Saving The Brother's Best Friend (Gems 0f Love Book 4)

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Saving The Brother's Best Friend (Gems 0f Love Book 4) Page 15

by Agnes Canestri

  Giada gulped, trying to push down the butterflies dancing in her stomach. As long as her mother was present she would be safe. Gabriel wasn’t going to inquire what she wanted to speak to him about at dinner.

  Or so she hoped.

  But Maria Theresa had a habit of doing the opposite that her daughter wanted. She turned to Giada, while still rubbing Gabriel’s arm. “Honey, I’ll just go to my hotel and rest a little. You two can start on the breakfast I brought. It’s almost lunch time, but I bet that my cornetti are far better than anything they’d serve to you in this hospital.”

  Gabriel bobbed his head enthusiastically. “I bet you’re right, Maria.”

  Her mother grinned. “Isn’t this boy the sweetest? What do you think, Giada?” She winked at her.

  Darn it. Giordano had definitely blabbed. Her mom’s smile was too knowledgeable and amused. Giada wanted to sink under the covers, but she figured that pulling the blanket over her head would make her embarrassment more noticeable. So she just plastered on a smile. “Yes, he is.”

  Maria Theresa walked over and gave her a peck. “I’ll come back later.” Then she lowered her voice so only Giada could understand her. “Don’t overthink it. Just do it.”

  She straightened, and as if nothing happened, she walked to the door. She waved at Gabriel before stepping out.

  As the door closed behind her, the atmosphere in the room became dense. It was difficult to breathe, as if the air particles had suddenly swollen, making each inhale an arduous task.

  Gabriel stood at the door where he’d said good-bye to her mom. He was staring at her with furrowed brows.

  Giada’s hands shot up to her cheeks. “Do I look that horrible?”

  Gabriel blinked. “What? Oh, no. Not at all. Sorry. I’ve been…I was caught up in my thoughts.”

  Giada lowered her arms and shifted the pillow behind her back. There was no easy way to bring up the topic she needed to discuss. But postponing it any longer would be equally problematic. The more time she waited, the less courage she would have. At least now she was still under the motivational effect of the accident. She had to ride that wave before she slipped into the cowardly routine of her everyday life. One based on the negation of the very feeling she’d been hiding for years.

  Giada sighed and cleared her throat. “Do you want to come and sit with me?” She held out her hand to him, and to her greatest relief, he smiled and hurried to her.

  He closed her palm between his hands as he lowered himself to her bed. “Giada, I’m so happy that nothing serious happened to you. I was so worried.”

  He did look worried. His eyes, now that he was closer, looked slightly red, and the wrinkles on his forehead creased deeper than usual. Even his hair was somehow messier. Not that it worsened his charm. On the contrary.

  She dropped her chin. “I know. I can’t tell you how sorry I am for my stupidity. I just wanted to bake some cupcakes. Nothing more. I don’t know how I confused those two switches.”

  Gabriel clicked with his tongue. “Maybe you were somewhere else in your head?”

  She yanked her head up, her gaze darting to him. What did he mean? “Why would you say that?”

  He shrugged. “Sixty percent of the fires my squad is called to are due to a person who’s distracted. It was an educated guess.”

  Giada’s cheeks heated. Here she thought Gabriel might’ve been implying something else. “Yes, yes. I was a bit absorbed mentally.”

  Please don’t ask with what. Giada was prepared to tell him everything, but she still needed to find the right hook for her revelation. She didn’t want to blurt it out like that.

  Gabriel didn’t push her. “I see. The essential thing is that we got out safely.”

  Giada recalled what the doctor told her this morning. “Didn’t you get hurt in the process of saving me? My doctor claimed that you had some pretty nasty burns.”

  He reached down and rolled up his trousers. Both of his calves were wrapped tightly with a white gauze. On his left leg, a tiny spot peeked out below his knee. The skin was lacerated and red.

  She gasped, clutching her palm in front of her mouth.

  He lowered the fabric again. “It’s not that bad. Only a tiny bit is a third-degree. The rest is like a very bad sunburn.”

