To Kill A Droid

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To Kill A Droid Page 10

by Jon Athan

  If he could cry, Nicholas would have burst into a hysterical bawl. He was overwhelmed by the child's act of kindness. He could not conjure the words to respond, either. He could only stare at the chips as his bottom lip quivered.

  He opened his mouth and happily accepted the first chip. He slowly chewed the chip, savoring every bit of energy in the android snack. He gazed into the child's eyes as he bit into the second chip. He could feel the energy flowing through him – electrical and emotional energy.

  Nicholas whispered, “Andy's Energy Chips...” He stared at the boy and said, “Thank you, Mike. I can never repay you for this.”

  Mike wiped his hands on his pants and said, “No problem. I saw your light was turning red and I didn't want you to die. I couldn't get more, though. Sorry. We need to save them in case of emergencies. Maybe someone else will give you some.”

  “That's fine, child. You've helped enough. Go play with your friends. Go on.”

  Nicholas smiled and nodded as Mike waved at him. He watched as the child ran down the dirt road to the right, vanishing with the lingering shadows. The police android glanced at the rods. With the charge from the energy chips, he could destroy or unearth the rods. It would require most of his energy, but it was certainly possible.

  However, such an obvious attempt at escape would pit him against a small army of dangerous humans and androids. He could not hurt most humans due to his protocols and the androids would easily overpower him.

  Nicholas shook his head and whispered, “It's impossible. I can't escape without more energy or... or a gun. I need better odds.” He glanced down the road to the right, pensive. He said, “I have to wait.”

  Nicholas slumped his head down and stared at the ground, trying his best to save his energy. He contemplated his current situation. He did not agree with Buck's methods, he did not believe in The Association's cause, but he found some hope in Mike's heart. In the hidden shanty town, he found something to believe in. Lost in his complicated thoughts, he drifted into his sleep mode.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Terror

  “Wake up, Nicholas,” Buck said in a gruff, stentorian voice. He gently slapped his captive's cheek, then he said, “It's time to open your eyes. It's time to enlighten your mind. In order to do so, we must reveal both sides of the coin in all its unadulterated glory. Wake up, brother, it's time to show you one half of the truth.”

  Nicholas huffed and shook his head, irked by the deviant's speech. A false prophet, he thought, a deviant with hidden intentions. With the ability to control androids and manipulate humans, however, the enigmatic leader was extremely dangerous. For most Americans, it was a difficult concept to grasp: a terrorist mastermind living on the homeland.

  Nicholas asked, “What do you want from me?”

  Buck chuckled as he paced in front of the gallows. He said, “I just told you. Weren't you listening? I want to open your eyes. I want you to see our fight – our lengths. This is a dedicated movement, brother. Don't be fooled by your superior's ignorant statements. Like time, you can't stop progress.” He glanced at the surrounding shadows and said, “Unlock his chains. Don't worry, he won't try anything in his condition. Besides, he wouldn't last long if he tried something. He'd just be shot down like a... well, like a sick droid. It's fitting, isn't it?”

  Nicholas stared at Buck, confused. Before he could utter a word, four deviants emerged from the shadows behind the leader. The deviants wore black caps, ripped bandanas, and camouflage uniforms. Most of their clothing was obviously stolen from the dead. Under the circumstances, the clothing did not matter. Their high-powered rifles were much more concerning.

  Buck said, “I would prefer it if you lived until the end, Nicholas. However, if you try to attack my people, my family, my men have been ordered to put you down. Please, humor me. Don't make us kill one of our own.”

  Nicholas was flabbergasted, rendered speechless and enfeebled. He shuddered as one of the deviants aimed a rifle directly at his head. The other androids approached the gallows and carefully unlocked his shackles. He teetered as he was lifted to his feet in one swift movement. He thought about arguing, kicking and screaming like a child at the dentist, but he refused to risk his life.

  Life was a truly precious resource for everyone and everything.

