A Perfect Fit

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A Perfect Fit Page 3

by Tory Richards

  “Who’s going to protect me from you?” She snapped, rubbing her wrist when he let her go.

  “You should have thought of that before you seduced me out on the runway.”

  She had the nerve to look shocked. “Excuse me?”

  “Don’t play innocent with me, lady. You knew exactly what you were doing out there. For all you knew I was the killer. But that didn’t stop you from making eye contact with me, pursing those pretty lips, and putting that little extra bounce in your step.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Then why was she suddenly blushing? Beau shrugged. “I know when a woman’s coming on to me.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to dress. I have a dinner engagement and I’m starved.” She opened the door and looked at him expectedly.

  Beau glanced at the parade of people walking in the hallway past the door. So she thought she could dismiss him, just like that? He had a feeling Marissa was used to calling the shots. She’s going to learn soon enough that she’s met her match. For now, he was willing to humor her. After he left the room, he heard the door close behind him. He leaned against the opposite wall, crossed his arms, and waited for her highness to emerge.


  Releasing a sigh of relief, Marissa leaned against the door. Beau Evans was going to be trouble. But she couldn’t deny the instant, hot attraction between them. She had been coming on to him on the runway, he’d been right about that. As soon as they’d made eye contact, she’d flirted with him shamelessly, knowing she was safe and that it wouldn’t go anywhere.

  Huh! Little did I know. But one thing was certain-the man knew how to fuck a woman. The after effects were lingering in a pleasurable way.

  She untied the belt, let the robe fall to the floor, and then turned toward the mirror. Her hands moved up to her breasts. They were tender to the touch. A tingle in her nipples reminded Marissa of what Beau’s mouth had felt like when he’d been loving them with his teeth and tongue, tweaking them with his fingers. Her flesh was a little red where his whiskers had chafed her.

  Remembering what his cock felt like ramming into her body produced a warm rush of renewed excitement inside Marissa’s body. She squeezed her thighs against the itch there, trying to get the image of them fucking out of her mind. She was used to missionary style, but the muscles in Beau’s arms weren’t just for show. He was as strong as he looked. He’d lifted and held her against the wall without much effort. She smiled.

  She went to the wardrobe where her clothes were hanging and yanked them out. It didn’t take her long to slip into her lacey underwear, jeans, and a sweater top. Marissa was low maintenance, in spite of being a model by profession. When she wasn’t working, she dressed down. She liked easy and comfortable. After fluffing her hair, she grabbed her purse and opened the door.

  It was quiet and there was no one else in the hall but Beau, looking big and tall and standing guard like a castrated eunuch. Their eyes met. Marissa took note of the humor swimming in his sexy gaze. Then his gaze dropped down her body leisurely, igniting a slow smolder of awareness inside her. Her nipples peaked as she felt a renewed tingle between her legs. He turned her on too damn fast. What’s more, his expression said he knew what he was doing to her.

  Marissa turned and headed toward the exit door.

  “So where are we meeting your dinner date?”

  Beau was right behind her. She wished she could tell him it was a real date. And not just an old friend from college. But then, what kind of woman would that make her if she did have a real date? “We aren’t meeting anyone.” She punched the button to the ground floor. “I’m meeting an old college friend.”

  “You’re a stubborn lady.” They stepped into the elevator. “But you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

  Marissa felt her temper rising. “Look, cowboy—”

  Without warning, she found herself pushed up against the wall. She gasped, her gaze lifting to Beaus’ dark eyes. “Save your breath darlin. Until I get a call saying my services are no longer needed I don’t let you out of my sight.”

  In spite of the softness of his drawl, there was an underlining threat in his tone that Marissa couldn’t ignore. She put her hands against his chest with the thought of pushing him away, but the second her palms touched him, the hard muscles beneath his shirt flexed. Her rising anger replaced with intense awareness. She swallowed hard. Praying she didn’t give herself away.

  The pupils in his eyes dilated, and Marissa was woman enough to know what that meant. When he slowly lowered his head, she knew he was going to kiss her. She made a half hearted attempt to hold him back. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “A little late for that, don’t you think? And it’s only a kiss.”

  How could she argue with that? Especially after the intimacy they’d shared in her dressing room. She’d practically begged him to fuck her, doing everything within her power to push his buttons to get him to respond the way she wanted him to. He’d confessed that what they’d done wasn’t the norm for him. So had she unleashed a tiger?

  As soon as Beau’s mouth covered hers, all thoughts left her head and she melted like butter on a hot roll. Cursing her weakness, she forgot they were strangers. She forgot where they were. Her palms smoothed up his chest in a slow caress that took her to his shoulders. She wrapped her arms around his neck. With a deep groan, he enfolded her in his embrace and crushed her against him tightly. His tongue entered her mouth, his kiss turning rough with growing ardor. Marissa moaned with pleasure, an inferno engulfing her. Their earlier lovemaking had only made her hungry for more. She’d never experienced raw, animal sex before and he’d opened her up to the pleasures.

