Redeeming Ace's Heart

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Redeeming Ace's Heart Page 19

by M. T. Ossler

  I stand up on my tippy toes, leaning into Hunter’s ear and whisper, “Blue, I need to step outside for a few minutes.” I don’t need to say anymore, he knows what I’m implying. He takes my hand and leads me outside to one of the picnic tables out back. Hunter climbs on top of the table and sits. I take the bench in front of him, sitting in-between his legs.

  We stay silent the whole time. I rest my head back against his stomach and he wraps his arms around my shoulders. Closing my eyes to settle my stomach. I melt into him and listen to the birds chirping around us, for a while.

  I think I may have fallen asleep at some point. I’m so comfortable and in my element. It’s so peaceful out here. I love being in Hunter’s arms outside in the sunshine. It may only be late March, almost April, but the weather is so beautiful and perfect. I’m glad I never have to leave. Our house is done, and we are supposed to move in this weekend. The view from our back porch of the lake is peaceful and serene. It will be nice to sit out there day or night and sketch my designs.

  Ryder had Throttle set an online store for us last month, on a trial bases, it took off better than we expected, and has been a huge success. At first, we only had a few things up from our collection and I’m hoping we can keep up with the orders that are coming in from them. Our manufacturer is good, so we’ll see.

  Ces had some designs from back home and when he packed up his things, he kept them separated for us to use. We decided to start with those and add to it from there.

  We announced our maternity line, last week and that has also gotten a few hits. People have contacted us on an exact date we will be releasing the entire line and when we will be posting more samples. We haven’t been able to give them a definite date yet. Between finishing things up north with the sale of my condo, moving my stuff here, Gio and Bella moving, their babies, this shit with Chrissy, ours and Ces and Ryder housing being built, us moving soon, life’s been a little hectic, to say the least.

  I hope once we move, things will calm down, but with Chrissy contacting the Cartel, things have already gone to shit. I know they want me and Gigi, honestly, that scares the shit out of me. Especially, with the baby coming in about 23 weeks. I know Hunter, my brothers, and his brothers will keep us safe, but there’s a chance they could get close. It’s happened before right under their noses. If that happens again, what will they do to my baby, to me for that matter? They were promised a virgin and I sure as hell am not by any means of the word. So, would they kill me or keep me? Would they kill our baby or sell it off? These are just some of the thoughts that are running through my head. I can’t lose Hunter or this baby, not now, not ever! They have become my world and I won’t survive in this cruel world without them.

  “Babe, babe,” I hear Hunter’s sweet voice in my ear calling me, waking me from my nap. “Kitten, you still up for this, or should we wait till later?” I’m so exhausted but hearing him ask me to wait my turn to lace into the bitch gives me a second wind. I practically jump off the bench causing Hunter and Gator to laugh at me. I never realized he was there, he must have come out to tell Hunter they were ready for me.

  They follow me into the shed. When I see the bitch, I have to laugh at what’s in front of me and give Bells props. She really did a number on the traitor. She’s hanging in her bra and panties now, all swollen, cut up and red where the bruises are starting to form. There’s not much left for me to do to her. But I’ll do my best or worse, however you want to see it.

  I grab the knife from the inside pocket of Hunter’s kutte and then stand in front of her. She’ll get my fist and some more slashes on her skin before Ces does his worst on her and takes her out.

  I don’t talk to her like Bella did, I just take my anger and aggression out on her by calling her names as I do my thing. There are a few unmarked places on her ugly face and body, so I aim for those. Cutting her deep and not giving a shit how deep or how loud she screams. I block it all out of my head.

  I throw a few punches at her face, gut and pull her hair. I take pleasure in every hit and slash I make on her miserable, ugly body.

  I guess Shadow was right earlier, it is like high school all over again. The cat fights we had with the girls were no different, we hit and pulled hair.

  Once in our Junior year, Bella pulled a knife on Kathy McPhee for calling Ces a fag and us fag lovers. We tag teamed the bitch until her friend Jamie Simons joined in. I ended up taking down Jamie and Bells handled Kathy. She slashed her forearm pretty deep and she ended up needing a few stitches.