  Giada snorted. “You’re just trying to make me feel better.”

  Gabriel winked. “Did it work?” His lips curled up and tiny lines popped up on either side of his eyes.

  Her pulse quickened. This was her opening.

  She sucked in a breath, trying to summon all her courage, then searched his gaze. When their eyes locked, she squeezed his hand. “Gabriel, you always manage to make me feel better. It’s actually why I invited you to dinner the other night. What I wanted to talk to you about.”

  He stirred, tilting his head. “Would you care to elaborate?”

  His voice was raspy, but it could also be the throbbing in her ear that made her perceive it like that. His eyes didn’t leave hers; he didn’t even blink. He was clearly interested to hear what she had to say.

  But was there anything more in his grey irises than interest?

  Giada swallowed twice and pulled her hand from his. The thrill of his touch was too puzzling, and she needed all her wits. “I have to confess something. Something that I’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time now.”

  Chapter 24

  Gabriel’s neck stiffened and his heart accelerated. He stared at Giada, not knowing what to expect, but in a hidden corner of his soul, hoping that her confession might be what he wished for.

  Giada licked her lips. His gaze dipped to her rosy flesh, and warmth spread in his belly. He forced his eyes up to her amber irises. Whatever she told him, he needed to be ready and accepting if he wanted any chance at staying in Giada’s life—even as a friend.

  Because after the shock of almost losing her to the flames, Gabriel didn’t care anymore whether she’d ever be his. He just wanted her alive, safe, and happy.

  “You know you can tell me anything,” he murmured.

  She snorted bemusedly. “Yes, I do. But not knowing how you’ll react makes this pretty tough news to break.”

  Gabriel squinted. “Try me.”

  Giada squared her back. “Here it goes. I lied to you in Provence. No, actually, not only there.” She turned her head to the side, drawing back her gaze from his. “I’ve been lying to you most of the time we’ve known each other.”

  Gabriel froze. “Lying to me?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry.” Giada’s skin flushed crimson.

  Gabriel leaned forward and reached to her chin. He forced her to look at him. “What did you lie to me about?”

  Giada’s eyes were moist, her lower lip trembling. “About being your friend.”

  Gabriel’s heart leaped. Maybe she felt the same for him?

  But he wanted her to say it out loud. He needed to know. “If you weren’t my friend, then what were you?”

  She winced. “I…I…” Her voice wavered.

  He couldn’t hold back any longer. Taking on the risk that he might be wrong again, he launched forward, scooping her up in his arms, pressing his forehead on hers. Their lips were so close that her hot breath teased his skin. “What are you saying, sweet Giada? What do you feel for me?”

  She stared into his eyes wide-eyed without answering.

  He inched closer, brushing his lips to hers, then moved back slightly. “Don’t be afraid to say it. I feel the same way about you.”

  Her breath hitched. “You do? You don’t even know what I wanted to say.”

  Her pragmatic little comment made him chuckle. These were those cute aspects about her that made her unique. “Then why don’t I tell you what I feel about you? And you can then decide whether I was right. Deal?”

  Giada giggled. “Deal.”

  Her chest shook as she laughed, sending delicious shivers up Gabriel’s spine. His eyes moved to her lips again. He exhaled loudly. He needed to resist the urge to kiss her.
First he wanted her to know that what he felt was real. That it was the most genuine thing he’d ever experienced. It wasn’t just physical. All planes of his being were captured by her, and would be hers if she wanted him.

  “Giada, I’m in love with you.”

  Her pupils dilated and her hands flinched. She opened her mouth, but Gabriel didn’t want her to speak yet. Not until he told her everything. “I only realized this feeling slowly. It all started probably a long, long time ago. Those afternoons when we would hang out and listen to music together in your backyard or when you would sneak into my bed when you had bad dreams. But I was too blind to realize it. I was also too focused on trying to satisfy the expectations of others. Like my grandmother.”

  Giada’s brows moved up. “Noëlle?”

  Gabriel nodded. “Yes, she wanted me to date and eventually marry Aurélie for the sake of our family business.”

