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Travis Page 4

by N Kuhn

  “Brittany, meet Stacey, she will show you around. Stacey, take care of her please, and send her to my office for lunch around eleven.”

  “Yes sir,” she says curtly, as my father stalks away. When she turns back to me, I try to give her the biggest smile I can. Extending my hand to shake hers, she just looks at me, like I might be diseased and brushes past me.

  “You need to keep up with me. Things are fast paced and we’re in the middle of a very important criminal case. So the work loads are large and the staffing is small. If you mess up, it will cost me my job, not you yours. You’re the bosses daughter, so I’m sure you will be immune to having to take responsibility for yourself. So don’t mess up. I need this job.”

  Stopping abruptly, she turns to face me, and I swear her eye looks like it’s twitching. Trying not to stare, my anger roils.

  “First, Stacey, you don’t know me. I’ve loved law my entire life and will be going to law school. Second, if I make a mistake, I will take blame for it. I don’t expect any one else to be reprimanded for something I did. Third and finally, my father will not be making exceptions because of who I am. If, I deserve to lose my job, I will. So drop your bitter little act, and show me how to do the job I’m needed for.” The first real smile I’ve seen from her appears, and actually reaches her eyes.

  “I like you.” Laughter erupts from both of us, and we continue on to the filing room.

  At the end of my first day, Stacey finally takes me back to the reception area.

  “Well, your dad should be out any minute. You did good today. I’ll see you Monday.”

  “Hey, wait, you’re not leaving too?” I ask after her.

  “Nope. I’m going to the Battle of the Bands tonight, so I figure I would just stick around, get some more files done, then head over to the show. Have a good night.”

  “Wait! Stacey, who are you going with? I was going to call some friends to go with me, but got so busy today, that I had no time to.” Shrugging, she steps back towards me.

  “Just myself I guess. My boyfriend is working tonight, then he’ll most likely end up at the dive by our place, drunk off his ass. He won’t even notice I’m gone, and there’s this band I like playing. Death Polish. They’re amazing.”

  Suppressing my laughter, I just look at her. This morning, this girl looked like she had a stick up her ass. Now, I feel like her and I can be great friends. We have more in common than I originally thought.

  “Wanna go with me?” I ask her. Shrugging again. She doesn’t talk much.

  “I guess, what’s so funny?”

  “The lead singer, Travis, that’s my ex-boyfriend. It’s just funny. This is great,” I say, pulling paper and a pen out of my purse. “Here’s my address. Meet me here, I’ll drive. Or, if you want to get ready there, instead of staying late and working, please, feel free.”

  “I can’t believe it. You, Miss Trust Fund baby, dated the hottest rocker Buffalo has? Wow. I don’t know about coming over. It may be weird, going to your house. Your dad is my boss.”

  “But, you’re my friend, right?” I whisper. She looks around thoughtfully.

  “Okay. Let me finish a few things, and I’ll come over. It would be nice to have somewhere to change that doesn’t have a creepy security guard.” Cracking up, just as my dad heads towards us, his smile widens.

  “How’s my working girl?” Planting a kiss on the top of my head.

  “Great daddy. I learned so much from Stacey. You’re lucky to have her. Oh, daddy, Stacey is going to drop by shortly. I invited her to a girls dinner tonight. I thought some of us could get together, celebrate my job.” I can see Stacey looking at me oddly, so I slightly shake my head.

  “Oh honey, that’s great. Stacey, I’ll see you soon.” He leads me to the elevator. “Your momma should have dinner for us when we get home. You know how she hates when it gets cold.” Waving to Stacey, I tell her I’ll see her soon.

  As soon as Stacey arrives at the house, we rush up to my bedroom.

  “What was that about earlier? I thought we were going to the Battle? I almost didn’t come over.” She bombards me with questions before my door is even closed.

  “Listen, I was lying to my dad and I’m sorry I confused you. Here’s the deal. I used to date Travis, the lead singer of Death Polish. My parents are happy we split, and I’m moving on. If he knew we were going there, that there’s a chance of me seeing him, my dad would freak out. So thank you for not saying anything, and let’s get ready.”