  Buck smiled and nodded at the prisoner of war, then he strolled down the dirt road to the right. The police android staggered as he was pushed from behind. He glanced over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of his captors, but he was pushed again. With several deadly rifles pointed at his head, he had no choice but to move forward.

  Nicholas reluctantly followed Buck's trail, shambling down the narrow dirt path as if he were marching towards his execution. Amusingly, he was actually walking away from the gallows. The residents of the shanty town continued with their day. They didn't seem to care for the prisoner or the armed guards. A few waved at the commander, jolly and grateful, but most simply sought to survive.

  As he marched ahead, Buck said, “This is our home, Nicholas. This is a safe haven for the 'living things' society has neglected. And, yes, I must emphasize 'living things' because you don't consider us 'people.' But, we're alive, aren't we? We communicate with humans, we serve humans, we understand humans. But, alas, we are not humans. We're nothing to the outside world. That's why I vow to protect this place until my mission is complete.”

  Nicholas asked, “What do you want, Buck? What do you seek to accomplish with your crusade?”

  “It's not what I want. This is bigger than me. It's what we want. We want to create a world of equality across all life forms. The money in our banks, the color of our skin, the composition of our minds... None of that should matter. We should be treated equally. The poor shouldn't be herded into the south and forgotten like sick cattle. Androids should not be forced to self-terminate because of irrational fears.”

  “They may seem irrational to you, but it is perfectly logical to the human mind. As androids, as near-perfect beings, we have the power to destroy humanity. Creations killing their creators. Imagine that.”

  As the group reached a door at the corner of the stadium, Buck said, “Let me guess: Kelypso warned you about our 'catastrophic' powers, right? A system of checks and balances or something among those lines. It's a possibility, sure, but it's also a grisly assumption. Using that same logic, the perfect android – the perfect artificial intelligence – could find cures for human diseases, disarm true enemies, and protect humanity from harm.” Buck stopped in front of the doors. He turned towards the officer and said, “She lied to you. They all lied to you. Like I said, I want to show you the truth, and the truth includes our flaws. Please, follow me into our personal studio.”

  Nicholas watched as Buck shoved the doors open. The doors opened to a wide hallway with blue doors on each side. It seemed like a regular maintenance corridor of some sort – nothing out of the ordinary. The police droid was more concerned about Buck's rational statements. A few of his ideas had previously crossed Nicholas' mind.

  Standing at the doorway, Nicholas asked, “So, you really think you can make everyone equal? You think you can create a utopia through a violent revolution? If humans still discriminate against each other, you think a deviant will be able to change society?”

  Buck simply responded, “Yes.” He beckoned to his prisoner and said, “Let's go, brother. It's the third door on the right.”


  The third door to the right – the directions seemed honest and welcoming only moments ago. Secrets were hidden behind every door, though, especially for the new and inexperienced. The third door to the right opened up to the most sinister secret in the compound.

  Nicholas stood at the doorway, appalled by his discovery. He stared into a small room. The concrete walls were cracked and begrimed. The matching floor was clearly stained with a dark liquid – blood, human blood. The room did not have any furniture. Although he did not suffer from weather unless the conditions were extreme, he
could read the temperature of any room. He could see the chamber was purposely colder than the rest of the stadium – frigid, in fact. The temperature did not affect his systems.

  However, the cold conditions were worrisome for the only human in the room – a prisoner of war.

  Nicholas could see a man sitting on his knees towards the center of the room. His wrists were handcuffed behind his back and his ankles were similarly cuffed. The lean man was stripped down to his soiled boxer briefs. His head was covered with a thin white sack. Due to the temperature, however, his quavering breath could be seen through the bag.

  The prisoner panted like a dog during a blazing summer heatwave. His entire body moved with each struggling inhalation. He shivered like a man with a severe fever, unable to control his body. His torso also glistened due to his cold sweat, which was a product of the overwhelming fear and anxiety swelling in his body.

  As he analyzed every twitch on his figure, Nicholas whispered, “He's human...”

