White Hot Holidays 16: Christmas To Remember

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White Hot Holidays 16: Christmas To Remember Page 4

by Annie Windsor

  When he finally dozed, he dreamed of making love to her, and when they both woke a few hours later, he pulled her into his lap and slid his cock inside her sweet, hot pussy again.

  She rode him as he rocked his hips, sensual lips parted, eyes fixed on his, nipples rubbing against his chest. He pressed his hands against her back and felt the silk of her hair tickle his fingers. Perfect. Perfect for him. Meg Caulfield was everything Nick had ever wanted.

  This time, she came with her lips against his, gasping, moaning, bucking against his cock until he spilled so hard into his condom he was scared it would break from the load.

  Afterwards, he held her against him, and she seemed content to stay right there, keeping him tight inside her warm channel.

  “What time is it?” she finally asked after kissing his neck.

  “A little after midnight, I think.”

  “When do we have to leave Spirits?”

  “Never.” He nipped at her shoulder until she shivered.

  Meg gave his hair a tug. “Be serious, Nick.”

  “I’m always serious. Ask my cousin Chris—no, wait. Ask my cousin Noel. They’ll both tell you.” He moved his thighs against her ass. A few more times, and he’d probably get hard again. “I have a lot more cousins, and they all have similar opinions. Especially Klaas and Juleman. They—”


  He sighed. “Okay, okay. How about I have one of my el—er—employees pick up the checks and take them to the Children’s Fund before Christmas Eve, and you stay here with me?”

  “Very funny. I know your employees.” Meg bit his earlobe, but she still didn’t move. “Why don’t you go with me to take the money?”

  At that, Nick shifted from nerves more than desire. Being in a room full of little kids might be a bad idea, especially this close to Christmas Eve. As much as he didn’t want to, Nick gently lifted Meg off his cock and laid her back on the pillows, then got up and quickly got rid of his condom.

  When he came back, he kissed her nose as he laid back down beside her. “I’ll drive, but you have to go in. It’s your good heart that made me realize how important the Fund was—and what harm Sweet Dreams did by backing out.”

  Meg stretched next him like a cat about to start purring. “We’ve got a lot of cleaning up to do around here. All those toys—”

  “Nah.” He kissed her chin this time, then her neck. “I’m buying the toys, so we can just stash the loot in one of my bags.”

  “What do you plan to do with a table full of sex toys, Nick Myra?”

  “Use them.” He slid down and took one of her nipples in his mouth, and sucked once, twice, then let it go. “One a night, for the next year. I want to see how the clamps look on your nipples…your clit…oh, and how each one of those dildos and vibrators looks inside you, in your mouth…you get the picture.”

  He sucked her other nipple, and this time he didn’t let go until she moaned and wriggled underneath him.

  “Like I said when I got here, Merry Christmas, honey.” He bit her lip next. “And happy New Year, too.”

  * * * * *

  Late the next afternoon, snow fell heavier on New York, and the city turned into a beautiful white vision—everywhere but the roads, of course, which backed up to a near stop. Nick’s driver had to take them around the block to make a better approach to the Children’s Fund office.

  Meg hadn’t said much when Nick loaded her sex toys into a green velvet bag and handed them to the driver to put in the trunk, and she hadn’t argued when the driver held out a package holding the svelte red dress, silky hose and red pumps Nick had special-ordered from his cousin Noel, the fashion freak.

  Now, looking at her in the back of the limo all decked out in racy colors with her hair loose, her face flushed and her eyes wide with joy as she looked out at the snow, Nick wished he’d kept the sex toys with them. He could have had a little fun with that Satisfier vibrator right about now. But that would probably lead to a pumping action of his own, and they were getting pretty short on time.

  Nick ran his hand along Meg’s silk-covered thigh, gratified at her sigh of enjoyment. “Have you given any thought to what you want to do next? For a job, I mean.”

  She gave him a wry smile. “Sell toys for a while until I get my résumé together and start interviews. Nancy does well with Decadence. Maybe if I work with her, I’ll keep loosening up.”

