Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4)

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Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4) Page 17

by T. E. Ridener

  “More than anything,” Natalie agreed as she bit at her bottom lip and frowned. “I don’t want that baby coming into the world as a target. Breslin was so interested in Presley....and that was my fault. I never should’ve told him anything about my family. I was so stupid.”

  “I believe he knew about her existence before you said anything, Natalie. Breslin Connor is an incredibly resourceful lycanthrope, but we must stay a step ahead of him. Do you understand that?”

  “I don’t know what I understand anymore,” Natalie admitted as she buried her face into her hands. “I just want the peace I remember as a child.”

  “I wish I could recall such peace,” Anthony patted the spot behind him and scooted over a little to give her room. “It makes me rather nervous with you just standing there. Please sit down so we may speak.”

  Natalie wasn’t used to such proper speaking, especially from a man, but should she have been surprised given which family he came from? Anthony was a Buchanan after all.

  She eased herself down beside him and folded her arms across her chest before glancing at him again. He was studying her it seemed.

  “I remember you from my childhood,” he nodded. “I thought you were beautiful.”

  Oh, spare me. Natalie rolled her eyes and dropped her gaze to the snow beneath her bare feet. She couldn’t feel anything from the knees down otherwise she would’ve been worried. Oh well. She couldn’t recall an ursithrope losing limbs or digits to frostbite in the past. Maybe she was safe.

  “I meant it as a compliment, nothing more,” he added. “Time has been kind to Charlotte Bamey as well. How is she, by the way? I imagine losing her first born was dreadful.”

  “She seems to be doing a little better these days,” Natalie shrugged. “I wasn’t there when it first happened and I’d give anything to change that. I should’ve been here for her.....”

  “The past is the past, Natalie. You cannot keep dwelling there. What matters is that you are here now and you are making an effort to change the future into something better. I know that is easier said than done, but try to take my word for it.” Anthony nudged her gently with his elbow before releasing a low breath. “I have seen things that trouble me and I know not many others can understand. Only another delegate would understand seeing as Presley is carrying precious cargo....”

  “I am no longer a delegate,” Natalie frowned. “Urseth does not speak to me anymore. That night was the last time he ever appeared to me.”

  “Once a delegate always a delegate.” Anthony stated matter-of-factly as he pushed himself up from the stump and wandered towards the marred tree once more.

  “I was never worthy of that position,” Natalie argued as her skin tingled. She wasn’t going to shift again, was she? It had been so long since her last shift and she wasn’t sure her body could handle it happening so consistently. “My brother was worthy.....not me.”

  “You do not have much faith in yourself, do you?” Anthony turned to gaze at her from beneath his dark bangs. “I understand that you have been through a lot in these past years, Natalie, you have seen a lot, but do not put yourself down. He chose you for a reason.”

  “He made a mistake!” She cried. “I never should’ve been involved with what happened and neither should my brother. He’d still be alive if we’d only said no to becoming delegates.”

  “You say that as if he gives us a choice,” Anthony slipped his hands into the pockets of his slacks as he slowly circled around the stump she was seated on. She eyed him cautiously and scratched at her tingling skin. Did he think it was smart to provoke her? “We are chosen for a reason and Urseth does not make mistakes, Natalie. You are special to him and your purpose has not been served yet.”

  “Oh yes, it has,” she snorted. “He let my brother die and sent me off to play whore for Breslin. For so long I was completely content with bedding that man and I never understood why....and now I do. I was a distraction and I am not okay with that. Urseth should not have put me in that position.”

  “But you agreed to it, didn’t you?” He crouched down in front of her and met her gaze. She could tell from the expression on his face that Anthony wasn’t trying to make her angry. He was simply trying to talk. “You would’ve done anything to ensure Presley’s survival in this world.”

