Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4)

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Kadenburg Revealed (The Kadenburg Shifters Series, Book 4) Page 22

by T. E. Ridener

  Rutley lifted his head again and watched as Dimitri pulled Kia’s shirt downwards. There, plain as day, was a small scar in the shape of a crescent moon upon her left shoulder. He couldn’t help but to become fascinated with the discovery. Was that what it looked like when wolves became mated?

  “Yes,” Dimitri answered for him as he pulled the opposite side of her shirt down to reveal an identical mark on her other shoulder. “This one is yours, Rutley.”

  “Mine?” Rutley asked as he stared at the mark. “But I don’t remember...”

  “I don’t remember much either,” Dimitri admitted as he ran his thumb over the small mark. Kia groaned softly and Rutley’s pants began to tighten again. “But I know you can feel it just as I do. You have felt it all long, haven’t you? Worrying about her. Thinking about her. It’s because she’s our mate, Rut.”

  Well, that did make sense. Rutley felt the gentle caress of Kia’s fingertips against the back of his neck and realized she was pulling him back to her. She was seeking closeness from both of them and who was Rutley to deny her?

  “I don’t want to be afraid anymore.” Kia admitted in a silky voice.

  “You don’t have to be,” Dimitri buried his face against her neck and Kia whimpered. Rutley watched his alpha’s lips dance across her skin and he was sure he’d never seen anything hotter. God, he wanted a taste too. Rutley tilted his head and allowed his lips to latch onto her pulse point on the opposite side. The noises Kia made were divine.

  His hands made their way over her curves and it wasn’t long before Kia’s shirt disappeared. It was tossed aside and forgotten as Dimitri bit lightly at the flesh of her jaw. Rutley made quick work of discarding her bra and as his hands palmed her breasts, the world and all of its problems vanished.

  “I need you.” Kia moaned.

  ‘And you will have us.’ Dimitri promised.

  Rutley wasn’t sure he understood exactly what happened to lead to this, but he wasn’t complaining as his alpha’s mouth crashed against his suddenly. Kia was pinned between their hard bodies as Dimitri’s tongue forced its way past Rutley’s lips.

  “So hot....” Kia groaned as her mouth attacked Rutley’s neck. A pleased growl rumbled low in his throat as he pinched one of her tight nipples. She cried out and that did nothing for his pulsating erection. If he didn’t find relief soon.....

  Dimitri took the lead as he released Rutley’s bottom lip and then pushed gently against Kia. She fell back against Rutley and he leaned as far back against the side of the tub as he could. The delectable she-wolf in his arms writhed around as Dimitri’s mouth worshipped every inch of her body. Rutley fisted her hair into his hand and claimed her mouth in an eager kiss as his alpha kissed over her soft belly. He could get used to those heavenly little noises she created.

  “Oh, please,” Kia gasped as she arched her back. “Please, Dimitri....”

  Rutley’s wolf was beginning to take over as one palm slid between her breasts and followed the path of Dimitri’s mouth. He whimpered with want as he watched his alpha’s tongue swirl around her bellybutton. He would give anything to be on the receiving end of that tongue.

  ‘Soon.’ Dimitri’s smooth voice whispered in his mind as their glowing gazes connected. Holy. Shit.

  But then Dimitri stopped and the tension in the air grew thick. Rutley froze in place. Kia snapped out of her lust-induced stupor and lifted her head to stare at him. “What is it?” She asked breathlessly.

  Dimitri’s eyes dulled considerably as he stared at Kia’s stomach. Something changed. Something was wrong. As Rutley’s heart plummeted into the pit of his scorching stomach, he tried to sift through the red haired wolf’s gush of thoughts.

  “What’s wrong?” Rutley finally asked hoarsely. He had to push his own wants and desires aside as he tried to tame his hungry wolf. There was something else that obviously needed his attention at the moment, but what?

  “What is that?” Dimitri finally asked as his eyes widened slightly. “Kia, what am I hearing?”

  What the hell was he talking about? Rutley quirked an eyebrow and glanced back and forth between the two werewolves who were tangled together. What had he missed?

