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Travis Page 2

by N Kuhn

  Pulling up to the warehouse, Max and Bentley are already there. I’ve known all three of them since second grade. Max was a short Hispanic guy, lots of muscles, and ladies loved him. His short black hair is always buzzed close to his head, but not all gone. He played drums for us. When not practicing, Max lived at the gym. Trying to build his body, to compensate for his height, not that women cared how short he was. Max didn’t have to work if he didn’t want to. He was the only one of us who came from a family with money. My dad had money, but other than child support, I didn’t see any of it. My mom worked to pay the bills, and struggled. Bentley was the complete opposite of me. Clean cut, preppy clothes. His dirty blonde hair is somewhat shaggy, but not as bad as mine. His brown eyes look like pure mud. He goes to the community college trying to get his accounting degree. He claims that he has to have a fall back in case we don’t make it with a record deal. Bentley was smart though, he got a full scholarship for any college he wanted to go to. No one could ever figure out why he liked to hang out with us, he’s the complete opposite from the way the rest of us look. But, he’s like our big brother, being a year older, and we wouldn’t change things for anything. Sebastian was the most like me. Though from a decent middle class family, he’s anything but preppy. Just like me, he has the ripped jeans, faded tees, and long brown hair. His is always stringy and hanging to his shoulders. His sharp green eyes see everything.

  Getting out, Max starts dragging everything out of the truck, while Bent stands there, watching Bas and I carrying our axes.

  “Trav, can we talk a second?” Bent asks.

  “Yea man, what’s up?” I pat Bas on the shoulder, signaling him to go inside.

  “I don’t think I can do this anymore. I have so much homework now that finals are coming and I have to study. Practicing daily is really getting in the way. After the battle, I’m out. I can’t do it.” Bent plays the keyboards. He was the extra pop of sound in our band, but we can manage without him. So, I just nod my head.

  “Man, we’re going to make it. I wish you would stay with us. But I won’t beg you.”

  “Trav, we been playing for years. But, we aren’t in high school anymore, I have to move on with my life. I have to get a job and finish my degree. It’s important to my family.”

  “But what’s important to you? You should think about that.” Turning, I brush past him, entering the warehouse. He stands there staring after me for a moment.

  Setting up, I see Bent slowly follow, stopping to chat with Bas. I’m sure he’s telling him the same thing, and Max gives a knowing look. Of course he already knew. Much like Bas and I are closer with each other, Max and Bent have always been closer.

  “Alright guys, we have work to do, the Battle of the Bands is coming up, and we have to get this song right.”

  Everyone takes their places, we’ve been practicing a new original song. Yes, we still do covers, but we have a lot of originals as well. You have to do what will please the crowd, and each crowd is different. For the battle, it has to be all original music. As the chord drops, I count out the timing, waiting to start. As the beat fills my ears, my mind clears to nothing but the song, the feel of the music, pulsating over my body. In moments like this, nothing else exists.

  You said that you were different

  But you’re wrong

  You said that you were there for me

  And now you’re gone

  I guess I should have listened

  To the masses

  Because you’re gone, yeah you’re gone

  The mess you left is all I know

  You said that you were different

  But you’re wrong

  Words pour from my mouth, my mind blank, I can still feel the drugs coursing through my veins. This, this is what I want, my life, my future. The music fills me, cascading over the warehouse, consuming me, and I can’t think of anything but the next word, the next line, the next note.

  Chapter 2


  Walking out on Travis was the right decision. I can’t even think straight right now, let alone go back in there to talk. The fight or flight has taken over me and I’m flying. Rubbing the back of my hand across my mouth, I can taste the blood. That asshole hit me. Unbelievable. We’ve had some blow out fights before, but nothing like this. Pulling my red BMW into the Galleria parking lot, I need to clean up before going home. The last thing I need is another battle with my mother. She has never liked Travis. Come to think of it, Melanie never liked him either, so what the hell? Right now, I’m wondering why I did, why I stuck around with him. Although, that’s easy. He’s gorgeous. His body is just right, he’s strong, he used to make me laugh. I love the way he holds me, and the way he fucks. No other man I have ever been with, can make me feel the things he does. It’s like a colony of butterflies live in my stomach when he’s around.

