Brothers - Dexter's Pack - Brody (Book One)

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Brothers - Dexter's Pack - Brody (Book One) Page 9

by M. L. Briers

  “Then what’s it written in?” She asked…

  “Pictogram…” Connor said and Eden’s eyes flashed back to his. He held her gaze, reading it. “It’s from the old Celt’s witches, isn’t it?”

  “It’s …” Eden scowled back at him.

  “I’d love to see it,” Connor offered back, and he would. He had a whole library full of nothing but old witch’s journals and their spell books, and adding one more was always dear to his heart.

  “Perhaps…” Eden shot a look at Brody, and her mate immediately sensed how uncomfortable she was…

  “Another time,” Brody growled back.

  “If you really wanted to safeguard that book then the safest place for something like that is within the castle walls in a vaulted library where no one can get to it, and the elements can’t destroy it by chance or design.” Connor offered, and then lifted his hands to his chest in surrender.

  The witch didn’t trust him yet, and he got that. He’d earn her trust.

  “I’m just saying…” the vampire added. “But I will say that if you show me yours, I’ll show you mine…” Brody shot up to his feet and growled like a man possessed.



  “Rephrase that.” Brody growled out, and Dexter couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “I’m mated, you’re mated – where do you think I’m going with this?” Connor asked, and watched with amusement as Brody twisted his head on his neck and looked somewhat confused.

  “It’s fine, Brody,” Eden chuckled, as she reached up her hand and wrapped it around his arm to yanked him back down. She was grateful that he decided to sit, because she would have had to use magic to get him on his backside otherwise.

  “I’ve seen yours,” Isobel said, and Dexter’s head snapped around on his neck as he stared open mouthed at his mate… “Dirty mind there alpha.” She teased, and he snapped his jaws closed…

  “I’d say rephrase that, Isobel,” Connor chuckled, and Dexter tossed the man a glare. “Don’t look at me, she said it, and yes, you’ve got the dirty mind.”

  “I do not have a dirty…” Dexter growled out, but Isobel’s loud throat clearing made him snap his eyes back towards her… “Well, ok, maybe a little…” he started and she cleared her throat again. “Ok, so I have a dirty mind, but still…” Dexter protested… “You like to barbecue at minus ten degrees!” he grumbled…

  “Yes, and you get to warm me up when we go inside,” she gave him a wicked grin and the man turned to mush with the wickedest chuckle as he thought about it…

  “See …” Connor bit out. “Dirty mind right there!”

  “Shut up, vampire!” Dexter growled back.

  “Ignore them,” Isobel offered as she leaned in towards Eden and dismissed them with just a wave of her hand.

  “Easier said than done,” Eden offered back.

  “So … what have you seen?” George asked, looking a lot more confused.

  “His vault,” Isobel offered. “All of the witches on the mountain have. The books give a wonderful insight into our ancestor’s magical practices, and we’re cataloguing some of the spells…”

  “Yes, it’s a regular book club,” Connor sighed.

  “You’re hardly ever there anyway…” Isobel berated him…

  “Any wonder with so many witches spoiling the broth…” Connor frowned. “I wouldn’t want to get thrown into a bubbling cauldron by an overzealous zap monger by mistake.” Connor offered back, and held his hands to his chest… “Vampire … kill!” He squealed like a girl.

  “Now there’s an idea, maybe we could practice…”

  “No!” Connor stopped her right there.

  “But you don’t…” she protested.

  “No!” Connor shook his head slowly so she’d understand.

  “It’s an awful waste of a vampire…” she said and he gave her a look of disbelief.

  “It would be if one of you sneezed and got the spell wrong,” he shot back, and that made the others laugh, especially Eden.

  “You have no sense of adventure,” Isobel snorted a chuckle.

  “I’m sorry? Have you met my mate?” Connor asked, tossing up his hands in disbelief.

  “Who’s his mate?” Eden asked.

  “Vicki, think Morticia meets Medusa and you’re on the right lines, and she keeps Connor in line when he’s being bad…” Isobel shot him a knowing look, and the man’s eyes glinted with amusement.

  “Being bad, being good – it’s all the same to her. She’s zap happy and loves that I heal so fast,” Connor tossed up his hands, “Speaking of the witch. I must fly. The ball and chain is probably magically electrifying something I’m about to put my hands on as we speak.” He said pushing up from the log and tossing the metal plate down by the fireside.

  “Maybe if I can peel her away from her mate at some point in the next few days I’ll bring Eden down to the castle to see the vault,” Isobel offered and that piqued Eden’s interest.

  “You know where it is, and according to my mate, my home is her home, and mountain witches can come and go as they please.” Connor offered back to more sniggers.

  Connor turned on his heels to leave and Brody pushed back up to his feet…

  “Connor,” Brody growled, making the vampire turn back towards him… “I wanted to…”

  “And that’s my cue to leave,” Connor said, and then he was gone.

  “That’s … weird,” Brody frowned.

  “Connor’s a good man, better since Vicki. He knows you appreciate what he did.” Dexter assured him.




  Eden stood at the rows of shelving and eyed the books that she’d been pouring over for the last few weeks. The vampire hadn’t lied. He had a lot of books worthy of a place like the vault.

  Isobel stood by the door with her arms folded and watched as her friend took a deep breath and sighed it back out. They’d spoken about this moment, and she knew just how hard it was for Eden to trust anyone, let alone a vampire.

  Trust no one…

  But I think I’ve found the book a home, Grandma…

  I think this is where it belongs…

  He’s a good man … all things considered … and it’ll be guarded by witches and their kin and kind … my kin and kind.

  The mountain is my home now.

  I promise the book will be safe here.

  Eden carefully took the book from the shroud that covered it. The magic that protected it, kept it intact would always be bound into it, woven through it, and that magic had served it well.

  For as long as there was an air to Eden’s line that magic would remain intact.

  She hadn’t broached the subject of pups with Brody yet, but she didn’t think that he’d have an objection. He kept talking about family, and she assumed that didn’t mean just the two of them.

  She reached up and carefully placed the book in between two others, hiding in plain sight, for now, hopefully for as long as there were witches, wolves, bears, and a vampire or two on the mountain.

  She turned back towards Isobel and a part of her wasn’t sorry to see the back of the book that had kept her tethered to mistrust for so long.

  “Let’s go make our mates eat cookout in the snow!” Isobel grinned like a wicked witch.

  “Maybe we should call George’s mate for him? He seems so alone.” Eden offered back as they walked out of the vault and Isobel closed and locked the door behind them.

  “George has a few problems to work through first…” Isobel offered back. “But all good things come to those who wait.”

  The End.



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