Destined for the Star (Starstruck)

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Destined for the Star (Starstruck) Page 12

by Dell, Teresia

  ”Nate,” she murmured and pressed a kiss at the corner of his mouth, ”I’ll let you in on a little secret. You had me the moment you put those two big hairy feet on the table.”

  He stared at her for a second and then he burst out laughing. He grabbed her and started kissing her all over her face.

  ”I think you’re teasing me again, aren’t you? You little vixen!”

  She snorted with laughter as he playfully nibbled at her neck.

  After a while he turned serious again.

  ”Olivia, this is sort of a personal question and you don’t have to answer it, if you don’t feel like it.”

  ”What is it?”

  ”Why are you on birth control? I mean, it seems kind of superfluous since you weren’t sexually active before tonight.”

  She was quiet for a second, then she turned around and propped herself up on her elbows so she could look at him. He looked incredible in the soft light from the fire and all loved up from their love-making.

  ”Well, in high school, when I started dating a little, my mom gave me that whole speech you know, about men and how babies are made and stuff.” She smiled wryly. ”As if I didn’t already know. My mom was so sweet and innocent in so many ways but in school we’d had sex ed in biology class since we were thirteen so she was a little late with her speech. But I let her go through with it. It’s something a conscientious parent has to do, right?”

  He smiled at her.

  ”Yep, it’s Parenting 101 I believe.”

  ”Anyway, Mom wanted me to go on the Pill when I started dating. Just in case I decided to start having sex. I think she was terrified I was going to end up pregnant really early like she had. Not that she ever made me feel like a mistake or unwanted, at all. I always felt like I was the best thing to ever happen to her. She was such a great mom in that way. She made me feel so loved.” Her eyes blurred with tears at the thought. She wiped them off.

  ”Sorry, I’m okay,” she assured him. ”But having a baby at nineteen must have been hard, especially when my dad left. Thank God she had my grandparents to help her. But I think she still missed out on a lot of fun stuff because of me. She couldn’t go out partying with her university friends very often for example. So when she wanted me to get on the Pill I humored her, even though I didn’t feel ready at all to start having sex at the time. And then I’ve just stayed on birth control, just as a precaution, especially since gaining custody of the boys. An unplanned pregnancy wouldn’t go down well with Social Services, I don’t think.”

  ”You know, love, this has been a night of firsts for me too,” he said after a while.

  ”Really? Why?”

  ”Well, for starters, I’ve never made love to a virgin before.”

  ”Really?” She felt a surge of tenderness. ”I don’t know why that makes me feel so good,” she said. ”Maybe because it makes me feel special somehow.”

  ”Oh, believe me, Olivia, you are special, extremely special.”

  She grinned happily at him.

  ”What else was a first for you tonight?” she asked then.

  ”Well, believe it or not, I’ve never been with a woman without wearing a condom before.”

  ”You haven’t?” she asked, truly surprised by his revelation.

  ”Nope. And I have to tell you, baby, it feels so good to sink into you completely naked that I hope you will never want me to wear one again.”

  ”You mean, you can actually tell the difference?”

  ”Oh, yeah.”

  ”I don’t know how it would feel with a condom, obviously,” she said, ”but I don’t like the idea of having anything between us, not even a thin piece of rubber, so if it’s all right with you I think we should keep doing this bareback, so to speak.”

  He laughed into her hair.

  ”You are so adorable, baby. I’m crazy about you.”

  ”Same here,” she smiled. ”But why have you always used a condom before? I mean you’ve been in relationships before.”

  ”Yes, true. But when I started showing an interest in girls when I was a teenager, my dad had the Talk with me. Much like your mom did, I’d imagine,” he smiled at her. ”He put the fear of God in me. He told me that if I was lucky, someday some kind girl might take pity on me and allow me to make love to her and if that happened he said I’d better wear a condom or be prepared to take full responsibility if I got her pregnant. And with full responsibility he meant that I had to marry her and support her and the baby all on my own, he wouldn’t give me a cent. He told me in no uncertain terms no grandchild of his would ever grow up without both parents around full-time. So if I was planning on starting to have sex I’d better be ready to man up if I happened to get someone pregnant. Needless to say, I’ve used a condom religiously ever since.”