  “....I wanted to tell you....” Kia stammered weakly.

  “Tell us what?” Rutley was beyond confused as he shifted beneath Kia and sat up straighter against the bathtub. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Just listen.” Dimitri said firmly as his eyes dropped to Kia’s stomach once more.

  Rutley did just that.

  The rapid heartbeat that reminded him of a hummingbird’s wings caught him entirely off guard and his jaw dropped open for the umpteenth time that night. “Is that.....? Are you....?”

  Kia’s sharp intake of breath was confirmation enough. She was pregnant and Dimitri’s pack was going to get another addition whether he liked it or not.


  Working on Christmas Eve absolutely sucked. It wasn’t busy, but it sure was boring. There had only been one customer the entire evening and he only came in to get a gallon of sweet tea on his way to his mother’s house. Natalie was bored out of her mind and was contemplating re-sweeping the entire lobby just to have something to do.

  “We’re almost done here.” Clint mumbled as he exited the kitchen and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Marlboro Reds. Personally, Natalie hated the smell of cigarettes, but she knew a lot of her co-workers had to have their nicotine. She supposed it wasn’t any different than her occasional craving for honey or fish, but at least those wouldn’t kill her in the long run.

  Richard needs to stop smoking. She thought as she grabbed an old rag from the bucket of soapy water and made her way into the diner. She’d already cleaned the tabletops once, but damn it, she needed to find something to do to keep her mind occupied. The thoughts of Arnold Goult would eventually go away, wouldn’t they?

  Ha. Who was she kidding? She always thought of Arnold. He’d plagued her mind since the first time she’d seen him as a little girl. Arnold Goult was one of the cutest boys at her school and her crush on him was pathetic.

  The human was sent as a distraction. Her bear muttered restlessly. He would’ve been ours had it not been for her.

  You can’t talk bad about her. Meredith came back to do the right thing, but Breslin stopped her. She was going to tell him the truth. Natalie reminded her inner bear as she moved from one table to the next. I don’t want to think about it right now. I’m tired and it’s Christmas Eve. Please just let me have one night of peace.

  It is going to get worse before it gets better. Her bear warned. You heard what Anthony said. Breslin will return in February and we must be prepared! Arnold’s daughter must play an important part in all of this as we all do. Urseth said we all play a role or have you forgotten that too?

  Of course I have not forgotten that. Natalie swallowed down the angry growl that wanted to escape. She glanced towards Clint. He was far too busy sucking at the cancer stick between his lips to pay attention to her. He took many memories from me, but I have never forgotten that.

  Then I suggest you find your wit before it is too late. She has returned for a reason. Everyone is here for a reason. Anthony has shared his gift with us so that we may have a better understanding of what will happen in the New Year. We have to protect Presley’s cub.

  I will do what I have to in order to keep her safe. Do not question my ability on protecting my own. Natalie’s skin tingled and she shut her eyes. Urseth why did this keep happening? She couldn’t start bearing out at every little inconvenience. Why was her bear bringing all of this up now anyway?

  You did not want to think about Arnold, remember?

  Well that’s not the way to do it. Damn it, leave me alone! Just let me finish my shift and go home.

  But you promised Charlotte we would join them for dinner. Are you going to back out now?

  Is it too late to do that?

  You are not a coward. You will go to that dinner and you will tell them what A
nthony has told us. They need to know.

  Damn. She was right. Natalie heaved a heavy sigh and lifted her head to gaze out the window facing the street. Kadenburg never looked more beautiful than on Christmas Eve. She could remember every holiday since her early childhood, but none ever compared to the scenery of Christmas. The street was blanketed in snow and the light shining down from the street lamp made the white fluffy substance sparkle like diamonds. It was postcard perfect.

  “Well, I think I’m out of here,” Clint said excitedly as he pulled his jacket on. “Will you be okay getting home, Natalie?”

  “Oh yeah,” she nodded. “Don’t worry about me, Clint. I’ve been driving in this stuff since before you were born.”

  He rolled his eyes and smirked before shaking his head. “Okay then. Well, I hope you have a Merry Christmas, Natalie. I’ll see you on Thursday.”

