Random Acts of Marriage (Wedding Favors)

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Random Acts of Marriage (Wedding Favors) Page 12

by Boone Brux

  A minute later the wedding coordinator sent the other women to the back. As they made their way to where she stood, Kinni waited, watching Price take his place at the front of the church. Her heart quickened at the sight of him. He was so good-looking and sweet and passionate, and the list went on and on. God, she was such a sap. If she made it through the rehearsal without screwing something up it would be a miracle.


  Though the practice ceremony was more stilted than would be usual if there hadn’t been relationship issues, everything went off without a hitch. She didn’t miss a step, trip, or make any other mistakes. She even managed to not leer at Price—for the most part. There had been a couple of times when he’d caught her looking at him and gave her a knowing, and completely inappropriate, smile. She was lucky they both weren’t struck down by lightning.

  The entire rehearsal took only an hour, and before she knew it, they were headed to the rehearsal dinner. Though the Honeycutts had rented limousines, the hardest thing she’d be drinking tonight was iced tea. She didn’t want a repeat of the other night.

  The wedding party rode in one limo, while the parents of the bride and groom, the wedding planner, and the minister rode in the other. Dani had opted not to come to dinner, and though it wasn’t the same without her, the mood was still celebratory.

  After Roxy and Kyle, the bridesmaids climbed into the car, and then the groomsmen. Price made a beeline for Kinni and sat, draping his arm across the seat behind her. Clearly, he had no issues with people knowing. The knot in her stomach eased a bit. If he didn’t care that their friends knew about them, then why should she? She glanced over and gave him a quick smile. He responded by stroking the back of her neck a couple of times and then settling his fingers on her shoulder. No big deal.

  A private room had been reserved for their party at the restaurant, and with the help of the hostess and both mothers, everybody eventually got seated in boy-girl order. Price sat to her right and Linc to her left, but thankfully there was no time for the situation to be awkward. Appetizers and water arrived instantly, setting dinner into motion.

  Conversation flowed easily and the myriad of jokes about the betrothed couple kept the mood light. After the first course, Price lifted his chin toward the door and then excused himself. She assumed he’d simply gone to the restroom, but when he hadn’t returned after ten minutes, she discreetly slipped away to find him.

  Her first thought was to check the foyer, but when she passed a smaller private dining room, Price grabbed her hand and dragged her into the darkened room, closing the door.

  A squeaked yipped from her and then morphed into a laugh. “What are you doing?”

  “Waiting for you.” His arms snaked around her waist. “I didn’t think you were coming.”

  “We can’t be in here.” She pushed against his chest. “We’ll get caught.”

  “I promise I’ll make getting in trouble totally worth it.” His lips nuzzled her neck and then glided upward to her ear. “It’s been days since I saw you.”

  “I couldn’t help it.” Her body leaned into him. “So I guess I deserve a few minutes to myself.”

  “Miss Corbett, you’re so daring.” His hands cupped her face, and his mouth claimed hers.

  Their tongues twined around each other, gliding back and forth. Her arms twisted around his waist, her hands flattening against his back to bring him closer. The ember of lust she’d been harboring for the last couple of days roared to life again, heating her skin and fueling her desire to complete what they’d started.

  Her hands drifted down his back and cupped his firm ass. His erection hardened against her stomach when she shifted her hips side to side, rubbing against him. A low growl vibrated against her mouth, and he deepened their kiss. His hands moved from her face to clutch her arms, and with firm guidance, he pressed her backward until her body made contact with the wall.

  Again and again his tongue dived in and out, punishing her mouth in the most exquisite way. He fumbled for the hem of her skirt, crumpling the material when he hiked it up around her hips. A gasp broke free from her when his fingers ghosted across her thigh and settled between her legs.

