Gang of Broken Hearts

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Gang of Broken Hearts Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “From my experience dealing with these types of biker gangs, they don’t give up easily and are patient when securing what they want. Did she give you the name of the gang?” Quaid asked.

  “No, and we didn’t push for it. But she’s our woman now and our responsibility. She’ll tell us,” Sunny said confidently. He was pissed off. He should have asked her that before. Now he would have to get that info out of her later and hope she confided in them. He’d hated leaving her last night, but she wasn’t ready for the four of them. But standing here now, talking with their friends Dale and Quaid who had experience with gangs, just made him more anxious to get Dee to talk. Quaid, Virgo, and Dale had a lot of connections through the government and they helped out members in the community of Pearl in the past. There were a lot of good men and women with all different types of backgrounds living in Pearl. Some had unique skills that no one even knew about. The people of Pearl were resourceful that was certain.

  “Well, let’s get that information and also the names of the men who threatened her and assaulted her. That will help us look up their info and see if they have rap sheets or not,” Quaid told Sunny and the others.

  “Yeah, and if we can do it discreetly, we’ll find a location on them and call in some favors to ensure they’re nowhere around Pearl,” Dale added.

  “We appreciate that. Her safety is our top priority,” Sunny replied.

  “Is she going to be staying with you at your place?” Wyatt asked, but Sunny could tell he was suggesting the idea.

  “Things are new between the five of us. We only just revealed our interest in claiming her,” Travis told them.

  “And she’s accepted this, correct?” Wyatt asked.

  “Yes, or we wouldn’t be here. We wouldn’t force that on her,” Hunter told him.

  “I’ll need to meet with Deirdre and go over some things, including this situation in Dallas. Perhaps convince her to give full cooperation and ensure Dee that her safety and best interest are our top priorities. If that is okay with you four?” Wyatt asked.

  “She’s kind of embarrassed about it,” Marino told him.

  “She shouldn’t be embarrassed. She’s a victim in all of this, and I want to ensure that the five of you can move on with your new lives together as a family. That’s what we strive for here in Pearl. You know the rules,” Wyatt stated.

  “Sure do, and we respect them as we respect all of you, or we wouldn’t be here right now,” Sunny countered, feeling a little on edge. His team, and Deirdre, were his responsibility and he hated feeling like there was a chance he couldn’t protect them. He wanted her by his side at all times and that wasn’t going to happen with a woman like Deirdre. Sunny never felt like this before and he needed to gain some control here.

  “Good. Then let’s plan on meeting with Deirdre tomorrow. That way tonight you can work on her feelings of embarrassment, ensuring the questioning is protocol and we all want her safe.”

  “You got it, Wyatt. Thank you,” Sunny said, and they all shook hands.

  “I wish we could go get her from work right now. I’m feeling anxious and worried,” Travis said to his friends as they exited the sheriff’s office.

  “You’re not the only one,” Hunter added, and they headed toward their trucks.

  Marino glanced at his watch. “Six more hours to go, and then we can see her.”

  “Damn, we’ve got it bad, and we haven’t even made love to her yet,” Travis said.

  “But we will soon, and then we’ll feel a lot more secure and so will Dee,” Sunny told them, and they headed back to work. Sunny was feeling a little bit better to know they had their friends in Pearl watching their backs.

  * * * *

  Keller smiled to himself the moment he saw the mass text from the old biker gang he’d hung out with the last year. Raven and Ghost were great leaders, and if he could just get the money owed to him from Sunny and his crew of do-gooders, then he could head back to Dallas and join the Black Titans and prove his commitment to them.

  As he opened the text, the picture caught his attention first. He knew that face. He would recognize her anywhere. That was the sexy little number who hung out with Sunny and all his friends. As he read further, his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

  “Ten big ones for the location and capture of this woman, Deirdre Davis. Unharmed and brought to them in Dallas.” He read the details and whistled. “Holy fucking shit, ten thousand? What the hell did the bitch do? Fuck Raven and Ghost then leave them?”