  Uncle Dom had to pay her medical bills, for a plastic surgeon. Then he had to give Kathy a compensation, so her parents wouldn’t sue them. Even though, Kathy started it throwing the first punch.

  We even ended up getting suspended from school for a few days. If it wasn’t for Uncle Dom’s influence with the school, we would have gotten all zeros on our work, instead, we had to take a ten-point cut on our grades for the work we did at home. The tests we missed had to be taken during lunch.

  It was worth it, though, the bitch and her friends stayed away from us the rest of our time in school. And no one called Ces or us names again.

  I take all my anger out on the skank for the next half an hour or so. With every punch and cut, I sent all my fear and anger her way. Giving her everything I can’t give the men that want to harm me and take me away from the people I love the most in this world.

  When Hunter sees me start to become dog-tired, he stops me.

  “Babe, that’s enough. The bitch looks like wild boar tore her shit up and you’re tired. Let’s call it a day. It’s late and you need to eat some dinner. It’s time to be done with this shit,” Hunter says coming up behind me. I nod my head as he wraps his arms around my waist and with his right hand, he removes the knife from me.

  I don’t argue with him, I release the knife and follow his lead. He knows what’s best for me and I’m too lost in a cloud to make the right decision.

  After pocketing the knife, he lifts me in his arms and takes me to Bella and Gio’s for dinner with the gang.

  We’re done here, I don’t want to think about the bitch ever again. I can close this chapter of my life and move on.

  Chapter 19


  This is where I want to stay for the rest of my life. Right here, in my bed, in our new house, with Jules in my arms, and away from all this bad shit. I hate exposing her to this crap. I hate that she has been put in danger yet again cause of that shithead Antonio. So glad that bastard finally got what he deserved. I just wish all his debt disappeared with his body. He’s gone, and Alejandro should have left their deal there, dead and buried with that rapist, murderous, evil asshole. Just more shit I have to deal with along with all the other tornados blowing through the Club.

  I’ll tell you, being Club VP is exhausting and sometimes I wonder why I took the position in the first place. I know I’m the best brother for the position, and that’s not me being conceited or anything, it’s the truth. Gator and I work well together, always have since the service, but days like these, I question myself on that decision. How could I not when I have so many people depending on me that I care about and love?

  Now, that I have Jules and a baby on the way, is all this worth it, is her life worth the risk. If I don’t have my brothers, my family, would I be able to keep them safe and protected on my own? This didn’t start off as a Club problem, but it is now, and my family is willing to protect what’s mine. If the roles were reversed, I would do the same for them, no questions asked.

  I do need them in more ways than one. So, yea, in the grand scheme of things, it’s worth it, all of it. I have the love of my life in my arms, our baby growing inside her, our little family, a house we moved into a couple of weeks ago, and my brothers; my family. This is all I ever wanted in life and never thought I deserved. Now, if I could only get my Brookie back, life would finally be complete. One day, one day soon, you’ll see.

  It’s been a few weeks since that day in the shed, watching t
he girls torture Chrissy and a glimpse of Ces with her was astonishing. My girl barely made it through dinner that night, she was so tired. Her eyes kept drooping and finally, she gave up. I gathered her in my arms and settled her on Beast’s couch. I went back to the shed with the guys to see what Ces had in store for her. We saw him finish her. Watching him reminded me of Beast when he’s in his zone. Freaky! I’ll tell you that, never would have imagined that side of Ces existed.

  The girls certainly did a job on Chrissy’s body too, leaving her unrecognizable. By the time, Ces finished her off, you couldn’t even tell she was once a woman. I didn’t think they had it in them, but they sure as shit did. The ferociousness those girls showed her was no different than what us men would have shown any other man that hung there. I always knew the girls were strong, especially Bella, after watching her face down Antonio not once, but twice, but my Jules... That was a hard pill to swallow. To me, my girl is all good, pure, light, full of love in her big heart, with a beautiful soul, so seeing her attack another person was... odd to say the least. Seeing my beautiful, sweet kitten in full-blown tiger mode, really did impress the shit out of me. And scare me a little bit too.

