Beauty Bound by the Beast: An Erotic Short (A Twist in Time: Erotic Fairy Tale Collection)

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Beauty Bound by the Beast: An Erotic Short (A Twist in Time: Erotic Fairy Tale Collection) Page 1

by Scarlett Stevens

  Beauty Bound by the Beast

  An Erotic Short

  By Scarlett Stevens

  Copyright 2013 by Mmmmore Productions

  Cover by Jeremiah Wright

  My name, Alana, means beautiful, but I couldn't see any beauty when I looked in the mirror. Staring back at me was what some would call an hourglass figure, but I hated the way my hips jutted out from everything I wore, and my breasts strained against a loose fitting t-shirt. I tended to cover up as much as I could, ashamed of the curves that earned me gratuitous stares and vulgar whistles. I hated seeing women out dressed like prostitutes. Honestly, is there really any need to wear shorts that barely cover your ass? And those awful shirts with rips in them, exposing bare flesh? I would never lower myself to that kind of display of indignity!

  I managed a small fish restaurant in Chesapeake City, Maryland. It’s a charming little town with beautiful views across the Eastern Shore, but I was bored there. Although it got pretty busy at times, with tourists checking out the history of the place, it was the same old same old. I knew there had to be something better out there, but I wasn’t about to bother looking.

  I lived alone, and my parents died 2 years ago in a car accident, leaving me even lonelier than I already was. I had a few friends at the restaurant, but they didn’t take me seriously. In my baggy clothes, and uniform ponytail, I was the butt of all their jokes. I know they didn’t really mean any harm, but of course it got to me sometimes.

  I arrived for my afternoon shift on a breezy Wednesday. It was starting to drizzle, the rain hitting my cheeks as I ducked into Crispy Catches. I stopped dead in my tracks, as I observed my staff, gathered around the greeting podium. Anna and Blair were giggling and whispering something as I slowly took off my jacket.

  “Am I missing something?” I enquired warily, taking a step further inside.

  “We’ve got a surprise for you, Alana!” said Jaime, clutching a wad of paperwork. I raised my eyebrow questioningly. She went on, “We entered you in a competition and… You won! Isn’t that great?” Oh it’s wonderful, I thought, sarcastically. “Don’t you want to know what it is?” said Jaime, incredulously.

  “Sure,” I shrugged, absent-mindedly polishing a set of silverware. The girls excitedly bit their bottom lips and wiggled in their places as Jaime brought the folder of papers forward.

  “You have won a makeover treat in a castle! It’s for one week and you get champagne, all your meals, a luxury suite…”

  “Hold up Jaime!” I stopped the redhead in her words. “A makeover?” I scoffed and put the silverware down, arranging it neatly on the table beside me. “You girls should know better! I’m happy the way I am, so whatever you’re trying to insinuate…”

  This time, Blair cut me off. “This is an awesome trip Alana, you’d love it. You don’t see yourself the way you should, and we want you to go. They’ll do a full makeover for you and everything!”

  Anna joined in and I rolled my eyes. My own staff was ganging up on me. “Come on!” she wheedled. “Just try it, and if you don’t like it after the first night, you can come home. We won’t say a word.”

  “Why are you pushing this?” I relented a little, and leaned forward to sneak a look at the picture on the front of Jaime’s brochure.

  “Because, you’re gorgeous and we’re sick of you dressing like an old bag lady!” blurted out Jaime, folding her arms and pursing her lips.

  “Well thanks for the confidence boost,” I half-laughed, snatching up the papers. “Where is this place anyway?”

  “It’s like, 3 hours away,” Jaime softened, pointing at the little map. “Somewhere near Brooklandville I think. You leave tomorrow, and come back next Friday.” I opened the brochure, and saw a print of the castle. It was nice, and the suites did look luxurious. Maybe I could skip the makeover part and just relax for a week?

  “OK, OK, I’ll do it!” I said, to a chorus of cheers. “Now go serve some damn customers their halibut! Remember, it’s on special today so push it.”

