Not Until You

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Not Until You Page 13

by Corinne Michaels

  She doesn’t know, but the night she invited me to dinner at her friend’s place, Heather pulled me aside, told me a bit about Nicole as a teenager. She told me that she was always fearful of being alone. There were times she’d sneak out of her home in the middle of the night, climb into Heather’s window, and sleep on the floor. When Heather would wake up, Nicole would explain she was afraid of the silence.

  I’ve seen the hurt and fear that lives inside of her, and all I want is to heal it. Hopefully, we’ll heal each other . . .

  “I want you to accompany me to London as our second date.”

  She laughs once. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  I didn’t think this would be easy, nothing with her seems to be.

  “Because I have a job here.”

  “You have a company here, I’m now your job.”

  Nicole’s eyes narrow. “Well, technically, I haven’t signed anything, so.” She draws out the last word and gives me a pointed look.

  So, she means she doesn’t have a job. Walked right into that one.

  “You’re willing to walk away from the job?”

  “I’m saying that you aren’t my job.”

  “No, but I’m asking you . . .”

  “No, you’re trying to force me,” Nicole grumbles.

  “I apologize.” I touch my chest. “Would you be willing to come to London with me?”


  Why is everything a damn fight? That’s what I want to yell, but I think about her fears and how hard it was to convince her to let me in a little. Instead of demanding anything, which is what I’ve always done, I decided to give her the truth. “Because I don’t want to be away from you. Because I want to spend as much time as I can with you. I want to show you my life, my job, and I’m hoping it’ll be another reason you want to keep me around.”

  Her lips turn up before I watch her armor slip back into place. “Anything else?”

  I’ve got her now. “Yes, love, because I want you in my bed each night.”

  She shifts in her seat. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”

  Chapter Twenty


  “Go away, I’m tired,” I say as Callum shakes me awake.

  His deep chuckle fills my ear. “Wake up, love. We’re going to land soon.”

  I haven’t done a long flight in forever, and I was slightly worried, but man, this wasn’t a normal flight. Callum booked us in first-class—upgraded first-class. We had chairs that became beds with pillowtop memory foam, glass around so no one could see us, and food. Oh, the food. A freaking sundae bar. Seriously, I’m ruined for any other flight I’ll ever be on.

  Pulling my eye mask off, I stretch. “If I must.”

  “You must.”

  “What time is tea with the Queen?” I ask.

  Callum huffs. I’ve asked him this at least ten times, and each excuse has been more entertaining. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next.

  “I called and left a message, I’ll let you know if she can squeeze us in.”

  I don’t miss his eye roll, and the smile he tries to hide is caught as well. He thinks I’m cute.

  “Good. I hope she’s ready for this American Princess.”

  “You’re bloody nuts.”

  “I’m taking that to mean you think I’m beautiful and funny, and you’re hopelessly obsessed with me.”

  Callum shakes his head and then takes my hand. He brings it to his lips, and my heart flutters. “I think I proved that many times, Nicole. I’m clearly unable to resist you.”

  As if he’s the only one. I smile despite myself. “Well, I’m on a plane, so I think that says enough right there.”

  He smiles. “All a part of my plan, love.”

  I think about the other night, remembering a small part of what he said about why he calls me love. I really thought I was dreaming, until I realized I totally wasn’t. The thing is, from the moment I met Callum, I knew there was something about him. More than the ridiculously good looks and confidence that oozes over him like warm chocolate on a cold scoop of ice cream.

  My entire world seemed to light up in a way that I haven’t had since . . . him.

  It was like I wanted to run to him even though I didn’t know him.

  And now, I’m following him to the other side of the Atlantic because the idea of being away from him made me sad.

  Sure, he had to work for it, but really, that was going to happen anyway. I’m not going to give in that easily.

  “Do we have a plan or are we winging it?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “I have some plans.”

  I wiggle my brows. “Dirty ones, I hope.”


  “Well.” I lean in and give him a kiss on his lips. “Those are always my favorite kind.”

  “Mine too.”

  And this is why I could fall in love with this man so easily.

  “This isn’t the palace!” I say as we stand in front of Buckingham Palace. It’s . . . so not . . . what I was expecting.

  “It really is,” Callum says.

  “It’s . . . small!”

  He looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “Small? What bloody world do you live in that you think that”—he points to the building—“is small?”

  “Dude, it’s not even tall!” I huff with disappointment. I’ve been dreaming of this large castle that was going to make me fall on my design-envy knees. This is not it. It’s pretty, and what not, but if I had passed it without the gate, I would have thought it was just a building.

  “I didn’t know that tall was part of the requirements for a palace.”

  “Where’s the turret? Or the moat! And that’s the balcony that Diana waved from? It looked so much bigger on television!” I humph.

  Callum rolls his eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “We know this, but you still like me.” I wrap my arms around his middle as he chuckles.

  “I do. Very much so.” Callum kisses the top of my head, and I couldn’t care less about the palace or anything else.

