Magical Cool Cats Mysteries Boxed Set Vol 2(Books 4,5,6 & 7)

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Magical Cool Cats Mysteries Boxed Set Vol 2(Books 4,5,6 & 7) Page 5

by Mary Matthews

  My heart beats with love for you only,

  Your Carlos


  I’ve been getting ready for your trip here and it’s been too long since I put pen to paper. Forgive me for the brief silence. I will have a lifetime to make it up to you.

  You’re going to love living in the West. I promise. The days will be as golden as your lovely hair.

  Your humble servant,


  One of the envelopes had a lock of blonde hair. Jack touched it gently, almost reverently, with the respect only a soldier knows for a part of someone who has left this world.

  “Jack, it’s painful to read. It’s like An American Tragedy. Or worse. Like the story Theodore Dreiser based An American Tragedy. Chester Gillette in the Adirondacks luring his pregnant lover to her death.”

  “Chester Gillette wasn’t married,” Jack said.

  “How is that a point in Chester Gillette’s favor? He still killed her because….” Grace’s voice trailed.

  Jack stood and put his hands on her waist.

  “How does anyone know how to trust anybody?”

  “I’m not anybody,” Jack said confidently.

  “Oh Jack, it’s all too awful.” Grace threw the letters down.

  “Tatania saved the day with these letters. Maybe we should order cream from room service. And coffee too. So we don’t seem like completely crazy cat people.”

  She reached down to pet Tatania.

  “Perfect kitty,” she said. Grace felt guilty that she had missed Zeus so much when she still had Tatania. She loved both. She couldn’t ever truly explain why Zeus made her heart sing.

  “Jack, I think of what life must have been like for Molly, her steadfast faith in him, while he lured her to death.” She picked up the letters. Tatania came over to help her look at the paper. She helpfully rolled across one.

  “I don’t think Carlos is a killer. Something feels off about this to me.”

  “She must have been so sick and weak. Living off Coca Cola and crackers. And her clothes wouldn’t have been fitting right. She wouldn’t be able to get in the corset her dresses required.”

  “If she’s about to get murdered, does it really matter what she’s wearing?”

  Grace shook her head. “I can’t believe this road leads back to Uncle Charles too. I still miss him. When Charlotte smiles, I think of him. I can’t hate him even when I learn more about some of the things he did. For such a long time, he was the only thing between me and being totally alone in the world, and for that, I will always be grateful.”

  Zeus meowed and brushed against her. She picked up the kitty. Tatania stayed perched at the windowsill looking out at something she alone saw.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “When Zeus meows, I hear the sound of a baby, Jack.”

  “Cats sound like babies.”

  “My lost one.”

  “He’s back. Zeus is not lost. And I think he was on the case. Look at the christening gown. He’s learning from Tatania.”

  “It was a few years ago.”


  “I met someone out dancing. He didn’t even sign my dance card. We just looked at each other. I don’t know how he even got in the season’s Balls. He didn’t look like he belonged. We snuck off one night together to the beach and hid from everyone.”

  “I don’t need to know the details.” Jack looked away from her.

  She had an odd floating feeling. She knew the words she was speaking could separate her from the one person she was still bound to on the earth. And still, she couldn’t stop speaking.

  “Aunt Alice. My former Aunt Alice noticed missed periods. One night, she came into my room and gave me a pill to take. I woke up in the car when we were crossing the border into Mexico. And then I woke again, on a table, screaming with the worst cramps ever, and a man I didn’t know knocked me back on the table. Aunt Alice was standing behind him.”

  Grace trembled. The wind blew the curtains up in the room. And she’d never seen Jack standing so still before.

  “The next time I woke up, I was back in the suite at the Hotel del Coronado that my former Aunt Alice rented every year. My head hurt. I felt a knot in the back of it. I remembered being pushed back against the table. And I was bleeding. Like the most extreme period ever. Former Aunt Alice came in and leaned over the bed and whispered, ‘You’re not expecting now.’”

  Jack stared out the window. Grace wished he would say something.