  It wasn’t the sound of the elevator door opening that broke the moment between them, but the ringing of Beau’s cell phone. He pulled away and reached for it at his side. “Yeah?” His tone was a little on the gruff side. Was it was because they’d been interrupted?

  His gaze remained on her as he listened to what the caller had to say. His expression never wavered. After a few grunts in response, he flipped the phone shut and slipped it away. The elevator door opened at about the same time.

  He took Marissa by the arm. “Let’s go.”

  Go where? She had a feeling it wasn’t to the restaurant where she had plans of meeting up with Val. “I’ll thank you to stop man-handling me.” Marissa realized her mistake the moment the words left her mouth.

  Beau’s harsh laughter filled the small elevator.

  Chapter 4

  Once they reached the street, Marissa stopped to look around. “So, where’s your truck?” Since she didn’t have a car, she might as well let him take her to the club. Her gaze skimmed over the array of vehicles lining both sides of the street. She didn’t have to ask which one was his. The medium-size, platinum-colored Hummer with the darkly tinted windows suited him. Before she knew it, he had taken her by the elbow, guided her across the street, ushered her inside, and closed the door.

  Watching Beau’s movements as he walked in front of the hummer was visually stimulating. For a big man he moved fluidly. Marissa had to glance away when he got into the driver’s side because she knew she couldn’t meet his gaze and not give her feelings away. He started the ignition and pulled out into traffic without even asking her where they were going. And since he was driving in the right direction anyway, Marissa stubbornly waited ten minutes before finally breaking down and asking the infuriating man where he was taking her.

  “You haven’t asked me where I’m going.”

  He burst out laughing, most likely because he’d been waiting for her to say something. “Kirk told me you were stubborn. And I would think the answer is obvious. You’re going wherever I’m going.”

  “He had no right telling you anything about me.” Marissa crossed her arms.

  Beau shot her a look. “When I accept new clients I like to know everything I can about them. So far he hasn’t told me anything I didn’
t figure out for myself.” He had the audacity to wink at her. “Within five minutes of meeting you.”

  That sounded like an insult. She snorted. “You have me at a disadvantage.”

  “Ask me anything you like.”

  Marissa wished she could tell him there wasn’t anything about him she cared to know, but that would be a lie, and she was just too damn curious. In spite of the situation, the man intrigued her. There weren’t many out there who could handle her. She decided to get right to the point.

  “Are you married?”

  He cast her a dark scowl. “Do you think if I was I would have fucked you back there?

  Does he have to be so blunt? She shrugged. “I’ve known a few men who didn’t let a little thing like wedding rings stop them.” She instantly thought about Corey, and how much she hated him. He’d stolen her heart and then told her he had a wife and family and crushed all her dreams for their future in one heartbeat.

  “And did it stop you?”

  Marissa looked at the passing scenery. Even though it was dark, lights illuminated the streets and buildings along the way. “If I had known at the time, it would have.” She didn’t know why she admitted that to him, when she hadn’t to anyone else. It was a time in her life when she’d been young and naïve, and to a man like Cory, easy pickings. If her comment surprised Beau, he chose to ignore it.

  “You said you have brothers?”

  “Chaz and Blade.” He met her gaze with a twinkle of humor in his eyes. “We’re identical triplets.”

  “Oh my God! There’s two more exactly like you?” The words spilled from her mouth before she could stop them.

  Beau’s deep laughter filled the interior of the hummer. “You make it sound like a crime.”

  It should be, Marissa thought. God help the female population with three Texans all built like Beau. Even if he weren’t a handsome man, his size alone would command attention wherever he went.

  “What are you thinking?” He kept his gaze on the road.

  She decided to shock him. “What it would be like having a Ménage à trios with three men that all look alike.”

  He shocked her right back. “Maybe I can arrange something.”

  What? He sounded so serious. Damn him! She was kidding. She’d never been into that kind of thing. However, she had friends who’d experimented with it a few times. They made it sound exciting, and hearing about their experiences had turned her on. Only Marissa didn’t like sharing her men when it came to sex, she was selfish that way. She looked at Beau out of the corner of her eye. Apparently, he didn’t mind sharing his women. That knowledge disappointed her. Then she reminded herself that they weren’t even in a relationship, he was just her bodyguard.

  He turned and caught her staring at him. A slight smile spread across his sensual lips and she itched to wipe it off with the palm of her hand. The next thing she knew he was pulling over and parking along the curb, in front of The Moonshine Club.

  She glanced at him with surprise. “How did you know?”


  What else did he know? She was going to give Kirk a serious piece of her mind the next time she got his chicken butt back on the phone. “Thanks for the ride.” As far as Marissa was concerned, their brief association was over.

  “Wait for me to come around.” He turned off the ignition and opened his door.

