Redeeming Ace's Heart

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Redeeming Ace's Heart Page 8

by M. T. Ossler

  “Does that mean you’re going to make love to me tonight?” she asks timidly with a shiver. This is just one of the reasons why I love her with my whole damn black heart.

  “Babe, nothin’ would make me happier than to take your cherry tonight, but we’re going to wait till I get back,” I say with a sigh. “Your first time, our first time together is not going to be in this room, or in this Clubhouse. It’s going to be someplace where we’re alone. I’m going to make sweet love to you and devour your untouched pussy all fuckin’ night until the sun rises.”

  I turn her in my arms needing to see her eyes to watch her reaction carefully for a few heartbeats. I may not be taking her cherry tonight, but I will be stealing her first kiss. Right here in this room.

  I can see straight through her, I can see everything, her fears, her desires, her love. Most of all I can see she’s not ready for us to sleep together just yet. But she’s definitely ready for her first kiss. Desire is gleaming in her chocolate brown eyes for it.

  I place my right hand gently on the side of her face and the other in her hair on her neck. Keeping our eyes connected as I bend forward, slowly, and lightly place my lips on hers. When I make contact, an electric zing makes a beeline straight to my heart and soul. It ignites a fire within me.

  She leans into me more, smashing her breast into my chest. I take it as a sign and run my tongue along the seam of her lips. She doesn’t open up right away for me, she hesitates and grabs onto the front of my shirt.

  Her eyes are closed, and her body begins to quiver. Then she finally opens her mouth for me, I dive my tongue into her warmth and find hers. Her tongue darts to mine, automatically, but she’s not quite sure what to do with it. After a few swirls of mine around hers, she lets go and we get lost in the moment as she takes my lead.

  Then out of nowhere, she’s purring in my mouth. Her body has stopped quivering and is now vibrating with need.

  She’s lost in the moment, lettin’ go of everything in her mind, and gettin’ into our first kiss. She runs her right hand up my chest, my neck, stopping in my hair.

  I move my right hand off her face, gliding it down her back, heading straight for her ass. I cup her plump ass cheek in my hand and squeeze. Dragging her closer to my body, feeling her tiny frame against my cock.

  I’ve never kissed a woman with passion and desire like this. Or, felt my body connect to theirs through just a kiss. I’m lost, lost in a fuckin’ kiss, lost in her. My soul is being pulled to hers as they melt together.

  This is somethin’ out of a romance movie. What in the holy fuck is happening to me? My knees are weak, and my body feels like I’m in another world. My legs have even started to shake.

  I’m so hard, and there is no hiding it. I know she can feel him pressed against her stomach. I want her worse than I’ve ever wanted any woman, but I ease myself back from the kiss. Kisses are all I will take from her, for now. No matter how much my cock is demanding to be buried deep inside her untouched channel. I will wait.

  I drag my tongue slowly out of her mouth and she draws her back. I place a couple of sweet kisses on her slightly opened lips before I pull back from her.

  “Wow,” she purrs as she opens her eyes. They’re lighter, almost the color of honey and glazed over with lust. It seems I have the makings of a kitten on my hands. Her purrs are the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard come out of a woman’s mouth. I want to hear more of the music I can make her body play. Soon, I will turn my little kitten into a full-blown wildcat.

  “Yea, I’ve never felt anything like that before,” I whisper. Her eyes start to droop from exhaustion. She didn’t sleep at all last night and the sedative is still in her. Well, I guess her petite body can’t take much more. It’s time to get my girl back to bed for the night.

  I lift her up in my arms, cradling her to my chest and bring her back to the bed. I lay us down, she rests her body over mine with her head on my chest. Her eyes are heavy with sleep and she’s ready to pass back out.

  “Sleep, babe. Tomorrow, we’ll spend the day together before I have to leave. You and Bella can talk, cook, and do whatever girlie shit you want. Sweet dreams, love,” I say and place a sweet, soft kiss on her swollen lips, and then her forehead. I lay my head back on the pillow and watch her for a while as she falls into a peaceful dream state for the night.

