Darkest Sin

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Darkest Sin Page 37

by Ashton Blackthorne

  Even more beautiful than Veronica.

  Because I could see her heart. Her trusting, beautiful heart laid open before me like a submissive presenting herself.

  Which she was that…

  Everything I’d ever wanted.

  That thought kept racing through my head.

  Complying with my wishes, she turned and bent over the bench. Her breasts hung lushly from her body.

  “No, Amber, I need your wrists first.” Quickly, I bound her wrists with the leather restraints tying them so tightly they cut into her skin.

  Wincing, she turned back around and leaned over the bench. Her magnificent ass was poised in the air just waiting for me to strike her.

  Walking over to my assortment of toys, I selected my favorite riding crop. “Darling Amber, I am going to strike you now. I want you to count off out loud each lash.” Precum oozed from the tip of my cock as I brought my crop down against her ass over and over.

  “One! Two! Three!” she cried.

  With each blow, I felt myself falling deeper and deeper into her. I’d had scenes with many women before, but she was different. This was more than just a spanking.

  This was real.

  All of a sudden, I was snatched from this scene of ultimate pleasure when Amber’s phone rang.

  “Ignore it,” she whispered.

  Over and over again, the phone buzzed. The sound was becoming quite distracting.

  “I will allow you to answer it, Amber.” I unbound her wrists as she sprinted over to her purse.

  Looking down at her phone, her face went pale.

  “It’s my father, Ash. He’s gone,” she whispered.

  “What happened?” I dropped the crop on the floor.

  “My sister said he passed away a few hours ago. Heart attack.”

  “Oh my God.” I opened my arms as Amber collapsed sobbing into them.

  Thirty Four


  I couldn’t bring myself to attend my father’s funeral despite Ash volunteering to accompany me. It was just too much. I knew that my brother, Mark would be there.

  Ash was my rock. He sent an elaborate bouquet of flowers with both our names on them. I waited for several weeks and then I finally went to visit his grave.

  Ash stood with me as I placed my hand upon his headstone.

  Alexander Michaelson

  Loving Husband and Father

  My heart broke as I knelt next to his headstone. The wet earth seeped into my dress which covered my knees, but I paid no mind. The earth smelled fresh atop the grave and the grass had yet to grow over it. Tears spilled dripping down my face. I couldn’t believe I had let Larry’s lies keep me from him for so long.

  And my disgusting, loathsome brother, Mark. It was really his fault that it all happened. He was the one more than Larry who kept me from my parents for nearly twenty years. Rage began to build inside me. I tilted my face toward the sky and screamed the anguish I felt.

  “DAMN HIM!” I screamed, picking up fistfuls of dirt and throwing them.

  Ash knelt beside me not caring if he got his pants muddy. He held me close. “Shhh, Amber, it’s okay. Mark isn’t here. He can’t hurt you again. You’re a grown woman now. You’re strong.” He took his customary handkerchief from his pocket and wiped my face.

  “Am I? I don’t feel very strong. Not when I allowed these lies to keep me from my family. Not when my brother tried to force himself on me just months ago.” I leaned against Ash inhaling the scent of his cologne. He always smelled so good to me.

  Ash cupped my face in his hands. “Amber Michaelson, you are the strongest woman I know. You overcame a terribly traumatic event. You went onto to graduate summa cum laude from a prestigious school. You have excelled in your career. You’ve managed to live on your own in New York City for nearly twenty years without help from anyone. You survived an abusive relationship. Did you know you run my entire office for me? Without you, Amber, I wouldn’t have nailed Vitalife. I not only want you running Blackthorne International with me, I need you there with me.”

  My heart melted. I was so touched by the sincerity in his voice and the passion shining in his eyes. I didn’t know it was even possible for me to feel any more strongly about him than I already did, but with him holding my face like that my heart filled with even more love for him. “Ash, I’m just your assistant. New York is full of great assistants. Many of whom went to Harvard like you.”

