Darkest Sin

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Darkest Sin Page 3

by Ashton Blackthorne

  Not that I couldn’t if I wanted to, but I didn’t want to cross that boundary. She had set it and it had been agreed upon.

  “That Jameson guy? The real estate mogul?” I asked as blankly as I could.

  Amber nodded with a soft smile. Without blushing she brushed her long blonde hair back from her shoulders.


  “Getting pretty serious, aren’t you? It’s been what, three…four months?” He feigned ignorance, like he didn’t recall exactly when it was that she had begun seeing the man.

  Amber sighed cradling her empty glass, looking down at it as if she were considering her words.

  “Well, I think he wants it to be, but I’m not sure. He’s arrogant as hell. At first his confidence was attractive to me, but he acts like he owns me and nobody owns me.” Amber admitted, placing her glass on the table.

  “No, they don’t. Listen, I know we agreed to stay out of each other’s personal lives—” he trailed off, looking at her frankly.

  “Damn straight, Ash. Remember that horrid Sheila you were dating? Oh my God, if you knew the number of times I had to bite my tongue when she called you on the phone—?”

  I waved my hand at her, cutting her off with a dismissive shrug.

  “Yes, I know. Sheila was a bit psychotic.”

  “Whatever happened to her?” She asked with sudden curiosity.

  “I think she got a lovely room at Bedlam.” He deadpanned, dismissing that as well. He had a point to make- one that had little to do with Sheila. “Never mind her, but I think this guy knows he’s got a real catch in you and he wants to claim you as his. Now it’s up to you if that’s what you want, but frankly, you can do a hell of a lot better than him.”

  Amber’s sensual lips turned down in a contemplative frown.

  “You mean I could have you.”

  I laughed and shook my head. She could, of course, but he wasn’t referring to that this time.

  “No, I didn’t say that. I mean that you’re young, attractive, and intelligent with a great career.”

  “Great boss?”

  “That too. Amber, you have the world at your feet. Choose wisely. That’s all I’m going to say.” I finished, my voice calm and even.

  Amber nodded stiffly, dropping eye contact and tensing even further. .

  Sensing her discomfort, I moved to her side. I could see straight down her blouse to her full, luscious breasts. My erection raged inappropriately again.

  “Ash, thank you. I know how we both feel…and believe me, I want the same thing. But I love working for you and if we go there we can’t ever go back.”

  She stood up at the same time that I did, the both of us inches from one another’s face. The desire to taste her sweet lips filled me instantly. I ached to run my hands up her firm thighs and part her legs to feel the delectable wetness between them. I wanted to spin her around and lift her skirt and plant my hands firmly on her perfect ass. I wanted to take her right then and there in my office. To see her huge, high breasts bounce as I pounded into her long and hard. I wanted to sink myself into her wetness and hear her moan with ecstasy.

  But none of that happened.

  It never did between us.

  Softly, she planted a kiss on my cheek. I felt her lips for an instant and wished they were somewhere else on my body. Anywhere else on my body. I throbbed for her so much.

  “Sorry, Ash, I think I’d better go before we do something we’ll both regret.” She whispered, stepping back and leaving me where I stood.

  After my encounter with Amber, I needed some kind of release. Even with as little had happened… it had been charged. What better place to go then to one of my favorite after hours clubs?

  Sapphire in New York had some of the sexiest ladies in the world. Every time I went there I was escorted straight to the VIP room where even some well-known celebrities couldn’t gain admittance.

  The VIP room at Sapphire was the gold standard of VIP rooms. Luxurious, entrancing, and catered seemingly to every person who visited personally. Throughout my life I’ve enjoyed watching beautiful women at many clubs, but Sapphire had some of the best accoutrements I’d ever seen, with the exception of my own club in Vegas.

  As soon as I arrived, a bottle of Macallan 25 was always waiting for me along with a dozen of the club’s most beautiful women. I would make my selection and spend the evening watching several of those flawless women dance for me.

  Of course, it went without saying I’d been to bed with several of these women. But lately, that didn’t appeal to me. It was too much of a sure thing.

