Redeeming Ace's Heart

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Redeeming Ace's Heart Page 15

by M. T. Ossler

  Then Beast walks out of the bathroom with a man that I presume is Vito. I walk closer to him. “We need to get out of here, now. Antonio is with Val and the guys on the way to the van. Hand him off to one of the boys,” I say as Tic comes over and takes Vito from Beast.

  Then he heads over to Dusty and Gigi by the bed. “Let’s get home, kids,” he says in a low tone. Dusty gets up still holding her in his arms and leaves the room. We follow them out and run back to our bikes.

  Dusty takes Gigi on his. She is holding on to him so tight around his waist he must be having a hard time breathing.

  Once everyone is settled, Beast waves his hand for us to head straight home.

  We roll into the Clubhouse parking lot around two in the morning. We park our bikes and see Prospect Bo and Torch busting out the bar door towards us.

  “Boys, take the shitheads to the shed and hang their asses,” Beast orders them.

  Dusty is carrying Gigi in his arms and Beast waves him to follow. Ryder and I run up beside him to trail him inside,

  “You all head inside, I’ll update Gator and Maddox. See you in the morning.” Snake says to us as he walks past us into the building.

  “I’ll bring Jules to our room so you all can be alone,” I say on his right.

  “I’ll grab Ces and take him to my room,” Ryder says on his left. He nods to us and we all jog up the stairs.

  Beast orders Dusty to stay in the hall until he calls him in.

  The three of us enter the room, quietly. The girls and Ces are out cold. Ryder walks quietly to the right side of the bed and takes Ces in his arms, and then walks out. I grab Jules from the other side of the bed and leave Beast alone with his wife.

  I lay Jules on our bed. “Is Gigi safe?” she asks sleepily. “Yea, kitten, we got her. She’s with Beast, Dusty and Bella now. Go back to sleep. I’ll undress you and lay with you,” I say, and she falls back under. I undress us both and take her in my arms.

  I can’t sleep, I just stare at the ceiling and think. Could this shit show really be over? Gator and I have some calls to make. Then we have Antonio and Vito to deal with and end them. I hope for the girl’s sake this is over now. They need to heal and move on from all this and feel safe again.

  Beast and Bella are building a house on the lake and I talk to Benny about building one for Jules and me next door. I haven’t told her yet and I haven’t pushed him to move forward. I talked to him before we lost the baby and I don’t have the heart to tell Jules about what I planned. Maybe once the two shitheads in the shed are gone I will, and she can speak to Benny. I want her to have her dream house for our family.

  I also had plans to propose on Thanksgiving but put those on hold, for now. I’m gonna do it Christmas Eve by the lake. She needed more time to process the events as of late. I don’t want to push her, so I’ll wait.

  Sleep finally takes me under as the sun is beginning to rise.

  Jules wakes me up a few hours later, she’s dressed and ready to head downstairs for breakfast with everyone.

  “You stay in the Clubhouse and listen to the guys, got it, babe,” I say getting out of bed to kiss her on my way to the bathroom.

  “I’ll be good. Hunter, make him pay. Make him suffer the way he did to all of us. Show that bastard no mercy,” she orders, and I have to laugh. My girl has a mean streak and I love it.

  “No mercy for him, babe, I can promise you that. Stay by Bella and make sure she’s good. I’ll find you later after I clean up,” I tell her and kiss her one last time before she leaves.

  I hurry and get ready. When I make my way downstairs, Gator tells me Val and Beast are in the shed.

  We head to Gator’s office to make those calls. He starts with the Mendez’s first, the conversation is short, but not productive. Miguel the boss still wants to try and negotiate a price for Gigi, his brother Carlo wants her still. We tell him there will be no deal and to stay out of our state. If they come for her, we will take it has a declaration of war. They agree to stand down and stay away. We end the call and Gator gives me a look.

  “You gonna be able to stay cool while I talk to Alejandro, brother?” he asks, knowing how I get about Jules. I want to say yes, but I can’t. Not knowin’ how this could play out for my girl worries me and pisses me off. Alejandro is the leader.

  “Can’t promise that brother. They want my girl and I’m not gonna stand by and listen to the same shit we just did with Miguel,” I tell him honestly, he nods and makes the call, placing the speakerphone on again.