  An image of Meg demonstrating The Satisfier to a room full of eager men seized Nick, and for a few seconds, he saw way more red than Meg’s dress. “Yeah.” He coughed. “I think I like your current level of looseness. Probably loose enough. Definitely loose enough.”

  Meg let her hand slip across his trousers and settle on his cock. “I don’t know. I think I could use some practice.”

  She squeezed.

  He groaned and had to force himself to pull her questing fingers away. “I have another idea. Why don’t you consider working for my family business?”

  She got her fingers loose and went for his cock again. “You have a family business?”

  “Sure. But it’s up north, like I said.” He caught her hand again. “Honey, if you don’t stop that, I’ll fuck you here and now. In the car. On top of the car.”

  “Mmm-hmmm.” Her smile made his erection worse. “If you have a family business, what are you doing in New York working for Sweet Dreams?”

  Here comes trouble… “I was hunting for a chemist. My Aunt Jessie wants to scale back, but we’ve had a hard time finding the right woman to replace her. I spent a year each at three other companies before I tried Sweet Dreams.” Nick kissed Meg’s hand, hoping she wasn’t about to start looking at him like he had a few berries off his mistletoe. “I think you’d like Aunt Jessie. You’d definitely like her job.”

  She looked at him like he had few berries off his mistletoe.

  He sighed.

  She kept staring. “How far north are we talking about?”

  “Um, pretty far.” He let go of her hand. “Like all the way north. A place most people call the North Pole. It stays snowy all the time.”

  “North Pole,” she said slowly, suspiciously. “I do love snow, but—well, what would I be doing?”

  “Coming up with new formulas, just like at Sweet Dreams—only a lot more. Perfume, soap, bath oil, cosmetics, candy—pretty much everything. Anything you wanted to try.”

  Meg’s brown eyes grew sharp and serious. “And the salary?”

  “The salary’s not what you’re used to,” Nick hedged, “But you can’t beat the benefits and the job security.”

  Silence filled the limo.

  Nick clenched his jaw, took a breath, relaxed. “I’d be going north with you—going home. My cousin Chris would probably give you a great big bonus to say thank you. He’s tired of handling our holiday crunch without me.”

  The limo pulled up in front of the Children’s Fund office, and Meg gave Nick another appraising once-over. “Anything else I should know about this job?”

  “You’ll have fun every day.” He tried to smile. This wasn’t going well. “You’ll laugh all the time, and never ever grow old. Oh, and I’ll be right there to help you try out all those Decadence toys.”

  This, at least, made her beautiful eyes spark. She rested her hand on his. “One at a time. Every night for a year. Is that a promise?”

  “Solemn promise,” he murmured, feeling it in the depths of his heart.

  On cue, sparkly white snow flittered inside the limo, coating Meg’s hair and shoulders.

  Damn. I forgot how strong the magic gets close to Christmas Eve.

  Meg stared at him and jerked her hand away. “What’s going on, Nick? The North Pole. Snow in the limo. Are you trying to convince me you’re—what? Some sort of Santa Claus?”

  “Here we are at the Children’s Fund office,” he said in a hurry. “Go take care of the checks. We’ll talk when you get back.”

  “Yeah.” She kept staring for a moment. Then she got out and rushed inside the ch
arity without looking back.

  Nick groaned and banged his head on the limo door. Great. Just great. Blowing it didn’t quite describe the current disaster.

  The little green-coated driver got out at the sound of Nick’s thumping head, and quietly opened the door. “Problem, sir?”

  “You could say that.” He got out and gazed at the now closed door of the Children’s Fund. “The lady thinks I’m crazy.”

  “Well, then, sir, perhaps you should prove your insanity.”

  Nick regarded the old elf with affection—mixed with a desire to choke him for being so wise. “You’re probably right.”

  “I’m always right, sir.”

  Without gratifying the elf with a direct response, Nick pulled out the red phone and pressed his thumb against the sensor. One ring. An immediate answer.

  Thank God.

  “Yeah, Chris?” Nick rubbed his free hand through his hair. “Help me out again, buddy. Here’s what I need.”

