and it only pissed me off further that he was being dramatic about it.

  “Any day now, Charles. I’m getting old here,” I said as I faked a yawn.

  “There was a rumor, less than twenty five years ago, that our King—no less—was having an affair. An affair with someone that wasn’t a Lycanthrope, which is a huge no-no for the royal family. And an even bigger no-no to betray your mate.”

  “Wow, real scandalous,” I laughed. “Would be an amazing reality TV show.”

  Charles smirked. “Right. The Queen heard of the King’s betrayal, and had the mistress executed at once. Some said his lover was with child at the time, but there was never any proof.”

  My smile fell to the pit of my stomach, and I paled as my gray eyes widened. My head whipped to Bash and Jonah, but neither of them would look me in the eyes. I didn’t want to hear what came next.

  “There wasn’t any proof of a love child until a year and a half ago when a lone-wolf strolled in to the Brooklyn Pack,” Charles said.

  “No,” I whispered. “You’re full of shit.” My feet stumbled over each other as I stood. My body shook so much, I could no longer stay seated.

  “Mackenzie Grey—you are the illegitimate daughter of Alexander MacCoinnich—King of the Lycans.”

  “No,” I mumbled as I shook my head. “You’re lying. My father is Thomas Grey…”

  “He is not your biological father,” Sebastian murmured beside me. I hadn’t even seen him move. “Take deep breaths.” I was hyperventilating. The oxygen in the room was getting sucked out by a vacuum and it burned my chest. My eyes watered, blurring my vision. I gasped for air, but I still couldn’t breathe.

  “You are in great peril, Miss Grey,” Charles said. “What others would do to have you join their Packs—”

  “Shut the fuck up!” I gasped, clutching my chest. “Just shut the fuck up!”

  “Kenz,” Jonah tried to comfort me, but I brushed him off. They couldn’t just tell me something like that and not expect me to freak out. I had no details on anything which made it easy for me to pretend that I wasn’t adopted. But now? Things were becoming real and the bastard knew it would get a rise out of me.

  “Don’t “Kenz” me, this is some serious shit! And you all knew!”

  “You said you didn’t want to know,” Bash said. “When you left, keeping you in the dark was okay because no one knew where you were, but now that you’re back,” he paused, “it changes everything.”

  “Why? We can keep this a secret between us, no one else has to ever know,” I said. “I will go far, far away, you’ll never have to worry about me!” I attempted to bargain, but the look on everyone’s faces told me what I needed to know.

  “Do you remember The Summit meeting I had while you were home during Winter break with Jonah?” Sebastian said.

  I nodded.

  “That was when I presented your lineage to The Summit. Everyone already knows. You coming back to New York made you fair game to any Pack that wants you.”

  I froze. “Excuse me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means,” Sebastian started. “That you’re in American territory and you’re unclaimed. Any Pack can easily force you into fealty.”

  “Force me?” I repeated.

  “Yes, Miss Grey. Sebastian has been all too kind with you, but if he really wanted, he could have forced you into the Pack,” Charles said. “Because of my son’s…fondness of you, I have put all Northeastern Packs on alert that you are hands-off, but I cannot speak for other regions.”

  I could only imagine how I looked—like a red hot chili pepper. Scary scenarios ran through my mind, and before I knew it, I was running out of Charles office. My earlier fears came to life as I stumbled and knocked over a vase of flowers. The sound of glass shattering a distant noise as I rushed out of the house to the drive way. Hands on my knees, hair in my face, I tried to even out my breaths. I knew I was exaggerating to some extent, but Charles played his cards right, he’s expecting me to join the Brooklyn Pack for my own safety, and I would be stupid if I didn’t contemplate it.

  “Mackenzie, are you okay?” Sebastian came up behind me as I dry-heaved. His presence a wall of emotion-free concern.

  “I just…I just can’t be in there,” I panted.

  “That’s understandable. Sit down before you pass out,” he motioned me over to the front steps of the Estate. He sat beside me as we both stared off into the winding drive-way. He kept some space between us, his posture rigid.

  I shook my head as if that woul
d make everything go away. “Bash,” I whispered. “Is it true? Am I adopted?”

  Those cold blue eyes softened as he stared into mine. He only nodded.

  “I need to go home, I need to speak with my parents,” I said as I tried to stand.

  “You can’t just barge into your parents’ home and demand answers,” he said, pushing my shoulder to sit down again.

  “And why the hell can I not?”

  “Because they think you’ve been missing for the past year.”


  “Mackenzie, I know you want to figure all this out. I see now why you didn’t want to know, but aren’t you concerned about the other thing Charles mentioned? Not all Packs are like mine, some are aggressive and dangerous,” Bash said.

  I was scared. I would be careless if I wasn’t, but that didn’t mean I had to make a rash decision either. I had my freedom for no more than ten minutes and already it was being threatened. It almost seemed comical.

  Jonah walked out but didn’t hover, he stood at a distance, leaning against one of the statues by the front stairs.

  “My father needs an answer, Kenz. Do you plan to stay a lone-wolf?” he said and I felt my jaw slacken.

  “Are you serious, right now?”

  “Jonah, I don’t think it is a good time,” Bash said.

  Jonah rolled his eyes. “I know that, Bash, but she can’t leave the Estate without telling my father her decision.”

  “Tell him to wait!” he barked.

  “I’m not the bad guy here, don’t shoot the messenger.”

  Sebastian stood and glared at his Beta. “You aren’t a messenger, you’re her friend.”

  “Okay, everyone chill,” I cut between them. The last thing I needed was for them to fight. I needed them both on my side. “Tell your father that nothing’s changed, I won’t be joining the Pack.”

  “Kenzie!” Jonah exclaimed. “Think about this, you won’t be safe on your own.”

  “I will not let someone own me!” I shrieked. “My freedom, my life, my goddamn decision. If you don’t like it, you can kick rocks barefoot. I will not let anyone intimidate me with fear, you hear?”


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