  Once it was all over, I went back to retrieve my sleeping beauty. I brought her back to our room at the Clubhouse. To our messy room that was full of boxes for our move.

  She’s going to make an excellent mommy, a fierce one, better than mine ever was, that’s for sure. She’ll protect our children to the death if she has too. I’ll never need to worry about her, but you can bet your ass, I always will. Worrying comes with the territory of loving someone. It’s a new feeling for me and it took me a minute to push aside the fear and think straight. I think I’ll figure it out completely one day. At least I’m not the only one of my brothers in this boat and I have support to help me through it all.

  We patched in Val and Lorenzo last week after the way they handled things with Chrissy and since they started prospecting. We also patched in Dusty, Torch, and Red after a year of them prospecting.

  We also had a surprise patch in. Ryder came to Gator and me on Ces’s behalf and ask we vote him in as a patched member. I didn’t even know Ces would want this. After the way he handled the Chrissy thing, Gator and I couldn’t deny he would be an asset to our Club. He reminded me of the Tasmanian Devil the way he worked in that shed. If Beast ever decides to step down from his position, Ces may be an option. Anyway, Gator and I agree to take it to the table. You’ll find out soon if the guys voted him in or not. Wink, wink.

  Romeo and Bash will be voted in next month along with Tiny and Bo. We have five new Prospects that will start this month.

  Jules moves off me to lay flat on her back, taking my hand with her to her belly. This is a new development. She’s been sleeping half on top of me for months it takes a little getting used to now that her belly is growing. At 20 weeks, we're halfway there now.

  She lays on her side or her back and tugs my hand to her belly or her chest, subconsciously. I’m always close and touching her in one way or another, but she needs this extra assurance, or she wakes up in a panic looking for me.

  I move to my side, wrapping my arms around her and draw her closer to me. I can’t sleep tonight, I’ve been lying here for hours and my body is still too wired. We go to the doctors today to have an ultrasound and find out how our little bug is.

  Things have been quiet, no word from either of the Cartels. That could be a good thing and a bad thing. I’ve been making calls to our allies for any intel they can give me, and they have had none. It’s like they have all gone into hiding. I don’t like that one bit. Shits about to hit the fan and with it a tiramisu of crap to follow it.

  The move into our house a couple of weeks ago went so smooth. The new furniture looks great and the house is perfect. Jules chose a two-story colonial style house. We have four bedrooms upstairs with a Jack and Jill bathroom joining the two bedrooms across the hall from our master suite. Next to our room is a bathroom separating us from the guest room. Downstairs we have an office for Jules, a huge gourmet kitchen, living room, dining room and family room. The house is similar to Beast’s place but a little smaller. Since he added a large man cave for all of us guys to hang out in, I made mine half the size of his. A space just for me with an office so I can work from home on Club business. I didn’t put in a panic room either, being that Beast has one next door. Or a pool, for now, eventually we might add one. For now, we have a jacuzzi that I surprised Jules with, but we can’t use it till after the baby arrives.

  Ryder and Ces are moving into their house this weekend. Once they are settled in, Ryder is surprising Ces with a commitment ceremony or wedding, or something like that. I’m not sure what the correct terminology is when a man and a man get married and become husband and husband. Whatever it is, I’m sure it will be wonderful, they love each other and are committing themselves to one another, that’s all that matters. It’s great to see my brother come out of his shell and be his real self around us.

  Jules and I are finally going to have our big day too. She wanted a May wedding and that’s what she’s getting. We’re getting married here by the lake in our beautiful backyard soon. All our family and friends from all the Clubs will be in attendance making it a packed house.

  All I have been able to do for the last five hours is hold her and think about our future. The other night I had a dream I was holding a baby girl in my arms in the hospital. I told Jules about it and she was thrilled. I kept the sex of the baby to myself, she wants it to be a surprise at the delivery.