  “Anything,” she whispered sadly as she blinked back fresh tears. “But I never imagined it meant giving up so much time I could’ve spent with her. I’ve missed out on so much of her life and so many people thought I betrayed our kind when I didn’t. It’s almost like my mind was under some sort of illusion or something. I never would’ve let Breslin Connor touch me like that. I’ve only ever wanted one man in my lifetime and he didn’t want me.”

  “Ah, yes,” Anthony reached out to take her hands into his own. He was surprisingly warm as his thumbs traced over her knuckles. “I know you have strong affections for Arnold Goult. I have seen this in my dreams as I see many things. Would it help at all if I told you I have dreamed of your brother?”

  “What?” Natalie’s heart stopped for a solid beat before restarting. She stared at him in bewilderment. Was that his gift? She knew some delegates received special gifts from Urseth-she had not, but what did that matter.

  “That is how I know so much about so many things,” Anthony smiled. “That’s how I was able to help Louisa Xiong out of a sticky situation today, and that is how I am going to help you now. Pierce does not want to see you struggle like this anymore. It makes him very unhappy, Natalie. I am confident it must be miserable in the Great Beyond for him by seeing his older sister so sad all the time. What can I do to make this better for you?”

  “Why would you want to help me do anything?” Natalie asked as she pulled her hands free from his so she could wipe her eyes. “I’m sure you’ve got enough on your plate right now, especially with dreams about what’s going on in Kadenburg. You can find something more beneficial to do with your gift than wasting energy on me.”

  “Who is to say you are not one of my many tasks while I am here?” Anthony countered as he stood and offered his hands to her. “Come now. Let us take a stroll and clear your mind. You need to learn to let go of things, Natalie. If you do not, I fear they will kill you far before your time.”

  Time. Time. Natalie stared at him for a long moment and she watched as one eyebrow shot up on his forehead, disappearing beneath his dark bangs.

  “How is it that you can be around me right now and think straight?” Natalie questioned. “I mean.....it’s just that.....”

  “Natalie, I am not interested in the sweet scent escaping your body as we speak. You have been marked for another and I dare not step over that line. I am an honorable man.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it like that,” Natalie became flustered as she stood and gazed up at him. “This week has been pretty bizarre and my brain isn’t up to par. I’m really sorry, Anthony.”

  “Do not fret. I understand your paranoia, but you have my word that I will not step over that line. I am simply here to talk and hopefully we can figure out a few things together. Will you be all right with that?”

  Natalie released a shaky breath and nodded. “Yes. What do we need to figure out?”

  “I am happy you have asked,” Anthony offered his arm to her and Natalie looped hers through it. “We are going to strategize on what will happen when Breslin Connor reenters Kadenburg in February. Many events will happen between now and then, but you and I will ensure he gets more than he bargained for, hm?”

  “He’s coming back in February?” Natalie blinked. “Why don’t you tell everyone that so we can be prepared?”

  “Ah. I will tell them soon enough, but right now I am only worried about speaking to you. Remember how you said you have served the purpose Urseth gave you?”


  “He is not done with you just yet.”


  “Are you sure about this?” Greg asked quietly as he gazed into Louisa’s beautiful b
rown eyes.

  “Yes,” she blushed and gazed down at his hand, or his wrist rather, as it disappeared beneath the bottom of her shirt. “It feels nice.” She wasn’t lying about that. The gentle touch of his fingertips against her stomach was pure bliss and she didn’t want him to stop.

  “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Lou. You know that, don’t you?” Greg murmured as he leaned in to press another kiss against her lips. She groaned softly as his teeth captured her lower lip and tugged gently.

  “I do want this,” she promised as she parted her legs for him and relaxed against the couch as he rested his large frame against hers. “I want to be with you, Greg. You’re the only bear I want for the rest of my life.”

  Greg smiled and his gorgeous face seemed to light up brighter than the Christmas lights she’d decorated the windows with. She giggled and pulled him down for another kiss as his fingertips slipped past the fabric of her bra and touched hot skin. She gasped and pulled away to stare at him.

  “Did I hurt you?” He asked with wide eyes.

