Darkest Sin

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Darkest Sin Page 64

by Ashton Blackthorne

  My cock throbbed with need. I couldn’t take it any longer. My face drenched with her juices, I traced a trail with my tongue down her firm thighs all the way down to her feet. Toe by toe, I mouthed as I then traversed back up her body to her toned abdomen. I dipped my tongue into her navel teasing her before bringing my lips to her full tits. With my thumbs, I rubbed her nipples until she groaned with delight. Her hand had drifted to her pussy furiously rubbing her clit as I devoured her breasts. Taking each nipple into my mouth, I sucked long and hard rolling them between my teeth nipping them ever so slightly.

  All of a sudden, she cried out. Immediately, I placed my hand over hers feeling the pulsations of her orgasm. I soaked my fingers in her juices and brought them to her mouth. “Suck my fingers clean, baby.”

  Eagerly, she sucked my fingers.

  “Tastes good, doesn’t it?”

  She nodded.

  “I want to be inside you, Amber,” I whispered.

  Finally, my cock was freed from my pants as I stripped them off. I smeared my cock with her juices as I plunged forward. She gasped loudly clutching my ass as she pulled me into her. Sinking inside her, I felt myself immediately enveloped in her tight wetness. Her pussy was hot gripping my cock firmly. I churned my cock around inside her nice and slow at first. Amber ran her hands over my back scratching me with her long nails. The temperature in the room seemed to shoot up dramatically as perspiration broke out over my back.

  Her breath was hot against my neck as I thrust deeper into her. She gasped loudly biting into my shoulder. Her tight pussy milked my cock as I felt her get wetter and wetter.

  She cried loudly as her hot release was upon her. I felt her jerking beneath me her pussy pulsating on my cock. I looked at the stars floating in her eyes the way her face was smeared with bliss. I pumped inside her a few more times before I was engulfed in a wave of pleasure, so great, I could hardly stand it. I filled her pussy with my come feeling long pearly strands of white pouring out of me.

  Sliding out, I collapsed on the bed beside her. I took her hand into mine as we caught our breath. The look on her face said it all. Her eyes were shining with love. I felt drunk with emotion.

  “Amber,” Her name was all I wanted to hear.

  She snuggled down next to me placing her hand on my chest. Falling into a blissful sleep, I let myself go.

  Seventy Six


  She was just too fucking sexy for her own good. I’d always said that even when she was little. Ever since I could remember, my sister had sashayed around the house flaunting her body at me.

  Even when she was seven years old, I recalled the shape of her body through her nightgown. I had been ten at the time. I was just starting to feel the throb of manhood. She would slip into my room at night wearing her sheer nightgown and snuggle with me.

  And so I did.

  She would protest, but that’s how I knew she wanted me.

  ‘Girls always say they don’t want it when they really do’ my grandfather used to tell me.

  Over the years, I watched her in secret from a hole I’d carved out in my closet. My brother, Mick and I shared a room. He was always out playing one sport or another so I was in our room alone.

  I’d hear her go to bed and I’d bring my face down to that tiny hole in the wall. Through that hole, I saw her beautiful body blossom.

  Her curves were marvelous to behold.

  Every time I looked through to her room, I’d loathe myself. I hated my intense interest in her. I knew it was wrong and it filled me with shame.

  I tried filling my room with posters of bikini models to take my mind off of her, but it didn’t. Seeing a picture of sexy blondes only enflamed my desire for her more.

  It just wouldn’t stop.

  So I gave into it.

  The year she turned fifteen had been the hardest. I was eighteen and still living at home. She had her first boyfriend that year. His name was Jake and I hated him.

  Seeing her now, standing there dressed in a tight black dress, her body still as luscious as ever, I felt nothing but hatred for her.

  She made me look stupid on national TV. In her defense, she hadn’t called me by name but I knew who she meant.

  And so did my family.

  And it was all her fault. I can still remember what it was like…

  “We can’t find anything physically wrong with him, Mrs. Michaelson.” The doctor in his white coat closed the file folder.

  His parents jumped up astounded.