  When Stacey emerges from my bathroom, she’s like a completely different person. Her knee high boots compliment the red mini skirt and white top. Her mousy brown hair, is actually long and shiny. She went from boring and mousy, to hot and stunning. It’s amazing. But, like with Travis, I can tell she’s a user. She acts just like he did, but worse. Her moods are all over the place. Watching her in the office today, she seemed fine, except occasionally, when she really needed something, she would shake. Only now, outside that atmosphere, she’s off kilter even more. He would get all itchy and agitated when he really needed a line or a toke. I wonder if my dad’s firm drug tests. I’ll just keep an eye on it, if it’s not bad, there’s no need for me to tell on her. Plus, I really like Stacey, so I’m sure she’s ok. No need to ruin someone’s life. As long as I get accepted to college, I’m only going to be here for four more months anyways. I want to just enjoy the time I have with my friends, with Aiden.

  As soon as we get to the club, Stacey makes a beeline for the bathroom and I order us some drinks. Making my way to an empty table at the side of the dance floor, I see Marcus walking around the dance floor. As usual, the few times I’ve met him, he has groupies dripping from his arms and following along behind him. There’s a short guy next to him, looks like a dork, or maybe just someone trying too hard to fit in. That must be the agent Travis was telling me about. As the lights dim, Stacey finds me, and we get ready to dance and drink the night away.

  Chapter 4


  Battle of the Bands

  “Death Polish, you’re up next, let’s go. You have five minutes to set up and get started. Two songs, finish, clear the stage in five minutes. No more than twenty minutes, got it?” The show’s producer yells at us from the side of the stage. Nervous energy flows through us. I’ve already seen my dad, surrounded by groupies and fans of course, standing in the front row of the crowd. His agent from MG MGT, Duke Shaw, stands by his side, pretending to not notice how the women push past him, trying to get to his client. What a douche, I think to myself. But, that douche can make us very famous. He has the connections needed, besides my dad.

  “Ok guys, Marcus and Duke are out there, let’s put on the best set of our lives. This is it, it’s our moment. Bentley’s last show, our last one together. Let’s make it count.” Turning my back to them, as if I’m looking out over the crowd again, I pull up the cross hanging from my neck. It’s a hollowed out cross that twists open, holding a spoon and my coke. My dad gave it to me, the first time I visited him on tour. Best thing, besides my guitar I ever got from him.

  As the band before us clamors off stage with their equipment, we start setting up. Trying not to trip over each other, we’ve practiced setting and unsetting a stage quickly and are quite used to it. Within three minutes, Bas drops a bass line, pulling screams from the crowd. There’s a lot of our little groupies here. Chicks that follow us around from bar to bar, party to party. Our followers. As excitement builds in the crowd, my beat drops, and the sound of the guitar vibrates across the crowded room. Held at the Arena in downtown, so many names have graced the stage here. It’s an honor to be playing on it. Stepping up to the mike, I start out slow, building and building the song, and then release it. Singing from the bottom of my soul, I belt it out, my eyes scanning the crowd, trying to make eye contact with every single person. Marcus is focused on the little whore hanging from his arm, and not even watching us. But Duke, he’s engrossed in the song, swaying to my words, and I smile to myself. We�
��ve got this. The lyrics flow from me and I’m floating away in them. The crowd disappears from my sight and all I see is Brittany, I sing to her and her only. I’m in my zone. Just like the old days.

  Fifteen minutes later, dripping with sweat, we carry our equipment towards the parking lot. Marcus comes from the building, shouting after me.

  “There’s my son! Yea, you’re going to win this one boy.”

  Ambling up next to us, I shove my guitar in the backseat of my car. My thoughts keep going to Brittany. I can’t believe she actually came to see me play, even after all the shit we’ve been though. That may be why I played so well, anytime she was in an audience where I could see her, I did great.

  “When you gonna get some better wheels boy?” laughing, he looks over at Duke as he elbows him.

  “When I can afford them dad.” Shaking his head he looks at me shocked.