  He focused on the ten thousand and also screwing over Sunny and his crew for screwing him. Wouldn’t it be great if she were fucking them? Then he could really achieve some serious revenge.

  He had to make sure that it was Deirdre. One close-up look should do, and then he could make his plans. He knew she worked in town. He would take it from there and make a plan. Did he need help? He thought about it then thought about having to share the money. No can do. He was going solo. He’d get the bitch, take her to Dallas, and collect his money, plus secure a spot in the gang. Looked like his patience had paid off after all.

  * * * *

  Dee was walking down the sidewalk to head to her car when she saw some guy on a motorcycle pull up alongside it. The engine revved and then stopped completely.

  He took off his helmet, and she didn’t recognize him at first. Then it hit her. He used to hang with Cynthia’s brother, Michael.

  He looked her over, instantly putting her on edge.

  “Hey, beautiful. Your name is Deirdre, right?” he asked.

  “Um, yes…why?” she asked.

  “No reason. I just thought I recognized you. Do you remember me?” he asked, and she shook her head as she took out her keys and glanced around her. People were going about their business, and no one seemed to care about them.

  “I’ve seen you around Sunny and his friends. I used to ride with Michael.”

  She walked past him and went to open her car door.

  “Sorry, I don’t recall.”

  He got off his bike and pressed his hand against her car door. She stepped back.

  “What do you want?”

  He looked her over again and licked his lips, as if suggesting he wanted her. She stood her ground. She’d dealt with men like him before and felt confident nothing would happen here in town.

  “Just seeing if you’re single or not.” He ran a finger along her shoulder. She shoved his hand away.

  “Don’t touch me,” she scolded.

  “Is there a problem over here?”

  She turned to see Deputy Eric Cantrell standing there with another deputy.

  “No problem at all. Just shooting the shit with the pretty lady.”

  Deputy Cantrell put himself between her and the guy.

  “It didn’t look that way to us. I suggest you move it along and stay clear of this young lady.”

  The guy raised his hands up and then climbed onto his bike, kick started the engine, and then revved it as he slowly reversed.

  “See you around, Deirdre,” he told her, and she swallowed hard wondering what he’d wanted and who the hell he was.

  Deputy Cantrell watched him leave as the other deputy spoke into his radio.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “Of course.”

  “One of your men will meet you here.”

  She stared at him, not getting what he meant, and then it hit her. Did everyone already know that Sunny, Marino, Travis, and Hunter had claimed her as their woman? Had they talked with Wyatt? Had they told him about her past?

  “Sweetie, you have a lot of people watching over you now, so don’t you worry.”

  “Sunny isn’t answering his cell phone. Should I try one of the others?” the deputy asked.

  “That’s silly. I’m driving myself home. This isn’t necessary.”

  “Deirdre, just wait for Sunny. That guy who was talking to you is bad news.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  She got into her car.r />
  Eric shook his head and watched her leave, and Dee felt as if she was committing some sort of crime. She didn’t like feeling out of control, and she didn’t like creepy biker guys coming up to her and eating her up with their eyes either. She headed home to change so she would be ready for dinner with the men.

  * * * *

  Sunny was fuming, not only because that piece of shit Keller had fucked with their woman and was bothering her but also because Dee had ignored Eric’s request that she remain where she was until Sunny or his brothers could be notified and come get her. The damn stubborn woman.

  He called his brothers on the way, but he was the closest. He pulled into her driveway, shifted into park, and then turned off the engine. He stomped up the steps and tried to rein in his anger. He knew he was just worried about Dee and her safety. Now that Keller knew she was their woman, he could try to hurt her to get to them. She was moving into their house. Tonight.

  He knocked on the door repeatedly, and she didn’t answer. He walked around the back to her bedroom and saw that the window was open. He could hear country music.

