Anglo-French summit 139–40
and Blair 31, 39, 50, 139–40, 151, 160–1, 186, 259, 268–9, 327–8, 332, 334, 361, 380, 454
and Bush 27–8
EU rebate 361
European constitution referendum 259
G8 summit 334
Iraq 151, 160–1, 163, 186
Lebanon crisis 380
Olympic Games 327, 328
and President of the European Commission 268–9
Churchill, Sir Winston 28, 49, 91, 170, 173, 213, 443, 626, 751
Citizens UK 736
City of London 476–8, 480, 481, 483–4, 608–9 see also financial sector
Civil Aviation Authority 725
Civil Contingencies Unit 21
civil service 289–92, 453, 465, 483
Clarke, Charles
7/7 332–3
anti-terror plan 336
on Blair 287, 288, 337
Blair and Brown 62
Blair’s Wobble 265
and Blunkett 285
on Brown 403, 566, 599
Brown offers of appointments 462
and Brown succession 347
and Brown’s Cabinet 463–4
civil service 292
coup against Blair 403
coup against Brown 688
as Education Secretary 231
euro 196
European constitution referendum 259
foreign prisoners 366, 367
general election (2005) 313
general election (2010) 738
Iraq 82, 161
ninety-day detention 340
planned coups against Brown 558, 566, 658, 659
replaced as Home Secretary 370, 386
reshuffles 198, 321
tuition fees 231–2, 233, 236
Clarke, Helen 364
Clarke, Ken 66, 601
Clausewitz, Carl von 109
Clegg, Nick
10p income tax band 534, 539
and Brown 642, 726–7, 731, 735, 747; post-election negotiations 747–8, 750–2, 758–9
and Cable 715
and Cameron 724, 726, 728, 750; post-election negotiations 744–6, 750, 754–5, 757, 758–9
general election (2010) 715, 716, 726–7; Cleggmania 723–4, 726, 727; disappointment 744; post-election negotiations 744–59, 761; television debate 717–24, 727–8, 733–5
Gurkhas 643–4
and Mandelson 553
media attacks on 727
parliamentary expenses 642
Remembrance Sunday 599
Clifford, Max 367
climate change 330, 334, 437, 446
Clinton, Bill 11, 453, 503
9/11 36
Afghanistan 33
and Blair 26, 27
Blair and Bush 28, 99, 122
Iraq 85, 153
Kosovo 92
Labour conference (2002) 122
triangulation 526
Clinton, Chelsea 36
Clinton, Hillary 27, 125
Clooney, George 543–4
COBRA 24, 289, 332–3, 466, 467, 470–1, 474, 498, 598, 724–5
Coe, Seb 326–7, 328, 329
Coffman, Hilary 279, 395
Cohen, Nick 563, 565
Cohen, Ronnie 359
Cohen, William 27, 85, 92, 93, 122
cojones meeting 105–6
Colgate summit 29–31, 86
Collins, Joan 337
Collins, Phil 323
on Blair 335, 337
Blair and Brown 436
Blair’s departure date 387
coup against Blair 395, 399
education reforms 355
lack of leadership contest 441
Lebanon crisis 383
party conference (2006) 405
prisons 340
Collins, Ray 569
Collins, Richard 718, 719
Comprehensive Spending Review 78, 268, 504
Conservative Party
10p income tax band 440
Afghanistan 664
and Blair 550
Brighton Conference (2010) 706
and Brown 434, 464, 550
Budget (2002) 76
by-election results 269
Cameron elected leader 343–6
Cheriegate 136
credit crunch 603
Crewe and Nantwich by-election 541
Duncan Smith becomes leader 66
Ealing Southall by-election 497
economy 479
education reforms 356
Euro-elections (2004) 267–8
European constitution referendum 258
fear of snap election 600
feuding 66
and financial regulation 477, 481
funding 357, 358, 359, 371–2
