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CAGED (Mackenzie Grey #2)

Page 16

by Karina Espinosa

  “Fuck!” Roman screamed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “This is just wonderful, Lucian. You didn’t tell me the Brooklyn Pack was filled with a bunch of geniuses.”

  “Hey asshole!” Jackson stepped forward. “This isn’t our fault. You know Mackenzie just as much as us, she makes her own rules. If she wanted to leave her only sanctuary, no one would be able to stop her.”

  “He’s right, Roman,” I chided. “Makes no sense to point fingers,” I turned to Jackson. “Have you sniffed the precinct, have you found a trail?”

  He shook his head. “We lost it in Time Square. It’s hard to track in the city.”

  “Very well,” I turned away. “Go back to your home.”

  “What?” Amelia exclaimed. “You’re not going to help us?”

  “Go home, Amelia Fitzgerald,” I said. “There is nothing you can do hovering over my shoulder. Let me work my magic.”


  Left to my own devices, I rushed to the bookshelf hidden in a far corner of the library. I scanned the spines in a rush until I found the one I was looking for. I slid out my copy of The Oracle of Delphi and opened it. A square had been cut out and inside was an empty vial and a ripped sheet of paper. On the paper there were a set of numbers I never thought I’d have to call. Throughout the years it had changed, but he never failed to update me with it—at least he hadn’t in the last ten years.

  I sat in my reading nook, dragged the black rotary phone closer to me, and dialed the number.

  “Ello’?” he answered.

  “Alexander…its Lucian, we need to talk.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  With my wrists bound behind me and a hood draped over my head, I was thrown to the ground and landed on my left arm. I could hear my shoulder dislocating from its socket and I cringed to keep from screaming. It didn’t take a genius to figure what was going on, and if I was a betting woman, I’d say this was the Chicago Pack’s second attempt.

  My eyes stretched to see through the woven fabric of the hood, but not even the wolf had that super power. The smell of mold and rat droppings filled my still-breathing nose as I took in the scents around me. I reached my palm to the ground and dug my nails into the dirt—the soil. Outside maybe?

  Someone grabbed my right arm and tugged me to a sitting position. The hood rose from my head, my hair flew everywhere. I had to adjust my eyes, although my surroundings weren’t all that bright. I was in something similar to a jail cell—was I underground? The only light came from a utility work lamp that was positioned on the opposite wall.

  “Have a good nap?” said the man who stood before me. He was of average height, about six feet. His shaved head reflected the brightness from the single lamp. Dark eyes that glassed over like orbs slid over my disheveled body as if I were dessert. He licked his lips and I gagged. Actual fear wracked through me with the thought of what could happen if I didn’t get out of here.

  “Who are you?” I asked, my throat dry and rough.

  “I’ll be whoever you want me to be,” he smirked, “but most people call me, Logan.”

  My stomach twisted into knots and I felt icy pins prick my skin as I realized who had taken me: the monster who had disfigured Rachel—the Alpha of the Chicago Pack.

  “Speechless? Yeah, I have that effect on Lunas, but don’t worry,” he squatted in front of me and dragged a finger down my cheek in a crude caress. “I’ll take good care of you. Quid pro quo, that is.”

  I flinched away. “I’d rather go down in a plane crash.”

  He chuckled. “Oh! Snarky, I like it! Makes the chase all the more entertaining.”

  “Entertain this,” I slammed my head against his and attempted to crawl away—as far away as my bound hands could take me—which wasn’t far. The beating pulse of my forehead made my attempts to flee sloppy.

  He growled. “You’re turning me on, Mackenzie Grey.” He caught my leg and I kicked both of them out, hoping I’d get a good hit in but all I caught was air.

  I screamed, I cried, I prayed.

  “Touch me and I swear I’ll kill you!” I yelled.

  He laughed as he dragged me away from the corner by my ankle. The zip ties cut the skin of my wrists with every movement.

  “Darling, you can try, but you’re just a Luna. Your place is either on your back or on your knees,” he grinned. “So choose, what’s it going to be?”

  “Neither, you piece of shit,” I spit in his face. “Wait until King Alexander hears about this,” I threatened.

