Drive Me Crazy (Shady Falls Book 3)

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Drive Me Crazy (Shady Falls Book 3) Page 7

by Shelly Davis

  “Harlan, this is Mia. She was my roommate and she’s Jake’s wife.”

  “Yeah, we’re newlyweds,” Mia said.

  “Congratulations,” I said.

  How was every woman I’d been introduced to since arriving at Fuller Enterprises so pretty? They were all sweet and friendly, but their beauty was kind of intimidating. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to find friends there. I’d learned that most of the girls I socialized with in Ireland were catty and incredibly fake. What if these women ended up being the same?

  “We need to go back to the house, we’re meetin’ the delivery guys. I was hopin’ y’all would come and help us get everything set up and moved so Harlan and Dillon can move in tonight.”

  “Are you married?” Mia asked, her hazel eyes seemed to beam with happiness. It was almost contagious.

  “No, it’s just Dillon and me.”

  “What do y’all need help puttin’ together?” Cade asked. It was the first time he spoke since he came out with his brother. “Should I run home and get tools and such?”

  “It’s just bed frames. I think I have everything we need,” Toni said. “And if not, Uncle Bobby does.”

  Mia’s eyes practically sparkled with her huge grin. “Great, let’s go. We can get it all ready before bedtime.”

  Surprised by her eagerness, I couldn’t believe how kind these people were. Catty and fake didn’t really fit either Mia or Toni. I found that instead of being on edge like usual, I was relaxed. So, this is what genuine people were like. I almost snickered to myself, realizing that at twenty-one-years-old, I had never encountered anyone quite like them. People rarely surprised me because I always expected the worst. I was thrilled to be wrong.

  “I’ll go get Jules,” Cade said. “I’m sure he’d like to come too.” He and Jake both walked in opposite directions, leaving Toni and Mia with me.

  “This is perfect,” Toni said. “We’ll have the place ready for y’all in no time.”

  “Do you think we’d have time to do a little shopping for clothes at some point?” I asked, a bit awkwardly. I wasn’t used to asking people for help. “I only have that one bag, and I don’t know where to go.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Mia said with an excited squeal. “I love shoppin’. I could use a few new skirts for school. We can make a day out of it, go to lunch, maybe have a couple drinks, and shop.”

  “Mia’s a teacher,” Toni explained. “And shopping is her favorite pastime.”

  “No, it isn’t,” Mia argued, folding her arms over her chest. “My favorite pastime is Jake. Shopping is second or third on the list.”

  Toni grumbled while I felt my face flush just a bit. Looking at her husband and especially his twin brother, I could see why Jake was her favorite pastime. If I had a man like him, I’d feel the same. I already liked and felt more comfortable around these people than I’d ever been around anyone before.

  No one, other than my grandfather, had been so kind toward me since I lost my parents. Someone always wanted something. My dad’s cars, the house, my dad’s trophies, my mother’s jewels. Cousins and random relatives came out of the woodwork when my parents were killed. They knew that between the things they owned and the insurance money, I would be well off for quite some time. They set out to try to take it all from me. My only regret is that I allowed them to take so much, but at least I still had everything that was truly important to me.

  Toni looked at me with some concern.

  “Honey, you okay? We ain’t makin’ you uncomfortable or overwhelmin’ you, are we? We don’t have to help if you’d rather do it yourself.”

  Shaking my head, I grinned slightly. “No, I’ve just never met people quite like you, that’s all. I’d love help. It sounds like fun, actually.”

  “Good!” Mia exclaimed. “We’re orderin’ food and I’ll bring the wine and beer. We’ll have fun rearrangin’ the place and gettin’ everything ready.”

  With a laugh, Toni said, “We have a little time, we should stop off and pick up some things to decorate and make it yours.”

  We stood together, talking a little more about the move. Mia asked about Ireland, about how I became a race car driver, and how I ended up at Fuller Enterprises. And through the conversation, I noted when one man returned, and where he stood. He seemed to pay rapt attention to every word by looking at everyone as they spoke, but he remained silent.