  Neither spoke, their gazes locked, as he explored and tested the elastic edge of her panties. Jolts of pleasure ricocheted from the place where he touched to somewhere deep inside her, making her not care that they were in a public place. When his fingers skidded over the thin lace covering her sensitive lips, she widened her stance to allow him better access and closed her eyes. She reached for him, rubbing his erection with the same speed and firmness that he applied to her.

  Still they didn’t speak, each watching the other’s reaction. After a minute, his hand slid to the top of her panties and dipped between the fabric and her skin. He worked his fingers lower until he found her clit. A jolt of intense pleasure shot through her at first touch. Unable to stop herself, she thrust against his finger.

  “Do you like that?” His finger circled the sensitive nub.

  “Yes,” she rasped. “So much.”

  He shifted his position for better access, bracing his arm against the wall and angling his body to the side of her. “I want to see you come.” His finger traced the crease of her pussy and then slid deep inside her. “Would you do that for me?” She opened her mouth, but no words came out. “Again he slid free, moving back to massage her clit. “Will you, Kinni?” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “Say yes.”

  It took all her concentration and effort, but she finally managed an emphatic, “Yes.”

  What she’d thought was going to happen was him taking her against the wall, an idea she was all in favor of, but Price had other plans.

  He knelt and dragged her panties to her ankles. Lifting her foot, he pulled them free, leaving her exposed. All she could do was watch. Tension and anticipation thrummed through her body, making thought or getting a full breath impossible. No man had ever done something so completely erotic to her before.

  Unsure what to do, she let him take the lead. He gently lifted her thigh and rested it on his shoulder before nuzzling closer. His warm breath brushed against her thighs a second before his tongue made contact with her clit. Her body melted from the inside out, and she buried her fingers in his hair. Was there a sensation better than the first moist touch of a tongue, laving against an ache so deep it reached to the core of her body?

  Only one feeling could best it, and with each firm flick he brought her closer to the ultimate pleasure. Her body moved against him when his finger slid deep inside her, matching the rhythm of his tongue. She fisted his hair in her hands, thankful that there was a wall to hold her up.

  Her imminent climax swirled low in her body, building from the skill he applied, knowing just how and where to touch her. His finger quickened, and he closed his lips over her clit and sucked, drawing her past the point of control.

  Her head snapped back and she cried out, thrusting against his mouth. Wave after wave of pleasure toppled over her, until she thought her legs would buckle. His mouth remained in place, taking the full force of her orgasm, seemingly unwilling to let go until she was completely spent. As the shudders racking her body ebbed, she slid her leg from his shoulder and sagged against the wall.

  When he stood, she wanted to reach out and touch him, but couldn’t seem to lift her arms. “I can’t move.”

  “See what good things happen when you say yes?” He braced his arm against the wall again and lowered his voice. “That was incredibly hot.”

  “Scorching.” She gave him a satisfied smile and angled to face him. “There’s only one problem.”

  “A problem?” His gaze tightened on her. “What could possibly be wrong after that?”

  Her hand caressed the bulge in his pants. “We haven’t taken care of this.”

  His eyes drifted shut, and he bit his bottom lip when she massaged the tight head of his cock through his pants. “Yeah, we definitely shouldn’t let that go unchecked.”

  What was it
about Price that made her want to do crazy, naughty things? Letting a man pleasure her in a closed-off dining room during dinner was something she would have never dreamed she’d allow. But now she was getting ready to return the favor, and not a single logical reason reared its meddling head to argue against it.

  “I’ll check the ladies’ bathroom.” Roxy’s voice filtered through the door and then faded, her shadow darkening the curtained door as she passed.

  Okay, maybe one logical reason reared its head. They both stared at the door for a few seconds, and then in unison, sighed.

  “As much as I hate to say it”—he brushed her cheek with his knuckles—“we should probably get back.”

  She hesitated, the dread over getting caught battling with her desire to pleasure him. “But…”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m fine. Making you climax is worth ten painful erections.” He retrieved her panties from the floor but didn’t return them to her. “However, I think I’ll hold on to these as a keepsake.”

