Redeeming Ace's Heart

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Redeeming Ace's Heart Page 13

by M. T. Ossler

  So, we sent the guys off for a day without us. Bella had to push Gio out the door. She told him to go cruise on his bike with his brothers since he missed out yesterday. He grunted but went. Hunter was not as easy to push, he didn’t want to leave me, but in the end, I got what I wanted. Telling him, he would have to stay with chatty girls all day, hearing us talk about guys and girlie things, did the trick.

  Hunter, Gio. Gator and Maddox ordered 10 prospects and 2 patched members to stay with us, even though the Clubhouse is secure. I didn’t argue with them. If this makes them feel better about leaving us, then I won’t fight them on it. It actually makes me feel safer being here without Hunter and the guys.

  Our little weekend trip started off so well. We found out the sex of Gio and Bella’s babies. I can’t believe they are having boys. I’m so happy for them. Those boys are going to be so spoiled and want for nothing. Our baby will have the same. Hunter asked me if I want to know what we're having, and I don’t. I want to be surprised. I love our baby, no matter what the sex is.

  After finding out about their boys, Maddox threw them a party to celebrate. It was fun until the guys made us, girls leave. Which was fine because I was tired and falling asleep on Hunter’s lap. These guys are hardcore partiers, I’ll tell you that. They get too wild for my taste. The room in the back kinda freaks me out. I’m all for games in the bedroom, but not in public with other people watching and joining in.

  The bike rally was cool and watching Hunter fight had me extremely turned on. We found a private bathroom after his fight and we got down and dirty if you know what I mean. Hunter is wild during sex most of the time but after his fight, God, he was like a lion attacking his prey, me being the prey. Best sex we’ve had to date, and sex with him is pretty awesome.

  So, everything was good until last night. Hearing Anton’s voice and having him corner Bella in the bathroom, scared the ever-loving shit out of me. I didn’t want to leave Hunter’s arms, I still don’t, but I can survive without him for a few hours. I have my besties to keep me company.

  We’re hanging out in the media room and Aunt Cindy and Gigi just left us to make lunch and give us a few minutes alone. Bells is about to use this time wisely and go in for the kill.

  “We have about 15 minutes before they come back, so let’s just cut to the chase here,” she says and looks at Ces. She wants answers and fast.

  “Spill, Ces. You and Ryder had sex, didn’t you?” she asks impatiently. I want to laugh because I want to know too. I had a feeling that something happened before we left.

  “Yes, we did. The night before we left, and it was... magical. Loveys, he’s my unicorn. The connection, the spark, holy shit, it was intense. He told me he loves me and wants me to be his, in every way. He wants to claim me with the Club and he wants to marry me one day. I can’t believe it, I’ve never been this happy. Thank you Bells for bringing me here,” Ces says dreamily. He’s really never been this happy. It’s good to see him this way; it’s good to see all of us this way. The three musketeers have our unicorns. We started using that term in high school. Saying our other half, our unicorn was out there in the universe somewhere.

  “I love you, Ces and I couldn’t be happier for you, both of you. Gio and I have your back and Ryder’s,” she says to him, then turns and puts her sights on me.

  “And when are you and Ace going to tie the knot, Missy,” she sasses me. I have to laugh at her attitude. I do love my Bells.

  “Hunter and I decided when the shitstorm passes, we will plan something. The day we planned for you and Gio is exactly what I want. Family, nothing too big,” I say then I look over to Ces. “Maybe we can have a double wedding. One big party, it’s not like we won’t be having the same guests.”

  “If your man is up for it and Jess is good with it, I’m good with sharing my day,” he says, and Bells and I give him a look.

  “Who the hell is Jess?” she blurts out. Ces laughs and says, “Ryder’s given name is Jesse. He told me I can call him by his name anytime I want, especially in private. I just don’t feel comfortable saying it in front of the guys yet. I don’t want his brothers to start shit and piss him off. With you guys, it feels right to call him that.”

  As he finishes Gigi and Aunt Cindy return. We have lunch and watch a Lifetime TV movie. Bells and I fall asleep halfway through.