  He back-handed me and I went flying to the ground, my cheek bouncing off the dirt. I bit my inner cheek and a metallic taste filled my mouth as if I’d been sucking on a penny.

  “What? You think I don’t know every single detail about you, Mackenzie Grey. I know everything!” his hand cupped my face and squeezed my cheeks, bringing me face to face with him. “Down to the detail of you not wanting to know a goddamn thing about your father. I doubt he’ll be hearing about my…time with dear ol’ Princess Mackenzie, eh?” His grin was of a mad man, of a maniac. It scared me to my core.

  “Find a better source, dipshit,” I grumbled, his hand holding my face roughly. If he knew that much about me, someone was tipping him off. No amount of recon could give him that much information.

  “You’re bluffing,” he grinned and threw me to the ground. “You’ve put me off for tonight. Get some rest, tomorrow’s going to be a long day,” he said as he touched himself.

  Logan opened the cell door and shut it behind him, clipping the lock. Once he was out of eye sight, I leaned to my side and vomited.


  I didn’t get any sleep that night—my mind tortured me, going to dark places. I feared a visit from Logan in the middle of the night. I had imagined many scenarios, but this wasn’t one of them. Even after Sebastian warned me, I didn’t listen. I wanted to slap myself for being so ignorant. It made me think about what Rachel had said, I was privileged and I thought I was exempt from all of this. No matter who I was, or how I carried myself—I wasn’t invincible. And I was getting a sick lesson on that.

  My stomach rumbled with hunger and my mouth tasted like a cotton ball from thirst. I had to come up with a plan, anything to get myself out of here or at least get word out to Bash and Jonah. But from the looks of everything around me, that would be impossible. I was surrounded by darkness.

  “There’s nowhere for you to go, Princess,” Logan’s sinister voice came through my muddled thoughts. “You can scream and not a single soul will hear it.”

  “Why are you doing this?” I croaked. He unlocked the cell and came inside. “I’m no one important, this is pointless.”

  “For someone who is so confident, you sure have a low self-esteem,” he said as he laid next to me on his side. I couldn’t move away—my body was too weak.

  “I’m stating facts. If you want the throne, you won’t get it through me.”

  “Not yet,” he grinned. His hand outstretched and he tucked away a stray hair behind my ear. “You’re so pretty, Princess. Even with all that dirt and filth, your eyes shine like a diamond in the rust. You’re quite captivating.”

  I swallowed the bile in my throat. “They’re just eyes. I’ll ripped them out before I let you near me.”

  He sighed. “That would be a shame, Princess.”

  I built up enough strength to turn my head to face the devil incarnate. “What made you the monster you are today? You must have some serious mommy issues if this is what you do to get your kicks,” I muttered.

  Logan smiled. “Look at us bonding already.” His finger traced the outline of my body, sending unwanted shivers through my body. “You respond well.”

  “And you’re avoiding my question, Ted Bundy.”

  His grin faltered. “Your sarcasm will only get you so far, Princess. The more you fight me, the longer you’ll be down here. I like my girls scared, it makes things more exciting.”

  A cold sweat dripped down my spine. I was scared—but I wouldn’t give him th
e satisfaction.

  “Then I guess we’ll be here for a while,” I mumbled.

  He stood to leave and desperation gripped me.

  “Where are you going?” I demanded as my head swiveled to his direction.

  “I’m going to have lunch,” he said closing the cell door.

  “Water,” I begged. “I need water.”

  Logan shook his head. “Not today.” The metal clanked into the quiet underground and my heart sank.


  I tried to lick my chapped lips, but my mouth was so dry all I did was feel the ridges of cut skin. As the minutes ticked by, the less I moved, the less I’d feel the pain of my dislocated shoulder. I was losing track of time—and the hunger within me was giving me a second wind. I couldn’t take another day of this. With no sleep or food or water, I didn’t know how much longer I would last.

  “Did you dream about me?” Logan said, startling me from my thoughts. He was leaning against the metal bars that locked me in. “I dreamt about you, Princess.”