  Santiago, Alejandro’s second in command answers on the third ring.

  “Hola, Gator, to what do we owe the honor,” Santiago says in a strong Spanish accent.

  “Hola, Santiago, I need to speak with Alejandro concerning an urgent business matter,” Gator says, and I sit in the chair in front of his desk waiting patiently. My heart is pounding in my chest. I have a feeling this isn’t gonna go as well as our last call. The Hernandez Cartel are not men to give up very easily when they want something. They want my Jules! Hopefully, we can come up with an understanding since Antonio is out and their arrangement is null and void.

  “He’s just getting out of a meeting, um minuto,” he says, one minute. We wait and stare at one another while he places the phone on silent.

  It doesn’t take long for Alejandro to come to the phone, thankfully.

  “Hola, Gator, what is urgent business,” Alejandro says in a thick Spanish accent that is hard to understand. Alejandro is in his early forties with a wife and six kids, and a slew of mistresses around the globe.

  “We have a mutual friend that’s hanging in my shed we need to discuss,” Gator says huffing and I can’t take it any longer. I get up and pace the room, running my hand through my hair and rubbing the back of my neck.

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news here. I’m calling to inform you that the deal you had with Antonio Esposito is dead along with him.” Gator enlightens the man and he growls. Here we go, shits about to hit the fuckin’ fan.

  “What is mierda you spew?!” he yells into the phone him what shit he’s spewing.

  “Alejandro, I’m gonna give it to you straight cause we’re both busy men. Antonio made a deal with you that he had no business makin’. The woman he promised you is not his, she is the property of my VP, not the Italian Mafia either, she’s a Dragon.” At that, I growl and speak up.

  “She is my ol’lady, my property, and your man will not have her,” I growl making it perfectly clear to him that she is off limits.

  “Well, this is most unfortunate. I must assume, she no pure and my man pay for a virgin. But my man still wants for breeding,” Alejandro says, and I go off. I may have some anger issues, specifically when it comes to Jules.

  “You would assume correctly. She is definitely not a virgin in any sense of the word. So, you tell your man to find his own fuckin’ woman and leave mine alone. I will kill him or anyone that comes near her! You fuckin’ got me, man!” I roar at him through the phone. Gator gives me a look to stand down. Not going to happen. I’m in rarer form and I ain’t backin’ down. My girl didn’t ask for any of this, and it’s my job to keep her safe. To protect her at all cost.

  “How do you men plan to rectify this mierda?” He can’t be serious. We don’t owe him shit. Gator only called as a courtesy to the man and to protect my girl. Nothin’.

  “There nothin’ for us to rectify, your deal wasn’t made with my Club. Antonio had no ownership of the woman he promised. I just called you as a courtesy cause you do business with my Clubs and I would like to continue workin’ together.”

  I can hear the grunt and mumbling in the background. “I was promised the puta and I want her. A deal is a deal bring me my puta,” Santiago screams in the distance. That asshat is the one that wanted my girl. Oh, hell to the fuck no.

  “Your deal was not with us, asshole. You want a puta, go find one. You are not gettin’ my ol’ lady. You come anywhere near her, we will take it as a declaration of war. No, more bus
iness with our Clubs, you will be banned from Florida. That means no more access to our ports,” I scream at them. Let me get my hands-on Santiago and I will throttle his ass. That asshat is goin’ down.

  “We no ruin business. You got pure virgin in trade,” Alejandro asks, and Gator and I laugh.

  “Ain’t no virgins around here to trade. You mean to tell me you can’t find a nice woman there,” Gator replies, and I can’t stop laughing. “You’re gonna have to take this as a loss. The man you dealt with is dead and your deal died with him. Are we straight or are you declaring war on my Club for somethin’ we had no part in.” We stare the phone waiting with bated breath for their answer. They talk in hushed voices, making a decision.

  The waiting is drivin’ me insane. I want this over with now. We have business to attend to in the shed and I have some frustrations to get out on him.