  The dream was so vivid and real. Nothing new for me, though, I have what some people may call Deja vu dreams. It’s just the way the dream is, that tells me it will come true.

  I even dreamt of Jules before I met her, not knowing who she was in my dream, just that I was going to meet a stunning woman that captivated my heart.

  Most of my dreams that I remember are about Club business, very few have been personal stuff until the last year.

  That’s also how I know I’ll be seeing Brookie soon. I dreamt of her recently, but couldn’t see her face, just her white blonde hair. She shined in the distance like an angel, an older version of her child self from the last time I saw her.

  “Blue,” Jules purrs reaching over to me as she turns to look in my direction. There’s lust in her eyes along with some sleepiness. My girl must have been having an erotic dream and now wants some lovin’ from me.

  She turns to me, pushing me onto my back, I let her have her way with me and I lay flat. She climbs on top of me, straddling me.

  God, I love that we sleep naked, things go faster with no clothes to remove. My girl doesn’t like clothes and honestly, neither do I. It makes for lots of nighttime lovin’. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve woken up to her straddling my lap or her lips wrapped around my cock. Since she’s been pregnant, she’s horny as hell. Beast and Bull warned me, pregnancy hormones are the best. I love it, I may keep her pregnant for a while. My sexy little kitten turns into a full-blown aggressive tigress when she gets in her moods. I guess I should take it while I can get it, they also warned me that I have to wait six weeks to fuck her after the baby is born. So, I should get my fill now before the weeks of hell start.

  “Make love to me, Blue,” she purrs telling me she wants it slow and easy.

  “Bring me those sweet lips, kitten.” She leans down crushing her lips to mine and controlling the kiss with her need.

  I slide my hands up and down her sides until my left-hand finds her nipple, pinching it between my fingers. Moving my right hand between us, to her clit with my thumb and at the same time insert two fingers in her wet channel.

  Oh yea, she was definitely having a dream. Her juices are dripping down her thighs. The purrs and moans she’s making tell me it’s not gonna take her long to cum on my hand.

  I circle her clit and pump my fingers in a moderate rhythm. I don’t want to rush this, but I don’t want her to have to wait too long either. My girl lo
ves to orgasm a couple of times before I bury my cock deep inside her these days. It must be from the pregnancy hormones. Doesn’t matter, it’s the same way I like it.

  The combination of her nipple stimulation, clit, and my fingers hitting her g-spot and she’s gone. Spilling her juices all over my hand and stomach.

  In one quick move, I remove my hand from her pussy, flip her on her back and take her nipple into my mouth. Nibbling, and suckling her sensitive buds. Her erratic breathing calms and I move my mouth down her body. I tease her with my tongue dragging it slowly along her lips and inner thighs. Drinking in all her delicious smell and cream until I hit gold. Running her seam before pressing forward with my thirsty tongue. Having no shame when it comes to my girls’ tasty treat she makes for me, I slurp up every drop she drips out. I avoid her clit for the moment, until she grabs ahold of my head and guides me to her nub, pressing my face into her pussy so all I smell is her sweet, heavenly scent on my nose.

  I bring my right hand up to her breast and grab ahold of her nipple. Working her into a frenzy faster this way so I can get inside her snug, warm, channel.

  Nibbling and teasing her hard nub drawing out the heat of her orgasm, I insert two fingers into her pussy and draw her juices back to her tight puckered hole, pushing my thumb in her ass and pointer and middle in her flower. My girl loves her ass played and it gets her off so much quicker than just playing with her clit. Rubbing her sweet spots with every plunge causes her to purr and moan louder.

  I look up into her glazed over eyes as I work her body into a wonderful frenzy.

  Giving her all four simulations, nipple, clit, pussy, and ass will send her body into major overdrive of orgasmic bliss in no time at all.

  I thrust in time with my tongue and before long, she’s screaming my name as her whole body shudders under me causing her to soar off the bed. Removing my hand and moving my mouth down, she squirts all her cream straight into my thirsty mouth and I drink it all down like a dying man that hasn’t drunk in months. Her pussy juices are better than the best whiskey in the world.


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