Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4)

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Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4) Page 9

by T. E. Ridener

  “Yeah,” he felt his anxiety easing up as he reached out to take the necklace from her. He unclasped the chain and stood from the bed. “May I?”

  “Yes.” Presley replied without hesitation as she turned on the mattress and held her golden locks up with one hand. Lorcan very carefully placed the chain around her slender throat and clasped it securely together before releasing a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

  “What does this mean?” Presley asked as she traced her fingers over the small charm. “And don’t lie to me because I could feel your nervousness, Lorcan Bamey.”

  “Ah, you caught onto that, huh?” He chuckled quietly as he sat down beside her again. “It means that I love you and I appreciate you. It means I want to be with you for the rest of my life, here and in the Great Beyond. I appreciate the sacrifice of you and your ancestors and I can never thank you enough for choosing me. That’s what it means.”

  Presley practically threw herself into his arms and he wrapped her up in the biggest bear-hug he could manage. Burying his face against her neck, he breathed her in. This was home. She was his home. She was everything he’d ever wanted and so much more. There was once a time when he wasn’t sure he’d get the girl, but she returned to him when he needed her most. If that wasn’t a sign they were meant to be, then Lorcan had no idea what would be.

  He loved her. He loved her with every last cell of his body. He loved her more than honey, fish, and berries. He loved her more than he loved working on cars. He loved her more than any person in the world had ever loved another person before. Presley Goult was his heart, soul, world, universe, and existence. She was perfect to him and for him. She was his as he was hers, and by Urseth, one day she would have his last name.

  “I love you, Baby,” he whispered, pressing numerous kisses against her soft hair. “Forever and for always, Presley.”

  “Forever and for always,” she wept against his chest. “My warrior.”


  Dimitri couldn’t sleep. He wasn’t really tired as it was, but something else was nagging at the back of his mind and he couldn’t quite figure it out. It was almost like a gravitational pull to something or someone, but who?

  He had long since concluded that it was not Rutley. His beta was snoring softly from the comfort of his bedroom at the end of the hallway. At least somebody was getting some sleep around here.

  He released a heavy breath and leaned back in the recliner, propping his feet up as he grabbed for the TV remote. Growing up, Dimitri was never used to such simple accommodations. As a kid, he spent most of his time in the great outdoors, hunting and trying to earn his keep with Breslin’s pack. Life as an orphan pup was hard-but even more so when that pup wasn’t wanted by anybody.

  Dimitri didn’t like thinking about his childhood. It wasn’t as happy as he wished it had been and there was a part of him that wondered how the hell he managed to survive for so long. Breslin looked for every opportunity to throw him out, but somehow Dimitri remained with them until adulthood.

  He closed his eyes and watched the movie reel of his life. Every tear, laugh, and fight flashed behind his eyelids as his fingertips dug into the leather of the chair. It was difficult to watch most of it.

  “Get that damn kid out of my sight,” Breslin muttered as he tore the meat from the bone of a deer leg. “Send him off to do something.”

  Eight year old Dimitri dropped his head in shame and frowned. Why did Breslin always get so mad at him? He tried to do everything he asked of him, yet it was never good enough. He never got rewarded like the other kids. Why couldn’t he have some deer?

  “Go on now,” the tall female wolf said as she nodded to the entrance of the cave. “Go fetch some more wood for the fire, Dimitri. It is winter and the babies needn’t get cold. Do as you are told.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Dimitri mumbled as he turned on his heels and slowly exited the cave. The laughter of the other children playing deeper inside reached his sensitive ears and slowly faded as he stepped out into the harsh winter air. Why couldn’t he stay and play with them?

  Fuck that. He didn’t want to think about the poor little boy who was always sad. He didn’t want to remember how much it hurt to be rejected by the only family he’d ever known. Why couldn’t he just remember life from the moment he met Liam and onward? It would be so much easier.....

  And there it was again. He could feel something tugging in his chest and sometimes it literally ached. What was it?