  Knowing not to celebrate their triumph too much, the three girls departed, and I pretended I didn’t see the high fives they shared. Bitches, I thought to myself affectionately. Shoving the brochure into my purse, I turned my attentions to Carlos, our hapless chef, who was waving a Calico Bass at me from the kitchen and shouting in Spanish.


  Saturday morning was still rather windy, the skies overcast and leaden, threatening rain as clouds sped along above me. I picked up my small suitcase and hurried outside before the weather broke. Climbing into my beat up old Toyota, I opened the map and ran my finger down the orange interstate. It was an easy enough trip, and slipping my car into drive, I set off down the road.

  It took me a little longer to arrive than I expected, but I eventually saw the sign for Astwood Castle; ten miles to go. The rain was still falling, heavier now, and the air felt heavy as I trundled on down the road. Suddenly, I became nervous as I neared my destination. Glancing in my rear view mirror, I realized that maybe I did need a makeover. I looked a mess! My light brown hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and my bangs hung untidily around my face. Reaching over into my purse, I slicked on some lip-gloss and reevaluated my reflection. Oh God, I think I made it worse!

  I turned up the radio, trying to drown out the uneasiness I felt. I nearly missed the turn-off, a small gravel road that, despite the earlier sign, wasn’t posted well at all. The castle itself was beautiful, and as I slowly made my way down the long driveway, I could appreciate its age. According to the brochure, it was built in the 1900’s so it wasn’t that old, but it had a very eerie feeling about it.

  I pulled up around the side of the sprawling building and retrieved my case from the trunk, heading for the main entrance. The studded wooden door was closed, and I tested it to see if it was unlocked. It was. I slipped in to the lobby and gasped. It really was beautiful. There were red roses absolutely everywhere, grand furniture and chandeliers; the works. A small sign read ‘Check In’, and I approached the desk, ringing the bell. A young woman popped up from the floor and made me jump.

  “I’m sorry!” she said, seeing my startled expression. “I dropped something. How may I help?” Eyeing her nametag, I handed Nicole my booking confirmation that Jaime had printed off and mumbled about winning a prize. She looked me up and down briefly and nodded. “We have your room ready, Miss Harrison. Lunch is included in your package, and you’ll be served in the dining room in the South Wing whenever you’re ready.” She gestured towards the venue with a polished fingernail and handed me a key. “Adam will meet you in the morning to help you plan out your stay, and show you our facilities.”

  “Adam?” I enquired, picking up my case.

  “Adam Best. He owns the castle,” she explained, pointing me to the grand staircase. Your room is upstairs and to the right. Follow the hallway, and you’re on the end in the tower. Feel free to take a stroll around.”


  I couldn’t sleep at all that night. The room was all very nice, but it was the first night I’d spent away from the safety of home. Flicking on my bedside lamp, I sat up and took a drink of water. Maybe now would be as good a time as any to explore. I pulled on the white fluffy robe that hung in the closet, and opened the heavy creaking door, pocketing my key. Walking along to the top of the staircase, I decided to go up instead of back down to the lobby.

  An orange glow spilled out of an open doorway, the only light I could see, and I padded down the hall toward it. Peeping round the d
oorframe, I saw a tall chair, pushed close to a roaring fire. A figure leaned forward and poked at the logs he had just added to the grate. The old floorboards gave me away, they emitted a squeaking sound and he turned to face me.

  I was glued to my spot as I took in the sight before me. His skin was radiant in the firelight, and dark hair hung around his shoulders. Standing up, I marveled at his height. His eyes gleamed, a wild glint about them as he held out a hand. I shook it, open-mouthed.

  “I’m Adam, Adam Best. You must be Alana?” All I could think about was his deep voice as I struggled to nod my head up and down. I was very aware of my messy hair, spread over my shoulders, and the plain robe. “What are you doing here?” he smiled, still holding my hand in his. “You’re beautiful!” I blushed hard, and muttered a thank you. He stood there, reading me like a book, and I felt naked as his emerald eyes swept over me. “Just need some confidence, that’s all.”