  I must be in a dream, this is not me, but I like this new improved better version of myself. Jules has made me better, and she’ll never know how much she has healed my dark broken heart. It will never be totally mended, not unless I have Brookie back in my life, but this is definitely a great start. Maybe one day with Jules’s help I can reconnect with my sister. Do I deserve all this peace and love in my life, that’s the million-dollar question, I’ll tell you that? I’m a greedy bastard so I’m going to take this and ride this ride all the way till the end.

  The next day we hang out with all my brothers and some of the ol’ ladies around the Clubhouse. As VP, I have to make my presence known and be friendly, even though all I want to do is hold Jules in my arms and kiss her luscious, plump lips.

  I sneak in several kisses here and there. Sitting her on my lap when she’s close and taking her in my arms when I can. She spends some time with Bella and Shorty in the afternoon in the apartment. Beast is keeping Bella busy in bed for the day, instead of visiting with our guest. Our SAA needs time with his new wife before leaving her for the first time since getting her back. Gator and I get it, so we’re covering for him. The guys don’t seem to mind either. We’re family so we always have one another’s backs.

  Jules is cooking in the kitchen with Maggie, Cindy, Shorty and some of the ol’ ladies. Since, Gator hasn’t claimed Sam, like the dumbass he is, Jules is the head ol’ lady around here now, and she will have a lot of responsibilities. Actually, Bella and she both will have duties to fulfill and take over all the shit Cassy’s been doing for the Club.

  The yelling coming from the kitchen isn’t at all what I expected. Well, to be honest, I didn’t think Maggie would be such a bitch to my girl for taking her new role seriously.

  Apparently, Maggie found out about me claiming Jules as my ol’ lady yesterday and is not happy about it. She is disrespecting my girl and I will not stand by and allow her to talk to her that way. She needs to remember her place around here.

  My brothers are worse than chicks when it comes to gossip and drama, though. They have the biggest mouths in this whole damn state.

  Out of nowhere, we hear Maggie and Jules screaming at one another in the bar, over the music we have blaring from the jukebox. Maggie is lacing into my girl about how she can’t fulfill my kinky needs in the bedroom. She’s saying I need a real woman, not a prissy girl.

  A feeling of anger and protection comes over me. I need to defend Jules and myself, setting the record straight and shut the bitch down. So, that’s exactly what I get up to do. I head to the kitchen and the guys follow me. On our way I see Maddox smirking as we hear my girl holding her own and giving it to Maggie really good.

  I enter the kitchen with the guys on my tail and find Jules and Maggie in fighting poses. My girl has her left fist at her side, and a kitchen knife in her right hand near Maggie’s throat. Maggie has both her fists up in the air, defending herself from the knife pointed at her. There is about a foot in-between them.

  Cindy and Shorty are standing by the back door with stunned faces. The ol’ ladies that are in here helping are in the hallway. They’re all watching the scene play out with the girls and don’t know what to do or say.

  Gator enters the room from the back hallway, through the sea of women, from his office as I make my way through the doorway. He must have heard them yelling and came out to see what all the commotion was about.

  “Bitch, you better step back or I will cut you! Don’t you ever talk about Ace like he was ever yours or ever will be! He’s mine and he doesn’t need your skanky, kinky, dirty whore ass! He never did, and he never will! So, step the fuck back or I will skin
you like a goddamn fish and sink you in the ocean,” Jules screams in Maggie’s face, at the top of her lungs. I swear the whole fuckin’ compound could hear her. My girl is pissed the fuck off and is extending her fuckin’ claws, big time. I need to break this up before this really gets too out of hand and Jules does somethin’ she will regret.

  I have a feeling my girl would be just fine taking control of this shit all on her own if I were to let her. Not today, today I will be handling business.

  “Fuck you, Mafia bitch, you ain’t shit around here to the brothers. Go back home to your Mafia Godfather and fuck him. Better yet, take the two little Princess bitches with you. Ace needs a real woman, not some Mafia Princess who can’t even suck a di...” Maggie screams and I cut her off as Jules slaps her across the face. She has gone too far. Especially with Cindy and Shorty in the room.