  “You could say I dreamt about you,” I grumbled. “Skinning you alive brought me to my happy place.”

  “I was told you had a tendency to talk a lot, but they made you sound like such a drag,” he smirked.

  “Hm. I wonder who that could be,” I mused. “I have such a long list of people I’ve annoyed in my lifetime. It could be anyone.”

  “I can’t imagine why,” he chuckled. “Riddle me this, Mackenzie Grey, how did you manage to take down one of my boys? A small thing like you cannot have possibly killed Big Joe.” Small? I was five feet, nine inches tall. I was the farthest thing from petite.

  I raised my bound wrists. “Untie me and I’ll show you.”

  “Tempting, but no,” he said.

  “Worth a shot,” I shrugged. “Although it’s comforting to know you fear me.”

  “Fear you?” he howled. “Not in the slightest, but you do seem like a sneaky little minx.”

  “I aim to please.”

  He watched me for a moment. His dark gaze followed my every move, as if analyzing how I worked, like I were some strange species. I found it impossible that I were the first Luna who was a lone-wolf. Why was I so intriguing to these idiots? It had to be the royal blood.

  “Take a picture, it lasts longer,” I said with a bored tone. This wasn’t my best material but the lack of food was making me groggy.

  “You’re magnificent, you know,” he said, enthralled. “You have your father’s eyes, a rare color in our world. Only those of royal blood are silver. It would be impossible for him not to acknowledge you.”

  “Dude, I don’t care. Can you bring me a hamburger?”

  He ignored me. “Do you know who your mother is? That is still a mystery, everyone has been speculating but no one knows for sure.”

  “Good for you guys,” I faked excitement. “Can I at least have some water?”

  “I heard you were a late bloomer. Didn’t shift until you were eighteen—”

  “Logan!” I exclaimed. “We can talk about my estranged family members and your obsession after you feed my ass, yeah? I’m still a living, breathing being. I need something to eat and drink!” I awkwardly got to my feet and went up to the bars. My body weighed me down as I dragged myself.

  “Fine!” he barked. Logan unlocked my cell and wrapped his hand in my hair, tugging it like a leash. “Let’s get the princess some food.” He drew me out of the cage and I tried to jerk away. My scalp burned as strands of hair were pulled from the root.

  “Let me go! I can walk on my own!”

  “Oh yeah?” he pushed my head down and I fell. He dragged me down the hallway, and I dug my heels in the ground to stop him but he was too strong.

  The bumpy ground was filled with what I assumed were rocks, and they dug into my skin. I could feel my flesh being cut and ripped by the roughness, my dislocated shoulder, barely hanging on.

  “Motherfucker!” I screamed.

  “If I knew who she was,” he said as he threw me to the ground like if I weighed nothing.

  I winced from the pain in my shoulder and glanced at my surroundings. We were underground, in what looked like an abandoned train tunnel. It was dark, but with the wolf’s night vision I was able to see the other four men sitting around. They were on overturned, wooden crates, eating out of cans. And I recognized my fake attorney.

  “What, no one could spring for some Taco Bell?” I muttered when I smelled baked beans.

  “What’d you say, Bitch?” my attorney demanded. I’d been thrown in the middle of the group and I scrambled to stand.

  “Easy Tommy Boy,” Logan scolded. “Mackenzie is a little different, we’ll have to teach her how to be a Luna.”

  Another one of his Pack members chuckled. “You mean break her? Nice. That’ll be fun.”

  I snorted. “Not if I break you first.”

  They all laughed at me. “She’s funny,” one of them said.

  “She sure is,” Logan agreed, “but the princess is hungry. Any one of you care to share?”

  Tommy stood up and started to unbuckle his pants. “I’ll share…for a price,” he grinned.

  I looked away. “I rather starve, so put your little guy away.”

  “Bitch,” he growled and charged toward me. Logan came between us before he could reach me.

  “Heel,” he ordered. “Control yourselves. You’re only feeding into her nonsense.”

  “Nonsense? Well that’s a first,” I joked. I was becoming delirious.

  Logan gave me a sideways glance as if warning me to be quiet, which was impossible. If I was going to die down here, I was going out without a filter.