  “And then I tried to talk to Uncle Charles and all he said was, “It would have been worse if it had continued. Have a glass of Brandy.”

  She looked at Jack. He walked towards her.

  “We will never speak of this again,” he said. Then he walked out the door.

  Grace called Annie and told her what happened.

  “Why did you spill it? Why tell him now?” Annie asked.

  “I don’t know. When I missed Zeus, it was unbearable. And I know Jack didn’t get it even as much as he loves animals. I wanted him to understand.”

  “That may have been your first mistake, Dear. They never understand. They just decide they’ll forgive us for having lived before we met them.” Annie puffed her cigarette.

  “You always see things with such finality. This isn’t an ending. It’s just one round. He’s gone into his corner for awhile.” Annie sighed.

  Grace said goodbye to Annie and hung up the phone. She sank down on the bed. A gentle nudge woke her up. Zeus. He purred soothingly. Grace said a prayer filled with gratitude. The little angel on four paws had returned. She got her cat back but lost her guy. Oh well.

  The phone rang. She hoped for Jack. It was Annie.

  “Just checking on you. How’s Zeus?”

  “He’s adorable. And he looks fine. Someone’s been feeding him well. He hasn’t missed any meals.”

  “They never do. When you’re a cute kitty, you can wrap the world around one paw. Jack will be back too.”

  “I don’t know what’s going to happen with the house. Or our partnership. But, I’ve got my cat,” Grace smiled.

  “You’re going to marry Jack.”

  “I don’t know about that.”

  “Why aren’t you married?”

  Grace’s usual reply would have been to change the subject but with Annie, she felt comfortable, and told her simply, “I’m twenty. And I don’t want anyone to know I’m not twenty-one yet—


  “I don’t want anyone to know I don’t have a legal guardian. I don’t think it would be a problem. But since I can’t legally marry without a guardian—”

  “— you don’t want to draw attention to your situation. When do you turn twenty-one?”

  “In a few days.”

  “Jack is honorable. He’s coming back. “

  “I’ll stay on the case.”

  Zeus tried to knock the phone earpiece out of her hand again, butting her with his adorable pink nose, and she thanked Annie and hung up. He rolled over and she rubbed his feline white tummy. Brave little cat out in the world.

  “I think our nightly service is here,” Grace said, when she heard a knock on the door.

  She opened it and saw Jack. Standing in his white shirt, dark jeans, and leather jacket. She looked at his smoldering eyes. He still took her breath away.

  “You’re beautiful.” Jack slipped the emerald and diamond ring from Jessop & Sons Jewelers on Grace’s finger.

  “Jack, I think anyone would look beautiful with this ring on.”

  “None would be as sweet as you. You were born to wear this ring. It matches your eyes. When I saw it at Jessop & Sons jewelers again, I had to get it for you. I don’t care about the past. Except that you lived through it.”

  Grace looked at Zeus and Tatania snuggled on the windowsill together, watching seagulls. She had everything and everyone she wanted.

  “Meow Baby.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jack kissed the tear on Grace’s cheek.

  “Come on Wentworth. We’ll get these letters to the cops where they belong.”

  Jack drove silently to the San Diego police station, holding Grace’s hand. Words were unnecessary.

  They noticed a gentleman holding his hat in the front office.

  “This is Mr. Mansfield,” the deputy said.

  “I’m sorry for your loss,” Grace said.

  “I am too.” Jack took a deep breath. He considered asking the deputy to step out so Molly’s Dad wouldn’t learn about the letters from him. Then he decided it would be worse to exclude her father.

  “We found letters between your daughter and—”

  “—I know she had a boyfriend. Let the deputy have them.” He looked away.

  “I’d ask how you found these but—”

  “—It’s better you didn’t,” Jack agreed.

  “My Molly was missing a toe. That’s her skeleton. I don’t want her hidden away. I may donate the skeleton to medical science.”

  “There was a lock of blonde hair in one of the envelopes. And I bet this bottle and the letters have matching fingerprints.” Jack pulled the bottle out of his pocket.