  “Shut your fuckin’ mouth right now, bitch!” I yell at Maggie, glaring at her as I step next to Jules. I want to tear her apart, not in a sexual way. No, I want to rip her apart like a fuckin’ animal tearing into their pray and eating them alive.

  She turns her sights on me to see who I’m yelling at. The second her eyes meet mine, she knows I’m done with her.

  I take the knife out of Jules’s hand, take her under my arm against my body. She’s tense, but relaxes, wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her head on my shoulder. I can’t see her face, but I can imagine she’s smiling, her smug smile at Maggie.

  “You don’t know shit about me or what I fuckin’ need. Jules is my ol’ lady, the VP’s ol’ lady, not you, and you will show her respect.

  “As a fuckin’ club girl, your place here is to serve the men that walk through those doors. Not give lip to an officer of this Club.

  “You will apologize, to my ol’lady right the fuck now, or I will kick you out on your goddamn ass, bitch. Then get the fuck out of my goddamn face,” I scream at her and give her the evil eye. No one is ever going to talk to my woman the way she just did, disrespecting her like this. Never!

  These bitches in our Club apparently need to learn their place. First Chrissy, attacking Bella over Beast, and now Maggie going after Jules because of me. I have to admit, though, Beast and I have two really strong ol’ ladies. They both held their own with these club whores. My girl is going to be one of the best ol’ ladies. She’s number one in my heart already.

  Truth be told, I don’t hate the club girls or anything like that. For Christ sakes, my own mother was a Club whore and may still be one for all I know. I respect the girls and their decision to be here and please the guys. It’s their bodies, so they can do with as they please, after all. But they are the lowest person on the totem pole in the club. They have no right, except over their bodies.

  It’s as my Jules says, using a term from when she was growing up, the women and children are to be seen and not heard. Well, it’s the same with the MC. We respect our ol’ ladies, but their word holds no value with the Club. Sure, it’s kinda fucked up, but it’s the way of our world. At least they have our respect, which is more than the whores get.

  Maggie glares at Jules for a long, drawn-out minute as the room stays silent observing us. Her face is bright red, eyes glazed over holding back her tears. I don’t give a shit about her feelings, she disrespected my girl and there is a price to pay for that.

  My girl did not deserve the nasty things Maggie was saying to hurt her. Jealousy, that’s what this all has to be about. Maggie is jealous that Jules waltzed in here and is now an ol’ lady. Maggie’s been here for years and is still a club girl.

  “I’m sorry I disrespected you, Ms. Jules. You are an ol’ lady and I’m nothin’. It will never happen again,” Maggie whispers snidely as she runs past us and out of the room.

  I apologize to Jules in front of the whole room filled with my brothers, Cindy, and Shorty to relax her. I kiss her on the lips, and then leave her to cook with the women.

  The rest of the day and evening is uneventful. The women made a shit ton of food for our guest. All Italian dishes and enough food to feed a hundred men. Lasagna, baked ziti, sausage and peppers, chicken parmesan, and veal parmesan for the main courses. On the side, they made garlic bread, rolls, meatballs, sausage, pork, and some rolled beef with raisins to sweeten the meat.

  My girl can definitely cook. I remember Cindy saying once, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach or some shit like that. Well, I’ll tell you one thing, it sure does help, but it’s not everything. If my girl couldn’t cook, it wouldn’t phase me at all. I love her for her, not her cooking skills.

  The next morning, I hold her tight to me in bed as long as I can before I have to leave her to attend to some Club business before we leave.

  It’s Tuesday and I’m hoping we will be back here no later than Friday morning. I have a special weekend planned for Jules.

  I hate that I have to leave her this soon after making things official. For the first time ever, I want to be around a woman longer than an hour. I want to spend all my time with her, talking, holding hands, watching movies, anything she wants to do. I just want to do it all with her.

  Leaving Jules seems to be one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in a long time. Unfortunately, I have no choice my Club comes first.

  Boy has my life changed, I like it, I like me. My mind will probably never change, though. I’ve always been a piece of shit and I don’t deserve her, but I want her. And I’m keeping her.