  “What do you mean? He was writhing on the floor screaming when we found him! He must have epilepsy or something.” His father pounded his thigh in frustration.

  His mother merely whimpered like a beaten animal.

  The doctor sighed. “We’ve done every test known to medical science. Physically, Mark is fine. He’s a normal seventeen year old.”

  Spittle flew from his father’s mouth as he screamed. “No! I know what I saw. Nothing that happened that night was normal. I couldn’t control him. My oldest son and I couldn’t restrain him.”

  I glared at him.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Michaelson, I understand your frustration, but I think the issue with Mark is psychological in nature.”

  “So, he’s just crazy?” My father threw his hands up in the air.

  “Dr. Frye seems to think that his outburst was motivated by his delusions regarding his sister.”

  “What kind of delusions?” My father was pacing the floor now.

  I shrank down into my chair. This was such bullshit.

  “He’s delusional?” My mother ever the mousy little submissive spoke up.

  “Regarding his sister, yes. Look, Mr. and Mrs. Michaelson, I don’t think we should talk about this in front of Mark.”

  The rage on my father’s face said it all. “I’ve heard enough of this shit. Come on, Janine, we’re getting out of here.”

  The doctor moved to block the door. “Mr. and Mrs. Michaelson, Dr. Frye would like to see you both before you go. Mark can stay in the waiting room.”

  “I don’t want to talk to some fucking shrink!” My father looked as if he’d shove the doctor out of the way.

  I was hoping he would. Then the dumb fuck would get arrested.

  “Al, I want to hear what he has to say. I’m staying even if you don’t.”

  My mouth fell open hearing my mother actually speak up for once. Her face was set hard like stone. Her fists clenched as she pushed past the doctor and threw open the door.

  My father merely stared after her for a moment in disbelief. “Mark, wait out here for us,” he muttered as he followed her.

  Other than Mick, the rest of my brothers and sister didn’t know anything about what happened with Amber. They were deeply ashamed and refused to acknowledge it. Before I was released from the hospital, they had Mick fill the hole in the closet.

  As soon as I got home, I was grounded to my room indefinitely. I was sent home with a box of psych pills designed to sedate me and kill my libido. I stared hatefully at those pills vowing to myself I’d never take them.

  “He may be a danger to himself and others,” The doctor’s words echoed in my head as I sat down on my bed. Tossing a glance over my shoulder, I noticed that Mick had moved out of my room. A new lock had been installed on my door. After 10 PM, I was to be locked inside my room. There was a small bathroom off of my room so that wouldn’t be an issue.

  The glare from the TV illuminated the room. It was 1 AM. I was tired of watching old reruns of Miami Vice. Opening my eyes, I grabbed the bottle of pills on the nightstand. Rolling the bottle over in my hands, I read the words over and over again.

  They were supposed to cure my ‘delusion’ regarding my sister. Fuck. It was no delusion. Jumping off my bed, I ran my hands underneath my bed until I found what I wanted.

  A screwdriver.

  Slipping into my closet, I twisted the screwdriver into the filled in hole. What a shitty job he’d done, I thought as I easily pressed the hole open.<
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  There on the other side of the wall she laid in her bed. I watched her chest rise and fall. I envisioned walking into the room and slipping underneath her covers.

  At that point, she’d awaken ever so slightly. She’d tangle her fingers in my hair thinking I was her lame ass boyfriend, Jake. My cock throbbed painfully as I imagined my hands touching her.

  All of a sudden, my cock jerked and I came all over the closet.

  Seventy Seven


  Getting out of town seemed like a good idea this weekend. The area was overrun with tourists. Both Sasha and I missed visiting the bars in the city. So when I suggested we get a hotel room for the night Sasha was ecstatic.

  Selecting a rooftop club in the heart of the city, we arrived to pulsating music. I ordered us a few drinks as we sat at the bar observing the tangled sweaty bodies on the dance floor.

  Our attention along with everyone else’s was immediately drawn to an absolutely mesmerizing woman. The way she moved her body was incredible. Her hips sashayed in time to the music seemingly oblivious to the effect she was having on everyone in the room.