  Ces wakes us up for dinner. Bells requests pizza with bacon and I’m glad because I’ve been craving it all day. In the middle of eating, Hunter, Gio, Ryder, Val, Romeo, Bash, and Lorenzo come barreling into the bar. We ended up ordering more pizzas. These guys can really pack it in.

  Afterward, we watched a movie before heading our separate ways. Ces, of course, made our movie time an experience I could have done without. He opened his big mouth about our crushes on the sexy, ripped, and tattooed, Adonis’s Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson. The guys had their fun teasing us for liking older men. We all had a good laugh at our expense. It was all good and at least it wasn’t as embarrassing as the blowjob story.

  Now, it’s time to be alone with Hunter. I need my man inside me, close to me. He shows me the way to heaven a few times, proving how much he missed me today. After a couple of rounds of sex, I pass out in his arms.

  Today, I’m going with Hunter and the guys. Gio texted Hunter that Bella will be joining him today. So, we’re waiting in the bar for them.

  We have a little excitement with Bella and the babies kicking her, hard, and an unexpected surprise, which I couldn’t be more excited about. Aunt Cindy is going to move to the Compound and help Bella and Gio with the babies when they come. It’s going to be so nice having her around, she’s like a mother to all of us.

  We head out for a fun-filled day, starting with lunch at another bar with more of Hunter’s brothers and friends. When we finish and leave I notice someone is missing. Actually, I haven’t seen him since the other night.

  “Hunter, where’s Blaze? I don’t think I’ve seen him the last couple days?” I ask, maybe he’s off with the other guys. It’s weird not having him with us, he’s usually always around. He and Gigi have become close because he’s always with us. He’s not close to Gigi, but like Dusty, Blaze is another protective older brother.

  “Not sure, I haven’t seen him or Throttle since we all left the bar the other night. I’ll text him if you want me too?” Hunter asks me.

  “No, leave him be. I just missed having him around. We’ll see him later I’m sure.” We leave it at that and go on with our day.

  The rest of the weekend flies by. We don’t see Blaze until we’re leaving Monday morning. He looks different when he pulls into the lot. Something is up, and I’ll have a talk with him soon.

  It’s time to get home and finalize our Halloween party. Bells and I are in charge and Gigi and Sam help. We let her pick the theme and I’m excited. It’s going to be a masquerade party, with masks and roaring twenty’s attire.


  The Halloween party, a couple of days ago, was so much fun. The guys pulled through for us and made it a night to remember. Gigi was so pleased with their efforts, she fought with the guys to let her stay up late. Gigi is loved by all, or you could say spoiled, but she’s not a brat thank God. They gave her an extra half an hour, then sent her on her way for the night. That was the time the party became too much for a teenager to see.

  Bella, Gio, Hunter and I only stayed a little longer. I wasn’t feeling well, and Bells was tired. I’ve been in bed ever since. My stomach has been cramping and the doctor said to stay off my feet, so that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. Ces is staying with me today. Hunter is in his office downstairs taking care of Club business and Ryder is at his mechanic shop. We’re in bed watching a movie and out of nowhere, the cramps become too intense. This is not good, something must be wrong with the baby. My heart rate picks up and I need Hunter.

  “Get Hunter. Now!” I scream as the pain becomes too much to bear and my breathing picks up. He looks down at me and pales as he jumps out of bed and runs o
ut the room.

  I crawl into a ball on my side under the comforter and cry. I’m losing the baby, I know I am. Why is this happening? I’ve done everything right. I take my vitamins, I haven’t had alcohol, I eat right and exercise. So, why is this happening?

  “Jules,” I hear Shadow say. Shadow is the Club’s, sniper/Enforcer. He also owns a Security Company with Throttle and Cowboy, two brothers’ here at the Club.

  Hunter pushes past him before I can answer and comes straight to me. He kneels down by the side of the bed and looks at me.

  “Shit, she’s white as a ghost. Get Sam, now!” he yells to the guys standing at the door.

  “Jules, what’s goin’ on? Talk to me, kitten, I can’t help you if I don’t know,” he says in a low tone, panicked.

  “Losing baby,” I shriek, more cramps tighten like a vice grip in my stomach. The pain is becoming excruciating. “Pain. Make stop!”