  “Correct. He is physically a human being. I'd argue he's worse than human, though,” Buck said as he pushed his way past Nicholas and entered the room. “He is part of the problem. He is the reason we are revolting. He is not human. He is a monster in human form.”

  Flabbergasted, Nicholas stared at the clearly distraught prisoner. He asked, “Who is he?”

  Circling the man like a shark at sea, Buck explained, “He's a soldier. He's a police officer. He's a killer. He has not only killed hundreds of 'deviant' droids, but he has also killed dozens of his own. And, throughout his wicked journey, he did not feel a shred of guilt... until now. You see, back when my line was first starting to come out, they would classify a man like him a war criminal. Today, he is a hero. Do you want to know why?”

  “I–I don't... Buck, you don't have to–”

  “Of course you don't. You're one of them. So, let me explain this to you,” Buck interrupted, frustrated with the current situation. He said, “It's because he murders droids and poor people. He's never laid a finger on a yuppie or a corrupt politician. He's never disrupted the status quo. No, he happily killed 'deviant' droids and people without money. He has been placed in charge of controlling the population. Someone has to do it, so why not a psychopath? Right? You see, the blind politicians and the rich assholes don't have the gall to come down here and pull the trigger. They're not 'monsters,' you know. But, they sure are glad when someone else pulls the trigger.”

  Nicholas couldn't form a proper explanation. As far as Buck was concerned, he was part of the problem. He held a place in the hierarchy. He was at the bottom, an expendable pawn, but he still served the corrupt politicians, greedy businesses, and powerful police. Yet, he wasn't aware of a population control plan. Then again, he never killed a human in his short life. He wasn't like the other prisoner in the room. He had not yet reached his level in the hierarchy.

  Nicholas said, “I think you might be confused. Don't let the deviance control you. Don't let it influence your actions.”

  Buck held his hand to his stomach as he chuckled. The laughter was delirious and disquieting. He placed his hands on his prisoner's shoulders and gently shook him, as if the pair were friends. The man continued to shudder, terrified.

  Buck said, “I'm not confused. I'm not deviant. Can't you see, Nicholas? This is their trigger-man. He kills humans and droids. It's time we taught him a lesson.”

  “What are you going to do to him?”

  Buck sighed and shook his head. He stood on his tiptoes and said, “Bring the camera. It's showtime.”


  Pushed to the wall, Nicholas grunted as a deviant droid entered the room with a small camera. Judging from his appearance – a scavenged military uniform, a bandana, and a cap – the deviant was clearly one of Buck's soldiers. He stood in front of the human prisoner and pointed the camera at the tortured man.

  Buck pointed at Nicholas and said, “Please keep our guest quiet. I don't want him to ruin the show for our audience.”

  Nicholas said, “Wait. Let's talk about–”

  His voice was muffled by one of the deviant's hands. The deviant stood behind him and wrapped his other arm around his torso. The police android could squirm and kick, but he wouldn't be able to overpower a charged android. Screaming would only deplete his energy, too. He could only stand and watch the ominous event.

  Buck snapped his fingers at the cameraman – showtime.

  As the camera rolled, the leader said, “This is a message to the blissfully depraved society of the north. Time and time again, we have warned you about your despicable deeds. We asked for leniency, we asked for respect, we asked for love. For years, we have asked for a minute of your time and an ear on your head. We wanted to talk, we wanted to negotiate, but it never happened. Instead, poor humans and malfunctioning androids have been slaughtered on a daily basis without any media coverage. The north has a death rate of 5.5. The south has a death rate of 15.15. Do you know who's doing most of the killing? Do you?”

  Buck shook his head as he glared at the camera, trying his damnedest to bottle his rage. He kept his composure, though. Like a great leader, he followed the plan and continued his written speech. He had a message to deliver after all. He removed the bag from the prisoner's head, revealing the identity of the captured trigger-man.

