Gang of Broken Hearts

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Gang of Broken Hearts Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “What do you got?” Wyatt asked, and they all headed toward the truck.

  Sunny looked at his team. Hunter couldn’t believe this was happening. They were shell-shocked, and no one said a word to one another despite the chaos of sirens in the distance, cars pulling up, and people asking what was happening. It was instant chaos.

  “Looks like a beat-up car, blue, and we’ve got a license plate number.” Virgo wrote down the number and handed it to Eric Cantrell.

  “I’ll run this now,” Eric said and ran to his patrol car.

  “That’s fucking Keller,” Travis said as they saw Keller get out of the car and then approach Dee from behind.

  “She never even heard him. She didn’t—” Hunter stopped as he saw Keller pull out the gun. “Oh fuck. He’ll kill her because of us. He’ll fucking kill her.”

  * * * *

  Sunny was so pissed off right then that he had a hard time trying to get his words out. Then Eric interrupted them.

  “The car was stolen from Keanter this morning.”

  “Put out an APB on that vehicle and to proceed with caution that an armed man is holding a woman hostage,” Wyatt ordered, and Eric called it in.

  “The footage shows them heading out of town toward Keanter,” Wyatt told them, and Sunny looked at his team.

  “We have to find them. I don’t know what Keller’s plan is, whether he’ll ask for ransom money or, God forbid, hurt her, even kill her, to get revenge against us, but we need to find them.”

  “Where the fuck do we even start? We don’t even know where Keller was staying, what his plan is, or where he’s headed,” Travis said.

  “Calm down. We’re going to work this out and find her together. We need to organize a team and get all the information we have together and hope that they’re spotted,” Quaid said to them.

  “Wyatt, the car was located. Ditched in Croton. A black pickup truck was stolen ten minutes ago. Witnesses say a motorcycle was in the back and two people meeting Dee’s and Keller’s descriptions were in the front,” Eric announced as he held the cell phone to his ear, perched on the driver’s seat of the deputy’s patrol car.

  “That’s them. Get someone on their tail. Unmarked car if possible. Notify local authorities as to what we’re dealing with,” Wyatt ordered.

  “We’re going after them. We have to get to her before Keller does something stupid,” Hunter said.

  “It’s getting darker. Once the sun sets and night falls, finding that truck is going to be like finding a needle in a haystack. He could ditch it for another vehicle,” Travis stated.

  “God, she must be scared. She better not do something stupid. He won’t hesitate to use that fucking gun,” Marino said to them.

  “We have to get to her, Sunny. What are we going to do?” Travis asked him.

  Sunny looked at Hunter.

  “What we do best. Protect our own, get our woman back, and eliminate the enemy who stands in the way.”

  * * * *

  Dallas Police Department, Special Gang Unit

  “Keller Spade strikes again. This time the fucking asshole abducted some woman from Pearl. He stole two vehicles and was last seen heading this way. Just got the APB from Sheriff Cantrell,” Detective Roger Orson told Texas Ranger Mathew Slute.

  Ranger Slute smirked. “I told you that he would fuck up again as soon as he was done with parole. They never should have released him. Not after what he did to that poor woman in San Antonio.”

  “She wouldn’t press charges,” Detective Orson said. “We can’t stick him with that, but this? Hell, he’s really fucked up. I spoke with Wyatt Cantrell, the sheriff there. This woman Dee is the girlfriend of four Marines we know well. The Guardians of Angels. The ones who organize the charity events and escorts for military funerals of fallen soldiers.”

  “Sunny and his men? Oh fuck. They on their way here?”

  “What the hell do you think?”

  “Great. Roger, let’s track down that truck and see where Keller is taking the woman. We’ll help those men any way we can. Let’s keep this on the down low.”

  “Already started. I have a feeling Keller won’t be the only one going down.”

  Ranger Slute pulled out his cell phone and looked for the number. He got it then walked into the other room.

  It rang two times.