  “What did you do with the money I sent you for graduation?”

  “I didn’t get anything from you dad, not even a card.”

  “Trav, I sent you a card and some cash, just like I have for every birthday, holiday and special occasion. I sent you enough to have bought a damn Mercedes. It’s all I could think to do since I couldn’t be here.” It’s my turn to be shocked. My mother must have kept them from me. Unreal, I can’t believe she would do that to me. She knew how upset I got every time a birthday came and went with no word from him. As the anger bubbles inside of me, reaching a boil, my dad tugs me closer to him for a hug.

  “I’ll have to talk to mom I guess.” My dad laughs at this.

  “I’m proud of you son.”

  “Trav,” Bas says from behind me. “They are gonna announce the winner soon, we need to get back in there.” Nodding, I turn to follow.

  Walking away, his arm around my neck, it feels great to have my dad here for this. Now that I don’t live with my mom, I’ve seen him a lot more. I even went on tour with him right after graduation. I’ll have a discussion with my mother later about this. Re-entering the arena for the Battle, the last band is just clearing off stage. Pushing our way back to the front, the crowd parts for my father. I want that power, that presence where people just do what I wish without asking. Women step in front of us, but one look at my dad’s face, and arm around me, they back away. I’m sure he’ll have his pick of them later after they announce the winner. But for now, he’s all mine, and I relish the fact that Marcus is here for me. Like a real father son bond. All thoughts of Brittany gone.

  “Okay fans, who’s ready to find out the winner of this year’s Battle? They will get an audition with MegaRock Records, and a check for ten thousand dollars to record a demo with MG MGT.” The announcer keeps going through the prizes as I look up at my dad and his manager. He just smiles down at me, then looks back to the stage. “Death Polish.” The announcer yells. For a moment, I’m stunned and can’t move or speak. This is what I’ve dreamed of, and it’s really happening. To me. The crowd yells and screams around me. The guys are jumping up and down, clapping me on the back as Marcus holds me in for a hug. Walking up to the stage with me, I start to realize what’s happening. We did it. We won. We’re going to make it. I’ll have the same agent as my dad, same record label. I’m on my way up. As the biggest smile I can have crosses my face, I start jumping and waving to the audience. Grabbing the mic from the announcer, I stand to the front of the stage.

  “Thank you everyone, I’m so happy to have won this. I’ve worked hard and all knew that one day we could be on our way to something bigger. Thanks to my dad,” I turn, acknowledging him, “Marcus Dane. He’s the greatest rock star of all time, and it’s only fitting I follow in his footsteps.” Yanking the large fake check from the announcer’s hands, I hold it up in the air, shaking it around. Finally getting off the soap box, I turn to my friends, and we all stand with the check, getting our photo taken. After what seems like hours, we finally get to go celebrate. I find my father surrounded by a group of young girls. His groupies, he has them everywhere.

  “Which one of you lovely ladies wants to escort my soon to be famous son to the festivities?” Immediately two perky little blondes are by my side. Bas comes up, checking them out.

  “Hey man, find your own!” I joke. A little redhead, sort of plump, but still fine, grabs his arm, deeming herself his escort. Bent and Max have to work in the morning, so they weren’t into coming with us. We had a few drinks here at the warehouse, but now that the crowd was thinning and the well-wishers were going, they wanted to get home. Bas and I figured we could just call in.

  Duke and Marcus lead the way to a waiting limo.

  “What about my car dad?” Pausing before he climbs in, he looks over to my piece of crap, shrugs his shoulders, and laughs.

  “Burn it maybe? You don’t need that shit son, you’re about to make some money. Come on boys, let’s get in the real ride. I’m sure if we can’t all fit, someone will fit on my lap.” The girls all start giggling. Bas and I look at each other, smiling. This is what we want, what we’ve strived for. All aboard the fun train. We head over to Chippewa, and spend the night getting VIP treatments in every club we hit, our gaggle of groupies grows and we eventually end up night capping at Marcus’ room at the Adams Mark. There was piles of coke all over the place, and a never ending supply of beer and whiskey.