  It was all lies that I shouted at him earlier. Except hating him for sleeping with my friend. Fucking Melanie that bitch. She’s always been a tramp, and jealous of me. But sleeping with my boyfriend? It just makes the betrayal that much worse. I know he’s going places, if he can get off his ass and make them happen. Right now, he’s just in a rut of drugs and drinking, too much partying. Not like I haven’t been by his side, right along with him, but there comes a time for it to stop. If he can focus, and get away from Sebastian, I know he will succeed. It’s hard to just stop caring about him. Yes, he put his hands on me, yes, this was a shitty day. He smashed my phone, we both said things we shouldn’t have, but I love him, and always will. It’s just that right now, we need to be away from each other. Pulling the visor down, I put on some makeup and try to clean myself up. My lip is swollen, but I can always lie to my mother and tell her I fell, thus explaining the busted lip and shattered phone. Yes, my parents have money, but contrary to what Travis thinks, I’m not spoiled. I had to earn everything I have. My parents made me get good grades or help around the house to get what I have.

  Sucking in a deep breath, the damn of tears that have been threatening to fall since I left his apartment, finally break through. As the sobs cause my body to shake, I lean my head on the steering wheel. There’s a feeling of emptiness and pain that washes over me like a tidal wave. Crashing down, I realize that Travis will be gone from my life now. I’ll be alone. It’s not that I’m afraid of being alone, but I love him so much. I want to be by his side as he succeeds and grows. But I can’t. There is no way I can allow him to treat me that way. Maybe he will come to his senses soon.

  A loud knock on my window startles me. Screaming, I turn my head and am looking directly into the palest blue eyes I have ever seen. The eyes are surrounded by quite a strong, handsome face. Lowering my window less than an inch, I sit up.

  “What?” I blurt out.

  “I’m sorry to scare you. But you looked upset. I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” he says. Looking around my car, I remember I had pulled into the parking lot at the Galleria. The high end shopping mall had every store I could ever want. My face heats up and I can only guess how awful I look, even worse now that I’m blushing.

  “Yea, I’m fine, thank you.” As I start to roll my window up, he places a hand on the glass.

  “You sure? You don’t look it. Are you hurt? Or do you need a ride somewhere? Your car?” Shaking my head, I tell him again I’m ok.

  “Well, I’m Aiden. Do you want to talk? I listen well? I just feel awful leaving a beautiful woman like you, sitting in a parking lot, crying.” Looking directly in his eyes, I can see his sincerity. It takes me a moment to realize he just said I was beautiful. Trying to smile slightly, I nod.

  “Yes, you need a ride or yes you want to talk?” he says, with a slight laugh in his voice. The man is absolutely gorgeous. He looks like he belongs in an Abercrombie and Fitch commercial. He’s the absolute opposite of Travis and maybe this is what I need. A diversion. A way to get over him and move on with my life. New friends are the best way to do that.

  Rolling my window up, I lean
to the passenger side, packing my wallet back into my purse, and powdering my face. Thankfully, since I had just woken up, there was no makeup on yet. So no raccoon face to deal with. Glancing back up, I see Aiden walking away. Scrambling, I get out of my car.

  “Aiden, where are you going?” I yell. He stops, turning back, his shoulders raise, as he shrugs.

  “I figured you probably thought I was creepy and were trying to ignore me.” Heading back towards me, I check myself out quick. My clothes are wrinkled and dirty, but I don’t smell bad. I have my credit card, so if needed, shopping can be done.

  “I was just gathering my things and locking my car. You like Starbucks?” Looping my arm through his, we walk towards the mall.

