Tiger Moths

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Tiger Moths Page 17

by Sandra Grice

  Dale sighed and sipped her drink. She looked out over the ocean and watched the remaining portion of the sun sink into the water.

  “I didn’t think that was going to work out for you two. Although last night I was happy, but a little concerned when I saw how close you were. And that kiss just blew me away. Don’t get me wrong, you know I like Jason, just not you and him together again. That would be way too much pressure on you, especially with all the baggage. But here’s my big question - anything going on with Johnny?”

  “Johnny? Goodness no, I mean I have no doubt that today on that beach he became a new man and I am thrilled, but look at his life. It must be crazy travelling from town to town every week and living in a fish bowl. I don’t see how he does it. And all the pressure he has with the press and with performing all of the time. No, no, I’m not about to step into a minefield like that, but I will pray for him every day, that he will be able to overcome all of the temptations he is bound to face.”

  “But you like him. Don’t you? I watched you both for most of the day. There was a little something there, and I know I’m not wrong about that. Go ahead and admit it to your best friend; I won’t tell anyone.”

  Dale allowed a soft sigh. “Oh, I think Johnny and I will always be good friends. Under the surface we have a lot in common, and yes, I hope the three of us can see him again.”

  “Yea, I saw him give you the phone number. I was just wondering if you were going to let me and the kid in on that little get together.” Laura laughed and slapped Dale on the leg.

  “Okay, cut it out. You can be so juvenile sometimes.” But that’s what I love about you, Laura; you never grow up and you never let anything keep you down.

  “I like Johnny too, and my kid, well if Johnny said the word I don’t think she would be my kid anymore. And geez, she’s got him wrapped around her little finger. I guess you can’t believe everything you read.”

  “Finally! I’ve been trying to tell you that ever since I have known you. But what do you mean by that anyway?”

  “Oh, you probably don’t know. There was this big thing about Johnny being a womanizer and then out of the blue, just a couple of weeks ago, there was this article about him being gay. I, of course, didn’t let Gracie see it. That would have led to about a billion questions. But they had pictures and a big write up about it.”

  “And it was in a tabloid, right?”

  “Well yea, but it did enough to scare Jason into scheduling Johnny for this trip. It was supposed to be a big PR stunt, but now that I’ve met the man he seems real. I like him now almost as much as Gracie does. His concert was just awesome, and after today none of that matters anymore, even if it were true. Like you said, he is a changed man.”

  “Yes, he is a believer now and his heart has changed. But you see, that’s what I am talking about. That’s why I would never date someone like Johnny. Who could put up with stuff like that? You could never have a private life with all of that fame. Still, I will allow that yes, I did like Johnny, and I wish I could know him better. But God will watch over and protect him now.”

  “I knew it. I could see it in both of you. And I understand what you are saying, but look, you can’t let fear stop you from at least being open to the possibility.”

  “We’ll see, Laura, but I have a feeling that once he gets back out on tour he will forget all about any feeling he may have had about me. The most important thing is that he has the joy of salvation now. Anyway, I have to deal with this Jason thing first. Oh, sister, I have to tell you, I am not looking forward to it.”

  Johnny pulled into the parking lot and jogged up to the hotel entrance. He smiled to himself as he hit the elevator button to the seventh floor. He reached his floor still holding on to his thoughts of Dale. The sun was on the opposite side of the building, and the hall was dimly lit. His was the last room on the right. He keyed into the room and opened the door. Two tall figures appeared out of the bathroom and grabbed him. One pinned his arms down, while the other pepper sprayed his eyes.

  He tried to fight out of the arm lock, to no avail. The spray burned his eyes painfully as he thrashed his feet out at the intruders. Suddenly he felt a deep penetrating punch in the stomach, followed by another, and a third. He tried to bend over in a defensive posture, but the first attacker held him upright. When he did manage to twist slightly, the intruder landed a solid punch to his kidney.