  As he went to check the screen door, he started worrying that someone could have broke into her place, and when he reached for the handle to the screen door and it opened, he saw red. She didn’t lock the doors, and she was inside all alone. He pulled the door open and called out her name. Still no response. He hesitated only a moment as he heard the shower running and Dee singing along to the music. She was fine. He grabbed the wall and calmed his breathing. “Thank God.”

  He waked toward the bathroom.

  “Dee!” he yelled out, and then he heard something fall, heard her scream, and he barged through the door.

  He took in the sight of her through the glass doors of the shower. Her sexy, curvy body barely hidden by the slightly foggy glass.

  “Oh my God, what’s wrong? What are you doing in here?” she asked, trying to cover herself.

  He placed his hands on his hips.

  “I was knocking for minutes. You left the back door opened, and I called out your name, then I heard something drop then you scream. Are you okay?”

  “I heard you call my name, and you scared me so I dropped the shampoo I was holding. Oh God. Can you turn around at least?” She turned off the shower.

  She slowly began to open the door, and he watched her, feeling a mix of emotions. Anger at what she’d done today, desire, knowing she was naked, and, when he caught a glimpse, possessiveness so great he reached for the towel and held it.

  “Sunny?” She squeezed out her hair then hid behind the glass.

  Didn’t she realize he could basically see all of her?

  “Why didn’t you wait in town for one of us to come get you? You ignored Eric’s suggestion.”

  “I was fine. It wasn’t a big deal.”

  “It was a big deal because that guy who started talking to you, who touched you and asked you questions is a bad man. He’s trying to get back at my brothers and me, claiming we owe him money for work. But he’s a druggie, a loser, and he would stoop so low he would try to hurt you to get to us. I wouldn’t put it past him.”

  She looked so scared. Her eyes went wide and he could see the fear, the emotion in them. He needed to calm down but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t. He needed to touch her, hold her and secure her in his arms. He opened up the towel.

  “Come on out. You can dry off, and we’ll talk about this.”

  “Close your eyes.”

  He held her gaze.

  “Absolutely not. You’re my woman, and you’ve accepted my brothers and me as your men. That means you’re ours. All of you. Now step out.”

  His heart was racing. He was still so upset with her for not waiting in town for him or one of the others to arrive. When she slowly opened the door, then tried to quickly move into the towel, he wrapped her up and pulled her close. He grabbed her by her shoulders and gave her a firm little shake as he held her gaze.

  “What the hell were you thinking? He could have hurt you. Hell, he could have broken in here when you were showering and—”

  He pulled her against his chest as he saw the tears in her eyes. She was trying so hard to be tough and act as though she didn’t need anyone watching over her because of her own situation that she probably didn’t even think anything of Keller bothering her. Dee was a gorgeous young woman, and men probably hit on her all the time. He squeezed her tighter.

  “Baby, you scared me,” he confessed, and she eased back and covered his cheeks with her hands. They locked gazes.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize the seriousness of the situation. It won’t happen again.”

  “It sure as shit won’t.” He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her deeply. He lifted her up and placed her onto the vanity. The towel fell from her body, and she gasped, but he gripped her wrists and held them by her sides as he shook his head, indicating for her to stay still.

  Her large breasts moved up and down with each breath He looked her body over. The tattoo, the piercing, the sexy curves, and the perfectly trimmed pussy glistening so sweetly.

  He bit his lip and then held her gaze.

  “You’re too sweet, too trusting, and still after all you’ve gone through, you don’t seem to see or know the evil that could take advantage of that trust.” He lowered down, still holding her wrists, and he licked along her nipple. He suckled her breast, pulling more of it into his mouth, and she moaned as she tried to remove her wrists from his hold.

  “Sunny, please?”

  He looked up into her eyes. “I want you with us, in our house, and in our bed. It’s not negotiable.”

  He rose up, cupped her cheeks, and kissed her until she was no longer shaking and, instead, reaching for him and kissing him back.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he cupped her breasts then released her lips and kissed along her throat.

  “Is she okay?” Hunter asked from his position in the doorway.