  “Fuck Harvard! You’re the only woman who could ever run this company with me. You are more than just my assistant. You’re my partner. The only one I’ll ever want.”

  “Are you serious? Are you making me an offer?” My hands reached up to touch his.

  He stared right into my eyes. He smiled broadly.

  “Yes, I am, Amber. I want you as my official partner at Blackthorne International and all that that implies.”

  I was stunned. I nearly fell back in the mud.

  He helped me to my feet.

  “What does this mean?” My mouth felt dry.

  “It means that as soon as we return to New York, I’ll have my attorneys draft the paperwork. Officially, you will hold ownership in Blackthorne International. I can change your title to—”

  “Executive Vice President?” I filled in grinning from ear to ear.

  “If that’s what you want, consider it done. You’re my right hand, Amber. You always have been.”

  “What will the other executives think? I’ve been your assistant for years. They may not feel I’m qualified.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t really give a shit what they think. You are tremendously qualified. You have a degree in Finance. Hell, you know more about this industry than most of them do.”

  I breathed deeply filling my lungs. The air out here was so crisp and fresh. I gazed down one last time at my father’s grave. I felt him by my side as if he were saying, ‘That’s my girl. Go for it.’

  And so I did.

  Thirty Five


  A few weeks later after our return to New York, I made it official. Amber Michaelson was now the second in command at Blackthorne International. She held nearly as much stake in the company as I did. There had been a bit of negative backbiting over the whole deal with my executive team, but I stuck to my guns and they accepted her with open arms.

  To celebrate, I took her to one of the finest restaurants in Manhattan. However, I requested a special menu to be prepared by the chef just for us.

  As the waiter sat the domed silver platter in front of each of us, Amber’s eyes sparkled. “Ash, what is this? No one else is getting a domed platter!”

  I smiled and winked at her. She looked even more beautiful than ever tonight with her long hair swept back from her face. Her gown was bright blue and I loved how it brought out the blue in her eyes. “It’s a surprise.” I waved my hand at the waiter indicating he should do a grand reveal.

  With great flourish, the waiter pulled back the lid revealing the main course.

  “Ash! A bacon cheeseburger?” Her eyes widened in surprise.

  The stout waiter dressed in his formal tuxedo with white gloves stood back smiling. “Not just any bacon cheeseburger, Miss, but a real Kobe Beef Burger topped with James Montgomery cheddar cheese and Artisan Applewood Smoked Bacon.”

  “I see. And what’s that? Onion rings?”

  “But, of course, Madam. Not just any onion rings, but Vidalia Onion Rings,” I mimicked the waiter’s formal tone.

  Then two more waiters appeared at our table carrying nothing other than a silver bucket with two bottles of Bud Light!

  “Ash! Bud Light? Here?” She giggled.

  One of the waiters produced two crystal goblets and filled them with beer. Everyone in the restaurant turned to stare at us with curiosity.

  “This isn’t even on the menu! How did you…?”

  “In honor of our first real dinner together several months ago at the fine dining establishment, Greasy Tony’s.” I laughed at her expressio
n. I winked at her as I brushed her foot with mine under the table.

  “Oh, now it’s Greasy Tony’s.” She laughed. Then, she looked up at me. “Oh, Ash.” She ran the tip of her tongue over her lips.

  I imagined she was recalling the very hot night we were having until we received the terrible news about her father. I raised my glass to her. “To you, Amber, no longer just my assistant, but my beautiful partner now as well.”

  She raised her glass to mine clinking it. “And to you for being the most incredible boss ever, now partner, and most of all, a friend.”

  Warmth filled my being as we ate the delectable dinner. It amused me as the other customers watched us the whole evening laughing and enjoying each other.

  As the night wore on, I noticed Amber’s eyes darken. Something was bothering her. “Amber, you’ve been looking past me all night. What’s going on? Is it your father?”

  She shook her head. Her eyes darted this way and that.

  I turned to see what she’d been staring at.

  Oh no, not again.