  ”But not with me?”


  ”Why? Why would you be willing to take that chance now?”

  He looked at her so tenderly.

  ”Because you’re the love of my life, Olivia, and the thought of having a baby with you doesn’t scare me at all. Although, I’m not in any hurry. We have all the time in the world.”

  She started kissing him then and pulled him on top of herself. Suddenly she felt him stiffening against her thigh. She stopped kissing him to look at him.

  ”Nate, really? Again?” she asked in wonder.

  ”I’m sorry, I’m not a nymphomaniac, I swear,” he blurted out, embarrassed. ”It’s just that you’re so damn sexy I can’t help myself.”

  She laughed, delirious with happiness.

  ”Well, I’m not sorry, and I might actually be a nymphomaniac, because I have to have you again, right now,” she said and grabbed his erection and guided him right.

  He moaned as he thrust into her.

  ”You really are too good to be true, baby,” he grunted. And then they didn’t speak again for a long time.

  Chapter 11

  At some point during the blissful hours of talking and making love, she must have fallen asleep in his arms, because she woke the next morning, in the master bed, snuggly tucked in, but Nate wasn’t there. She had no memory of getting from the living room to the bedroom, so he must have carried her there while she slept.

  ”Nate?” she called out and felt immense relief when his cheerful voice answered her from the kitchen.

  ”Right here, love. Are you hungry? I’m making you breakfast in bed.” He poked his head around the doorpost. ”Hello, sleepyhead,” he grinned happily at her. ”Don’t move,” he added sternly when she tried to get up.

  She settled back into the pillows and smiled when she remembered last night. She was a bit tender in certain parts, but just thinking of him inside her made her wet again. She blushed at the thought of her insatiable appetites. Just then Nate appeared in the doorway, a loaded tray in his hands.

  He grinned at her.

  ”You’re blushing, sweetheart. What were you thinking about just now?”

  She laughed, a little embarrassed.

  ”I was thinking of last night,” she murmured.

  ”Oh,” he said, ”hold that thought, just for a little while, until you’ve eaten breakfast in peace, and then tell me all about it.” He winked at her.

  He put down the tray in front of her. It was chockfull of food. There was a pot of coffee that smelled deliciously, scrambled eggs and bacon, bread and cheese and a bowl of fruit salad. He had even made freshly squeezed orange juice for her.

  She looked up at him, stunned.

  ”You made all this?”

  ”Well, actually, no, I didn’t make the bread, that’s store bought,” he dead-panned.

  ”Thank you,” she said, ”I think I could get used to this. You bringing me breakfast in bed.” She smiled at him.

  He got into bed with her and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

  ”If I get to bring you breakfast in bed for the rest of our lives, I’ll count myself the luckiest man alive,” he said earnestly.

  * * *

/>   When they had finished breakfast, Olivia grabbed the tray and told Nate to stay put in bed. She shot him a wicked smile as she left the room and his face lit up in anticipation.

  ”I’ll be back in a sec, make yourself comfortable,” she called to him as she put the tray on the kitchen counter. Cleaning up would have to wait until later.

  She went into the bathroom and took a quick shower without washing her hair and then she brushed her teeth and checked herself in the mirror. Her hair was as always one big mess of reddish-golden curls framing her face and tumbling down her back but Nate seemed to like it that way so she didn’t pull it back as she often did just to get it out of the way. She usually didn’t spend much time in front of the mirror, but this morning she liked what she saw. She looked happy, a flush of color across her cheeks and a sparkle in her eyes that she knew had everything to do with the man waiting for her in bed. She felt her heart beat faster as she tried to decide whether she should dress in the sexy midnight blue satin negligé Sasha had somehow talked her into buying for the trip or maybe one of the sets of lingerie Sasha had helped her pick out. Perhaps the red lace set? It looked good against her pale skin. Then a mischievous grin spread over her face as she thought of a more efficient alternative. Why wear anything at all? She hadn’t planned on keeping it on for long anyway. She dabbed on some perfume and then she snuck out of the bathroom on bare feet.