  Looking over at Sasha, I noticed she was watching the dark haired woman too. I noticed her hand straying to her lap running her fingers up her thighs. I’d never seen her this turned on by a woman. “Princess, you like her?” I nodded towards the woman dancing.

  Sasha nodded enthusiastically. “Very much, Daddy.” She licked her lips.

  “Go dance with her then.” I ordered.

  Eagerly, she slipped off the barstool and walked over to the woman. She whispered something to her making the dark haired woman smile. Then, they began to move together their hips undulating.

  My cock stiffened as they touched each other running their hands lightly over each other’s breasts and ass as they continued moving to the music.

  The bright lights flashed back and forth as the music sped up. Together the two girls ground their bodies together. Sasha’s tits pressed against the sexy woman’s firm breasts.

  I watched entranced by their movements. The woman’s hand flashed as she slowly slid her hand up Sasha’s skirt.

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! Right there in the middle of the dance floor, this woman was getting Sasha off. Her head fell back as they continued to move in time with the music.

  The music ended and the two women walked back to our table. My cock was so hard I couldn’t stand it. I sipped my beer. “Who’s your new friend?”

  Sasha giggled. “Ask her, Daddy.”

  The woman laughed. Her eyes were a startling shade of blue. She was even more beautiful up close. “Daddy?” She arched her brows.

  I nodded grinning at her. She was incredibly sexy. There was something oddly familiar about her though…“Daddy to her. I’m Ayden.” I reached my hand out. She took it and immediately I felt a jolt between us. Startled, I nearly jumped back.

  Laughing, she wrapped an arm about Sasha’s waist.

  “I’m Lena. Pleased to meet you.” She purred. Her voice was so smooth.

  Looking her up and down, I noted she was a taller woman than I was used to. She was nearly as tall as me in her 5 inch heels, so I figured without them she’d easily be 5’8 at least. Her legs were long and luscious. Her dress was tight with a plunging neckline revealing her deep cleavage.

  “Is this lovely lady your girlfriend, Ayden? Or just your ‘pet’?”

  Smirking, I kept my gaze upon her. “Definitely not a pet. More like a—”

  “—princess.” Sasha filled in.

  “Princess, I like that.” Lena smiled still boldly running her hands over Sasha. The obvious chemistry between the two was arousing.

  “So, Lena, would you like to have a drink with us?” I pushed a barstool towards her.

  “Of course. Macallan 25.” She smiled with a wink.

  Taken aback by her request, I opened my mouth to tell her she was in the wrong place.

  Lena waved her hand. I was distracted by the elaborate and strange ring she wore. It was in the shape of a spider with red ruby in the middle. She had a strange tattoo of a spider on her left hand.

  She touched my lips with her red tipped finger.

  “Shhh. I know there’s no Macallan 25 here. A club like this will only have Jameson or maybe a Macallan 12.”

  “So, Jameson it is,” I laughed signaling the waitress.

  Keeping my eyes on Lena, I admired how she moved and how she touched Sasha.

  Sasha couldn’t keep her eyes off of Lena. I’d never seen her act like this around a woman.

  “So, Ayden, what brings you here tonight?”

  I shrugged. “Just looking for some fun.”

  Lena eyed Sasha up and down licking her lips. “Why? Looks like you already have something fun to play with right here.”

  “Well, you know what they say-two’s company—”

  “Three’s a fuckload of fun.” She finished reaching across the table to brush my hand. As soon as she touched it, I felt shockwaves shoot through my body.

  For several hours, we chatted with Lena. As we talked, I couldn’t help but notice a nagging sensation in my stomach. There was something about her I couldn’t shake. Something in her eyes….they were such a shocking shade of blue. I couldn’t help but think I’d seen her somewhere before.

  But where?

  “It’s been nice chatting with you two. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll have to be going.” Lena stood to leave. She began fishing through her purse. I assumed she was looking for money.

  “No need. Drinks were on me.”

  “Really? I would hope that’s not the only thing on you.” She winked.

  Sasha stood up to give Lena a hug.

  Seeing the two of them in a passionate embrace was too hot to pass up. “Come back to the hotel with us, Lena.”