  The thug released him after the damage was inflicted. Finally, he fell to the carpet in intense pain. He was kicked two more times in the ribs, and rolled over. His eyes still closed from the spray, he felt the sickening blow of a boot to his groin. He blacked out for a moment, and then all was quiet.

  He lay there motionless for what seemed like an eternity. When he finally decided to move, he knew it would not be easy. It took him about fifteen minutes to muster the ability to crawl to the phone. Calling Jason’s room, he managed to mumble “Help me,” and again blacked out.

  When Jason arrived, Johnny was in bad shape. “Well, Johnny, who have you pissed off this time?” he said without sympathy.

  Johnny groaned. It was all he could get out.

  “Okay, once again I am here to get you out of a mess. We’ll get the hotel doctor to come and take a look at you. No press, no police. We’ll keep it quiet. I’m not sure what you would do without me, boy.”

  Half an hour later the doctor finished evaluating Johnny and heavily medicating him. He pulled Jason aside to give him a report. Johnny could only vaguely hear him.

  “He has two broken ribs, a bruised kidney and a broken finger. I guess it goes without saying, but I can tell you he is in a lot of pain. He may need to get that kidney looked at to make sure there is not a tear. He really should not go back on tour for a couple of weeks, minimum. Maybe longer if that kidney gives him problems. Other than that he will be fine. It just looks like someone wanted to inflict a lot of pain on him.”

  “Thanks, doc.” Jason handed him five hundred dollars as they shook hands. “No one needs to know about this little house call.”

  “And no one shall.” The doctor took the money and quietly departed the room.

  Jason turned and stared at Johnny groaning in the bed. “You had a very good doctor, Johnny; he was right on the money. Someone did want you to feel a lot of pain. No one will ever get between me and my girl again, no one, not even the great Johnny Clark. You punk!”

  Jason walked over to the phone and called the hangar. “We are flying out first thing in the morning. Have the jet ready to go by eight o’clock. No questions; just file the flight plan and do what I say. Got it? Good, we will see you then.” He hung up the phone and looked with disgust at Johnny, then turned out the light and left.

  Did I just hear Jason say he had me beat up because I spent time with Dale? It was Johnny’s last thought before he drifted into blissful sleep. Because of his condition, it was a thought he would not recall when he came to later.



  It had been two months since the inexplicable beating that had left him hobbling around the stage. He hated not being able to perform at 100 percent, but by sheer determination, Johnny had kept every one of his scheduled commitments. It had not been easy, but he relied on the foundation of his football training to play through the pain and never lose heart. In the lonely times, after the concerts were over, he sat alone icing down his wounded body, and thanking God for a joy that surpassed all understanding.

  He thought often of Big Ben, and how he had been forced to leave the crew so abruptly, so unfairly. It just was not right, no matter what Jason said it might do to his career. After much prayer, he was determined to bring Ben back into his life.

  His perspective was so different now that he had a new heart. Awards and fame meant little to him now. They simply did not compare to the value of his relationships, and the joy he had found in the Lord. There had been no more drinking. The sleeping around was over. Dale had been so right about ho
w God changed the desires of his heart.

  Jason’s thoughts turned to Dale. Why, he wondered, had he not seen her with Jason? Why had she seemed to have disappeared? Jason had told Johnny that she was busy getting settled back in after being away for so long. While Johnny was not completely convinced, he did not call Dale. He well remembered how it felt to find his girl with another guy. Do unto others.

  Now back in Tennessee for his next concert, Johnny picked up the phone and did what he should have done months ago. He called Big Ben. With each ring he grew a little more anxious. He wanted to talk to Ben tonight, before he had another performance. He wanted to set things right. But more than anything, he wanted to share his big news of Christ with the man who was like a brother to him.


  “Big Ben, hi, it’s me, Johnny.”