general election (2005) 298, 299, 303, 306, 308, 317, 319
general election (2010): campaign 705–6, 709, 714–15, 716, 717–24, 727–8, 733–5; manifesto thinking 704–5; and party problems and mistakes 706–8; post-election negotiations 744–6, 748, 754, 758–9; results 738, 739, 744; television debate 717–24, 727–8, 733–5
general election speculation 497–8, 505, 510, 511, 704
Howard becomes leader 227
Iraq 119, 151, 309–10
leadership elections 66, 227
Lebanon crisis 383
local elections (2004) 267, 268
local elections (2006) 368
local elections (2008) 540
Northern Rock 529
Olympic Games 327
parliamentary expenses 647–9
party conference (2007) 505–7
renewal under Cameron 740–1
Sedgefield by-election 497
tuition fees 234
weakness 130
constitutional reform 7, 199–202, 547–8, 549
Cook, Frank 466
Cook, Greg 737, 743
Cook, Robin
Blair and Bush 107
Bush’s British visit 244
Bush’s inauguration 28
control over interest rates 65
demands date for Blair’s departure 323–4
Iraq: absence of WMD 204; Cabinet meetings 82, 83, 118; dossier 119; parliamentary vote 167; resignation 169
as Leader of the House 11, 369
resignation 157, 164–5, 166, 169
Cooper, Robert 89
Cooper, Yvette 198, 463, 531, 535, 611, 682, 683, 690
Coulson, Andy 718
Cowen, Brian 694
Cox, Barry
Blair and Brown 15, 55, 60–1, 67, 68, 81
Blair’s departure date 262, 277
Campbell’s resignation 206, 222
‘cash-for-coronets’ affair 364
Cherie Blair 125
coup against Blair 402
Gilligan affair 208–9
Iraq 102, 144, 168
Mandelson and Blair 4–5
religion 448
warrior PM 174
Crawford summit 93–101, 105, 155
credit crunch 486–95, 531–2
bank bail outs 578–80, 582–97, 598–9, 600, 604, 605–7
bank base rate 604–5
fiscal stimulus 601–4
Lehman Brothers 575–7
and planned coup against Brown 569–70
quantitative easing 605, 616
recovery plan 565–6
Crewe and Nantwich by-election 541–2, 556, 558
Cromwell, Oliver 91
Crosby, Sir James 611
Crosby, Lynton 306
Crosland, Susan 354
Cruddas, Jon
big tent politics 464
Blair’s political positioning 6
and Brown 537
Brown premiership 475, 523, 598
deputy leadership contest 454
forty-two day detention 548
general election speculation 504
immigration 502
Pre-Budget Report 514
Cunliffe, Jon 194, 622, 628, 631
br /> Cuomo, Mario 287
Dacre, Paul 72, 129–30, 189, 529, 556
Daily Express 311
Clegg attack 727
Daily Mail 72, 129–30, 450, 556
10p income tax band 539
airline terror plot 386
Baroness Scotland 669
Blair’s final conference speech 408
Brown 544, 653
Budgets 439
Cameron and flooding 497
Cheriegate 133, 134, 135, 136
Clegg attack 727
European referenda 258, 525
general election (2005) 311, 319, 321
general election (2010) 735; leaders’ debate 723
Hutton Inquiry 220
Iraq 170
lost data discs 516
Mandelson’s return to Cabinet 572
Northern Rock 529
Olympic Games 330
Daily Mirror 129
Blair’s final conference speech 408
Brown 224
Budgets 439
coup against Blair 396
general election (2005) 311
general election speculation 501
Goodwin pension 610
Iraq 170
lost data discs 516
Prescott’s affair 366–7
prisoner abuse pictures 259–60
Short’s resignation 158
Daily Telegraph 45, 170, 361
Blair’s departure date 390
Brown and Gillian Duffy 733
Cameron 345