  Tonight I felt like mingling at the bar. Many of the female patrons of the club were stunningly gorgeous. I wanted a challenge though, not a sure thing.

  As I walked into the club, I waved away the bouncer who usually escorted me upstairs before he could do so. Being a Friday night, the club was naturally packed. Wall to wall bodies pressed against each other. Gyrating on the dance floor or mingling around the edges. Gorgeous women were everywhere. I walked over to the bar and tried to order my usual Macallan.

  “Sorry, sir, we don’t have Macallan 25 down here. We do have Macallan 12.” the bartender apologized, her pretty lips pulling in an apologetic frown.

  I nodded my approval and the bartender passed the glass, with a smile this time, across the bar to me.

  I tossed a hundred dollar bill to her.

  “Keep the change, honey,” I said with a smile at her astonished face.

  Sipping my scotch, I turned to my left and noticed a beautiful woman standing next to me. She wasn’t even looking in my direction, rather she was speaking to a friend on the opposite side.

  Covertly, I looked her up and down. Long honey blonde hair, legs that went on forever, she was absolutely a knockout. Casually, I sipped my drink as I waited for her to notice me. From my prior experiences, I suspected that wouldn’t take too long.

  The music was pounding, colored lights flashing as bodies contorted on the dance floor.

  While I enjoyed my scotch, it wasn’t nearly as smooth as the Macallan 25 I normally imbibed. I allowed my gaze to wander, looking around the bar and only occasionally allowing my gaze to return to her. While staring out at the dance floor a flinty voice purred in my ear.

  “So, how long are you going to stand there acting like you aren’t sneaking peeks down my dress?”

  I turned to gaze at the lovely blonde speaking. The same woman I had been not so covertly eying. She wasn’t looking directly at me, instead she was facing the dance floor with her back and arms casually leaning against the bar.

  I smirked. It was a smooth opening, I was impressed.

  “Miss, you are quite striking and I’m sure that it’s been your experience for men to fall at your feet, but going head over heels for any woman-that’s not my style.” I greeted with a grin.

  “Oh really?” she asked. “Then you haven’t been glancing my way for the past half hour?”

  I laughed. She was smart. I sensed the challenge I’d been looking for about to fall into my lap. Literally.

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Miss—?”

  “—Sinclaire. Samantha Sinclaire.”

  “Samantha Sinclaire of S & G Publications?”

  She finally fully turned to face me, smiling as she did so.

  “Yes, the very same one. And to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?”

  “Ash Blackthorne.”

  I saw her eyes flash briefly with recognition. She knew who I was. It wasn’t really a surprise. Most people in the business world did.

  “Oh yes, you’re Ash Blackthorne of Goldstein and Blackthorne, one of the best investment banking firms in the world. Wow, I really get to meet you in person.”

  I ignored her obvious sarcasm as I gazed at her deep cleavage pushed up against the fabric of her snug red dress.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Miss Sinclaire.”

  “Well, Mr. Blackthorne, I’ve also heard that you’re one of the biggest players in
this city. You’ve got quite a reputation.”

  “And what exactly have you heard, Miss Sinclaire?”

  She leaned forward as she licked the salt from her margarita glass.

  “That you have a reputation for being a huge player, making huge acquisitions, and for generally just being huge….”

  I sat mesmerized by her tongue grazing the glass picking up the salt from the lip of the glass.

  I could imagine her licking something else.

  “Well, Miss Sinclaire, as you know gossip can be just that. How about I buy you a drink and perhaps you can tell me whether or not I rightfully earned that reputation?”

  She laughed merrily. Her blue eyes sparkled in the flashing lights.

  “I like you, Ash. Call me Samantha. I agree with you. I think a drink is in order.”

  I extended my hand to her.

  “I like you as well, Samantha. Let’s slip over there to that corner booth where we can enjoy some privacy.”

  She nodded as she gathered her purse from the bar.

  “Oh, wait a second,” Samantha reached into her purse and handed the woman sitting next to her a hundred dollar bill.

  “What was that for? Uber ride home?”