  “Johnny, I can’t believe you called. It’s great to hear from you. Man, I have been trying to reach you for a couple of weeks now, but your number has changed.”

  “Yea, I’m sorry about that. Jason made me change numbers; had a security breach or something.”

  “I think you really do have a security breach, and his name is Jason Crownfield.”

  “What? What are you talking about, Ben?”

  “It’s one of the reasons I’ve been trying to reach you. I was going to drive over to Knoxville and come find you, because you need to know what kind of guy you have working for you. Listen, after I left the crew I came home feeling pretty bad about everything. So I decided I was going to find the guy who took those pictures. Long story short, I ran down this Wilson Wright guy who snapped the shots. But guess who was paying him to stay on you twenty-four/seven? That would be one Jason Crownfield.”

  “Crownfield? But why? I go down, so does he.”

  “You can’t find logic in a crazy man’s mind. My guess is he hated me so much he wanted you to stumble so he could give me the boot. Then he probably figured he would look like some kind of hero to you. May not be any logic in it, but it was a crafty move, and it worked. Guess he didn’t think I would ever run this guy down and make him squeal.”

  “I knew I made a mistake when I let you leave, man; you are like family. I want you to come on to Knoxville so you can see the look on Jason’s face when I fire him and hire you. And Ben, I’m really sorry, man.”

  “Everything happens for a reason, Johnny. I’ll be there in a few hours. But I have one condition on you hiring me back.”

  “Anything, Ben. You just name it.”

  “It turns out that losing my job with you ended up leading me to Beth, my future wife. It was love at first sight, man; we both just knew. So, I need to be off from work next March, and I need for you to be off too, because I want you to be my best man. But I’ve saved the biggest news for last. See, the way I met Beth was at church. I promised my mom I’d go with her one night. When we got there I saw Beth, and there was this amazing glow about her. It is a glow that I have now too, thanks to Christ. Johnny, I’m not making this up; she looked like an angel to me. I watched her, and she seemed so full of….”

  Johnny could not stay quiet any longer. “Joy. It was joy, wasn’t it, Ben? I know exactly what you mean, big guy: the joy of salvation. I know because I found it too, on the beach in Guam. We have a lot to talk about, Ben, but this is too big to do over the phone and I’ve got people needing me right now. But we have a lot to talk about. Go get in your car and I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “You got it, Johnny. This is great. I’ll see you soon.”

  Johnny hung up the phone and massaged his ribs. I found the one too; I just can’t have her. The ribs were still a little tender, but much better. He thought about the time that had passed since Jason had manipulated Ben into leaving. Unexplainably, his mind shifted to thoughts of Guam. It had been so much fun. Dale had made him feel so alive. Then there had been the terrible beating. There was no robbery. Why would someone just want to beat him up?

  It happened after I spent the day with Laura, Gracie and Dale. After I kissed Dale on the cheek and gave her my phone number. A number she never used, or did she? Jason had my phone number changed. He has been so irritable and unsympathetic since then. What’s going on with him?

  “That’s it! Crownfield, you sorry excuse for a human. It was you behind the beating. Just like it was you behind the photos with Big Ben. You’re busted now and you’re going down.”

  Johnny called his assistant, Max, and asked him to do the research to find Dale’s phone number. He was not sure where she would be, just somewhere in Tennessee. Then he sat back and thought about how Jason was going to finally get his just rewards. Once he told Dale what Jason had done to him and Ben, everything would change. She was far too precious to be hurt by someone like Jason. That was not going to happen if he had anything to say about it.

  Max rounded the corner and headed to the office to look up Dale’s number, but was stopped short by Jason. “Hey, Max, I need you to go to the west entrance and sign for some equipment that has just come in.”

  “But Johnny just asked me to…”

  “I know, I heard. Don’t worry about Johnny’s request; I’ll take care of everything. Go on now; they will not wait all day.” He laughed to himself and walked to the phone. In a few short hours he would exact his revenge on them. I’ll take care of everything, and this time little Johnny-do- good will not get in my way. I’ll teach you all a lesson about who is in control. Dale, sweetheart, you are about to learn that you can’t just throw me away like a piece of trash.