  “So the four of you finally find a woman crazy enough to let you four claim her and then Keller fucking Spade abducts her? What the fuck is going on?” Ranger Slute said to Sunny.

  “I’m not really in the mood for your chop busting, Ranger. I’m about fifteen minutes outside of Dallas now and wondering if you people are doing your jobs and have a location on my woman,” Sunny said.

  “I was thinking that maybe we need to keep this on the down low since you and your team tend to get intense when someone fucks with your property. I do recall a phone call about a year or so ago when you rearranged some guy’s face for urinating on the American flag while protesting at a soldier’s funeral.”

  “That dick had it coming, and he threw the first punch,” Sunny replied.

  “I had your back on that one, and I sure as shit have your back on this one. I’ll keep you posted on the whereabouts of that truck. But it’s three a.m., and all the streets are quiet. We’ll find her, Sunny. Meet me at my ranch, and we’ll get organized. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  “I appreciate the help, Matt. She’s special, and if he hurts her, we’re going to kill him.”

  “I didn’t just hear that. See you in fifteen.”

  * * * *

  “What the hell did you do to her?” Raven asked as Ghost carried Dee into the bedroom and placed her on the bed.

  She was unconscious. Her cheek was bruised, her eye slightly swollen, and blood had dried on the back of her head. The ropes on her wrists and ankles were cutting her skin and probably stopping her circulation.

  “She resisted and tried to escape. I got her here though,” Keller replied as Raven began to undo the ropes.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. She’s going to fight you and try to escape,” Keller told Raven.

  “No she won’t. She belongs here with us. You can leave now.”

  “Hey, what about the money and the position?” Keller asked.

  “We’ll discuss it. We didn’t want any harm to come to her. She’s too perfect for that,” Ghost stated.

  “She was fucking four guys. I don’t think I would describe her as perfect.”

  Ghost decked Keller by punching him in the stomach, causing him to hunch over and then fall to his knees. Ghost grabbed him by his hair and put a sharp knife at Keller’s throat.

  “You ever say anything like that again about our woman and I’ll fucking kill you. Not a word about her indiscretions. Those are in the past. She’s ours now.”

  Keller nodded as he gasped for breath.

  “Get the fuck out of here. Get rid of your truck in case you were followed. We’ll be in touch.”

  Keller walked out of there, moaning and looking pissed off, but Ghost and Raven didn’t care. Raven looked back at Dee. She looked different. She looked so much classier and womanly in her dress skirt and blouse. Was she working for a business? he wondered as he stared at her cleavage that was exposed by the ripped blouse she wore. He reached out and caressed along her jaw as Ghost climbed up onto the bed.

  “I could kill that dumb fuck for hurting her.”

  “He isn’t worth it. We have her now. That’s what’s important. Plus, you know she is going to fight this, especially if she was involved with four men.”

  “Don’t say that. I don’t want to think about anyone claiming this body but us. We need to prepare for her fight. We’ll have to break her resolve. Fuck her into compliance if necessary,” Ghost said as he cupped her breast.

  “I’d rather she accept us willingly, even if only to save her father. To hear her say yes, instead of screaming no, would be more pleasurable, don’t you think?” Raven asked.
r />   “It doesn’t matter either way. She’s ours forever. She’ll bear our children and secure our positions in the gang so we can eventually be sole rulers and lead Black Titans to greatness. We’re small now, but give us five years tops and we’ll be number one. We’ll be feared.”

  “Fuck yeah,” Raven agreed, and then Ghost brought Dee’s hands up to the top of the bed and secured them with rope against the posts on the headboard.

  “We’ve waited nearly a year for this moment. Enjoy it, because who knows what tomorrow might bring?” Ghost said and then lay down beside her with Raven on her other side.

  Raven closed his eyes and rested.

  The sooner they claimed her body, the better, and if she denied them, then he would bring Ray to her and take his life if necessary. They kept him from leaving the gang and seeking her out in order to use her as leverage for this moment. Making her see them cause her father pain should get her to say yes. If not, then killing him in front of her would prove they meant business and they were in charge. That should get their message across loud and clear.