  Then I noticed him looking at me. His eyebrow arched, his sapphire eyes seemed to devour my every word. He had a curious look on his face; like he was studying me. Why he looked at me with such keen, intense interest, I didn’t know; but I thought maybe I might like to find out.

  Chapter Eight


  I loved walking behind Harlan. Auburn hair bounced, and hips swayed as she walked through the parking lot. Her beautiful, hourglass shape and phenomenal ass were the most alluring things I’d ever seen. And the best part, she didn’t even seem aware of how beautiful and sensual she was or how much she tempted me every time she was near.

  Her little boy on her hip, and a smile on her plump and deeply distracting lips, Harlan followed Toni through the parking lot and toward her new home. Her happiness and love for her son made her all that much more attractive. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get this woman out of my head.

  “Come-on guys, get those mattresses in here and let’s get the frames set up,” Toni said. She looked to the little guy in Harlan’s arms. “You wanna see your room?”

  He looked at his mother. “I get my own room, Momma?”

  “You do. But it’s not ready yet. Once your bed is put together, you’ll see.”

  In Mia’s old room, Jake and Mia assembled a frame for Harlan while Jules and I carried in the mattress. Dropping it in the room, we went across the hall where the other frames and mattresses leaned against the walls, waiting to be assembled. A colorful bag with puppies dressed for different jobs sat next to the smaller mattress.

  “Paw puppies!” Dillon exclaimed. “Yay! My paw puppies bed.”

  Harlan’s face lit up when she spoke to her son. “We will make your bed with your new sheets and blankets once the frame is put together.”

  “Toni and I can get this bed frame together, why don’t you and Cade work on Dillon’s bed.” It had been decided that an extra bed would go into Dillon’s room for when her grandfather was there. Toni’s room was the larger room, so we divided it in two with a folding acoustical wall.

  Harlan looked at me with a soft grin. “Do you mind?”

  “I don’t know,” I announced looking from her to the little boy in her arms. “I think I might need help. Someone’s gotta tell me who all these puppies are. Is there anyone here who can tell me about the puppies?”

  “Me, me!” Dillon said excitedly. He looked at me quizzically, his little brows furrowed.

  “That’s Cade, baby,” Harlan said. She stooped down next to him and pulled him into her lap. “Dil, this is Cade. He builds race cars.”

  Dillon turned and looked at his mother questioningly. “Is he my friend?”

  “Yep, I am. I’m your friend, and I’m your momma’s friend too. Do you wanna be my friend?”

  Nodding vigorously, Dillon pulled away from his mother, came up to me, and took my hand. He pulled me toward the frame. “We make my puppy bed?”

  “We sure will.”

  Dillon talked excitedly about each of the puppies while I started to assemble his bed.

  Harlan stood off to the side and watched while Dillon helped by handing me pieces of the frame. Her furrowed brow, and narrowed eyes seemed conflicted. Her shoulders were tense as she wrung her hands together. I wished I knew what made her appear so apprehensive.

  When I sat on the floor to tighten bolts, Dillon plopped down in my lap and talked about the puppies, and I showed him how everything went together. When the frame was put together, and the mattress was in place, we made the bed with the sheets and blanket.

  “I’m going to order dinner,” Harlan announce
d. “Dil, be a good boy. I will be in the living room.”

  Standing quickly on his little legs, Dillon ran across the room to his mother and wrapped his arms around her leg. “Thank you, momma. Love you.”

  “I love you too, baby.” Harlan kissed him on his head before he wiggled away and ran back over to me.

  Dillon wrapped his arms around my bicep and hugged tight. “Thank you.”

  “Okay, I’m going to order dinner now.” She looked down and made eye contact with me. That uneasiness seemed to dissipate. “Thank you, Cade,” she said softly.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I sat with Dillon in my lap as we put the finishing touches on his bed. Next, we hung posters with the special puppies, on his walls. He talked the whole time about his favorite cartoons. The entire time, he never moved from my side. It only took a matter of an hour, but I felt myself falling completely in love with the little boy.