  “Greg, I’m fine,” she frowned. “Haven’t you done this before? I thought...”

  “None of them matter,” he said quickly as he searched her face. “No one has ever mattered until this moment, Lou. I just want it to be perfect because you’re perfect and I love you.”

  She felt her heart flutter and the heat crept into her cheeks again as she smiled. “Greg, it’s already perfect because I’m with you. You won’t hurt me.” She kissed him again and whimpered as his large palm squeezed one of her small breasts. She knew she wasn’t as blessed in that department as Presley or Mrs. Bamey, but she hoped he liked them anyway. She wanted him to like everything about her.

  “I love you too,” Louisa whispered as Greg pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor. His blue eyes swept over her chest appreciatively before he hooked a finger into the strap of her bra and tugged.

  “Cute,” he smirked. So she hadn’t necessarily dressed for the occasion, but she was glad he liked the light purple bra she was wearing. She still wasn’t sure how they’d ended up in this situation in the first place, making out on her couch in the apartment she shared with her cousin. Beau wouldn’t be home for another day, right? Why shouldn’t she take the opportunity to be closer to her boyfriend? “Let’s take this off.....”

  Louisa closed her eyes and smiled shyly as Greg removed her bra. The cool room air kissed her skin and the goose bumps rose on her flesh as Greg leaned down to graze his nose along her collarbone. She wasn’t sure what caused the shivers as he nipped at the base of her throat.

  “You are so beautiful.” He whispered huskily. His voice dripped with lust and Louisa’s body responded. She’d never had the chance to get this close to her mate-to-be.

  Don’t think about him now. She told herself as Greg’s thumb slowly slid over one of her highly sensitive nipples. She bit back a moan and gazed up at him from beneath her heavy eyelids. The look in his eyes was a mixture of hunger and love. She loved that look.

  The minutes seemed to drag by as Greg’s mouth tasted every inch of her upper body. He kissed her shoulders, licked her neck, and paid particular attention to her aching nipples-which she found she liked a lot.

  “Oh, Greg.” She sighed, tangling her fingers into his blond hair as he kissed his way down her stomach. Another shiver of delight ran straight to her core as she thought about what was going to happen between them. Tonight she would finally be one with her mate. No one would ever take Greg away from her.

  She knew Greg was more experienced than her and in a way she was grateful for that. Her former mate-to-be had been a virgin like her, and she had often envisioned their first time being clumsy and messy, but it would’ve been beautiful. The pain she felt in her heart every time she thought of him would never truly go away, but Greg had done a sufficient job of mending that wound over the past month. He was kind to her and he made her happy. Plus, she loved him. She couldn’t ask for more than that.

  Greg’s fingers traced over the flesh of her thighs after he removed her pants and Louisa nearly unraveled just from that simple action. He was still gazing at her with an undeniable hunger and she was certain her eyes reflected the same yearning. She needed him.

  “My beautiful Lou,” he smiled and pulled her further down on the couch. She released a small squeak as his strength came into play and he ripped the fabric of her underwear. “Oops.”

  She was completely exposed to him as he bent between her legs and kissed just below her bellybutton. The heat in her abdomen was almost agonizing as it grew into a prominent ache between her thighs. She squirmed beneath him as he gripped her left leg gently and lifted it to rest against his muscular shoulder.

  “You smell so good,” he growled, dipping his head until she could only see the top of his hair. She cried out as his tongue touched against her pulsating clit and the world literally ceased to exist. His mouth was everything the Great Beyond was meant to be-pure Heaven. “You taste even better.”

  “Oh, Greg,” she whimpered breathlessly as his lips sealed around her nub and the tip of his tongue teased her. “Oh, please don’t stop that......”

  And he didn’t. It seemed like he was only applying more pressure as the minutes ticked by and Louisa could only hopelessly hold on for the ride as his mouth claimed her in a way she had only fantasized about until this point in time. Her thighs tightened around his head and she all but screamed his name as he took her to new levels of passion.