  Settled into her temporary quarters at her parents’ house, Dale was home again. It was true, there really was no place like home. She rolled out of bed and took a quick shower. Her guests would soon be up and she wanted to be downstairs to greet them.

  Again, she had invited Laura and Gracie to come for a visit. Her parents enjoyed their company almost as much as she did, so the invitation was no imposition. They arrived late the night before. This morning would be their first opportunity to talk, and Dale needed to catch Laura up on all of her news.

  A light tap on the door drew her attention. “Yes, come in.”

  “Hey, girl; it’s just me.” Laura came in the room and closed the door behind her.

  “Well hey yourself, you are up early. What’s up, my friend?”

  “I just wanted to try to grab some time where just the two of us could talk. I have some news – but first you gotta tell me the details about how it went with Jason. You know me, I have to have the full scoop. I mean it’s been what, two months now since you broke it off?”

  “Yeah, I guess it has. Time flies with all of the moving and doing stuff with my folks. I’ve been dying to talk to you though. So anyway, I met with Jason shortly after we got back from Guam. It was a horrible meeting. But I needed to tell him that it was over between us in person. He deserved that much and I knew he would not listen to me over the phone. He took it really hard. First I thought he was going to cry, then he got really crazy angry and slammed the door as he left. He was muttering something I didn’t understand. To be honest, I’m certain it was something I didn’t want to hear anyway. It was bad, Laura; even worse than I anticipated.”

  “Wow, Dale. I had no idea it would be that bad. I feel so bad for him. I mean I can’t believe how much he has changed. He’s like a different person.”

  “He really is, I think. All I know is that I am so glad it is over. I wish I had not hurt him so much, but it just wasn’t right for us. All right, enough about me. You said you had some news.”

  A smile lit Laura’s face. “Yes, I do. I wanted you to be the first to know that ….”

  “Momma, are you in there?” Gracie’s question was followed by her knock on Dale’s bedroom door.

  “Oops. I’ll have to tell you later. I don’t want Gracie to hear this just yet. Yea, sweetie, come on in.”

  Gracie walked in still wearing her pajamas. “What are you doing?”

  Laura spoke first. “We were just figuring out what we wanted to eat for breakfast. I’m starving. Do you have any ideas?”

  “French toast and bacon!”

  Laura looked at Dale. “I swear, Dale, you have her eating your favorite breakfast now.”

  “Because it’s the best there is. Now let’s go downstairs and make sure Mom and Dad are up. We have breakfast to make.”

  After breakfast they gathered in the family room to reminisce, mostly about Dale’s childhood adventures. Laura and Dale laughed at David Grayson’s imitations. He had always been good at doing famous people, but the best one was when he did his own daughter. His imitation of Dale was uncanny. Even she admitted that it was excellent.

  “Yes, Dale used to go everywhere at the campsite in Myrtle Beach, and squeal when she saw those planes fly over. Hey, honey, do you remember that time you told that little boy you were going to grow up and be a pilot and maybe fly him around one day?”

  “Oh yeah, I remember that night. It was the first time you ever taught me how to do glow sticks. Geez, I was only Gracie’s age then. He was such a cute little boy. I told him one day his name would go up in lights like the glow stick.”

  “Aunt Dale, you mean they had glow sticks way back when you were little?”

  “Well first of all, young lady, it was not that long ago. But no, these glow sticks were not the ones you had at the concert. They were just sticks out of a fire that you let the fire burn out on. They glowed just for a few seconds. But they were a lot of fun. I wonder what ever happened to that boy. Man, he sure had a mean cousin.”

  “Yes and you were ready to tear in to him as I recall,” David laughed. “Always there for the little guy, that’s my girl.”


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