  There he stood leaning against the bar. One arm was casually propped up on the bar his sleeve pulled up to reveal several tattoos and impressive muscles. His hair nearly the same shade of dark brown as mine fell over his forehead. He kept flipping it back out of his eyes. In his other hand, he held a glass of liquor. He was wearing tight black pants, so tight in fact, I could make out a huge bulge in the crotch making me avert my eyes. “That son of a bitch,” I muttered.

  Amber grabbed my arm.

  “Please, Ash, let’s not ruin our night. I don’t know why he’s here. Maybe it’s just—?”

  “—coincidence? I don’t think so, Amber. I’m going to tell this asshole off once and for all.” I threw back my chair and sauntered over to the bar.

  Ayden stood there with a smirk on his handsome face as I approached him.

  Amber raced after me.

  The entire restaurant turned to watch anticipating some sort of confrontation.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the great Ashton Blackthorne himself. Wow, such an honor to finally meet you.” Ayden placed his glass on the bar and extended his hand.

  I slapped it away. “Look, you sick fuck, leave Amber alone. I don’t know what your problem is, but it’s over between you two.” I leaned towards him menacingly. I had no issue with knocking this muscle bound idiot out right here in the restaurant.

  “Really now, Ashton? Or is it Ash? Do you think that’s getting our relationship off to a good start?” Ayden stood up pushing his bar stool back.

  The bartender’s face went pale as he stood behind him unsure of what to do.

  “Relationship? What the hell are you talking about, Ayden?”

  Amber stood behind me trembling. “Let’s just go.”

  I waved her away. “No, Ayden’s been dying to get into some sort of fight with me. Do you really want to do this now?” I held my arms out to my sides indicating I was ready to fight.

  Ayden smirked laughing. “No, Ash, now’s not the time. I’ve got a few more things to do first. But rest assured, we’ll be seeing each other again soon. Very soon.” Ayden pushed past me.

  I grabbed him by his collar. “Don’t you fucking walk away from me. I’m not seeing you again ever. And if you see me, it will be looking up from the fucking ground.” I spun him around and before he could react, I threw a well timed right hook to his jaw.

  He fell forward clutching his face. He drew his beefy fist back to slam one into me.

  Amber screamed and the wait staff rushed forward.

  “Hey, now, there will be none of this here. Mr. Blackthorne, do you need him removed?” The maître d’ looked at us both.

  Ayden held his hands up. Blood trickled from the side of his mouth. “I’m leaving, don’t worry. But, I’ll see you both again. Very soon. This isn’t over, not by a long shot.”

  Three waiters stood to hold me back as Ayden left the restaurant. I turned back to Amber. She was shaking uncontrollably. “Amber, I’m so sorry. I know I shouldn’t have thrown the first punch, but he infuriated me.”

  She nodded blotting her eyes with a tissue.

  “I’m sorry, guys, for the trouble. Please allow me.” I handed the maître d’ a huge wad of bills.

  “As you wish, Mr. Blackthorne. No problems here.”

  I took Amber’s arm and we left.

  We got the car and I drove away. As we hopped on the highway, I gazed over at Amber. She looked happy now that we’d left the restaurant. I knew I needed to do something to take her mind off the confrontation with Ayden.

  Leaning forward, I changed the music from the pulsating beat of Rob Zombie to a station that played soft, romantic music.

  Surprised by the abrupt change in music, Amber turned to me. “Ash, what did you do that for? I liked that song!” She pouted slightly.

  “Just felt right. Let’s just take a ride out to my house in the Hamptons. I think you’ll love what I’ve done with the place.”

  Amber grinned. Her hand fluttered to her collarbone to trail her fingers across it driving me crazy. “Of course. That sounds wonderful.”

  My cock stiffened seeing her hand near her cleavage. I reached over to squeeze her thigh. I could feel the heat from her pussy.

  “Ash,” she moaned. Her hand touched mine.

  “Amber, I’m about to ask you to do something very unprofessional.”

  Amber nodded.

  “Take off your panties.”

  She grinned turning her body toward me. “I’m not wearing any.”