  * * * *

  Keller headed out of the house. He overheard the men talking about Ray, Dee’s father, and how they’d kept him from seeing her. They laughed about using her father to get her to marry Raven and Ghost. They were trying to revamp the gang and make it more powerful. He thought they were turning it into a cult, but truth was he didn’t mind one bit. He would be part of something and still get to have that adrenaline rush by committing a crime, running from the cops, or even killing someone.

  “Hey, Raven and Ghost said not to leave town. They’ll do business with you later. Come back at five tonight,” some guy told him, and he nodded then headed to the woods and then the back road where he’d parked the truck.

  He started the engine and then thought about where he should dump the truck and then take his motorcycle.

  He headed into town to a commuter parking lot. No one should notice a thing. It was dead out, only a few early commuters at four thirty in the morning. He parked the truck between a van and a small pickup truck. Then he rounded the back and began to try to get the motorcycle off the back. Just as the front wheel hit the ground, they lit him up. Sunny and his men, along with multiple others he didn’t know, surrounded him and the bike. He was busted. Now he would never see that ten thousand. Never.

  * * * *

  Sunny was losing his patience, and if he weren’t careful, he could wind up killing Keller for taking Dee to Black Titans and the men who wanted her.

  “I don’t know anything. I don’t know who the Black Titans are,” Keller lied.

  “You’re lying, and I swear you’re going down for taking Dee and for helping those men,” Sunny yelled at Keller.

  “Well, lookie here,” Travis said as he held Keller’s phone in his hand. Hunter saw Keller looking scared with his eyes wide and then he lowered his head.

  “We have witnesses that saw you carrying Deirdre from this truck. The license plate and your mug are all on store surveillance cameras.” Travis said as he scanned through Keller’s phone.

  “Oh fuck,” Keller whispered.

  “Yeah, I’d say so. What does this look like to you, Ranger Slute and Detective Orson?” Travis asked.

  Hunter moved closer.

  “Those men put out a fucking bounty for Dee’s safe capture and return to them. Ten thousand fucking dollars,” Travis said aloud.

  Hunter felt sick. He slugged Keller in the gut, and Keller grunted and fell to his knees.

  None of them seemed to be worried about roughing Keller up in some commuter parking lot. They didn’t have time to bring him down to the precinct. Dee’s life was in danger and time wasn’t on their side.

  “Tell us where they’re keeping her. Tell us everything, or I swear I’ll fucking start ripping you apart limb from fucking limb,” Hunter threatened and then pulled one of Keller’s fingers back, nearly breaking it.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll tell you everything. I give up. Fuck it,” Keller said and then started telling them more than they needed to know.

  They had to move quickly. Raven and Ghost could have already hurt Dee, and when he thought about them raping her, Hunter knew he would kill them the moment he had the chance.

  * * * *

  Dee felt her clothes being removed and then felt the lips against her neck and along her thighs. It didn’t feel right. She didn’t recognize the sensations or the smell of pungent cologne. Her head throbbed, and she moaned as she tried blinking her eyes open. The moment she saw Ghost, she gasped and moved too quickly, jerked backwards indicating that her hands were tied. The move caused her head to pound fiercely. Her arms were tied to the bed-posts, and she could move very little and as she turned to the left, she saw Raven. He licked along her cleavage, and she cried, “Don’t touch me. Get away from me!”

  Everything hurt. Her head, her eye, her cheek, and even her wrists and ankles. She looked up and saw her skin bleeding along her wrists, and when she tried to move her legs, her ankles were sore, bloody and tied together but not attached to the bottom of the bed.

  Ghost ran his hands along her bare belly. They had removed her clothes, and she wore only her bra and panties.

  “Oh God please. Please don’t do this.”

  “We’ve waited a long time for you, Dee. But you’re back home now, and you’re going to do the right thing and accept us as your lovers, your husbands,” Ghost told her.

  “No. No! Never!” she cried out.