  “See you Thursday.” Natalie called after him as the bell chimed above the door upon his exit. She released another soft breath and slumped down into one of the booth seats. If only her Christmas actually would turn out to be merry, but from past experience, she never got what she wanted.


  As everyone bustled excitedly around him Arnold Goult’s mind was elsewhere. Was it possible to be in three different places at once? He was at the Bamey Christmas dinner in body, but his thoughts had taken him somewhere else altogether.

  He had a daughter. Meredith had deceived him and took that daughter thousands of miles away to be raised by a werewolf while he was left to mourn her fake death. How could she do that to him when all he’d ever done was love her?

  And if that wasn’t enough, he was also thinking about Natalie. The she-bear had been driving him mad for days, but he was helpless to do anything about it. She was avoiding him like the plague now and he had no idea when he’d get an opportunity to speak to her. Maybe he didn’t need to. Maybe he needed to realize his treatment of her since her arrival back in town was unforgivable and it didn’t matter anymore.

  What am I going to do? He wondered sadly as he felt a gentle nudge against his shoulder.

  “Huh?” He blinked and lifted his eyes to stare into complete darkness. Damn. He really missed being able to see.

  “Uncle Arnold,” Presley’s soft voice said. “I got you some baked fish and a turkey leg. You still like the turkey leg, don’t you?”

  A smile slid over his lips as he lifted his hands upwards, carefully, and felt for the warm plate. “Pretz, you’re an angel. Have I told you lately just how amazing you are?”

  “Oh, stop,” Presley giggled happily. He really did like hearing happiness in her voice. It was a nice change from the heartache she carried home with her from Florida. He needed to remember to thank Lorcan Bamey sometime soon. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “No, honey. This right here will be just fine. You got me some taters too, didn’t you?”

  “What is a Christmas dinner without mashed potatoes, Uncle Arnold?” Presley asked. That was a mighty fine point.

  “Good girl. Go get yourself some food and feed that cub. I bet he’s starving.” Arnold instructed with another smile.

  “Okay.” He felt as Presley’s lips touched his forehead and his heart fluttered. He loved that girl more than anything in the world and he worried that their relationship would become strained now that Sammy was in his life.

  Sammy. It was bittersweet for him because he knew they didn’t have much time. She was a daughter of Yliana, yet not one of the daughters turned by a warrior. She would die before her thirty-first birthday arrived and that revelation clouded his heart with sadness. How could he make up for lost time when tomorrow wasn’t guaranteed?

  “Oh! Here comes Dimitri and Rutley! Somebody get the door for them.” Mrs. Bamey exclaimed from the kitchen. Arnold knew she was in the kitchen because that’s where she stayed during most holiday celebrations. The woman wouldn’t sit down until everyone had a plate and the room fell silent.

  He listened intently as the door opened and the stench of wolves attacked his nostrils. Good lord why did they stink so much?

  “Merry Christmas,” Dimitri said as he bypassed Arnold. “How are you feeling, Arnold?”

  “I’m fine,” Arnold lied. He was putting on the fakest smile he could as he nodded. “How about you?”

  “I’m still kicking so I think that counts for something,” the wolf replied. “I brought you some beer.”

  “You did? Son of a gun. Bless your heart.” He was beginning to like Dimitri.

  “Oh, who is this?” Mrs. Bamey asked. Her question made Arnold curious as to whom she was referring to, but he quickly picked up on the scent of a female wolf. Urseth there were more of them?

  “Mrs. Bamey, this is Kia Fallon. She lives next door to us,” Rutley explained. “I hope you don’t mind that we’ve invited her and Amber to dinner with us.”

  There are two of them? Arnold rolled his sightless eyes and sighed. He had to keep reminding himself that it was Christmas Eve. It was supposed to be a time of peace and friendship. Would that ever truly be possible with the lycanthropes?

  Excited laughter and various conversations boomed throughout the entire house as Arnold sat there with his plate of food. He had taken a few bites, but he wasn’t feeling as hungry as one would hope. Christmas dinner was his favorite yet he couldn’t find his appetite. Was it because of his newly discovered fatherhood or because he was longing for a woman he ruined his chances with?