  “Beside’s Jack’s. He’s not perfect,” Grace said, noticing the handkerchief had slipped.

  “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard a woman say that about Jack,” the deputy said.

  “Grace is a lot of firsts for me,” Jack said.

  “Looks like I owe you two a reward. Ten thousand dollars.” Molly’s Dad stood up.

  “No. Please give it to a home for single mothers somewhere,” Grace said.

  Jack nodded in agreement.

  “This skeleton is not going in a closet. I don’t want my daughter hidden away or buried,” Molly’s Dad said again.

  “The new Natural History Museum may need a skeleton. We have a friend, Martin Knickerbocker, who is on the board of the museum.” Grace touched his arm lightly.

  “I think Molly would have liked that. Molly was going to be a teacher. Molly was always happy when she was doing things for others,” he choked out the words, and then put his hand to his mouth, unable to speak.

  Grace and Jack quietly left.

  Grace thought of poor Charity. Who knew what bound her to Carlos. Both damaged, making their way in life. Why couldn’t Charity break free?

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tatania knew Hannah would be combing through Grace’s room looking for the letters. Jumping in the window, she meowed when she saw Hannah in Grace’s closet. Hannah picked up an umbrella to strike Tatania. The cat quickly swivelled her ears three times and became invisible.

  Watching Hannah spin around the room, frantically looking for her, Tatania paused and groomed a front paw. Hannah turned back to the closet. She rummaged through matching wrist purses and pumps.

  Tatania landed on Hannah’s back first, sinking her claws in. Hannah stood up. She couldn’t see anything. “Meow,” Tatania said, from the dresser. Hannah blinked twice. Where was the cat?

  She felt her back. Then she lifted up her dress. There weren’t any claw marks on her back. What was it?

  Tatania landed on her head next. This was getting fun.

  Hannah screamed. Tatania clung to Hannah’s dress and swung around her knees.

  Hannah screamed again. Tatania became amused. Nothing like a criminal screaming to be found.

  The elevator operator, a Grace admirer, ran to the room and knocked on the door. Hannah went silent. Tatania bit her knee.

  “Bloody hell,” Hannah shouted.

  “Where’s Miss Grace?” The elevator operator asked.

  “I’m here.” Grace and Jack ran towards the door.

  “I took the steps. The elevator was out of order.”

  Tatania lept on Hannah’s head again.

  “Get it off me.” Hannah grabbed her hair. But Tatania was always quicker. And they couldn’t see her.

  “Is that you, Hannah?” Grace asked, opening her door.

  “No, it’s not me,” Hannah said.

  Hannah’s face contorted. She kept careening around, looking for Tatania. The elevator operator looked perplexed too. Jack acted like hearing meows without seeing a cat was normal.

  Hannah, uncomprehending, pulled a pistol out of her maid’s uniform, hand wobbling, she tried to stay steady. Jack raised a pistol of his own.

  “Drop it now,” he commanded.

  “You got Carlos so drunk he passed out. Then, you whacked Molly, and carried her body to a lifeboat you conveniently lowered. You could row. Before working for Charity and Carlos, you were a downstairs maid, carrying buckets of water up and down for the lady of the manor’s bath. You found out that Carlos wanted to marry Molly. Move to Reno. That meant you’d never see him again.”

  Grace pulled a pistol out of her garter and shot it out the window from her upper story room. Startled, Hannah dropped her own gun.

  Jack moved forward with handcuffs he’d kept from his Pinkerton Detective Agency Days. Slipping the cuffs on Hannah’s wrists, he turned to the elevator operator and said, “Lets get the cops here to pick this one up.”

  The San Diego cops arrived to see Hannah writhing on the ground, blood oozing from Tatania’s scratches. A cop moved forward to replace Jack’s handcuffs with his own.

  And Tatania rendered herself visible again, grooming a front paw.

  “At least she didn’t scratch her eyes out,” Jack whispered.

  Hannah looked almost grateful to see the cops. She’d been rattled by Tatania clawing her. She’d never believed in ghosts. But for a moment she’d thought Molly had returned for vengeance.