  Ghost climbed up off the bed, but Raven remained there, caressing her skin, cupping her breast, and then trailing his hands all over her body possessively.

  She cried and sniffled with fear. There was nothing she could do. They were going to rape her. She was so scared that she shook harder with fear.

  “I think I know how to convince you to do what is right for our people, for the gang,” Ghost said. He waved toward the right. She hadn’t even seen the group of men standing there. They all stared at her body as if they had every right to. There were four of them looking mean, ugly, and tattooed.

  “It will be finalized momentarily and we will secure the bloodline as we claim Dee all ours,” Ghost told the men, and they nodded and stood there. It was like they were going to watch Ghost and Raven force themselves on her. Oh God, would the four men join in or try to touch her, too?

  She got angry.

  “Don’t do this. I don’t want this.” She cried.

  Ghost ran the palm of his hand up along her inner calf and thighs, over her pussy and to her breast, cupping one of them.

  “You’re ours now, Dee. The past is over,” Ghost said and then leaned over her body and kissed her. When she struggled, he bit her lip making her cry out in pain. She tasted blood as he released her with a firm expression of pure evil.

  A moment later her father was brought into the room.

  “Dee. Oh God.” He ran to her. Raven and Ghost moved out of the way, and her father hugged her then looked at Ghost and Raven.

  “Why are you doing this? Why are you hurting her? No one wants what the two of you want. This is barbaric,” her father said, and Raven struck him. He punched her father in the gut, and then two other men approached and held her father’s arms behind his back as he tried to fight back. Raven punched him again and again.

  “No! Stop it please. Don’t hurt him,” she cried out.

  Ghost took out the knife and held it to her father’s throat. “You submit to us fully, and he lives. You resist and say no to us, and he’s dead.”

  She cried as her father stared at her.

  She didn’t know how to respond to Ghost and Raven. Her father hadn’t protected her in the beginning but seemed like he wanted to now.

  “I was so wrong Dee. I never should have tried to force you into this. I don’t agree with the new rules. With any of them.

  Ghost cut his skin, and her father’s eyes widened. She saw the blood and screamed out in fear and anger.

  “You’re weak old man that�
��s why you can no longer be a Chief and one of the leaders of Black Titans. You’re done, and Dee is ours. There’s nothing you can do about it.” Ghost yelled and held the knife at his throat. He turned to look at her.

  “I can kill him right now and his blood will be on your hands. It’s your choice. He either lives or dies.”

  He pressed the knife into her father’s skin again and her father cried out and tried to get free but the other men helped hold him on his knees on the floor in front of her.

  “Don’t kill him. I’ll do it. I’ll submit. I’ll stay.” She fell back and closed her eyes. Her nose was running, her body ached, and her heart was tormented at being forced into this position and never seeing Sunny, Hunter, Travis, and Marino again. This was so unreal. How could men like this exist? How could they get away with this?

  She couldn’t submit. She couldn’t let them rape her. She had to fight them, get the knife, and kill herself. She’d rather die than let them take from her body. She would die remembering making love to Sunny, Travis, Marino, and Hunter. Then Raven and Ghost’s plan to dominate and rule the gang would be destroyed.

  * * * *

  “I hope this fucking works. As far as we can tell, there are only a dozen men who appear to be guards that will resist our infiltration. I’ve got men surrounding as backup only if need be because we don’t exactly have warrants here,” Mathew told Sunny and the rest of the men. Quaid and Dale, Luke, Ryan, Perkins, and Dugan were there as well. All armed. All ready to invade the house and get Dee back.

  “I know this is a serious situation and that a lot could go wrong, but I have to tell you, I miss this fucking shit,” Dugan said to them, and they all chuckled.

  “We can do this,” Quaid said. “We can save her and only take out who needs to be taken out. Aim for their legs or kneecaps. If what Keller told us is true, and the majority of people in here don’t want Raven and Ghost as leaders or agree with what they stand for, then perhaps we won’t need to kill anyone.”


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