  Every inch of my body was as hot as the yellow flames that licked the charred wood in the fireplace, and my sex was positively aching. I wanted him, this stranger whose skin was light, but the only word I could think of to describe him was dark. Adam oozed mystery and pure sex appeal, and my legs were practically jelly beneath me. With great willpower, I murmured goodnight, and stumbled back to my bedroom.

  Now there was no way I could sleep, knowing that beast of a man was just a flight of steps away. I found myself fantasizing about him coming to my door, and scolded myself. Like he’d be interested in YOU!

  Still, my imagination got the better of me, and I slid a hand down over my body and into my pajama bottoms. My pussy was wet and swollen as I ran a fingertip over my clit and into the soft folds beneath. Through sticky, damp hair I plunged two fingers inside my pussy, and although it was no match for a real cock, my canal gripped tightly and I moaned softly.

  Adam, ohh Adam, I thought as I fucked myself with my own fingers. I imagined how big his dick was, and what it would feel like sliding in and out of my tight wet cunt and came hard. I apprehensively tasted my juices, savoring the tangy but pleasant taste. I could finally sleep.


  I hoped to see Adam again the next morning, but all I found was a note pushed under my door with a rough schedule on it, telling me about the various programs I could enjoy and my upcoming makeover. It actually didn’t sound too bad, confidence classes and How to Do Your Makeup, a spa day. (Lip-gloss was pretty much my limit on maquillage!) It was electronically signed ‘Adam Best - Director’.

  I even brushed my hair and left it down for breakfast, dressing in a new pair of jeans I owned that I had barely worn. Baggy tops were all I had, but I wanted to look good. Just in case…just in case he was around. I reproached myself, reminded that it didn’t matter what I did, I was still plain old Alana Harrison with stupid hips. Finishing up my eggs, I headed off for Lesson One: Confidence. Great!


  Day Six:

  As I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror, I barely recognized the girl before me. My dull, brown locks were now a shiny mahogany, and the liner brought out my hazel eyes, making them appear big and sultry. I smoothed the dress I wore, something the stylist had picked out that wasn’t the old me at all. It was a pale yellow satin, and clung to my curves in a way I would have hated last Saturday, but I was starting to feel more comfortable already.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Alana,” I said into the glass, over and over, like I’d been told. Maybe I’d believe it one of these days. Tonight was the scariest of my week at Astwood Castle, a dinner date with Adam. It was supposed to be some sort of confidence boost, but all I could think of was that first night I had seen him. He’d been MIA every day since, and I was both anxious and terrified about seeing him again. After all, that first night hadn’t been the only time I’d finger fucked my own pussy until I came, clutching at thin air and wishing it was Adam Best.

  “Alana!” he exclaimed, as if I was old friend. I looked nervously at my feet, and hobbled warily to the chair he held out for me, unsure of my four-inch heels. “You’re so beautiful!” I blushed and took my seat, sneaking a quick look at him as he moved to his own seat across from me.

  He chatted pleasantly as I pushed the steak around my plate, but we kept making eye contact and it was unnerving me. “You know,” he began, spearing a broccoli floret. “You’ve come a long way this week, I’m proud of you.”

  “But I haven’t even seen you!” I blurted out. Adam smiled that long, languid smile that made my newly prominent breasts feel extremely tight beneath the fabric of my dress.

  “Oh, but I’ve been watching Alana. I knew you were special, from the moment you sneaked into my room!”

  Again, I flushed hard, but this time I just couldn’t tear my gaze away from those captivating green eyes of his. Looking up from beneath soft eyelashes, he took my hand in his. They were strong, slightly calloused, but I savored his touch on my skin.

  “You’re such a rare beauty…” he mused, half to himself as he stood to his feet. Towering above me, he offered me his arm. “Shall we?”

  I touched his crisp black linen shirt and rose unsteadily to my feet. “Where are we going?”

  “Your final lesson, of course,” he said, with intent. “I’ve prepared this one just for you.”

  Dumbstruck, I followed him like a love-sick puppy, back to that room with the fire burning. The second that door closed behind us, his sweet attitude changed. Not in a bad way, but different somehow.