  All day he’s taken me around London, showing me little things, explaining customs and history. This city is amazing. There are so many shops, and the architecture is impossible not to be obsessed with.

  “Good. Now, show me where I can find Harry Potter.”

  “You need to stop watching these movies and shows.” Callum laughs, and we start walking.

  “Please, I want to go back and tell Finn that I got into Hogwarts!”

  Kristin’s son is the biggest Harry Potter fan. He’s read all the books and has watched the movies multiple times. I’m the cool aunt in this group, so I let him fill me in on all the things over and over again and even manage to tell him some stuff he didn’t know. I’m not above hunting down cool facts so I can keep my title. I also take him to Harry Potter World since I’m all about bribery.

  Those kids are my version of children. Since I don’t plan to have any anytime soon, I spoil the shit out of them and laugh when their parents bitch.

  Callum pulls me to his side. “I promise, there’s no Harry Potter.”

  “Way to crush a girl’s dreams.”

  “I’ll let you play with my wand,” he promises.

  “Oh, is it magical?”

  “Well, it grows.”

  “And it shoots things out of its tip.”

  Callum stops walking and lets out a booming laugh. “Just when I think you can’t be any more perfect for me.”

  I grin. “I’m perfect in general.”

  “That you are.”

  I love a man who thinks I’m great. Really, it’s the best thing ever. All the guys I’ve dated before didn’t care much about making me laugh or smile. Then again, I never agreed to do a damn thing more than casual with them.

  With Callum, I find things are just easy. It doesn’t take effort to be in . . . whatever this is. We’re compatible, and in the last few weeks, I’ve done more with him in my life than any other man in years.
  The fact that he met my quad says it all.

  They’re more important than my family.

  And they fucking love him. I swear, Kristin told me that if we break up, they get him in the separation and I’m on my own.

  Some friends those bitches are.

  “You know what else I am?” I ask. “Dead on my feet. How much more walking? I need a nap—and sex. Preferably in that order.”

  “You have to stay awake. Trust me, you don’t want to sleep.”

  “I want to sleep with you,” I say as my hand inches up his chest.

  “I promise we’ll have a lot of that, but for now, keeping you up and moving is the only way to get through the time change.”


  “You’ll thank me tomorrow.”

  Even though I slept on the plane, jet lag is a real thing. It’s only six at night here and I feel like I can’t do another two hours, but Callum refuses to let me sit long enough for even a power nap.

  “I don’t think that’ll happen,” I tell him. “I’m sleepy.”

  He stops, brings his mouth to mine, and holds me there. His lips coax mine to open and he slides in. Am I tired? I’m not sure because all I want right now is to curl into him. His hands slide down my back, pulling me tighter against his chest.

  I don’t care that we’re in the middle of some street in London or that closing my eyes feels so good because this feels better. His lips on mine give me a burst of energy I so desperately need.

  Callum pulls back too soon. “Now, let’s keep walking so I can do that again in a few hours.”

  “Not fair.”

  “Neither is you looking the way you do and having to keep my hands off you, but we all have to suffer.”

  “Oh, you’ll suffer later.”

  “As will you, love.”

  We start to walk down the street, and I rest my head on his arm. Partly because I want to be close to him, the other is that it takes a lot of energy to keep my head up.

  When we get to the building in front of me, I stop with my jaw slack. “Wow.” I sigh. My hand hits his chest. “Now that should be the palace!”

  “That’s Westminster Abbey,” Callum informs me.

  “It sure is. It’s magnificent. It’s regal and definitely what I expected Buckingham Palace to be like.”

  “I assure you, the palace is immensely large. There is nothing spared when it comes to the royal family. They have rooms for days. What it lacks in height, it makes up for in depth. Also, there are several castles that they use, all different architecture.”

  “Whatever. It should at least have a moat,” I state again. “What the hell is the point of a palace without a moat? I really see none.”

  “It’s a palace, not a castle, love. I’m sure the castles they own have moats.”


  “Come on.” He pulls me forward.

  Everything is so beautiful. The stone, gold, and the intricate details make everything look like it was meant to be there. This is so pretty that it’s magical.

  Callum shows me around, pointing out things that have taken place here, and I’m in awe. I don’t know that I actually even understand what he’s saying because I can’t focus on anything. It’s so much all at once, and I want to take it all in.

  “This is gorgeous,” I say as I keep looking around.

  “Yes, it is.” His voice is thick with emotion.

  I turn to see what he’s looking at, but his eyes are on me. “What is?”

  He shakes his head. “You.”

  He’s so damn sweet. Why does he have to be so perfect? What flaw am I going to find that’s going to remind me not to let my feelings keep getting deeper? Something has to be there because . . . he’s going to fuck me up. I know it.

  Men like him aren’t meant for forever. Men who are this amazing have to have a fatal flaw—it’s the damn nature of things. Callum is the answer to every prayer I’ve ever sent, but he could also bring the darkness if he leaves.

  “Stop being so wonderful,” I say as a request.