  His tongue slowly stilled against her ultra-sensitive flesh as he lifted his head to gaze at her. His blue orbs sparkled as he grinned.

  “You’re driving me crazy here. You know that, don’t you?” He asked as he crawled back up her body and buried his face against her neck. He breathed her in deeply and sighed. “I love that I can make you tremble, Lou. I want to do it as often as possible.”

  She was still trying to calm her racing heart and the room was far too hot, but she was listening to the words he spoke as his hand moved up and down her side.

  “I don’t think I would complain,” Louisa whispered with a smile. “Greg?”

  “Hm?” He asked lazily as his lips danced over her pulse point.

  “Can I touch you?”

  He lifted his head to stare down at her and his gaze made her feel weak. Everything about him had the capability of making her go dumb, but Urseth have mercy! The left corner of his lips curved into a smile as he leaned back on his haunches and nodded.

  “I’m yours, Louisa. You can do whatever you want to me.”

  Oh, the things she wanted to do to him. Her eyes hungrily drank in the sight of his chiseled chest and washboard abs as he tugged his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. The way his muscles danced beneath his skin somehow promised Louisa their lovemaking would be beyond anything she’d ever dreamt of before. Her body screamed for his as she sat up and reached her trembling fingers forward to touch his hot skin.

  But the scent of someone familiar made them both freeze as they heard the jingling of keys. Beau had returned home early.


  Sometimes being a supernatural creature really had its perks. For instance, when one needed to dress quickly and move from one part of the house to the other, they could always depend on their superhuman speed to keep them out of a sticky situation.

  With the scent of Louisa still on his fingertips and the taste of her on his tongue, he narrowly escaped being caught with his pants down by the man who would probably kill him for corrupting his baby cousin.

  His heart was hammering against his ribcage as he heard Louisa stammer a greeting to Beau when the front door opened. She was nervous which wasn’t good.

  Be cool, Baby. He thought as he rested his head against the wall of her bedroom and listened. She couldn’t hear his thoughts. They hadn’t exactly made it to that point thanks to –someone-. He licked his lips and released a quiet breath as he heard Beau respond.

nbsp; “Not now, Louisa. We are very tired and we’d like to sleep for a few hours. We have a lot to discuss with the elders tomorrow.”

  What does he need to discuss with the elders? Greg wondered as he quirked an eyebrow.

  “Sammy is going to stay here tonight and then we can all go see Davey bright and early.” Beau said as the sound of something heavy hitting the floor reached Greg’s sensitive ears.

  Good luck with that. Greg thought with a roll of his eyes.

  “Yes, about that....” Louisa started.

  Greg was as still as a statue as he heard Louisa explain everything to Beau. He knew the older ursithrope would be furious when he discovered Davey Berdine tried to make her leave town. And furious he was.

  “That son of a bitch,” Beau growled. “You wait until I see him again. He wants to throw you out of town? Maybe he needs to be thrown out of town. This is just as ridiculous as when he had a change a heart over Colin. Do you remember that? It was okay to sentence Lorcan and Rutley to death but Urseth forbid Colin be punished for his crimes.”

  Damn straight. Greg thought with a smirk.

  “I’m tired.” He heard Sammy say.

  “Let’s get you to bed.” Beau replied. The sound of footsteps coming down the hallway had Greg making a dive for the window. The last thing he wanted to do was get Louisa in trouble. He fumbled to get the window open as he heard the knob to her room turning. Shit! The jig was up!

  “Greg?” Louisa whispered as she pushed the door open and peered inside. “Are you still here?”

  He sighed in relief and slumped against the wall as her tinier frame slipped further into the darkness of her room. He felt like an idiot for panicking in the first place. He was so much bigger than Beau. Surely to goodness he could take him.

  “I’m so sorry,” Louisa frowned as her hands lightly touched against his chest. “I didn’t know he was coming home so early.”


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