  Chapter Nine

  Meg stood at the desk of the Children’s Fund director and picked at her fingernail. I slept with a crazy man who thinks he lives at the North Pole. I wantonly fucked a crazy man. Several times! She looked down at her red dress, at the silky hose and sexy pumps and wanted to cry. I finally find the perfect man, but…

  “Hello, dear!” The director, a kindly looking woman with long white hair bustled into the room and took Meg’s hand.

  “He thinks he’s St. Nick,” Meg said miserably.

  “Excuse me?” The director gave her a confused smile.

  “Nothing, sorry.” Meg took her hand back and gestured to the checks. “Here’s my contribution, and a donation to make up for the Sweet Dreams shortfall, just like I promised when I called.”

  “Thank you so much! Now come with me. We have a little surprise for you.”

  Before Meg could object, the director pulled her toward the office door. Out of the office they went, and down a hall, while the director chattered about generosity and rewards. The next thing she knew, she was dragged into a cafeteria packed with children and lots of red and green streamers.

  “Here she is!” the director shouted. “This is Meg, children!”

  “Merry Christmas!” shouted dozens of little voices.

  Little eyes. Little smiles. Little waving hands.

  Meg wanted to cry worse than ever.

  For the next fifteen minutes, she was besieged by kisses and thank-you cards…then weird things started to happen.

  One little girl with red curls stuffed a list in her hand and whispered, “I know you’ll give this to him.”

  A boy with a blond crew cut slipped her a bag of rock-hard chocolate chip cookies sealed lovingly into a smudged and torn plastic bag. “These are for him,” the boy told her with a stoic nod.

  And so it went.

  By the time Meg extracted herself and fled toward the front door of the Children’s Fund office, she was carrying the note, the bag of cookies, a carton of milk, one doll, two candy bars, and three carrot sticks. And to make matters worse, she almost ran straight over Nick Myra’s driver, who was standing in the lobby.


  She didn’t realize the guy was so short when he picked them up.

  I was distracted from fucking the crazy man. Must have melted my brains.

  “Here, Miss Caulfield. Let me take those.” From somewhere, the little man produced a small red sack, and relieved her of her gifts. “Mr. Myra wants to show you the family business. For that, we need to go to the roof.”

  “Oh, right. A helicopter? Because this building’s too small to land a jet—and rich doesn’t make up for nuts, just so you know.” She folded her arms and waited for the driver to defend Nick.

  “Yes, ma’am,” was all he said.

  Meg sighed. She could always make a break for it and run screaming down Broadway.

  But she didn’t. She followed the driver into the elevator.

  Less than two minutes later, Meg Caulfield’s world changed forever.

  * * * * *

  “Nick.” She had him by the arm, almost too shocked to notice the bulge of his biceps. The driver had already beaten a quick retreat, saying something about finding his own way home. “Nick, those are real reindeer. And that’s a real sleigh. Purple, with racing stripes and neon running lights.”

  “It’s not mine.” Nick sounded miserable, though he looked like a splendid god in the golden-streaked sunset. “It’s Chris’. He wrecked mine.”

  Meg wondered if she had slipped on her way out of the cafeteria, fallen, and knocked herself silly. Tomorrow, she’d probably come-to in a hospital with a serious headache—and Nancy showing the staff how to wear Naughty Nurse costumes and use The Satisfier.

  God, she hoped she hadn’t hallucinated that whole night and day at Spirits of the Season.

  Deep breath.

  Deep breath.

  Better enjoy this while I can. It’s gonna be hell when I wake up. “Okay. So…what happens if I get in the sleigh?”

  Nick gave the tricked-out sleigh a last rueful glance before he turned his full attention to her. Immediately, the lines of his face softened and his sexy black jasper eyes studied every curve she had. When he spoke, his voice had that telltale rasp, and she knew he wanted to kiss her.

  “If you get in the sleigh, we become invisible to New York—to everyone—until we get to my place. If you get in the sleigh, we go visit my family and you can try out that job we talked about.” He pulled her close to him and brushed his lips against hers, creating a wave of delicious shivers up and down her body. “If you get in the sleigh, you can try me out as many times as you like.”