  Another knock sounded at the door and he immediately perked up. It was her. He could smell her. His heart began to pound and his palms became sweaty as he fumbled with his plate of food. If she saw he wasn’t eating she would rip him a new one.

  At least she would be talking to me.

  “Natalie!” Mr. Bamey shouted joyously as the front door swung open again. A cold gust of wind raced through the room and her scent was attached. Arnold’s chest ached with longing as he cleared his throat and straightened up in his seat.

  “I was beginning to worry about you,” Charlotte Bamey said with a click of her tongue. “Get in here and fix yourself a plate, Natty. You must be starving.”

  “I’m all right, thank you,” Natalie replied in the most angelic voice Arnold had ever heard. Urseth why couldn’t he just talk to her? Why couldn’t they fix things? “Where’s that niece of mine?”

  “I’m in here at the kid’s table, Aunt Natalie!” Presley called from the kitchen. Her comment was followed by an uproar of laughter. Presley, Lorcan, Dimitri, Rutley, Beau, Louisa, Greg, Sammy, Amber, and Kia had somehow managed to fit into the tiny space. How they made that possible? Arnold would never know.

  She’s avoiding me again. He thought sadly as he heard Natalie’s footsteps retreating.

  “Hey, Arnie. Let’s crack open that beer, huh?” Mr. Bamey asked as he patted him on the shoulder.

  “Hell yeah.” Arnold muttered as he pushed up from his seat and stood awkwardly. He wasn’t sure if he could even get to the kitchen at the moment.

  “I got it. I’ll be right back.” Mr. Bamey said before disappearing. There was a reason they were best friends and had been best friends since their early adolescence. Richard always seemed to read his mind on certain things and had a tendency to get him out of bad situations if need be. He was grateful to have a friend like Richard.

  Arnold found himself outside a few moments later and he was glad to be away from the noise. Since losing his sight, his other senses became amplified-his hearing most of all. He exhaled loudly and leaned against the railing of the porch.

  “You doing okay?” Richard asked.

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine eventually,” Arnold nodded. “It’s just a lot to take in. It’s not every day you find out you’ve got a half-grown kid with a woman who faked her death.”

  That was one hell of a doozy. Meredith did die. He saw her collapse with his own eyes and he panicked. He’d called his father first and then phoned Meredith’s dad at work. It was one of t
he worst days of his life.

  How did they fake her death? How did he not sense her heartbeat?

  We were not mated to her. His bear reminded him gently. We could not sense her as we could Natalie.

  Great. His bear just had to bring up Natalie, didn’t he?

  “You want to talk about it?” Richard interrupted his thoughts. “Ain’t nothing like talking about girl problems over a nice cold one.”

  Arnold laughed quietly and shook his head. “Who said it had anything to do with girls?”

  “I don’t reckon there are many options. You just found out you have a daughter and she’s a girl. Plus, you and Natalie have been acting mighty awkward with one another and my wife talks to me, ya know.”

  He didn’t doubt that a damn bit. Natalie and Charlotte Bamey had been like two peas in a pod since birth. Why wouldn’t Natalie talk to her best friend about these types of things? Arnold hung his head and sighed.

  “It’s complicated, Richie,” Arnold mumbled before taking a sip of his beer. He let the cool liquid slide down his throat and settle in his stomach before shrugging. “I’ve had too much time to think about things.”

  “What kinds of things are you thinking about?” Richard probed further. “I mean, I know you have to be thinking about that young’un in there. A daughter, Arnie. You’ve got a daughter.”

  “Yeah....” Arnold’s eyebrows knitted together as he frowned. “I don’t really know how to deal with that yet. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to her.”

  “You could probably start by spending some time with her.”

  “Naw shit,” Arnold snorted and took another drink. “I want to spend time with her....but what would we do? She’d want to talk and I don’t really know what to say about anything. I never knew she existed until today. How do you approach the sort of situation?”

  “With caution and understanding,” Richard replied. “She seems real eager to get to know you. She’s going to need you just as much as you’ll need her in the next little while. We’ll need each other to get through this.”


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