  “You give proof Antonio is dead and the girl is... Umm, how you say, painted skin... Oh, yes, tattoo, own to Ace and we see,” Alejandro says and hangs up. Shit, I’ve haven’t even thought about Jules’s property tatt since the baby. I guess now is as good a time to do it. I have my machine and ink in my room. Once we take care of Antonio, I will take care of that.

  I just hope that’s enough, and they are true to their word, but my gut tells me it’s not gonna happen. They want my girl at any cost.

  We stay in his office for a few minutes, figuring things out then Gator leaves to get the guys. I need some fresh air and a few minutes to think. I head out and wait for them by the shed.

  Gator, Maddox, Romeo, Lorenzo, Bash, Blaze, Bull, Ryder, Bo, Torch, and I walk into the shed to Beast and Val cutting Vito to shreds. We stop in our tracks when we see them goin’ to town on him. We grunt and Vito moans in agony as the door slams shut.

  Val finally slits his throat ending the bloody masque before us. Then it’s time to have Bo and Torch strip Antonio and have at him. Then Beast orders them to remove Vito.

  Beast set the scene for us and has Val start the games. We all stand back, watchin’ with devious amusement and laughter. This bastard is finally getting what he desires.

  When Val’s done he hands the reins to Lorenzo, after a couple of hours. Val’s not done, just takin’ a break to reboot. He’ll get another go around like all of us. This bastard is going to be here for a while until we all get our hands on this asshat. We all have some sorta beef with him. Whether it’s from what he did to Bella and Ces or what he had planned for Jules and Gigi.

  Lorenzo’s been working Antonio over for a little bit when the door opens and in waddles Bella with Jules and Ces behind her. That girl is gonna be the death of my brother, and her accomplices the death of Ryder and me. Jules is in for a raw ass after this stunt.

  I head right to my girl and drag her to the corner to find out what she was thinkin’ bringing Bella in here.

  Beast growls at her and I tune them out while I talk to my girl. Before I get my answers, we hear Bash yell at Gio and they argue. Then Val starts in on Beast and Gator about him lettin’ Bella stay.

  She wins and goes to stand in front of Antonio. Fuck, that girl has balls of steel. She gives it to him verbally and then physically, hitting him. I don’t think half of us in this room could be as strong as that girl is. She has me mesmerized watching her. She won’t break again after this, no she will be stronger.

  I know I’m not the only one in this room to feel this way. She impressed the shit out of all of us. We could only aspire to be like that tiny girl, who right now looks taller than all of us. She can do a lot more than we give her credit for, I’ll tell you that.

  Not only has she lived through this shit, she’d put you down like the scum you are if she had to. Definitely want his girl in my corner in a fight.

  She’s like a kitten until the claws need to come out and watch out, cause those claws are sharp as knives.

  Chapter 16


  Today is Thanksgiving, and all the guys from our Club and half of Maddox’s Club are here. This last week, Aunt Cindy, Gigi, Ces and I have been cooking up a storm in the Clubhouse kitchen. They put a chaise lounge in there for Bella to hang out with us. Poor thing can’t even walk to the bathroom by herself. Gio orders one of her brothers to always be around to carry her. I think it’s overkill, but you can’t tell him that. It just shows how much he loves her.

  Being together has been good, we’ve been having so much fun. Gator even had one of the prospects move the jukebox behind the bar, closer to the kitchen for us. We’ve had that thing blasting our music as we dance around singing and cooking.

  I think Bella got everything out in that shed the other day and it was cathartic for her. She’s been lighter, happier since that day. Gio, on the other hand, has been out of sorts. I don’t know what went on in the shed all those days, but I know it wasn’t pretty and has tough as these men are, it took a toll on all of them. I see it in their eyes. I just hope Anton didn’t say much about what he did to Bella. If he did, that could be the reason they’ve all been off.

  Time heals all wounds and it sure has for Bells and Ces. I know that both suffered from a bit of depression there for a while. Their men got them through it. To be honest, I did too, after the miscarriage, but I’m getting better, staying busy and talking to Hunter.

  Last night in our room alone, he did my property ink, finally. It’s on my back right shoulder. We talked the whole time he worked. For a man of few words, my man talks to me. Yes, even about his feelings. I wasn’t the only one that lost our baby that day, he did too. He’s been suffering from our loss just like me. But like I said, talking helped for him too. Having that kinda communication with each other, it strengthens our relationship.