  Samantha laughed again grinning widely.

  “No, it was for me losing the bet we had going to see how long it would take before I could get you to admit you’d been checking me out. She said ten minutes, I said twenty.”

  I raised my eyebrows in mock surprise.

  “But I never said that I was checking you out.”

  “You never said you weren’t either. You moved faster than I thought you would.”

  She took my hand as I began to lead her to one of several private booths in the back of the club.

  Samantha eased in the booth next to me. Her perfume was sweet and sexy. Her lips full and glossy with lipstick parted slightly as she pressed her thigh closely to mine.

  “So, tell me what brings a gorgeous, career woman like you into a place like this?”

  Samantha shrugged.

  “I like the ambiance, don’t you?” She grinned innocently as we both looked at the beautiful brunette dancing on stage in front of us. She had huge breasts with a slim waist and a great ass.

  “Of course, I do. What healthy, straight man wouldn’t enjoy watching beautiful women dance?”

  “Ash, you act as though this place is the local topless bar near a trailer park. Some of the hottest celebrities in the world come here... as does everyone who’s anyone in the New York business world. I’m here socializing with important people. You know, see and be seen. That’s what I’m doing. But there’s nothing wrong with me enjoying watching that girl up there on stage shake her beautiful breasts at me.” With that, she reached into her purse and tossed a hundred dollar bill up at the stage.

  I sat back to think a moment. This woman was amazing. She was witty, intelligent, and gorgeous.

  And apparently enjoyed looking at other women.

  That was something that drove me insane. Women who enjoyed other women.

  “So, tell me what you’re thinking. Why are you here tonight? To socialize with the heavy hitters or to bed one of these strippers?”

  I laughed and bit my lip.

  “I’m that apparent, am I? Guess you nailed me there.”

  Samantha slipped her hand to my thigh and squeezed it.

  “No, Ash, I hope you nail me…right here.” With that, she grabbed my hand and ran it up her toned thigh directly to her panties. They were soaked, warm with her arousal.

  Wow. A familiar delicious throbbing began in my own pants, quickly losing the extra fabric at the crotch.

  I sucked in my breath pulling my hand away.

  “I don’t think so. Not tonight, babe. I’ve got a huge meeting in the morning.” I said matter of factly. It was my smile that mocked her.

  Samantha’s eyes widened in a combination of disbelief and outrage.

  “Seriously? You’re going to pull that old line on me? Couldn’t you come up with something more original than that?”

  I chuckled, lifting one shoulder in a shrug.

  “Maybe some other time. It was great meeting you. Give me your card and I’ll call you for lunch sometime.”

  Samantha’s face turned beet red, her eyes narrowing.

  “Ash Blackthorne! Are you fucking kidding me?”

  Again I shrugged, throwing my coat over my arm and going to stand.

  “No, I don’t believe I am. Here, get yourself a cab home.” I pulled several bills from my pocket.

  Scowling, she tossed the bills to the floor.

  “Fuck you. Any guy in this place would love to fuck me right here and right now.”

  “I’m sure they would, but it’s not going to be me. Have a great night.”

  I turned and started walking towards the door.

  Samantha rushed up from behind me and grabbed my hand.

  “All right, you’ve had your fun. Now how about I give you a preview of what’s to come if you choose to spend your evening with me?”

  I smiled at her. My, she was persistent.

  “Samantha, honey, the only thing that’s going to be coming is you later with your vibrator as you think about me.”

  Samantha fumed, tugging at my hand. Like I was actually still walking away from her.

  “Look, Ash, I know all about you. This is one of your games. Well, I love to play, so show me your best moves.”

  “When and where?”

  “No, the question is would you like to enjoy the show first?”

  Samantha stood up and motioned to the dancer onstage. The dancer leaned down from the stage and Samantha whispered to her. I couldn’t hear the words but I could see the dancer’s reaction.

  She smiled and nodded, grabbing her money off the stage and disappearing off of it and up the stairs that led down to it.

  “Come on.” Samantha instructed, curling her fingers tighter around mine and leading me away from the exit that I had first been heading to.