  She did the same to hers, ignoring his subtle command. No one told her what to do. A step onto the sidewalk was as far as she got. Without warning, Beau grabbed her arm. He spun her around and pushed her up against the hummer, then moved in close. He was practically breathing fire. Their eyes met and clung.

  “Look, my job is to protect you. So we can do this the hard way, or my way,” he said between his teeth.

  Marissa had a feeling his way and the hard way were the same thing. She drew herself up to her full height, but it was a pitiful attempt of trying to assert her power over him. They both knew she didn’t stand a chance against his strength.

  “No, you look, cowboy.” She tried to keep her voice calm and friendly, smiling at a couple walking by that happened to glance their way. “Kirk had no business hiring you. And I can take care of myself.”

  His expression didn’t waver, but his eyes crystallized into polished stones of determination. “Would you like me to prove you wrong…again?”

  Marissa didn’t like the threat in his tone. The hand around her upper arm tightened but she refused to let him see he was hurting her. She took a deep breath and grated, “What, are you going to fuck me again, right here?”

  His mouth tightened into a thin line. It was obvious she’d hit a nerve. “No, but I can put you across my knee and spank the hell out of your bare ass. I think someone should have done that a long time ago.”

  In your dreams, buster! She was smart enough to keep her thoughts to herself. Instincts warned her he’d try it, too. She glanced past him. There were people coming and going along the sidewalk. The Moonshine Club was aglow with neon lights. Even the outside patio area was crowded with drinkers and smokers. Marissa didn’t feel like making a spectacle of herself for the entertainment of strangers, and it especially wouldn’t look good for her if anyone recognized her.

  “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” Her tone was low and scathing.

  “As a matter of fact, yes.” His was just as cutting.

  She forced herself to relent, even though it went against her emotions. In her mind, his time would come and she’d have the upper hand. “Relax, cowboy. You win for now.”

  Beau slowly removed his hand. “It’s as simple as this, Miss Lambert. I can’t protect you if you don’t listen to me. And when you don’t listen to me, you put us both in danger.”

  He had a valid point, damn him. Marissa hadn’t looked at it that way. A movement from the window of The Moonshine Club drew her attention. She saw her friend Val waving at her to come inside. Marissa waved back. “My friend is waiting.”

  Beau acknowledged Val before turning back to Marissa. “Come on.” This time his hand was gentle on her arm. “I’ll be at the bar.” After pulling her through the threshold, he released her and grabbed one of the vacant barstools. Marissa had no doubt his gaze followed her as she continued in the direction of where Val was waving.

  Marissa and Val greeted each other with an enthusiastic hug. They’d been best friends since middle school, and hadn’t seen each other in a couple of years. Both tried to keep in touch, but with Marissa’s hectic modeling career, and Val busy at her law firm, an occasional text was all they seemed to have time for. This visit was long overdue.

  “Goodness, Val, it’s good to see you.” Marissa sank into the chair opposite her friend. Since the waiter was hovering over them she ordered, “I’ll have a Bloody Mary, please.”

  “So, who’s the hunk?” was the first thing out of Val’s mouth. Then she looked at the waiter. “Another white wine.”

  Marissa glanced to where Beau was sitting at the bar, nursing a beer. His gaze was intent on her in the mirror behind the bartender. She wondered what he was thinking, and couldn’t help grinning. If he was going to insist on hanging around she was going to do everything she could to become a thorn in his side.

  “I saw you both outside. Things looked pretty tense between you.” Val picked up her wine glass and finished off the contents.

  “Mr. Evans is my babysitter. Kirk hired him and I can’t seem to shake him.”

  “Because of the two models that recently died?”

  Marissa nodded. “Yes. Even though there hasn’t been any connection, my agent isn’t taking any chances. Until then, I’m stuck with him.” Indicating Beau with a nod in his direction.

  “Oh honey,” Val shamelessly gushed. “I’ll gladly change places with you. He’s an absolute hunk!”

  To her surprise Marissa saw Val give Beau a smile and a wink. His response was a subtle nod of acknowledgement. Green flashed before Marissa’s eyes as unexpected jealousy reared its ugly head. Then she reali
zed the burst of green was the result of the flashing neon sign on the window next to her. So why did she still feel resentful that he’d even acknowledged Val? Val was beautiful. Tall and willowy, dressed more like the model Marissa was.

  “Be my guest,” Marissa found herself saying. “You can have him. All I want is a quiet weekend to myself.” She was lying through her teeth, at least about the part of telling Val that she could have Beau. She had no claim over him, yet the fact they’d been intimate made her feel slightly possessive over him.

  Val narrowed her eyes with confusion. “Honey, do you have a fever or something?” She reached across the table and placed her palm against Marissa’s forehead. “The man is sexy as hell. I bet it wouldn’t take you long to get him into bed. Put on one of those tantalizing corsets you model and go for it.”


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