  Okay, so, Nick might be crazy.

  And Meg knew she really might be unconscious in some hospital while Nancy showed off her sex toys to the nurses.

  But damn, could the man ever make her wet in a hurry.

  Meg kissed him slow and deep, pressing herself against the hard, carved iron of his chest—and his swelling, tempting cock.

  I’m his fantasy…

  He’s mine…

  When they at last pulled back for a breath, she managed to ask, “And if I don’t like your home? The job?”

  “I’ll bring you home with a few memory modifications, but I have to tell you now, you won’t be forgetting me—and I won’t be giving you up.”

  He kissed her again, and a third time. Meg knew the cold should be bothering her, but she didn’t feel anything past that liquid fire igniting under her skin.

  As his hands roved up and down her soft, formfitting dress, she murmured her next question against his mouth. “What if I like it all?”

  His deep, rumbling chuckle made her nipples hard. “Then it’s all yours. Forever.”

  “Are you Santa Claus, Nick Myra?”

  Another clit-tickling chuckle. “No. That would be my uncle. But we help out—me, and all of my cousins. I have way too many cousins, Meg.”

  “Are they all as handsome as you?”

  He pinched her ass until she squealed. “Absolutely not. Get in the sleigh.”

  * * * * *


  Truly flying.

  No wind, completely safe, but flying!

  Nick took the sleigh for a wild, long spin around New York City. Meg gazed down at the crystalline tableau and almost couldn’t breathe. Nick explained that she couldn’t fall out of the sleigh, but she couldn’t quite believe that. She sat in his lap and hugged him tight, and now and again rubbed her hip against his erection just to hear him groan.

  “This is real,” she said over and over again.

  Each time, he kissed her.

  Each time, she fell in love with him a little more.

  A little while later, as he got ready to take the sleigh north, she snuggled her head under his chin and closed her eyes to remember her last long look at the city she had called home for most of her life.

  “What about Nancy, Nick?” She ran her fingers along the strong line of his jaw. “Does she k
now? Will I be able to talk to her?”

  “She knows.” He captured her fingers and kissed them. “You can call her and see her any time you want, but she’ll keep her mouth shut.”

  “How do you know that?”

  He nibbled at her wrist. “She signed a contract. I gave Decadence an exclusive with the elves—and will they ever keep her busy.”

  Meg let herself get lost in the feel of Nick tasting her thumb. Her nipples got hard as she thought about his teeth, his tongue, the wet heat of his mouth on her breasts, between her legs…

  Something niggled at the back of her brain, then exploded to the front of her thoughts. She pulled her hand away and scooted out of Nick’s lap. On the big, wide seat of the purple sleigh, she turned to face him. “Wait. Stop. We can’t leave yet.”

  He tugged at the reins and slowed the reindeer, his face tense with concern. “What is it, Meg?”

  “Grenchler. He can’t stay at Sweet Dreams! What about all the people we used to work with?”

  “Oh, him.” Nick laughed. “Don’t worry about Grenchler, honey. I’ve got these three cousins—Dorian, Bacchus and Furio—they like to dress up like ghosts and scare scrooges into next week. Leave it to the terrible triplets. By morning, that bastard will be running through the streets of New York buying Christmas turkeys and presents for every kid he sees. “

  Meg shook her head, amazed. “You really do have a lot of cousins.”

  “Way too many. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He winked, and Meg’s pussy flooded.

  How would she ever get enough of this man?

  “Pinch me.” She sighed. “I know I must be dreaming.”

  Quicker than the reindeer could speed up again, Nick slipped his hand into the neck of her dress, found her taut nipple, and gave it a good pinch.

  Meg cried out and slapped his fingers, but he only pinched her nipple again and grinned.

  “What?” His smile was devastating as the pinches turned to caresses she felt everywhere at the same time—especially her clit. “You told me to!”

  She got his hand loose and sank to her knees beside him in the sleigh, nipples aching, pussy throbbing and ready for a good, hard pounding. “I hope this thing has an autopilot.”


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