  It wasn’t because he missed Liam. Hell, of course he missed Liam and always would...but this was different. He’d never experienced anything like this before in his life. It was like an invisible siren of sorts calling to him, beckoning him to find her. A growl sounded low in his throat.

  It better not be Kia, he thought bitterly.

  He was well aware that Rutley thought of the she-wolf often, but he couldn’t allow himself to do the same thing. Life was confusing enough at times without adding on the fact his wolf spontaneously decided to be bisexual. He’d live his whole life being attracted to men.....it wouldn’t work.

  Yet he knew how much it would mean to Rutley if he’d just give the girl a chance. Even if they only managed to be friends it would probably be better than the cold treatment Dimitri always gave her.

  She manipulated us, he reminded himself as he let his head fall back and he frowned. I’m not a fan of deceit.

  No one is a fan of deceit, his wolf replied calmly. But we have marked her. She is ours. You must take care of what is ours.

  Shit. Fuck. Damn it. Rutley hadn’t learned all the ropes of wolf-life yet, but Dimitri definitely knew what his wolf was talking about. During their one night of mind blowing passionate sex, he’d buried his fangs into the left side of Kia’s shoulder. Rutley had done the exact same to her right. Now, while Rutley may have shrugged it off as a simple love bite....it was so much more than that.

  I made a mistake, Dimitri frowned. Liam was the only mate I ever wanted....I cannot be interested in Rutley in such a way and I sure as hell will not be interested in some little wolf-hussy. I will not do this.

  You are stubborn, his wolf barked. What if she carries your pup in her belly? What will you do then?

  Did he really have to answer that question? He didn’t want to think about being a father and definitely not with the likes of Kia Fallon. She was bad news; he just knew it. She wasn’t the type of person he wanted to be around and he didn’t want Rutley to be influenced by her, either.

  Rutley was a grown man, wasn’t he?

  “He is my beta.” Dimitri said through clenched teeth as he stood from the recliner and stalked down the hallway. He pushed Rutley’s bedroom door open and peered in. It was completely silent save for the boy sawing logs in the darkness. Rutley was still asleep.

  “You are my beta,” he repeated in a loud whisper. “I will not let her take you from me.”

  Was that really what he was afraid of? By the laws of lycanthropy, Rutley had to do whatever he said; but what kind of life would that be? He would never make Rutley do anything he didn’t want to.....


  Rutley’s small mumble reached his highly sensitive ears and Dimitri held his breath. What was he saying no about?

  “No,” Rutley repeated in a breathless groan. “Stop.”

  Oh. He was having a nightmare. Dimitri’s lips anchored into a frown as he stepped further into the darkness, easily finding his way to Rutley’s bed. One knee sank down into the mattress as he waited patiently for his vision to adjust-which didn’t take long. Rutley was lying on his side, facing him, and he was grasping his pillow in a death grip.

  “No, Mama, no,” he whimpered. “Don’t go.....don’t...”

  Something stabbed at Dimitri’s heart as he listened to his beta’s pleas. Rutley was dreaming of his mother. Dimitri often wished he could dream of his own.

  “Hey,” Dimitri whispered, nudging him gently with his hand. “Wake up, Rut. It’s just a bad dream.”

  “No, no, no,” Rutley said in a more panicked voice. “Come back! Please....”

  “Rutley,” Dimitri said more firmly as he gripped his shoulder and shook him. “Wake up!”

  “Liam, watch out!”

  Every time his lover’s name left Rutley’s lips, Dimitri was like a deer caught in headlights. He froze and stared with his mouth agape. It happened every single time. What was Rutley dreaming about now?

  Dimitri could hear the sobs ripping from his beta’s lips and it tore at him in ways he wished weren’t possible. Their connection to one another was insanely powerful; Dimitri had never experienced that sort of connection with another werewolf.

  “Rutley,” Dimitri whispered as he brushed the tip of his nose against his cheek. “Please wake up.”

  “I’m sorry....” Rutley cried. The tears were visible on his cheeks as he released the hold he had on his pillow. “I’m so sorry, Liam.”