  At the mention of his ex, Giada paled. “And you didn’t want to marry her?”

  “No, never. I only started the whole relationship because I thought I would make Noëlle proud. Also, Aurélie isn’t a bad looking woman and—”

  Giada leaned back from his arms.

  Shoot, this was the wrong thing to say. He pulled her back to him. “I mean, I thought Aurélie would be a fine girlfriend for a while, but I never had serious plans with her. When she forced the choice on me, I broke up with her.”

  Giada sighed. “So Giordano was right.”

  “Yes, I told him the truth. I didn’t tell it to you because…” He scratched his head. “Probably because I didn’t want you to think less of me. It was a mistake for me to lead on Aurélie. I should’ve never started seeing her when my heart wasn’t in it. I know it now. Only before, I didn’t know what being in love meant. I wasn’t sure it was essential for a relationship. But now…”

  “And now? What do you think now?” Giada traced his jawline with her thumb, tingles erupting on his skin where her finger went.

  He smiled. “Now I can’t imagine being with anyone I’m not crazy about. I can’t imagine being with anyone else but you. I’m so sorry I took so long to recognize what my true feelings were for you.”

  Giada shifted forward, her face moving dangerously close to his. When the tip of her nose pressed to his cheek, he couldn’t withstand his yearning any longer. His hand moved up to her nape, careful not to touch her bandage.

  He pressed her softly to him, and their mouths united.

  Gabriel had seen countless explosions, entire buildings going up in flames, but nothing he had ever witnessed came close to the boiling heat that spread in his limbs as Giada’s tongue united with his in a playful battle.

  This kiss was different than before. It was filled with longing and desire but there was a deeper dimension to it. It wasn’t a tempting game, it wasn’t an exploration, rather it was a meeting between two souls who were destined to be together. And finally accepted it.

  Chapter 25

  Giada savored their kiss, her entire body relaxing in Gabriel’s strong arms. Was this really happening? Had Gabriel just confessed to her that he was in love with her?

  It felt like heaven had just opened, and all those angels that her mother used to pray to were descending and pouring their blessings on her. How else could she explain the sense of weightlessness and pure elation that coursed through her veins?

  His mouth claimed hers with a longing groan, devouring any doubt and fear that might remain in her mind.

  This wasn’t a dream. Gabriel loved her. And she loved him. Well, she always had loved him, but now she had told him—

  Her lips stopped moving and she broke the kiss.

  Gabriel’s eyes opened and he stared at her, panting. “What happened? Is something wrong?”

  Giada nodded.

  Alarm seeped into Gabriel’s gaze. “Did I do something?”

  Giada couldn’t stand seeing him this vulnerable any longer than necessary. “No, silly. It’s me. I didn’t do something I was supposed to.”

  He furrowed his brows.

  Giada smiled. “I didn’t tell you what I feel about you. At least not in words.” Her index finger ran on his lower lip and he blew a kiss on it.

  “It’s true. Though I enjoy your non-verbal revelation probably way more than I’m supposed to, I’d love to hear you say the words,” he murmured, winking.

  She didn’t need to brace herself this time. She wasn’t afraid anymore to bare her soul in front of him. She knew he felt the same and that they belonged together. “Gabriel, you are everything that I would ever desire in a man. You’re my best friend, and besides my family, you have been the only other person with whom I ever felt entirely at ease. I’ve been in love with you since the first time you came over to visit Giordano and made that goofy comment on my eye color.”

  “That can’t be. It was so long ago. And if I recall correctly, I was already well-versed in paying compliments.” Gabriel’s face moved into a grimace of disbelief.

  Giada laughed. “Oh, yes. You told me I had the weirdest color you’ve ever seen, and it resembled an oily spot on a pool of dirty water.”

  Gabriel buried his face into his palms. “Did I? Oh, man, I was terrible.” He lifted his head and captured her glance. “But I actually meant to say that you had the most amazing eyes. I always thought so. If you asked me now, I would never compare it to a smudge on a puddle.”

  “I dearly hope so. What would you say instead?” Giada cupped his face, quirking one brow up.