  Beds assembled and made, furniture rearranged, and everything put away, it looked like a new house. Harlan made her presence felt through the house, pictures of Dillon adorned the walls and shelves. She placed colorful pillows and blankets on the neutral colored couch and chairs, and a child-friendly tablecloth on the small dining room table.

  “Is the tablecloth dry erase?” Mia asked. “That is so cool. Where did you find it?”

  “I ordered it online,” Harlan explained. “I have another if you’d like it. I bought a few, I wasn’t sure how durable they would be. They are great for keeping Dil busy when I’m trying to clean up.”

  “Really?” Mia asked. “I’d love something like this. It would be great for my students.”

  After Harlan got the tablecloth for Mia, she and Jake left, followed by Toni and Julius. None of them even looked at me when I stood, gathered dishes and leftovers, and started taking them into the kitchen. I heard the ladies talk about getting together and shopping on Wednesday. I also heard Harlan ask about a grocery store before they all left.

  Harlan walked into the kitchen with a sleepy Dillon on her hip. “You don’t have to do all that, Cade. I can get it.”

  “Looks like someone’s sleepy. Why don’t you put him to bed? I’ll finish this.”

  She stood and gazed at me like she wasn’t sure what she should do, but then she let out a long, slow breath. Her posture relaxed, she nodded and walked toward the bedrooms. Part of me liked that she didn’t argue; that she allowed me to help her. The other part wanted to know what made her so apprehensive. As a single mother, she was so used to taking care of everything that she didn’t seem to know what to do when someone tried to take care of her. She’d worn that conflict in her eyes most of the day.

  Dishes loaded and the dishwasher running, I placed the leftovers into the empty refrigerator before I wiped the counters down and cleaned off the tablecloth. Finally, I relaxed on the couch and looked at my phone. Texts from both Jake and Toni questioning what I was doing staying back. There was nothing to say, I had no idea what I was doing. I was interested in this woman, but I wasn’t sure if it was wise. If I placed myself into her life, I was putting myself in Dillon’s too. The thing was, the idea didn’t scare me. Dillon was a great kid, and his mother was amazing.

  “You’re still here?” Harlan asked.

  “Yeah, I thought I’d see if you needed anything else. Is Dil sleeping?”

  “Yes, he fell right to sleep,” she said, settling in the chair across from me. She fidgeted her fingers in her lap, seeming nervous. I didn’t like that I made her feel unsure.

  “You don’t have anything in your fridge, if you’d like I could take y’all shoppin’ tomorrow after we’re done in the garage.”

  Harlan sat in silence for a few moments, I was sure she was going to turn down my offer. “Actually, do you think you’d be able to help me find a car tomorrow too? I only have this rental for another day. Then maybe we could go shopping? Please don’t think you must, I don’t want to impose.”

  Please, impose. I wanted her to impose on me. I wanted her to rely on me and look to me for help. How had I gone from not giving a damn about most women that I encountered to wanting to spend time with this woman and her son. I wanted them both to want me around; to want to see me every day.

  “No imposition. I’d be happy to help y’all. We should be done around five o’clock tomorrow. We can go straight from work.”

  “Thank you. And thank you for how you were with Dil today. I’m incredibly surprised he got along so well with you. Back home he was always so shy. He’d hide his face in my shoulder and wouldn’t look at anyone. But here, he took to Bobby quickly and today he didn’t even hesitate with you. I must say, the change in him is nice.”

  “He’s a great kid. I enjoyed playing with him.” I paused for a moment and looked at the clock on the wall, it was getting late, and I didn’t want to overstay my welcome. Besides, I’d managed to get an invitation to spend time with her again tomorrow. We’d have most of the evening, car shopping and grocery shopping. I hoped to learn more about her life and what she wanted for her future.

  “Well, I’m gonna get going,” I said standing and starting toward the door.

  Silently Harlan followed me to the door. She was so different from most women I knew. They always felt the need to fill the silence with nonsense, but not this woman. Companionable silence didn’t seem to make her uncomfortable at all.