  “You still hungry, Princess?” Logan asked.

  “Duh,” I deadpanned.

  He nodded. “Since you’re so keen on threatening us with physical violence, let’s give you the opportunity,” he said and looked to his Pack members. They smiled as if they were in on the joke. “You want a can of beans? Then fight for it. You take down one of my boys, and then you can eat. If not…well you know your other option.” He winked as he unbuttoned his pants.

  My stomach churned. How disgusting could these wolves be? When I was told I was in danger, this was the farthest thing from my mind. I thought maybe being held up at gunpoint or something of that nature. But not rape—it made me wonder how the Brooklyn Pack even associated with their kind.

  “I don’t get it, why are we here? Shouldn’t you be taking me out of Pack territory?” The thought had crossed my mind many times. I could feel it in my bones, we were still in New York—but why?

  “How do you know we aren’t in Chicago?”

  “Oh please. If we were, we wouldn’t be slumming it down in the sewers. You look like the bragging type. You’d be flaunting me around your Pack like a brand new car,” I smirked.

  Logan’s eyes narrowed to slits. “Your boyfriends have blocked all exits out of the city. We can’t leave until things cool down. We’re working on it.”

  I sighed with relief. They were looking for me. Thank the heavens. That meant there was still hope for a rescue. And if I knew my people, they would move heaven and earth to find me. I might not be part of the Brooklyn Pack, but I had made my own dysfunctional Pack. Some wolves, vampires, and even a human. It was unconventional, but they’ve become family. They would find me, I was sure of it.

  “Don’t get your hopes up, Princess,” Logan came up to me and rubbed his thumb over my lower lip, dipping it sensually in my mouth. “Our scents are completely masked. It will be impossible for them to find us down here.”

  I flinched away from his touch, my stomach bottoming out with his words.

  “Aw, no longer confident?” he pouted.

  “Fuck off,” I growled.

  “Very well,” he sneered. “Shall we commence The Hunger Games? See what I did there?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh, get over yourself.”

  “And since Tommy Boy was deeply hurt by your insults, I think he’d volunteer as tribute
,” Logan smirked. “How about it?” he asked the wolf.

  “With pleasure,” Tommy grinned.

  I sized him up, taking in his frame. He was stockier than the others, but that would make him slower. I was counting on that. Tommy placed his can on top of the crate he had been sitting on and peeled off his shirt. Revealing six pack abs, he pounded a fist against his chest like a warrior. An attempt to intimidate me, but it wasn’t working. I had something to live for and that was all the motivation I needed. All I had to do was hold on until they found me.

  I brought my tied wrists toward Logan. “Do the honors?” he eyed me warily but cut the restraints with a clawed finger. Once I was released, I stretched my wrist and then placed a hand on my injured shoulder—it drooped lower than the other. I gritted my teeth as I pulled my arm as hard as I could without support, and after a few attempts, was able to put my shoulder back in its socket. I bit down on a cry. I didn’t know if I’d done it right or only ended up hurting myself further, but I needed both of my arms.

  “Ouch, that sounded painful,” one of the wolves commented.

  My face was streaked with shed tears, I licked my chapped lips and tasted the saltiness. I didn’t care what they thought, all I cared about was that can of beans. Without an estimated time of rescue, I needed fuel, and I needed to stay alert. I didn’t trust these assholes while I slept if I were going to be holed up down here for another night.

  “I’m ready,” I clipped out.

  The wolves lit up their lighters and flashlights from their cell phones. The tunnel brightened further and I tapped into my wolf. She awoke pissed. I knew the feeling. I roared at Tommy as I went into a half-shift. My canines extending as she was released.

  “Whoa!” Logan shrieked. “We were told you were moon bound.”

  “Like I said, get a better source, dipshit.”

  I didn’t wait for Tommy to attack first—I went on the offense. I ran toward him and slid between his legs, aiming a fist to his crown jewels. He tried to move out of the way but wasn’t fast enough. I jumped up behind him and elbowed him in his lower back. He howled in pain and dropped to one knee. My good arm wrapped around his neck in a chokehold and I squeezed.


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