  “They are like liquid gold bathing in the afternoon sunshine of Côte d’Azur.”

  “Wow, poetic.” Giada giggled.

  He snorted. “I do what I can.”

  She grinned. “You do it perfectly.” Then an idea occurred to her. “You know the entire dinner thing was Giordano’s idea.”

  “Really? He’s always been the best of friends. I need to buy him a bottle of champagne or something. He’s given me the greatest present.”

  Yes, it was thanks to her brother, she was here with Gabriel now. “I guess he deserves it. He told me your schedule and coaxed me into inviting you. If it wasn’t for him, I might have stayed in my shell forever. I was so convinced you got back with Aurélie.”

  “I just wish you would have asked me straight in the hotel in Provence. Then we wouldn’t have lost so many precious days.” Gabriel wrinkled his nose.

  Giada batted her lashes with an innocent smile. “Lost? What do you think you missed out on exactly?”

  His lips moved into a coy smirk. “Do you want me to show you?”

  Her stomach tightened in anticipation and her breathing quickened. “Yes, please.”

  He grinned and hauled her closer. His mouth approached hers in an excruciatingly slow motion. She licked her lips. His gaze darkened and his lips captured hers with a hunger that shook her to her bones. He deepened the kiss and the room began to turn around them.

  She closed her eyes, letting go of all thoughts and allowing herself to be just in the moment. Bathing in the delicious feeling of loving her best friend.

  And being loved in return.


  Giada stomped her foot impatiently. “Mom, Dad, hurry please. The ceremony starts in twenty minutes. Our flat isn’t far, but we might hit traffic.”

  Her mother came out of the bathroom and adjusted her updo with her hands. “Do you think I look okay?”

  Giada rolled her eyes. “Yes, you do. But nobody is going to see the result of your three-hour hair session at the salon if we stay a minute longer. Where is Dad?”

  “I’m here, I’m here. No need to bite my head off,” Pietro Biagi grumbled while patting his daughter’s back. “Don’t you worry, I’ll get us there on time. You mustn’t forget I grew up in Naples. If I can drive there and not be late, I can do it anywhere.”

  “Sure, but here you actually need to stop at the red lights, you recall. And there are at least five of those on the way.” Giada shook her head in feigned disapproval, but a smile tugging a
t her lower lip betrayed her.

  She was happy her father had finally ditched the restaurant for once and come to this important event. Gabriel would be thrilled to have some familiar faces besides Giada. His mother would be there, of course, but his father was still on house arrest, so he couldn’t leave the perimeter of their property. And Giordano? Who knew when he was going to be back with Ruby.

  She glanced at her watch. Shoot, if they didn’t leave immediately, they’d be late for real.

  She grabbed her silver purse and slid her feet into her high-heels. The shoes felt stiff against her bare skin. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to buy a new pair of sandals for tonight. She was definitely going to be counting her blisters before the night was over. But she couldn’t wear something old. She wanted to look special. After all, it only happened once in a blue moon that her boyfriend got the Honor Award.

  Her father opened the door, and they made their way down to the parking garage.

  Pietro helped Giada and her mother inside his black SUV and hopped into the driver seat. He started the engine, and in a few seconds, the car was racing on the busy streets toward the city hall.

  Giada leaned against the window and closed her eyes. She still couldn’t believe that her life had taken such a turn in just a few months. Ever since that night where she almost burned herself alive, her entire existence had changed.

  And it was because of Gabriel. Because she knew he loved her.

  The beats in her chest drummed quicker at the thought that he was going to see her in this new dress. Her mom did splurge on it, for sure. If it had been for Giada to decide, she would’ve gone with the cheaper one, the one without the laces. Even if this one was by far the most flattering on her.

  Her fingers traced the elaborate pattern on her skirt. Was he going to like it?

  She wanted him to be proud of her. The most influential people of their town were going to be united for the ceremony tonight. That might’ve been the reason her father decided it was worth coming. Pietro Biagi would love to shake hands with those who counted, besides the pleasure of seeing Gabriel get declared a hero.


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