  She peered quietly into the room and watched Nate as he sat on the bed, looking out the window, lost in thought it seemed. He looked happy and peaceful, with a tender smile on his lips. She wondered what he was thinking about. Was it possible she made him as happy as he made her? She felt a quiet wonder at the thought.

  He had kicked off the covers and was only wearing silk blue boxer briefs. He looked so sexy and handsome leaning back against the headboard, his hands crossed behind his neck. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart danced a quadrille against her ribcage. She couldn’t believe all that glorious masculinity was hers. Her mouth went dry as she thought about what she was about to do - walk in there stark naked in front of the most gorgeous man on the planet. In broad daylight no less. She’d better do it now or she would lose her nerve and chicken out. She took a deep breath and entered the room.

  * * *

  Nate spent the time, waiting for Olivia to come back, looking out the window at the mountains he could spot above the tree line. He thought of the previous night and how she was like a fire raging in his blood that he couldn’t quench. He smiled to himself - he didn’t want to quench this particular fire. He felt himself go hard again, at the thought of the beautiful girl he couldn’t believe had said yes to him and wanted to be with him just as much as he wanted to be with her. He seemed to be sporting a constant hard-on nowadays. She must think he was a sex maniac but goddamn, she was so unbelievably hot. He just had to have her over and over again. She drove him mad with desire. Her face, her body, her soul - they all went to his head like nothing had ever done before. And the feeling of sinking into her sweet silky heat, with nothing at all between them was so good he had a hard time even wrapping his brain around his luck. He’d always liked women and loved experiencing the pleasure of making love but this was on a whole different level. Olivia was on a whole different level. And the funny thing was she didn’t even seem to realize how incredibly special and desirable she was.

  He loved absolutely everything about her, even her little quirks, like her complete inaptitude when it came to technology. The woman hardly knew how to text on her phone for crying out loud. Sometimes she seemed like she had been misplaced in the twenty-first century, as if the mailman had somehow dropped her off in the wrong era. It made his heart swell with tenderness and made him want to protect her even more. He felt a primal possessiveness towards her that was very caveman-like indeed. He had never felt that way about anyone before. All he wanted since he met her was to tie her to him securely, in every way he could. He had never felt the desire to commit to a woman in this profound sense before. All he had wanted had been to be free of responsibility and be able to pursue his career wholeheartedly. Olivia had turned all that upside down. Now all he wanted was her. He had to make her his for life. He felt a surge of peace as he admitted to himself that this was it, she was the One and he had to get her to agree to marry him. How soon could he ask her? He didn’t want to scare the shit out of her with the intensity of his feelings so he probably ought to hold off on the proposal for a little while longer. Give the poor girl a chance to get to know him better, meet his family and learn the whole truth about his life. In the meantime he had to figure out a way to get to spend more time with her. Being away from her was really too painful to put up with for any length of time. Yes, he definitely had to get her to marry him. Make her his in the most official way possible. Put a ring on her finger and spend the rest of his life worshipping at her feet, with hopefully a half a dozen golden haired miniature Viking girls and boys, or however many she wanted to give him, running around wreaking havoc. God yes, his future looked bright indeed if only he could convince her to share it with him.

  And then Olivia walked into the bedroom and he forgot all about marriage and kids and the future as the fire in his blood slammed him right back into the present when his mind realized that the woman of his dreams was standing right in front of him without a single shred of clothes on her glorious body. He gasped for air and sat up straight at the same time.