  “I know you want me, Alana,” he said vehemently, backing me up against the wall. “I watched you at night, I heard you moaning my name.”

  I thought back fleetingly to those noises I had made into my pillow and bit my lip. I would have called anyone else creepy for voyeuristic actions such as his, but it was Adam. All I could do was nod slowly, trembling against the cold, stone wall. My pussy was well and truly engorged, and I could feel my wetness seeping through my panties.

  He leaned forward and pressed his lips around mine. Suddenly, I was in a haze of his woody cologne, his hot breath and his wet tongue and my head swam as I tried to take in what was happening. Now, his fingers were tangled in my hair and he was softly moaning my name. “ rose…”

  I relaxed under his touch as he carried me to his bed. “I want you my way, Alana,” he said playfully. Again, I nodded. I didn’t care what he did, I just knew I had to have him. I had known this man for so short a period, and I knew in that second that I loved him.

  From a drawer, Adam pulled a rope and I gasped as he advanced on me, crouching as if I were an unsuspecting doe. “I’m going to tie you up.” It was a statement, not a question, and I held my breath as he unzipped the canary satin, easing my dress down my body.

  I was under his spell, and my hang-ups about my body were the last thing on my mind as his lips planted soft kisses over my chest and stomach. “Take off your bra,” he commanded. I hesitated, swallowing hard. “Don’t want to scream my name, Alana? Be a good girl.” I obeyed, and my breasts sprang out. What was the emotion his eyes tried so hard to hide…delight? I moaned and writhed under his touch as he bound me tightly, tying knots that I had marveled over hanging in a frame in the Crispy Catch. It seemed so far away.

  Unable to move, trussed, timorous and forced to sit frog-legged on the bed before him, he ran a fingertip over my sodden panties. “You want me, don’t you my love?” With his last word resonating in my head, a timid “yes,” escaped my lips. Pulling at the stitches, he ripped the fabric away from me and I moaned as the seam cut delightfully into my pussy.

  “Oh God!” I found my voice, and strained closer towards him, but he pushed me backwards. My wrists were clamped into the small of my back, pins and needles slowly taking over. My legs were wide open, exposing the soft mound of hair and my wet pussy as he unbuttoned his shirt. Adam’s torso was muscled, the rigid contours flecked with hair. My pussy throbbed at the sight, and I begged him. “Fuck me Adam, please fuck me hard.” He smiled, and I knew that’s what he had been
waiting to hear.

  “Now you’re confident, Alana,” he uttered, pushing his black pants to the floor, together with his tight boxers. I goggled at the sight of his dick, engorged and purple, twitching up and down as he stroked it lightly. “Tell me again,” he pleaded, climbing onto the bed between my legs. He was so close I could feel him, and pre-cum bubbled from the tip of his cock.

  “Oh, fuck me! Please, please fuck me!” I cried, rocking in my restraints. “Fuck my pussy!” With that he drove his huge dick deep inside my tight folds.

  “Ahh…” he groaned. “Oh, you feel so good!” He grabbed hold of the ropes around my waist and pulled me up so my hips left the bed, driving his rod deeper into my hot canal. My pussy clutched him forcefully, drawing him into my aching hole. I screamed out, unable to control myself.

  “Oh my God! Oh yes, yes, yes! Fuck that pussy!” My cries spurred him on and Adam fucked me harder, seizing my bouncing tits and pinching my nipples hard. The numbing sensation of the rope’s constriction crept over me, but only heightened my pleasure as I felt the orgasm rolling through my body. My screams must have shaken the castle. He groaned, and I felt his hot seed shoot out of his cock and fill my hole.

  “Now, you’re all mine, beautiful,” he panted, kissing me hard.

  I struggled in my bonds, desperate to taste his cum on my tongue. Adam knew what I wanted and pushed his fingers inside me, coating them with our juices and held them up above my mouth, so I had to stretch up to taste. Climbing over me, he held his still-hard cock for me as I sucked greedily, trying to get every last drop of him into my throat.

  “I love you, Beauty,” he whispered, as he deftly unknotted me and pulled me to his heartbeat.


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