  I nearly ran off the road. Correcting my driving, I snapped to my senses. “Good girl,” I murmured.

  “Ash, what happens in this car stays here. I can handle it. This will in no way impact our professional life if that’s what you’re worried about. I’ve been anxious to continue what we started some time ago.”

  I nodded my mouth feeling dry. Amber had been sitting with me all night without her panties. Her hot, wet pussy was sitting right on top of the fine leather of the Aston Martin.

  God, I wanted to feel her tightness around my cock. “Spread your legs.”

  She did as I requested opening her legs slightly.

  I could smell the scent of her wet pussy so delicious and musky. My cock throbbed as I ran my hands up her thigh to brush against her.

  Amber moaned loudly pushing her pussy towards my hand. My fingers found her wetness and dragged across her swollen clit.

  Still holding onto the wheel with one hand, my fingers rubbed her soft wetness. Ever so slowly, I slipped my finger straight up inside her pussy feeling how tight she was. Her pussy gripped my finger I could only imagine how she’d feel on my cock.

  Nearly running off the road again, I removed my hand. Pressing it to my lips, I tasted her sweet pussy from my fingers. “You’re as delicious as I remember.”

  “Ash, you’re going to keep running off the road.”

  Willing my cock to stay inside my pants, I gulped. That’s exactly what I wanted to do, but something told me if we went back to my place, we’d be fucking in no time.

  Was that such a bad thing?

  We’d been so close a few weeks ago.

  Wasn’t it time to finish what we’d started?

  And after six years of being in a professional relationship wasn’t it time to explore where we could go personally?

  Before I could answer, Amber pulled her dress up to her waist exposing her hairless pussy.

  I sucked in my breath.

  With that, she started rubbing her own pussy furiously darting her fingers in and out.

  “Damn, Amber.” I breathed as I could scarcely tear my eyes away from her. I couldn’t believe she was actually rubbing herself right here in front of me in my car.

  “I’m tired of waiting. Maybe this will convince you that I’m ready.”

  I gazed down at her shining pink pussy just waiting for me. I glanced up at the road noticing we still had nearly 80 miles until we reached my house in the Ha

  “Amber, I—”

  All of a sudden, we were slammed from behind! Amber flew forward smacking her shoulder against the dashboard. I struggled to straighten the car out on the road.

  “What the fuck?” I shouted glancing behind us.

  “What happened?” Amber sat back rubbing her shoulder.

  I slowed the car a bit glancing in the rearview mirror. “Some motherfucker just rear ended us!”

  “But how…we must’ve been going at least sixty!”

  “I don’t know. I’m getting off at this exit though. This is bullshit. We’re lucky we didn’t wreck.” Pulling off at the next exit, I turned into a large gas station parking lot. It was well lit so I could get a good look at the damage to my car.

  As I got out to inspect the rear bumper, Amber climbed out of the car. Her shoulder was beginning to bruise.

  “Are you okay? I think you should stay in the car. This will only take a minute.”

  “I’m fine.” She rubbed her shoulder walking around to the back of the car with me.

  I bent down to look at my rear bumper which was bashed in at least a couple of inches.

  “I’m going to get a bottle of water, Ash. Do you want anything?”

  “No, thanks,. Just checking out the damage.”

  As I continued my inspection, I heard tires squealing. Looking up, I caught a glimpse of a white four door car.

  “Ash! Look out!” Amber screamed racing out towards me.

  A car blasted through the parking lot nearly hitting me.

  “Who the fuck was that?” Stunned, I stood staring at the white car spinning out of the parking lot.

  “It’s Ayden. We’ve got to get out of here! He’s the one who hit you, I know he is. We have to go now!”

  Reeling, I jumped back into the car. The sports car roared to life as I floored it out of the parking lot.

  Gripping the wheel tightly, I debated about where to go. Should I go home and risk having Ayden find out where I lived? Or did he already know? Should I drive to the police station? Or was Ayden already gone? How could I prove it was him who rear ended my car?


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