  ”Shit, baby, are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

  She smiled and looked a bit shy.

  ”No, I just thought you should get a look at the merchandise in broad daylight so to speak, while there’s still time for you to turn and run for the hills,” she teased.

  ”Well then, darlin’,” he drawled, ”let’s have a good look.” He made himself comfortable on the bed again and settled back to enjoy the show.

  Olivia slowly turned and showed him her sexy back and then she turned back around and, starting from a plié position, she did a double pirouette in front of him. When she was done she dropped her arms and faced him, blushing slightly. He swallowed hard as all the blood in his body seemed to surge and pool in his groin making him so hard it was almost painful.

  ”Beautiful,” he murmured thickly. Her breasts were pure nirvana, perfectly rounded and full, with the most delicious rosy pink nipples crowning the generous areolas. He had always been a breast man, he wasn’t ashamed to admit it, but Olivia didn’t only have the most beautiful breasts he’d ever seen, she had the ass and the legs to go with them. In fact just the thought of her incredible hour-glass figure made him salivate, and the full visual impact of that figure was almost too much for him to handle. He might come in his underwear if she didn’t take pity on him soon.

  ”Sorry, love, but if your plan was to try and scare me off, you’ve failed miserably,” he said and flashed her a devilish grin. ”In fact, I’m not going anywhere. You on the other hand better get that perfect little ass over here right now.”

  ”I didn’t scare you off?” she said, trying hard to look disappointed. She wasn’t much of an actress, thank God. ”Well then, I guess I’ll just have to go with my Plan B instead.” She crawled onto the bed.

  ”Oh? And what’s that?” he asked, his pulse beating loud and clear.

  ”I plan to try out a piece of advice Sasha gave me last week. Part of her pep-talk for this trip, I think. But I’m afraid you’re woefully overdressed for the occasion,” she chided him softly.

  ”We’ll have to do something about that then, huh?” he said, never for a second letting his eyes stop roaming her body and beautiful face.

  ”I’m already on it, babe,” she teased and grabbed his boxers and pulled them off of him. She tossed them triumphantly to the floor.

  ”There, much better,” she said, looking quite pleased with herself. God, how he loved this woman!

  ”So what was the advice Sasha gave you?” he asked as he watched her face flush pink when she took in the whole length of his eager
cock with her eyes. Her eyes were dark violet and shiny with desire.

  ”Um, sorry, got a little distracted,” she murmured. Then she looked him straight in the face and seemed to concentrate hard to relay the advice correctly. ”She told me to, quote, ’Save a horse and ride a cowboy’.”

  He burst out in a snort of laughter.

  ”That is so lame,” he snorted and shook his head.

  ”Really? I’ll be sure to tell Sasha you think so,” she grinned and climbed on top of him, placing her hands on his torso. He forced himself to stay still beneath her. She slowly lowered herself over him and brushed her soft moist folds against the length of his erection. He let out a deep groan and thought about how much he longed to flip her over on the bed and slam into her over and over again until they both came undone. But he wouldn’t do that, not this morning when she was probably still sore from last night. This was her show and he was going to be a good boy and just lie back and enjoy it.

  ”Lame, huh? The idea or just the expression?” she teased him as she continued to rub against him, almost causing him to lose control and forget all about his resolution to be a good boy.

  ”Oh, the idea I have nothing against, at all. I’m all for rescuing animals in need and I love horses so if I can be of any use in that worthwhile pursuit I’m all yours,” he stated solemnly as he reached behind her and grabbed a good handful of each of her buttocks and squeezed.

  She let out a surprised gasp and then she smiled at him, biting down on her bottom lip. She lifted her ass and perched her slick entrance right at the top of his erection and held still.

  ”Maybe I should go find myself a horse instead,” she mused and held his gaze.

  He growled threateningly at her and moved his hands to her breasts instead, cupping their silky weight in his ravenous hands. God, they felt like heaven in his palms.


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