  Sunny didn’t stop kissing her neck and her breasts. But he felt her hands squeeze his shoulders at the knowledge that Hunter was there watching them.

  He held her face between his hands again.

  “I want you. We all do. I don’t want to hold back, baby. Tell me yes. Tell me that you want us inside of you, too.”

  He saw the stray tear fall from her eyes.

  “I want you, but in the bedroom my first time. Not on the bathroom counter.”

  Sunny smirked, and he heard his brothers chuckle.

  “We’ll save the vanity for another time,” Sunny whispered then lifted her up and carried her out of the bathroom.

  * * * *

  Dee was so ready for this, but she felt anxious and scared. They must have realized, as only Sunny and Hunter joined her on the bed as Sunny lay her down. She glanced at Travis and Marino, who licked their lips and looked at her body. She hoped they loved it and knew she was going to give all of herself to them.

  “Condoms?” Hunter asked.

  She shook her head. “I’m on birth control.”

  Sunny smiled as he pulled off his shirt and quickly removed his pants and underwear.

  “Perfect. Our first time and always will be with no barriers. All of us, Dee. No holding back.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair as his head descended toward her breasts. He licked and suckled as he stroked a finger up into her needy cunt. She ran her hands over every inch of him, wanting, needing, to explore him like he was exploring her. As he lifted up and stroked her faster, she searched for his cock, gasping at the feel of the thick, hard, big muscle.

  She suddenly felt sick, like maybe he wouldn’t fit.

  “Oh God, you’re so big. I’m scared, Sunny. You’re all big men and I’ve never done this before. I don’t know if I can,” she told him and hugged his neck as he suckled her skin.

  “He’ll fit. We all will because you’re meant for us and us for you,” Hunter told her as he caressed her cheek and ran a thumb along her lowe
r lip. She licked his thumb, and he clenched his teeth.

  “You’re going to be an amazing lover, Dee. I can see that hunger in your eyes, that need we all share.” Hunter whispered as he held her gaze.

  “Here I come, baby. I’ll always protect you.” Sunny pulled his fingers from her pussy and replaced them with his cock.

  “Relax and let him in,” Hunter said, and she did.

  She focused on how much she wanted them and to feel more of what they made her feel.

  “God, baby, you’re so fucking tight. Jesus, she’s like a vise grip.”

  She held on to his shoulders and tried to relax. He kissed her, and she kissed him back. He eased his cock deeper. She tightened up and gasped while gripping Sunny’s shoulders.

  “Relax, baby, you’re safe with us, with me. I promise, Dee, just let go and give me all of you,” Sunny whispered and kissed her softly on the lips. She ignored the fear the fight to not let go and not let her guard down until that moment when she realized she trusted Sunny. She trusted all of them and they wouldn’t hurt her. This was right and she wanted them to be her firsts. She made the decision. They didn’t force her, and the emotions, the attraction was equal.

  She felt Sunny ease his cock deeper as he released her lips and held her gaze.

  “Look at me,” he said and took a few unsteady breaths as if he felt as out of control and emotional as he did, and then pushed the rest of the way into her cunt.

  “Sweet Jesus.” He looked at her and smiled. “You’re perfect.” He kissed her.

  Dee absorbed every touch, every stroke of Sunny’s cock as he made love to her. In and out, he took his time allowing her to adjust to his thrusts and accept the size and girth of his cock. She was lost in the depths of his blue eyes. She memorized his face, the tan color of his skin kissed by the golden sun, and those tattoos so intricate and sexy. The way his muscular thighs pressed against her thighs spreading them so he could take her as deeply as possible was so sensual and wild. She began to move along with him when he clasped their hands together, raised them above her head, and started moving faster and faster. Dee was so in tune to her body and her emotions at this moment. She felt sexy at the way her hips lifted, her breasts swayed and the expression of pure hunger and possessiveness on Sunny’s face and in his eyes. The depth of their need to be one was almost overwhelming and in her mind she could see the rest of her life being his woman, their woman and remaining her in Pearl.


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