  “No way.” She held out her hand. “I can’t go back in there commando.”

  He shoved the tiny scrap of material into the inside pocket of his jacket. “Sure you can.” He crowded her against the wall. “Do it for me.” His mouth captured hers in a brief but intense kiss. “The thought of you sitting there with no panties is going to drive me crazy. So crazy”—he kissed her again and then released her—“that when I finally do get you alone, I’m going to want to make you come again and again.”

  “Well then.” Her heartbeat quickened at his words. “I’d hate to deny you twice in one evening.”

  He gave her one last kiss before stepping away from her. “Do you want to go first, or do we go together?”

  The idea of slinking back to the dining room separately sat wrong with her. “Together, I think. We don’t have anything to hide.” She paused. “Do we?”

  “Not a thing.” He draped his arm across her shoulder. “Besides the fact that I have your unmentionables in my pocket.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks. “Yeah, keep that to yourself, please.”

  They exited the dining room and rejoined the group. There were several crass jokes and sly looks from the others, but Price managed to pull off a halfway believable excuse about checking out the restaurant and dragging her along for an opinion.

  Their encounter had been unexpected and shockingly indecent, but she’d loved every dirty second of it. At this moment she couldn’t figure out why she’d tried so hard to repress the spontaneity her parents had always valued. Without it, she would have never had this passionate, wild experience.

  She took a bite of crème brûlée, savoring the sweet dessert. The main question now was would she and Price ever be able to finish what they’d started twice without getting interrupted? She looked at him, but he was already watching her. His right hand rested inside the lapel of his jacket and toyed with what were most definitely her panties. He gave her a wickedly seductive smile that sent a rush of heat and embarrassment through her.

  Okay, the question wasn’t if they’d ever finish what they started, but when.

  Chapter Thirteen

  With the last-minute wedding rush, he and Kinni never had a chance to get together before the big day. The reception was being held at the largest of his hotels, and because he was the owner and one of the groomsmen, Mrs. Honeycutt seemed to feel justified in calling him at all hours of the day and night to check on arrangements. He’d reassured her that everything was taken care of, and then double-checked to make sure it had been. When the wedding day rolled around, there wasn’t a single hitch in the entire affair that he could see.

  Pews decorated with light blue bows and white flowers had been packed tight with guests, the excess people spilling into the aisles and foyer. The heavy aroma of flowers had hung in the thick July air, but despite the hot day, the mood had been frantic but happy.

  Though Kyle had looked slightly terrified when the ceremony actually started, Roxy appeared to revel in being the center of attention. She’d glided down the petal-strewn aisle, locked onto her father’s arm, beaming at her husband-to-be. Occasionally, she’d waved at one of the guests or posed for a picture, never breaking her stride. As weddings went, this one wasn’t too bad in Price’s opinion. The bridesmaids had been beautiful, and though he might be biased, Kinni outshone them all, including the bride.

  Everything had been perfect, and he suspected everybody had Kinni to thank for that.

  And even though Kyle and Roxy were officially Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and everybody was now gathered at the reception, Kinni continued to oversee aspects of the reception—despite the wedding planner’s reassurance that she had things well in hand.

  He’d seen her briefly at the beginning of the reception. She’d been circling the front tables, double- and triple-checking the seating arrangements. He’d managed to divert her attention with a well-placed kiss for about ten seconds before they were ushered to the bridal table. Once the food was served and cleared away, she’d disappeared again. No doubt off solving some minor problem. At some point she needed to let go of her duties and enjoy the event she’d worked so hard in planning.

  He wove his way through the crowd and skirted the dance floor, scanning the ballroom. When he didn’t see her, he cut to the outside and circled the perimeter. He found her at the gift table, rearranging the mountain of boxes.

  “Hey, I’ve been looking all over for you.” He stopped at the side of the table and watched for a few seconds. “What are you doing?”