  “See ya tomorrow. Make sure to lock up when I leave.”

  “I will,” she said quietly. “And thank you again, you have no idea how much I appreciate everything you and everyone else has done for me over the past few days.”

  “You’re part of our family now. This is what we do for our family.” I paused. I desperately wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss her goodnight, but I knew that would be a terrible idea. She wasn’t the type to let her guard down so soon. I needed to bide my time and see if I could fit into her life the way I wanted. “Good night, Harlan.”

  She beamed, sweetly. “Good night, Cade.”


  “You ready to go?” I asked Harlan when she entered the daycare. I’d been there for about fifteen minutes, playing with Dillon, waiting for her to arrive.

  We’d spent the day getting ready for Richmond, preparing the cars, checking and reloading the hauler, and practicing pit stops. As far as I knew, Harlan had done the same.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “We finished up, so I thought I’d come hang with my new little buddy here.”

  “Look, momma.” Dillon showed her the race car in his hand, a number sixty-five written on the side. “I played with momma’s car.”

  Crouching down and looking at the replica of her car, she smiled. “Where did you find this, baby?”

  Dillon pointed to me. “He gived it to me.” He looked at me curiously.

  “My name’s Cade.” I grinned at the little boy, ruffling his hair. “Remember I helped you build your bed?”

  “Cade?” He asked.

  “Yep. You wanna go buy momma a new car and go to the store?”

  Clapping, he jumped up and hugged his mother. “We go to get nuggets?”

  Harlan hugged Dillon tight to her chest. “We sure can.”

  She turned to me and explained, “Can we go to the car lot first? I think I know what kind of car I want and have already been approved for the loan. Then we can drop off the rental.” She paused for a minute. “Are you sure you’re willing to do this? It’s a lot. I understand if you don’t have time…”

  “Harlan, stop. I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to help.”

  She didn’t say anything, just nodded. Looking down at her little boy, she said, “Ready to go, baby?”

  He reached his hand up and took hers, but then he surprised me by taking my hand in his other. I looked over at Harlan to make sure this was okay, but she didn’t make eye contact with me. She kept her eyes trained on our joined hands. A pink blush appeared on the tips her cheeks, turning her brown freckles a darker shade. T
he blush spread down her alabaster skin to her throat. I immediately wondered if that flush would spread lower. But then I followed her gaze down. My heartbeat picked up at the image of a family.

  That’s what these two were. A perfect little family, and for the first time in my life I found that this was exactly what I wanted. I couldn’t think like that though, the only way this family could be mine was if Harlan wanted me. And although I could see that I affected her physically, could she ever allow me in? Could I let my guard down enough? The subject of women was one I usually avoided. After my longtime girlfriend cheated on me, then the string of bad dates and even worse short-term relationships, I hadn’t seen any real benefits to dating.

  This woman was different. She wasn’t dependent, she wasn’t looking to be taken care of, and she certainly didn’t seem to be looking for a man. She had a guy, he was little and demanding, and she handled all of that on her own. The only reason she’d even needed my help today was that she was unfamiliar with the area, and she needed a second person to help her return her rental. But then again, she could’ve asked anyone else in the garage.

  “Ready to go, Cade?” Harlan asked, jarring me from my thoughts. I was sure it was only a matter of moments, but I felt like my thoughts had me motionless for far longer.

  “Yep, let’s go get you a car. What brand were you lookin’ to buy?”

  “Well,” Harlan began, “my grandpa and Lou both told me I should get something with four-wheel drive, so I was thinking about a Jeep. Maybe a Grand Cherokee or something the like?”

  Nodding, I agreed. “Alright then, I know exactly where to go.”

  We headed toward the doors as one unit, and I could just imagine what others would think. What would Toni or Jake say if they saw me like this? Would they be supportive? I knew if I was going to pursue something with Harlan beyond friendship, I had to be sure I could handle being part of an instant family. I’d have to be willing to be second in her life behind this little man who was jumping up and down between us. Surprisingly, that thought didn’t bother me at all.


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