  It’s been six long fuckin’ days and we’re finally finished with the Macks. This shit took longer than any of us anticipated to get rid of them. I’m ready to get home to my Jules and to take care of that asshole Devil. We got our hands on Devil and Spooky before we left for Georgia to take the Macks out. The prospects have had them hanging in our shed from the rafters. Their day will come soon enough.

  First, I have a woman to claim in the most intimate way possible. I’m claiming her sweet pussy, tonight. I’ve set it all up with Prospect Torch’s help. We’ve been texting since I got here. He has one of the apartments ready for us. Dinner, candles, lavender scented bath salts, cause I know they are Jules’s favorite.

  I’ve done some research online on virgins and from what I’ve gathered, they tend to be sore after their first time. I plan on taking her more than once, so the warm bath water and the salts will ease her tenderness.

  I haven’t taken a bath in... maybe never. I plan on joining my girl and making the most of it. It will be another first for us, and of many to come.

  Another first for me, I never thought I would be doing shit like this for a woman. I have to admit, it actually feels good to do something for someone you love. Never thought I would be this type of man, so it goes to show just how Jules affects me and makes me a better man.

  Beast charges towards our Clubhouse after a short stop at the Jacksonville clubhouse to regroup. Blaze and I are keeping up with him the best we can. The rest of the guys, Cowboy, Shadow, Wolf, Hawk, Ryder, Smokey, and Red Dog are on their bikes behind us taking their time. The van with Prospect, Tiny, and Red is behind the bikes. They should arrive about twenty minutes after us.

  We make it through the Clubhouse gates and Beast parks his bike, darting into the Clubhouse before Blaze and I get our kickstands down. The door slams shut just as we get closer. Blaze and I enter the bar and hear Beast shouting at Gator.

  Apparently, Bella passed out just before we walked in here. Blaze and I head over to them to check on her. Bella has become as close to a sister as you can get, we care about her and Shorty tremendously. Beast is taking Bella from Gator and Maddox is close by as we come up beside him. They think she’s just dehydrated and needs to eat something.

  It warms my heart to see my brother with his woman. I’ve never seen him act this protective of anyone in all the time I’ve known him, and I like the new him. He deserves this happiness in his life, it’s changed him for the better.

  He’s opened my eyes to a whole new world I’ve never known. Love, of
all kinds. Sure, I have love for my brothers, but now I have love of sisters, a surrogate mother in Cindy, and the love of a great woman. It’s not something you see a lot of around here, that’s for sure. Yea, we have brotherly love, but it’s nothing like the love these three girls have brought into our lives.

  Beast takes her to their apartment and I offer to bring them up dinner. Then I spot Jules standing by the entrance of the kitchen with a huge smile on her beautiful face. I don’t think, I just move. I’m drawn to her by an invisible cord. It’s a pull like none other. I march straight to her, taking her in my arms and smashing my lips to hers in a passionate kiss.

  Chapter 9


  Hunter’s been gone for six horrible days. We’ve talked a few times when he had time in between his Club business. He’s finally here, standing in the bar. He and Blaze are surrounding Gio, and Bella is in his arms. Apparently, she passed out before the guys walked in. She’s better now and in Gio’s arms, her safe place. They leave and head to their apartment for her to lay down. Hunter offers to bring them up dinner.

  Once they are gone, Hunter sees me by the kitchen entrance. The second his eyes meet mine, he darts straight to me. It’s like I’m a magnet and the pull was too much to fight. Taking me by surprise, gathering me in his arms, his lips are on mine instantly. He lifts me off the floor, places a passionate kiss on me, taking my breath away, literally.

  The connection we have is unbelievable now that we’re not rebelling against it. I can’t believe it most of the time and have to pinch myself. My heart feels full again. It’s been empty for so long and without him here it still wasn’t full, until now. In his arms I’m whole and we are one. As much as I hate to admit this, I need Hunter and he needs me. I like the way he makes me feel and the way he protects me and holds me. He places my needs and wants before his own. He is a gentleman, but don’t tell him or the guys I said that. They want to only be seen as badasses, you know. Mean, tough, rough men, with hearts of gold, they are like big teddy bears and I’m glad I have all of them in my life. This is Family, my new Family, and I couldn’t be happier to be part of it.


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