  Hunter grabs the comforter off me and throws it to the side. I hear his gasps, then he’s yelling, “Fuck, call an ambulance.” I look down at myself and see why he’s so freaked out. I’m lying in a pool of blood. I can’t go out like this, he needs to change me.

  “Blue, no!” I scream through the pain. “I need a shower and change,” I whisper clenching my jaw as Sam runs into the room and sees me.

  “She’s losing the baby. We have to get her to the hospital,” Sam soft voice says, looking at the bed.

  “Shower, Hunter, please,” I murmur, hoping he’ll help me. He looks at Sam for direction and I could smack him.

  “Get her in the shower and changed. You can drive her to the hospital. I told the guys to cancel the ambulance,” Sam says low as tears roll down her face. She’s as heartbroken as I am right now. It must be a female thing.

  “I’m sorry, guys, really sorry. I’ll call Dr. Metcalf and let her know you’ll be in soon.” With that Sam walks into Gator’s arms and he takes her out of the room shutting the door behind them. I notice no one else was there. Gator must have sent them away.

  I look up at Hunter and see tears in his dulling blue eyes.

  “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

  “Awe, baby, it’s not your fault. I’m sorry. Let’s get you all cleaned up and go see the doctor.” He removes his kutte and boots, then picks me up from the bed. He brings me to the bathroom and places me on the counter. He starts the shower, finishes undressing both of us, and throws our bloody clothes in a black bag. Then takes me into the shower.

  We stand under the sprayer for a minute not moving. My legs are shaking, I can’t stand up anymore and drop to the floor. He goes down with me, holding me in his arms. We both cry, holding on to one another as our lifeline. I’ve never felt so broken inside. I don’t want to face the world or leave our room. But we have to see the doctor and be checked out.

  After a few minutes, Hunter grabs the washcloth and body wash. He washes me up and then gets us out. He dries us off with the towel and I stay sitting on the counter in a daze. Staring off into space, not wanting to think.

  He dresses me in my yoga shorts and one of his T-shirts. He leaves me laying on the bed while he gets himself dressed. Then he slips my sandals on, lifts me in his arms and leaves the room. I cry into his chest, under the side of his kutte and take in his comforting scent.

  He settles me in the car and I don’t want to let him go. “Kitten, I have to drive. You gotta let go of me,” he whispers gently, and I just hold onto his shirt tighter in my fist.

  “No!” I shout through my sobs. He grunts and looks over to the door.

  “Ces, I need you to drive,” he yells. Ces must have followed us out, I never saw him or heard him.

  “You got it, man,” Ces says, taking the keys from Hunter. He takes me to the back seat and holds me on his lap.

  Ces gets us to the doctor’s and she checks me out. I did indeed miscarry our baby, but the good thing is that since my body passed the baby naturally, I don’t need to have a D&C. She also tells us we can try again after my next cycle.

  Hunter and Ces take us back to the Clubhouse. We go straight up to our room and to bed. The doctor said I’ll need to rest for the next couple of days, and that’s just what I do. Hunter stays with me the whole time. I sleep most the time, not bothering to eat or see anyone. Ces, of course, won’t take no for an answer. Doesn’t matter, I haven’t talked to anyone, nor do I want to. Not even Hunter. I just sleep and cry in his arms.

  After a week in bed, Hunter forces me to get up and shower. Once we’re done, he takes me for a ride on his bike and a picnic at the state park. It’s a nice day to get out of our room. We spend the day there and talk. I’ve felt like I was living in an alternate universe the last week. Losing the baby hasn’t been easy, I can feel that part of me missing. Hunter feels the loss in a different way. We’ll heal from this and try again. It’s just going to take time.

  We have to wait another week to have sex, but we have to be careful. Doc said we have to wait, if I was to get pregnant before my body is ready, I could lose that baby too. So, Hunter is going to have to wrap it up for a couple of weeks or so. I know he’s not happy about it, but he gets it and will do it with no complaints.