  She smiled as she moved her hand to Sasha’s ass. “Sure, why not?”

  Sasha was trembling with excitement.

  Moments later, we were back in our hotel suite.

  Lena removed her black leather jacket and tossed it aside. She stripped off her tight dress revealing a red and black lacy bra and skimpy panties.

  With her long black hair swinging behind her, she looked incredible. Her tits were firm and high though not nearly as large as Sasha’s.

  Sasha nearly drooled as Lena grabbed her, passionately kissing her.

  A soft moan escaped my lips as I sank down into a chair to watch the two of them.

  Their lips met over and over again. Their kissing became more intense as Lena’s hands roamed to Sasha’s tits. “My God, Ayden, I bet you have fun with these tits.” She marveled at their size as she stripped Sasha’s bra off.

  “Of course I do,” I whispered keeping my eyes upon them.

  “Mmmm,” Sasha moaned as Lena’s lips found her hard nipples.

  She sucked on them as her hand traveled to her tight ass gripping it. “So what turns you on, Ayden?” Lena shook her head, her long hair swaying.

  “Watching the two of you fuck,” I replied.

  “I can get a bit rough. I hope that’s okay.” Her eyes remained riveted on me as she spoke to Sasha.

  “Please do,” Sasha murmured as Lena tugged on her nipples.

  Lena stripped her own bra off as she pushed Sasha forward onto the bed. Taking her bra, she tied her hands behind her back.

  My cock surged as I watched Lena dominate her.

  “Do you like that?” She slapped Sasha on her ass.

  “Yes!” She cried.

  Lena ran her hands over Sasha’s tanned ass. Slowly, she peeled her panties off and tossed them aside. Tracing a finger between Sasha’s legs, she held it to her lips. Deliberately as she stared into my eyes, she brought it to her own mouth. “Tastes good.”

  Lena pulled Sasha’s ass cheeks wide open as she brought her face down between her legs. I leaned forward to watch as Lena’s tongue rolled out touching Sasha’s dripping wet pussy. “So sweet,” she murmured as her tongue circled Sasha’s swel
ling clit.

  Sasha moaned loudly into the mattress as Lena continued to lick her hot pussy.

  With expertise forged from what must have been countless hours of licking pussy, Lena quickly brought Sasha to orgasm. I watched with intense pleasure as Sasha drenched Lena’s face with her juices.

  But Lena was far from finished. She whipped off her own panties and dipped her own fingers inside herself. Bringing them back to Sasha, she shoved two fingers in Sasha’s tight cunt and one up her ass. She finger fucked her hard as Sasha’s body shook the whole bed.


  As if she’d forgotten I was in the room, Lena turned to me.

  Lena laid back on the bed and pulled Sasha to her. Sasha fell upon her and the two began sliding together.

  I sat back observing the two of them lick and suck each other. Lena’s hands ran the length of Sasha’s body her long nails digging into Sasha’s ass. Sasha began kissing her way down Lena’s body slowly relishing her every curve. Her tongue traced a line from one nipple to the other. Her hand slipped up Lena’s firm thighs to her hungry pussy. She began to rub her pussy lightly at first then as Lena arched her back Sasha brought her head between Lena’s legs.

  Lena’s eyes flew open. She winked at me as Sasha’s tongue lashed her cunt. Lena moaned loudly as she kept her eyes open looking at me. I couldn’t figure her out. She acted as though she wanted me at first and now, she wouldn’t let me touch her.

  Maybe she was a lesbian.

  Or perhaps I wasn’t as irresistible as I thought I was.

  Sasha’s tongue plunged deep into Lena’s core as her hands tangled in Sasha’s hair. She rolled her head from side to side with pleasure. Finally, her legs drew up she came pounding the mattress with her hands.

  Lena sat up and pulled me to her. “Fuck her,” she whispered in my ear.

  My cock was so hard I thought I’d come as soon as I thrust myself into Sasha’s waiting pussy. She was so wet and tight and felt as smooth as velvet on the inside. I fisted her long hair and wound it up tight pulling her back as I pumped my cock inside her.

  “Oh my God,” she cried out.


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