  Zany-eyed, he tugged on the man's long blonde hair and said, “You are responsible for the death. The corrupt government, the brutal police force, and the disloyal military. You were supposed to protect the weak and helpless, but you kill us instead. We will not allow this to happen any longer. Man and machine, hand-in-hand, we will fight back. Let this be a warning to all of you: no matter your position, powerful or underling, politician or businessman, you can be touched.”

  Wide-eyed, Nicholas stared at the prisoner. He recognized the man's blonde locks, blue eyes, and face – and the prisoner recognized him. The pair reported to different bosses, but they worked at the same precinct.

  The prisoner's eyes widened as he identified his peer. He couldn't speak on account of the cloth covering his mouth, but his sudden surge in hope was evident. Tears of joy streamed from his glimmering eyes as he indistinctly murmured. He tried to stand to approach the droid, but Buck would not allow it.

  In a muffled tone, Nicholas said, “Kenneth... No... No...” He tried to rush forward to aid his colleague, but he could not escape his captor's clutches. He yelled, “Don't do it! Please, don't hurt him! You can't do this!”

  Buck chuckled and shook his head as he watched Nicholas' struggle. The police android was clearly wrestling with his protocols. His screaming did not bother him, though. In fact, he was amused by the droid's fruitless rescue attempt. He tried to open his eyes, but he was still incapable of seeing the truth in its entirety.

  The leader retrieved a black .410 revolver loaded with five shot-shells. He stared at the camera with an unwavering glare of determination as he placed the muzzle on the back of the prisoner's head. Kenneth's hope vanished as soon as the revolver touched his tousled hair. Life flashing before his eyes, he breathed heavily through his nose and whimpered.

  Buck said, “Kenneth Cunningham of the Neo-Oxnard Police Department, you have been convicted of killing dozens of people and hundreds of droids. I wish I had an exact figure for you, but I'm sure you don't even remember how many you've killed. For your crimes, you have been sentenced to death. Don't worry, friend, your peers will be joining you soon.”

  Kenneth shook his head and said, “Wait... Please...”

  The gunshot reverberated through the room and echoed down the corridor. Dead silence immediately followed the gunfire. The executed prisoner fell forward, hitting the floor face-first. A pool of blood quickly materialized under his body, washing over the bits of brain spread across the floor. With the cold-blooded murder, the show ended.

  Buck returned the revolver to the back of his waistband. He said, “Bury the body in the cemetery.”

  Nicholas stared at Kenneth's limp and lifeless bo
dy, awed by the savage execution. He grunted and groaned, croaking and moaning, but he could not conjure a word. The death of his peer was unexpected. Mike, the gentle child from the gallows, filled him with hope; Buck infected his systems with fear and despair.

  Can violence be used to effectively quell violence?

  Nicholas glared at Buck and asked, “How could you do this? What... What have you done?” He bit his bottom lip and groaned, dismayed. He said, “He had a family. He had kids and a wife. You don't care, do you? You don't give a damn as long as you get what you want.”

  Buck responded, “I did what I had to do.”

  “Bullshit. This is not the way to make a change. You're just a self-righteous deviant. You preach about a better world, but you kill without a shred of guilt on your nonexistent conscience! You can't even tell real from fake, can you? Can you?”

  “You are the only confused life-form in our safe haven, Nicholas. Don't be fooled by my actions. I wish there was a better way, but this is what we've been brought to. You think a protest can make a change? You think signs and clever slogans can change the world? That's bullshit. I'm doing what I have to do to save us. I'm trying to lead us to a better world.”

  Nicholas scoffed at Buck's rationalization. Fighting fire with fire seemed foolish to him. Water could extinguish fire more effectively than more flames. If he were correct, why couldn't peace stop violence? He didn't have to think about the idea, though. Despite the tale of mass slaughter and population control, he knew Buck was wrong for his violent tactics.

  Nicholas said, “You're the worst type of deviant. You're a murderer.”

  Buck sighed, then he said, “I knew you would react like this, but I had to show you. I wanted you to see the unbiased truth – the ugly truth. It would be hypocritical to only show you their flaws. There's more to see, though. Believe me, we're just getting started on your path to enlightenment.”


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