  My man has been wonderful through all this and has put me first. The more he does, the more I fall in love with him every day. Like Ces says, Ryder is his unicorn, Hunter is mine and I’m so lucky to have him. My life would be so empty without him in it; without him to love me. Things will be better, I know. This was God’s will, as hard as it is to accept, it is. I have to tell myself that to get up every day and look myself in the mirror. I did nothing to hurt our baby. Maybe the baby was sick so that’s why it happened, who knows, I’ll never know. Our baby is in heaven with my parents now, so at least I have that to ease my broken heart.

  Chapter 14


  The turns life takes, I’ll tell you, not all are good. One day Jules is pregnant with our baby and the next our baby is no more. My poor girl has been through hell and back. She’s doing better with each passing day, thankfully. It’s been hard on her, well, both of us. I’ve never cried so much, not just from our loss, from seeing my girl so broken.

  I suggested we wait to try again after the shit we’ve gone through, but Jules won’t hear of it. She said after her next cycle, no more condoms and what will be will be. I will give her what she wants, cause I can’t deny my girl, even though I would rather wait a while. I hate wearing condoms with her, but I will for a while, if it means her healing, then getting pregnant and carrying to full-term.

  I know she’s missing the baby and that’s why she wants to try right away. I miss our baby too and want another one but not at the cost of losing Jules.

  A few years ago, one of my brother’s, Rooster, from Maddox’s Club, ol’ lady had a miscarriage. The doctor hadn’t realized she was pregnant with twins. I’m not sure exactly what happened, I just remember she had some procedure done when she was 18 weeks pregnant. The doctor did her thing thinking she was only pregnant with one baby. A week later, his ol’ lady almost hemorrhaged to death. He found her in bed, much like I found Jules, took her right to the hospital and she had to have another procedure. She died on the table and they revived her thank, God. After that, she couldn’t have kids, but he had her. While we were staying at Maddox’s, I saw Rooster and he told me they just adopted a little girl. They were lucky, but he could have lost her. I couldn’t survive it if I lost Jules. I need her to breathe these days. She is my heart and if I lost my heart how would I go on, I couldn’t.

  So, that’s one of the reasons I want to wait. Don’t get me wrong, I still want a baby with Jules more than ever, I’m just scared of losing her. I’ll follow her lead on this and do what she wants. I talked to Sam and she said it should be ok. So, we’ll let the cards fall as they may, right, isn’t that what people say.

  Next week is Thanksgiving and I’m looking forward to it for the first time in... forever. My true family will be together, my brothers and sisters. Maddox and some of his guy
s have even planned to spend it with us so that should be fun.

  Having the girls here as changed all our lives for the better. All my brothers seem happier these days. All except Blaze actually. He’s still involved with Club business and our little group, he’s just... off, sad. I think seeing Beast and me with our girls is having him rethink things. He may be ready for his unicorn as Jules says. I hope he finds her, or maybe he has and can’t have her. That could be why he’s acting this way. Come to think of it, I can’t remember the last time he got laid. I want to say Biketoberfest, but I still don’t know where he ran off to.

  Well, I’m sure I’ll find out soon. Until then, I have a duty to my other brother today. Beast is taking Bella to the doctors for some test and ask me to go. Jules insisted on coming along. Beast and Bella don’t know about Jules and the baby. She didn’t want to burden them with it. I’m not sure why, but I won’t push her on it. Eventually they will find out.

  Our entourage today is Blaze, Snake, Hawk, Ryder, and Ces. Since Jules and Ces wanted to come, Beast and I decided we needed extra eyes with us. Ryder won’t let Ces out of his sight, so he was a given. He hasn’t claimed Ces officially with the Club, yet. We all know they are together and no one cares. We’re all happy for our brother. I’m sure he’ll make it official soon. Maybe he’s waiting for a special occasion or holiday. Maybe Christmas, that’s when I plan to propose to Jules, so he better not take my thunder. I’ll kick his ass if he ruins it for my girl. I’ll have to pull him aside and talk to him soon.

  Snake and Hawk volunteered to join us. They’re both off today. They do security work for Throttle, Shadow, and Cowboy, at their company. All the guys do their share to help out, especially when they have big jobs. I’ve done my fair share of jobs for them through the years.

  After Bella’s test, she’s hungry so we head to lunch. We hit one of my favorite diners on our way home.


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