Clegg attack 727
Darling 562, 710
fiscal stimulus 602
G20 summit 635
general election (2010): leaders’ debate 723; post-election negotiations 753
general election speculation 501, 502
Olympic Games 330
parliamentary expenses 645, 647, 649
Pre-Budget Report 514
d’Ancona, Matthew 239, 448, 553
Danet, Alain 328
Dannatt, General Sir Richard 377, 445, 664, 665
Darling, Alistair
7/7 332
10p income tax band 533, 537–8, 539
and Balls 678, 681–3
bank bail-outs 583, 584–6, 587, 590–1, 593, 595–6, 597, 604, 605–6, 607
banks 579
Bradford & Bingley 578
briefing against 638
and Brown 67, 461–2, 491, 494, 516–17, 523, 529–30, 532, 537–9, 561–4, 586–8, 595–6, 601–2, 612, 640–1, 653, 657, 678–9, 680–3, 686, 689, 702, 711
Budget (2008) 532, 537–8, 541
Budget (2009) 640–2
Budget (2010) 710–11
and Cable 756
as Chancellor 461
credit crunch 487, 488, 531
deficit 679, 683, 710, 711
economic recovery 711
on The End of the Party revelations 702
financial sector regulation 483
fiscal stimulus 601–2
G7 Washington summit 592–3
general election (2010) 686; resigned to defeat 686, 692
general election speculation 499, 504–5
Goodwin pension 609–10
Guardian interview 562–3
Gurkhas 643
HBOS 577, 578
and the Hoon–Hewitt plot 689, 692
inheritance tax 506, 513
Iraq 165
and King 491–2
and Labour’s low ratings 674
Lehman Brothers 575, 576
lost data discs 515–17
loyalty oath 569
and Mandelson 678–9, 682
National Economic Council 611
Northern Rock 490, 491, 492, 493–4, 495, 528, 529–30
opposition to deal with Lib Dems 755–6
party conference (2009) 670
peace talks suggestion 391
planned coup against Brown 558
post-election spending squeeze 711
Pre-Budget Report 513–14, 680–4
public borrowing 600, 681
recession 614–15
spin against 561–4
threat to remove as Chancellor 653, 657, 658
and universities 230
Whelan on 615
Darling, Maggie 562, 563–4, 702
Darzi, Professor Sir Ara 465
Davies, Gavyn 210, 240
Davies, Mark 691
Davies, Quentin 464
Davis, David 292, 505, 549
de Chastelain, General John 415–16, 425
de Gaulle, Charles 91, 139
de Menezes, Jean Charles 336, 360
Dearlove, Sir Richard
9/11 21, 33
and Blair 42, 111–12
and Humphrys 207
Hutton Inquiry 219
Iraq 100; dossier 110, 111, 112, 115, 117; post-war planning 184; war 175; WMD 178, 179
Libya 250
Pakistan visit 46
Delanoe, Bertand 329–30
Democratic Unionist Party 416, 419–21, 425, 429
forty-two day detention 549
power-sharing 426, 430, 431, 433
Robinson scandal 694–5
St Andrews Agreement 428, 693–4
Denham, John 336, 504, 780n100
Department for Productivity, Energy and Industry (PENIS) 321
Deripaksa, Oleg 601
Desai, Lord 535
Desmond, Richard 128–9
Devine, Jim 708
Diamond, Patrick 717
Diana, Princess of Wales, Blair’s response to death of 5, 205, 287, 297, 450, 452
Dimbleby, David 308, 733
Dimbleby, Jonathan 309
Disraeli, Benjamin 78
Dobson, Frank 119, 168, 371, 385
Dodds, Nigel 421
Donaldson, Dennis 806–7n55
Donaldson, Sir Liam 256
Dove, James 16
Dr Who 120
Draper, Derek 637
Dromey, Jack
Abrahams donation 518–19
cash-for-coronets affair 357, 360, 361, 363, 364
general election speculation 499
Duffy, Gillian 731–3
Duncan, Alan 648
The End of the Party Page 131