  “Kitten, need a minute with you,” Hunter says walking into the kitchen. I’m in the middle of placing the side dishes in the oven. It’s late afternoon and I told everyone dinner would be on the table in a couple hours. Aunt Cindy and Gigi are finishing up the pies. I need to have Ces start setting the tables. I just have a ton of things that still need to be done.

  “Blue, I’m kinda in the middle of cooking, can it wait,” I say and head over to the refrigerator to get the ham out. I need to prepare that and get it in the oven. Hunter comes over to me and takes my arm.

  “Now!” he growls and drags me out of the room.

  “We got it,” Ces says winking at me as we leave.

  He ushers me down the hallway to his office.

  What is Hunter’s fucking problem? He asked me to do all this for the Club and I was more than happy too. Granted it’s a lot of work without Bella’s help, but I could have Maggie, Chrissy, and Jan help if I really wanted to. Most days they stay away from me, especially Maggie after our fight, but if I asked for help they would.

  We enter Hunter’s office and he locks the door behind me. Spinning me around to face him, his lips are on mine in a hot second. He growls in my mouth and I feel his hands run up my thighs. I have on a short dress, today. I should have known from the gleam in his eyes this morning that he liked it, probably a little too much.

  “I’ve been dying to get you alone since this mornin’,” he says, pulling the hem of my dress up and over my head. Breaking the kiss for a second, then his lips are back on mine. His hands go to my ass as he lifts me up off the floor. My legs automatically wrap around his waist. He brings me to his desk, placing me in the center. Then his has my bra off. He trails his hot kisses to my neck and nibbles on my sensitive skin.

  In a split second, so many things happen at once. His lips leave my body as he spins me around, so I’m bent over the desk with one hand and the other rips my panties off my body. Then his large, callused hand comes down on my ass cheek, hard.

  “That’s for sassin’ me,” he says swatting my bottom. “Woman, when I say I need a minute you stop what you’re doin’ and come with me. Got it.” He whacks my bottom again and again. Going back and forth, left to right. Normal he has me count, but he’s in a rush to get us off and back out to our company. I co
unt in my head, though. Twenty smacks in all. I feel my juices dripping down my thighs, I’m so wet. When he hits fifteen I hear his belt buckle, his zipper and then spreads my legs are forced wide open for him. Then I hear the telltale sign of a foil packet being open by teeth. Damn, I hate those things. I prefer us skin to skin, but we still have to wait. Well, hopefully, it won’t be much longer. Aunt Flo should be making an appearance any day now.

  When he finishes my punishment, his hands grip my hips and without any warning, he plunges inside me to the hilt. I cry out from the sudden abruptness as he fills me with bliss. His hips slam against my ass, my hips jerk up causing him to thrust into me faster and harder. It feels so good, I can’t help but be loud as I moan and purr. He works my nipple in one hand and my clit in the other. Doesn’t take long for me to cum the first time. He removes his hand from my clit and brings it up to my nipple with the other. Kneading, twisting, and pinching. I love when he wreaks havoc on my breast. Especially, when he’s inside me. He just knows how to press all the right buttons and make me go off like a rocket, a few times before he fills me up.

  Hunter gets me, and I get his kink, now. Sex with him is definitely fun and an experience. God, our connection is even there with a quickie, and it’s off the charts amazing. Trying new things with him and playing with toys... Wow, I never thought I would have fun shopping for things I knew nothing about, but it is. I love the flogger, riding crop, dildos, vibrators and even the butt plugs. We even got one with a tail like a horse’s tail, in purple, my favorite color. Like I said we have fun, and that one is my favorite. For something that once scared the shit out of me, learning different things is exhilarating. Not everything is for me, and that’s ok, Hunter doesn’t push me. We talk and experiment and if I say no, then no it is.

  The heat buildups inside me again and I tense up under him. Pinching my nipples, I explode around him, squeezing the shit out of him. He hisses and thrusts into me faster, chasing his own release now. I so want to play with my clit, I’m aching to be touched. Placing his hands on my hips so he can increase his speed as he propels into me. I need more.


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