  “The gifts looked like they were going to fall, so I started rearranging them.” She picked up a beat-up-looking box covered in silver-and-white paper. “What the hell?” She glowered at the offending gift. “Were they wearing oven mitts when they wrapped this?” She set it at the base of the growing pyramid. “I’ll put it here and cover it with other boxes.”

  “Where’s Jason?”

  “Who?” She shuffled two more boxes to the bottom.

  “Jason.” He braced his palms on the table. “The guy I assigned to do this. My employee.”

  “Oh, I asked him if he could find me some tape. The paper is torn on a few of these.”

  He watched her work for a minute, recognizing that tunnel-vision look.

  “All these are going to be loaded and taken to Roxy and Kyle’s house in about an hour.”

  “I know,” she said, still not looking at him.

  “Nobody is going to see the torn paper,” he pressed.

  “Roxy and Kyle will.”

  “Yes, seconds before they tear it off.” He eased around the table and clasped her wrists. “Put the box down.” With gentle pressure, he guided her hands over the table. “Drop it.”


  “Drop the gift, Kinni.” He gave her arms a shake, and the box thudded onto the vacant spot. “The wedding is over. The reception is in full swing. Joya is already tipsy.” Walking backward, he led her out from behind the table. “Your work here is done.”

  She harrumphed and gave him a stern pout. “Fine, but if anybody complains about the gifts—”

  “Then we’ll blame it on Jason. Now come on.” Not waiting for her to agree, he started toward the dance floor. “Let’s dance. It will be fun.”

  “The wedding is over. I don’t have to have fun anymore.” She gave a tiny tug of resistance, but he didn’t release her.

  He’d spent enough time waiting. There was no way he’d let her slip away or get interrupted again. He wanted her in his arms, and to feel her body molded against his. And if he had his way, he’d have her in his bed tonight.

  The music thumped with a Latin beat, and it was hard to resist its pull. Moving backward, he eased onto the dance floor, drawing her with him. From her stiff stance, he could tell she was still in task mode. His job now was to get her into party mode.

  His body swayed to the rhythm, and her eyes followed him. Slowly, he pulled her to him, inching the distance between them closer. In one fluid motion he steere
d her in a twirl, and without hesitation, she executed the move smoothly. As she came back around to face him, he saw a smile tugging at her lips, her attention focused solely on him now.

  Still holding her hands, he dragged her to him again, wrapped an arm around her waist, and spun with her a few times. She stumbled slightly, but he held her tightly enough and carried her through the step.

  Laughter mixed with surprise erupted from her. Before making her dizzy, he stopped the turn and intertwined their fingers. The heavy drumbeat pulsed around them, wrapping them in a world of Latin rhythm, blocking out the surrounding crowd. While lifting her hands over her head, he continued swaying. Her gaze bored into him, but she allowed him to lead.

  Once he raised her hands above her head, he released her fingers, but her arms didn’t move, remaining high in the air. A fraction of an inch separated them, but the only place he touched was her arms. His fingers drifted over her wrists and skimmed down the velvety skin of her forearms. They swayed together to the pulse, but the lower his hand descended, the more difficult it became to concentrate on the music. Over her elbows and upper arms, his fingers trailed a light path until they met the strap of her light pink gown. Kinni’s lips parted, and the swells of her breasts rose and lowered as if she was having difficulty breathing. But still she didn’t move away or give any indication that he should stop.

  He let his hands drift lower, circling until he grazed the sides of her perfectly kissable breasts. Her arms bent, pointing her elbows toward the ceiling, and her hands were buried in the thick mass of hair piled on top of her head. Her hips rocked from side to side to the beat of the music, and her eyes drifted shut. Heat radiated from her skin, igniting the desire he’d been holding in check for too long.

  Unable to resist, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. When he wedged his knee between her legs to get closer, her eyes opened and her arms snaked around his neck, her top teeth biting her lower lip. They were as close as two people could get, and it still wasn’t enough for him.


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