  “Listen, I really am not creepy. I promise, you won’t end up behind a dumpster. Like I said, you looked really upset, and alone.” He smiles down at me. Standing next to him, I feel short. My five foot four without heels is at least a foot shorter than him. His bright blond hair is styled short and it seems to fit him perfect. The red polo shirt and khaki pants work for him. His whole preppy look is majorly refreshing compared to Travis’ dirty, ripped jeans and concert tees. Though, I really need to stop comparing them. The whole reason I got out of the car was to forget Travis.

  Reaching the counter of the coffee stand, I’m staring at Aiden, and he’s perusing the menu. The barista comes over to us.

  “Can I help you?” she asks. Peeking at her, she can’t seem to take her eyes off of Aiden, and he’s oblivious to it. He really is handsome.

  “Yes, I’ll take a venti Americano,” I order, trying not to laugh at the girlish way she looks at Aiden. He orders the same and pays, and we head over to a table, where it’s somewhat secluded.

  “So, you know my name, care to tell me yours?” he inquires.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Brittany,” holding out my hand, we shake.

  “Nice to meet you, beautiful Brittany.” His smile is like a snake charmer. It draws me in and I can’t look away. Teeth so white, you would think they were fake, slight tan to his skin, and definitely some great cologne. The whiffs I keep getting are so manly, like pine, mulch, and fire. It’s an odd combination, but so intoxicating.

  For hours, we have been here, talking about everything, and finally we are getting around to why I was in the parking lot crying. I’ve learned that he is the son of Jefferson Bland. Bland owns half of Buffalo, including most of the clubs on Chippewa. So he’s not a broke loser like Travis, but there I go comparing them again.

  “It’s the first time he’s ever hit me, but it doesn’t matter. There’s no way I can go back to him. I thought I loved him, which is why I was sitting there crying. For my loss and pain I imagined I would go through. But, being here and talking with you, unloading all of this to a complete stranger, makes me realize that I did the right thing. He doesn’t deserve me. And now I’m rambling like an idiot. Sorry.”

  “Well, I would hope we aren’t strangers any more, Brittany,” is his response. He places a well-manicured hand over top of mine and flashes that charmer smile at me once more. No lecturing, no complaining or telling me what an ass Trav is, nothing. Just a quip about us. The more I talk to Aiden, and the longer I spend with him, the more he grows on me.

  “Wanna walk with me? I have to get some clean clothes. I can only imagine what smells are coming off my body right now.” He laughs, and it’s such a low, rumbling sound, that my ovaries do leaps in my body, and I’m sure my vagina started purring.

  “I would love to, but I came here to pick something up for my dad. It’s my parents anniversary today, so I’m getting the ring he bought my mother, then going to lunch with them. But, can I give you my number? Or we can exchange? I don’t want to freak you out, so if I give you mine, then the ball is in your court. Dinner, maybe dancing, if you call me?” That addictive smile appears again, and he lays a long, strong looking hand over my shoulder.

  Exactly what I need. How lucky can a girl get? Break up with loser in the morning, find a new best friend by afternoon? Unable to speak, I just nod my head. He writes his number down on a napkin, sliding it over to me, I make a mental note, to run and get a replacement phone immediately. Standing, Aiden extends his hand to me, pulling me to my feet. Leaning in, his soft lips graze my forehead. Stepping back from me, he just stares, grinning like an idiot.

  “You’re amazing. Brittany, I look forward to hearing from you. Oh, and if you get down, remember that this guy, this Travis, sounds like he’s a loser. You’re better than that. You deserve better.” With that, he spins on his heel and walks away. Standing there, the butterflies in my stomach go wild, and from the corner of my eye, I see the jealous look that the barista is giving me. Walking away as well, I head out to get my new phone, and a new outfit. I’m going to have a date soon, and need something impressive to wear.