  Dimitri would’ve given anything to see what Rutley was seeing in that moment. If only their mental connection allowed such a glimpse. But wait.


  Dimitri’s eyes slid closed as he concentrated on Rutley’s voice. He tried to imagine himself in his mind, allowing the blue eyed wolf’s thoughts to sound off in his head as blurred images slowly began to appear.

  It was so easy to make out the bright blue eyes and blonde hair of Rutley, only eight or so, as he ran through the open fields of Kadenburg. He was fast, too. He was chasing after someone but Dimitri couldn’t make out the other figure.

  “Come back! Come back!” Rutley screamed at the top of his lungs. “Take me with you!”

  Was it Liam? Was it Rutley’s mother? Dimitri’s eyes scanned the bright atmosphere of the dream as he attempted to follow after the blonde haired boy, his feet not even touching the ground in this dreamlike state.

  “Wait for me!”

  Rutley led him further and further into the familiar territory of the town Dimitri now called home. The woods seemed to be never ending as his beta’s memories carried him down the metaphorical rabbit hole. Where were they going? Dimitri had no idea, but curiosity was getting the best of him.

  “This way, Rutley!”

  Dimitri’s eyes landed on the undeniable youthful face of Liam Bamey. He was adorable as fuck and the smile on his face hadn’t changed much at all. He was waving excitedly to Rutley from atop a large mountain of dirt.

  “Where are we goin’?” Rutley asked as he dug the tips of his shoes into the side of the mountain, crawling upwards until he reached his friend. “We ain’t supposed to be up here, ya know.”

  “Well I don’t tell my mama everything I do!” Liam scowled.

  That’s my guy, Dimitri thought with a smile as he watched the two youngsters pick and poke at one another. It was easy to see they were the best of friends and a part of Dimitri envied that desperately. If only he’d had more time with Liam.....

  The happiness lasted for only a moment before the skies darkened overhead. Dimitri lifted his eyes to see storm clouds rolling in and they looked angry. He heard as Rutley released a whimper before sliding down the hill of dirt, stumbling over his own feet and falling.

  Not much had changed.

  “We need to get home,” Rutley said in a pleading tone. “It’s gonna come a bad one.”

  “I ain’t scared,” Liam boasted as he crossed his arms over his chest. “It ain’t gonna hurt us.”

  But as the daytime turned to nighttime so drastically, Dimitri had a feeling that Liam would eat his words. He turned his head and saw the tall figure emerging from the edge of the trees and it caused liquid ice to fill his lungs. It felt like someone was drowning him as he quickly turned his attention back to Liam and Rutley. They looked petrified.

  “Run!” Dimitri shouted as he realized who the stranger was. “Run, damn it! RUN!”

  Rutley and Liam resembled statues as they stayed put and their mouths fell open in silent screams. This wasn’t right. None of this was right. There was no way in hell this was one of Rutley’s memories.

  “There you are, you little shit,” Breslin hissed as he approached Dimitri. “Now I get to finish what I started.”

  It wasn’t Rutley’s memory. It wasn’t a memory at all.

  It was one of Dimitri’s many nightmares.


  December 20th

  Believe it or not, once upon a time I actually got excited about Christmas morning. It’s only five days away and right now I just want to dig a hole in the ground and disappear. Some carolers came by last night and I didn’t even bother to open my door. I LOVE Christmas songs! Everything has gone to shit.

  I didn’t sleep well last night and this time it wasn’t because of the guilt I feel. I had really weird dreams and now I have the joys of ignoring my gut instinct. What is my gut instinct you ask? Why, to go see the boys of course! I will not, I repeat, NOT go see them. If I step one foot into that apartment Dimitri is liable to rip me to shreds.

  I wouldn’t blame him for it.

  It is not easy to stay away from them. I miss them so much and every day feels like a million years have passed by since I saw their handsome faces. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking.....

  Dimitri was a real asshole to me. Why do I miss him? I wish I knew. Rutley was so nice to me and he deserves the affections I feel towards him....but Dimitri?