  “She was going to lure him away. I couldn’t let him go. I wanted him here. For my baby. I drugged both of their drinks. That’s why Carlos doesn’t remember anything. I pushed her overboard and that damn woman didn’t sink. She washed ashore. I set her on fire. There was a gardener’s shed nearby where they let Carlos store gas for the yachts and the car. He was always worried about running out of gas. No one questioned the fire. They probably thought I was roasting marshmallows.”

  Hannah believed in ghosts now.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “I feel guilty that I immediately blamed Carlos. In a way, I think he suffered more than anyone. He loved Molly most of all. Now I just feel sad for him. What do you think Charity and Carlos will do when it all hits the papers?” Grace asked Jack when the cops left with Hannah in tow.

  “Go abroad for a while.”

  “Unbelievable that Charity stays married to him.”

  “Giving new meaning to the word charity. She’ll wake up one day and think about everything she missed. Or maybe not. She not the first person to live in darkness. He saw Molly and went to the light.”

  “I used to be more comfortable alone.”

  “Just stick with me. I promise that sometimes you’ll still feel alone.”

  Tatania meowed.

  “If you have a cat or two, you’re never alone. At least not when they’re hungry.”

  “I wouldn’t want cats any other way,” Jack said.

  “Grace,” Annie called through the door.

  Grace opened the door.

  “Did I just see the cops take Hannah away?” Annie asked, lighting a cigarette.

  “Yes. And if we hadn’t donated the reward, I’d offer you a fee in this case,” Jack said.

  “Hannah thought she was going to be with Carlos eventually. And if he wouldn’t leave Charity, at least she could be in the same house with him. Molly was going to take him away and change all that. And Hannah was pregnant herself at the time. With Carlos’ baby.” Annie puffed on her cigarette encased in a crystal holder that matched her necklace and bracelets.

  “What about Hannah’s husband? She was wearing wedding rings,” Grace asked.

  “He’s a drunkard,” Annie replied

  “What does that pay?” Jack joked.

  “Nothing to support a family. That’s why Hannah has to keep working.”

  “Annie, I appreciate ev
erything you’ve done. And we hope you can help with the Natural History Museum. Molly’s Dad wants to donate her skeleton. He doesn’t want her hidden away.”

  “Done. I’ll tell Martin. He’s on the Board of Trustees.” She sat in one of the red velvet chairs next to Grace’s settee.

  Jack moved to pour drinks. Grace sat on the chair next to Annie and Zeus jumped in her lap.

  “Annie,” Jack said, handing her a champagne flute, and noticing her hand looked unsteady, “as I was saying, we appreciate your help, but I can’t help wondering why?”

  “I didn’t tell you the whole story,” Annie admitted.

  “Women rarely do,” Jack said.

  “This story must never leave this room.”

  “It won’t,” Jack and Grace said in unison.

  “Before Jose left San Diego, he went to work for Charity and Carlos for a month. A diamond bracelet disappeared. They blamed Carlos. They wouldn’t pay him anything. I was furious. They knew he was here illegally. And he couldn’t sue them for wages. And by that time, Martin had come back and we were engaged. I just knew Hannah had stolen the bracelet. But what could I say? And Jose was a gentleman. He wouldn’t involve me in it. I gave Jose a little savings I had from Finishing School graduation gifts and he went on his way. I’ve been waiting years to bring Hannah to justice. I did it for Jose. For two weeks of bliss a long time ago.” Annie sipped her champagne.

  Tatania purred for Annie, putting her paws up on Annie’s lap. Annie pet the cat and relaxed.

  “Charity isn’t unattractive. She has her own money. So the wild card to me is, why doesn’t Charity leave him?” Grace asked.

  “Pride. Smug pride’s slave. Of course Molly’s skeleton can be part of the Natural History Museum. Martin will take care of it. Her story should be known. And she shouldn’t be buried or hidden away. She was a beautiful young lady who deserves to be remembered.”

  Annie stroked Tatania’s chin.

  “Why does it seem like Tatania is a detective?” Annie asked.


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