  What the hell?

  Hard with anticipation, I followed her. I wasn’t used to a woman taking the lead in anything. But there was always a first time for everything, and I knew that later she’d be following my lead.

  Samantha led me nearly to the VIP lounge I usually frequented, but stopped just before it, instead slipping into a private VIP booth there. She slid in next to me and sat close. Without explaining herself, she began to unbutton the top few buttons of my shirt.

  “It’s going to get hot in here.”

  “I’m hot already,” I whispered feeling her full tits pressed against my arm. I ran my hand up her thigh feeling that hot, wetness practically burning my hand. I slipped my fingers into her panties and allowed them to trace her sweet, soft lips.

  She moaned as my fingers shifted and I caressed her throbbing clit.

  “Not yet, baby,” she whispered.

  Suddenly, the curtain parted and the gorgeous brunette stripper from the stage was standing before us. She now wore a rhinestone covered bra and G string with her long, silky hair spilling down around her shoulders. Her taut body appeared to glisten in the dim lights, shimmering with every move she made. Her long, delicious legs ending in stiletto platform heels.

  “Hi, I’m Brandi.” She greeted sensuously.

  Slowly, Brandi began to sway her hips back and forth, as we both watched. As the music boomed from the dance floor below, she then began peeling off her bra exposing her tits. Her nipples were a perfect pink and already quite erect. My erection throbbed painfully as I watched Samantha then reach up to caress Brandi’s breasts. She cupped them in her hands squeezing them. Brandi then pulled Samantha’s strapless dress down to reveal a black lacy bra. Quickly, without wasting further time, Brandi pulled Samantha’s generous breasts out and moved her mouth to her nipples. Her little pink tongue licked and sucked at them.

  I sat next to the two beautiful women and watched as my cock became harder and harder. God, how I wanted to b
end Samantha over and slip inside her while they continued doing what they were doing. They looked ethereal, beautiful in that dim lighting as they rubbed and caressed one another.

  Then Brandi released Samantha and she smiled at me. Brandi began unbuttoning the rest of my shirt until she lay my chest bare. Both women’s eyes flashed with appreciation as they gawked at my muscled chest and abs. It was only a momentary pause though before Brandi ran her hands over my chest, lifting one thigh up and over my hips so that she could straddle me as she began gyrating. Dancing on my lap.

  I buried my face in her chest, my hands running over the rounded swells of her ass greedily. It wasn’t until they hit an obstruction that I realized it was Samantha though, my eyes lifting to look over and see why I was hitting her. She was standing behind Brandi, pressing her own breasts onto Brandi’s back caressing her ass and brushing her fingers across Brandi’s pussy.

  I had been with multiple women at the same time before so it wasn’t anything new for me, but for a professional woman with a legendary career like Samantha Sinclaire to be rubbing a stripper’s cunt in a smoky VIP booth blew me away. It was something entirely else.

  I continued enjoying Brandi’s firm breasts in my face, gently pulling her G-string from her at the same time. She felt amazing, rolling her hips the way that she was. Samantha waited for her to be bared and slipped her fingers over Brandi, caressing her clit before plunging them deep inside her. Brandi groaned gutturally, grinding down harder on my lap and pressing her breasts even more firmly into my face. I tugged at her nipples, twisting them between my fingers deftly.

  I desperately wanted to see what else Samantha was doing to Brandi where my eyes couldn’t see. I could feel her fingering her, but what else did this little vixen have in store?

  Before I could peer around to see, Brandi eased herself off of my lap. She stood, all lithe muscle and pretty, glistening skin. My cock throbbed like it never had before. I needed to be inside Samantha now, it felt like I was going to burst.

  Brandi shifted, pushing Samantha back onto the leather couch next to me with no kind of hesitation. Her hands gripped Samantha’s legs, parting them as she ran them up the length. With caressing fingers, she pulled Samantha’s lacy panties down her legs. Brandi didn’t have to encourage her that time, Samantha spread her legs as far as they could go all on her own and with her right hand, she began caressing my hardened length through my pants.


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