  I don’t know. I feel drawn to him. I truly believe there’s a kind man hidden beneath the layers of bad-assery he’s built around himself. A part of me wishes I could have the opportunity to break through those layers, but alas, life is not so kind.

  Soon it will be time for the truth to come out. The plan is being set in motion and everything will be as it should’ve always been. My family will regain what was taken from them and I’ll finally be free to live the life I’ve always wanted.

  Somehow I’m pretty sure that the life I want can only involve my two very werewolf neighbors, who happen to be my unintentional mates, and unfortunately they won’t be around when my freedom comes.

  Forever the worst person on earth,



  She was warm. She was safe. The strong arms holding her made her feel secure as she slowly stirred from sleep. Natalie had no idea what time it was, or where she was for that matter, but she was completely content as her eyes opened.

  Wait. This wasn’t her bed.

  Oh god. Her body instantly went rigid as she realized the arms wrapped around her belonged to him, which meant she was in bed with him, which meant something must’ve happened for them to be in this situation.

  Oh, Urseth. Did I sleep with Arnold? She squeezed her thighs together and searched for the slightest hint of soreness. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she felt none. Maybe Arnold was still capable of being a gentleman even when his hormones roamed freely-it was still a possibility.

  I should get up.

  No, she shouldn’t. His arms were still tightly woven around her waist and his chin was resting against her shoulder. She could feel his warm breath hitting against the side of her neck and it tickled in such a wonderful way. This.....this was everything she’d ever wanted.

  ‘Oh my god.’ She mouthed silently. What was she supposed to do? Her answer came quicker than expected when Arnold mumbled and shifted his hips to press into her backside. He was hard.

  Shit. Keep it together. Remain calm. Do not freak out. Every thought going through her mind was begging for her to either get up and run, or stay and enjoy what her sleeping companion provided, which was pure delight in knowing he responded to her body even while in the deepest of slumbers.

  Maybe he really is attracted to me, Natalie pondered as she captured her bottom lip between her teeth. Wouldn’t that have been the damnedest thing? What if Arnold was telling the truth and she really was innocent? What if he really did want to make amends and move forward? What if she was being completely delusional in thinking he was only doing all of this so he c
ould mate with her?

  There was only one way to find out.

  “Arnold, wake up.”

  “Ain’t time to get up.” He mumbled.

  “Well, say what you want to but half of you is already up.”

  Arnold’s eyes snapped open and he lifted his head, making a strange noise in the back of his throat as his movements caused his body to press harder against hers.

  “Oh, damn it, Natty,” he slurred drowsily. “This ain’t what it looks like.”

  “I’m aware.” She offered promptly before rolling over to face him.

  He was gazing at her again, but she knew deep down he couldn’t see her. His beautiful green eyes were clouded over by a murky white color and whatever sight he’d had before was gone. In a way, she hated that he couldn’t see her. Did she really want him to see her?


  “What happened last night?” She asked cautiously, unsure if she actually wanted the answer.

  “You were real upset so you had a bit to drink. I figured it wouldn’t hurt anything to calm your nerves,” he replied with a small frown. “I didn’t do anything to you and you didn’t do anything to me. I promise. We stayed decent, Natalie.”

  The ironic part was that she actually wished something had happened. Why couldn’t she make up her mind?

  “Do you want some breakfast?” What kind of stupid question was that? She was in bed with the ursithrope of her dreams and all she could think about was cooking for him?

  “I ain’t really hungry,” Arnold replied honestly, blinking. “Are you hungry?”

  Not for food, she wanted to say.


  “Oh.” Arnold said simply as he seemed to relax.

  Oh? What was she supposed to say back to that? Every small particle of life flowing through her body screamed for her to touch him, to beg him for his touch, to do anything aside from gawk at him like she currently was. She felt like a sixteen year old all over again.

  Wave after wave of heat gushed through her system as she remembered the evidence of his arousal pressing against her stomach. She did that to him. How had things changed so much since back then?


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