  After a few hours of shopping, I pull up in front of my parents’ house. My mother and father were high school sweethearts. They have been together since, and are so happy, sometimes it makes me sick. But, it’s nice to be from an affectionate family. Even if they do try to control me too much. But, I have to remind myself that they are only doing what they think is best for me. Our home is a nice large white house. Travis always called it our Mansion. But it’s just a two story house that happens to be big and in a gated community. We don’t have servants or maids and we’re not rich, just well off. Climbing out of my car, I run my hands down the front of my body, making sure the new tunic I bought is not wrinkled. Hitching my purse on my shoulder, I strut to the door. Reaching out to turn the knob, it’s wrenched open. My mother, standing there glaring at me, looks like she’s been crying.

  “Momma, what’s wrong?” I ask, though I’m sure it has something to do with me.

  “I’ve been trying to call you for hours Brittany. What has gotten into you?” she whispers. My mother is very big on appearances, and to have neighbors, who aren’t even close to us, over hear her yelling, would be abhorring to her. Inching forward, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her in for an embrace.

  “Momma, we have a lot to talk about. Come on, I’ll make us some tea.” Brushing past her, I breeze into the house, and can tell she’s standing in the doorway, dumbstruck. I’m sure she was expecting another fight. But after my talk with Aiden, I think it’s time to change. It’s time for me to fix things with my family.

  My mother, Rose, followed me into the kitchen. Sitting at the stool next to the island counter, she watches me as I make us some tea.

  “What’s gotten into you Britt?” she asks me.

  “What do you mean? Is it so strange that I want to have a cup of tea and chat with you? I feel like we don’t talk any more momma.” Shaking her head, I can see that she’s trying to hide a smile.

  “Girl, you haven’t wanted to drink tea and chat in a few years. Not since you and that Dane boy started seeing each other. You’ve been non-existent around here.” Placing a cup in front of her, I plop myself down on the stool next to her. Sipping my drink, I think about how I’m going to tell her. Knowing that she will be happy at the news, it angers me. I was happy with Travis, and she never cared about my happiness. Her and my father, Joshua, only wanted me away from him, and with someone more to their liking.

  “Momma, me and Travis broke up. We’re not together anymore.” Her eyes widened, and she seems to be taking me in, as if seeing me for the first time.

  “What happened to your lip? He do that to you?” She asks me. Unconsciously, my hand flies to my mouth. I thought that the shiny gloss I had put on would hide it. Guess not. Nodding my head, I can’t speak. Tears threaten to fall again, but then Aiden crosses my mind, and they stop. He’s right, I do deserve better than that.

  “Are you ok?” she asks, with sincerity. I can tell she’s actually worried about me. I shake my head again.

  “It’s for the best momma. I love him, and it may be hard for you to have accepted that all these years, but I do. It’s not like I’ll forget him overnight, but I do know that
my decision was right.” I figure she doesn’t need to know the whole story. I don’t want to burden her with the fight, him smashing my phone or details of getting hit. She already hates him, and doesn’t need any extra ammo for that.

  Silently, we sit there drinking the tea. Both looking off into space. It’s a comfortable silence. We haven’t spent time together like this in so long, and it’s now that I realize how much I’ve missed it, missed her. She’s short and built athletically like me. She certainly has the Stepford Wives thing down. Her dress looks like it belongs at a garden party, adorned with a big hat. The skirt on the bottom flows out, billowing around her knees. The top, tight, and fitting for her tiny form. You would never know she’s fifty. Her blonde hair is always pulled up on top of her head in a neat bun.

  “Mom, let’s do something different with your hair. Why don’t you even wear it down?”

  “Oh Britt, stop it. We aren’t changing me. I’m fine. This is about you. Let’s go get mani pedis. It’s been so long.” Tugging at my hand, she pulls me up off the stool and heads towards the door.

  After a few relaxing hours, with our nails and toes dolled up in Vixen Red, momma and I walk back into the house, to my dad standing dumbstruck in the hallway, outside his office. Looking at both of us as if we are crazy, I walk over and give him a hug.


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