  “I’m not wonderful.”

  “No, you really are.”

  “Maybe I’m just what you need,” he says and touches my cheek.

  “Or you could be the one who drags me under.”

  His thumb brushes my lip. “I don’t want to drag you under.”

  I look up into his blue eyes and hold on to his wrist. “Then don’t ever lie to me.”

  “I won’t.”

  And I believe him. With everything inside me, I believe he’ll try his damnedest to never hurt me or lie to me. Every day that we spend together, my heart becomes more and more entwined with his. The vines are wrapping around each other, tying knots, growing stronger, and becoming stronger together than they would be apart.

  If I hadn’t come with him, I would’ve regretted it, and I don’t ever want to feel that way again.

  I rest my other hand on his chest. “I’m done here.”

  “You are?”

  I nod. “Take me back to your place. I have something else in mind to keep me awake.”

  He smiles and practically drags me out of the church.

  Yeah, I’m totally going to hell, but what a ride it will be.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I want to show her the world. Everywhere we go and everything we do has her face lighting up. I’ve lived here most of my life, and nothing is ever impressive, but seeing it through Nicole’s eyes has made me fall in love with London all over again.

  And in love with her.

  That fact has me rather tied up inside. It’s fast and definitely stupid to let my feelings get so deep so fast, but I’m not a young lad. I know what love is. I’ve had it, held it, tasted it, and lost it. With her, it’s even stronger than I’ve felt before. If it isn’t love, then it’s something more, and I’m not willing to let go of it.

  “Callum!” Nicole calls me over with her hand waving.

  My God, she’s beautiful.

  I’m a pitiful sap.

  This morning, she demanded I take her to the Tower of London, not that she had to demand very hard—I’d already bought tickets. She couldn’t stop talking about the Tudors and Anne losing her head in this place.

  If I had to listen to her talk about how hot the one actor was any longer, I might have lost my mind, so I agreed quickly.

  Now, we’re standing here, and every detail excites her. The floods, the Beefeaters, the fact that there are actual homes here, and . . . the beheadings. She really loves that it was a thing.

  “Look!” She squeals at the glass monument. “This is where Henry ordered his wife to have her head chopped off. How cool is that?”

  “Cool? I’m quite worried about your fascination with this.”

  “It’s your heritage.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m not of royal blood. So, it really is not my heritage. Besides, you have capital punishment in America.”

  Nicole laughs once. “Yeah, they get some drugs and go to sleep! So not the same. You guys were savage. Making them stay up in that tower to look at where they were going to go to die. Seriously, there was some psychological foreplay there. Then you’d march them down from the tower and make them look out at a crowd.”

  “You know this from experience?”

  “Shh.” She puts her hand up. “I saw it on the Tudors. Then you’d make them kneel, and—” she makes a choking noise while slicing her finger across her neck. “Head. Gone.”

  Now I’m truly worried.

  “You’re very lucky that you weren’t around during these times,” I tell her as I step closer. The urge to touch her is always strong, but when her guard is down, it’s impossible to resist. My arms wrap around her back so I can pull her tight to my chest.

  “Yeah? Why is that?”

  “Well, if you were around, men would be lining up to court you. I’d be finding ways to get them away so I could be your suitor.”

  “I would be a commone
r. Even worse—a foreigner.” She gasps.

  “Never. They’d find a way to make you of royal blood. No one as beautiful as you would ever be a commoner.”

  “Awww, you like me.”

  “I more than like you.”

  I would tell her I love her, but I know that will put her over the edge. With her, I feel that exercising my patience is necessary.

  “Well, I more than like you.” She leans up and kisses me.

  I’m not sure that we’re saying the same thing, but maybe we are. Only one way to find out. “I want you to meet my family. My mum specifically.”


  “Why the hell not?”

  She shakes her head with a smile. “No, I’m not saying you shouldn’t, I’m asking why you’d want to. We’re still new.”

  “Yes, and I had to coerce you to even be here, don’t remind me of how difficult you are.”


  I smirk. “I’ve charmed the pants off you already.”

  Nicole bursts out laughing. “I can’t deny that. Still . . .” She sighs. “I’m curious as to why you want me to meet your family.”

  How do I explain it without sounding like an idiot? “Do you not want to meet them?”

  “I do.”

  “And why is that?” I’ll turn the tables on her.

  “I see what you’re doing.” Her eyes illuminate as she bites her lower lip.

  “What am I doing?”

  “Using your charms again.”

  That is always part of my plan with her. Not because it’s an act but because being around her makes me happy. She’s funny, unbelievably sexy, smart . . . a perfect match for me in every way.

  On top of all of that, Nicole understands the demands of running a company.

  When I spoke of needing to work a little last night, she smiled, grabbed her e-reader, and sat on the couch beside me. There was no nagging or complaining about needing time and being a priority.

  I love that she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Sometimes, it isn’t always appropriate, but she doesn’t care, she is who she is.

  That’s attractive in every way.


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