  “Son, you’re going to be almost as big as your old man here,” Duke said, sliding back into his agent role. He wears that skin so well. He’s a slimy bastard, but he knows how to make money, how to take a no one like me and turn us into gold. It’s what he did with my dad after all. The man grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere, and now he’s a millionaire, selling out stadiums.

  “I hope so Duke, I can’t wait to record this demo with you. Problem is, our Keyboardist, Bentley wants to leave the group. Thinks he needs to grow up or some shit. I don’t see it.” The two blondes that have been by my side all night, Cherry and Jasmine, come sit on my lap. Each one fit on a leg. Wrapping their arms around me, Cherry, the taller one, leans in, whispering in my ear.

  “We want to show you something. Maybe you could, um, follow us to the room?”

  My dad’s eye sparkle as he watches me stand. Trying to not lose the conversation as I walk away, Duke yells after me.

  “Who needs a keyboard man? That’s so old school. We can use computers for that shit now. Think about it Trav,” his voice trailing off into nothing. Entering the master suite of the room my dad had, there’s a king size bed, just calling my name. The table next to the bed has another pile of coke. Walking over, Jasmine scrapes out two lines. Her and Cherry snort them, both tipping their heads back identically, trying to let the glittery powder run it’s magic course. Cherry scoops up a bit onto a door key card. As Jasmine in her tiny little black dress lies down on the bed, she yanks it up, and over her shoulders. With nothing on but her black lace bra and matching panties, Cherry begins licking up her stomach. Jasmine moans with pleasure. The sound alone is enough to drive me wild, let alone the image I see of my future. Me and these two all night long.

  Cherry slowly dumps the coke onto Jasmine’s stomach. Starting at her navel, and leading down to the line of her panties. Handing me a hundred that had been rolled up as a straw, I step closer. Before I can bend down to snort the line, Cherry has her hands running up my stomach, and over my chest. For some reason, I just can’t grow any hair, so there’s nothing but smooth skin for her to touch. As her fingers splay across my abs, she quickly yanks my shirt up, and over my head. Grabbing her by the back of her head, I pull her close to me, claiming her mouth. Her pretty pink lips part to allow my tongue access. Her hands glide gently to my dick and as it hardens under her fingers, she applies more pressure, stroking me through my jeans. As she pulls away, she pushes my head towards Jasmine who has her forgettable brown eyes staring at us, a coy smile playing on her lips.

  Putting the bill in my nostril and plugging the other, I bend down, quickly sniffing the powder into my nose. Plugging both sides and trying to breathe
in deeply, allowing it to coat my sinus and drip down my throat, I close my eyes, enjoying the feel. Looking back down, I toss the bill aside, and lick Jasmine, right where Cherry had, making sure to lap up any leftover particles. Continuing my way down, I slide her little black panties off, licking to the warm wet spot between her legs. She moans and writhes beneath my tongue. Cherry removes her pink mini skirt and white top, revealing her skin. I take notice that she had nothing on underneath. Returning my attention to the wonderful folds of Jasmines sex, I continue lapping, circling my tongue around her clit. Knowing exactly where the sweet spot is, I purposefully lick all around but not on it. Seeing her hips buck and shake beneath me, I pin them to the mattress with my hands.

  Jasmine’s moans are soon muffled by Cherry sitting over her face. Stopping my assault on her pussy, I watch in eagerness as Jasmine begins mimicking me move for move on Cherry. Holding herself up by grasping the headboard, I can see her same reaction, hips rolling and bucking over Jasmine’s tongue urging her to go harder and faster. Dipping my head back down between the two tanned legs by my head, I pick up the pace. As I lick faster, hungrier for the sweet nectar of her orgasm, she does the same. Soon they are both moaning and panting as their bodies are rocked with the pent up excitement. Waves of the combined orgasm and their shared screams of pleasure pulsate in my ears, causing my hardened cock to leap at attention. I allow the thick cum to glide over my tongue and seep down my throat. The sweet taste of it driving me wild. Without waiting, I lift myself, pausing only a moment outside of the wetness of Jasmine.


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