Redeeming Ace's Heart

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Redeeming Ace's Heart Page 21

by M. T. Ossler

  Ryder and Ces had their commitment ceremony yesterday and are out of town for the week on their honeymoon. They wanted to get it done this weekend cause Jules and i have ours planned for next weekend.

  As we sit here and wait, my phone rings in the pocket of my kutte. I grab it out and I don’t recognize the number that pops up on the screen. Well not completely, I do recognize the area code. This call is coming from the Chicago area and the only person I talk to there is Ryan. It’s been a long time, though, since we’ve spoken, and this for damn sure is not his number. He and I used to be in contact all the time after I left. He would update me on Brookie. He has looked out for her all these years as a favor to me. Though, I haven’t heard from him in over two years, not since he took over as Prez of his dads Club. He has shot me a couple of texts, maybe four in that time. They all said she was fine and in high school. She’s supposed to graduate this year.

  “Hello,” I answer my phone and stay silent, waiting to hear the voice on the other end of the line. That’s not my normal greeting, but I’ve been kinda thrown for a loop.

  The other end stays quiet for a few long, drawn out, torturous seconds. I stare over at Jules, next to me, and Blaze behind her, with wide eyes. I’m sure something is up. My heart rate is starting to pick up and I have a bad feeling in my gut. Whoever is calling me, is calling to deliver some bad news.

  The only kind of bad news I could receive from Chicago would be about Brookie. There is nothin’ good left up there. Only her.

  I am about to speak again when I hear. “Daddy, Hunter. God, I don’t even know what to call you anymore,” the woman on the other end whispers. She sounds scared and broken, but I know immediately who it is. Even without recognizing the voice after all these years. My face must have just gone white because Jules and Blaze are giving me an uneasy look and my brothers are staring at us.

  At that very moment, the rest of our entourage joins us. I keep eye contact with my girl as the world fades away and I speak to my baby sister.

  I’m a strong man, but in this scenario, I need to draw strength from my girl to get through this conversation. I want to get up and go somewhere alone with her to take this call, but I can’t move. She holds her hand up to them to stay quiet and takes my free hand in hers.

  “Brookie, baby girl, is it really you?” I whisper into the phone. How did she get my number after all these years? What happened that she’s calling me? So many different things are running through my head at this moment. One thing that has stuck in my heart is that she called me. She needs something, and I don’t care what the fuck it is. I will do anything for her. Anything to make up for leaving her with the Satan’s. She called me for a reason and I am going to do whatever she wants.

  “Yeah, it’s me. I’m sorry to call you, but I have no one else to turn to. I need help,” she whispers into the phone. “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to call you now. I remember you. I used to call you daddy, but the guys told me you’re not. I don’t have one. They called you Satan’s spawn. I remember you used to play and color and read with me and take care of me. You were the only one that ever did.”

  Of course, that’s what those shitheads called me. I’m actually surprised she remembers the good times with me.

  I can’t believe I’m on the phone with her after all this time. After all these years without her. I’ve missed her so much more than I cared to accept. I thought I blocked this pain, but it’s all coming back now. Full fuckin’ force. Bombarding me with all kinds of memories.

  “Brookie, you can call me whatever you feel comfortable with, baby girl.

  “My friend’s call me Ace now, but I will answer to whatever you feel comfortable with.” I stay silent for a minute to take in the first part of why she made this call. She said she needs help, and I can help her. Whatever she needs, I will move heaven and hell to make it happen.

  “Well, for now, daddy still feels comfortable. It makes me feel safe and warm inside in my heart. I need to feel safe more than ever now.” Her saying that warms my cold, dark, black heart and puts a smile on my face. I always like when she called me daddy - even though I knew I wasn’t her father - apparently, I still like hearing it.

  “Then daddy it is. Baby girl, you said you called me for help. What’s going on? Whatever you need me to do I’ll do it, no questions. I’m just glad to hear your voice after all these years,” I talk to her in a smooth, calming tone. She seems to need me to stay calm and composed to reassure her for whatever is going on with her.

  “I stole your number from Uncle Ry. No one can know I’ve contacted you for help. The Club... Uncle Ry has taken the Club in a different direction and the retaliation has been deadly. The worse they’ve seen in a long time. Uncle Ry has lost his way through it all. It’s kinda a long story, so I’ll give you the short version.” She pauses to take a breather before continuing.

  I take the opportunity to look over at all my brothers at the table with us. I mouth to them who I’m on with, they knew from hearing me say her name and she needs my help. Beast and Blaze know all about my sister and my past. They are the only ones in the Club besides Gator that does.

  Since I figure whatever she gonna ask me for I’ll probably need their help with, I quickly turn my phone onto speakerphone. No need to repeat every word she says to them. We’re all family and they are always in the loop.

  “Uncle Ry has been taking the Club in a new direction, but in doing so he’s pissing off a lot of big players. It’s started a few wars.” She spits out fast and then stops. I have to ask her something before she continues.

  “Brookie, how are you involved in Club business? Ryan was supposed to keep you away from all that.” He promised me she would never be involved with the Club. He promised to keep her safe, that’s not keeping her safe.

  “Well, that’s a loaded question. Mom is still with them, she’s the house mama now. I stayed away while I was in school, mostly. Until Uncle Ry took over... That’s another story for another time. That’s not the main reason I’m calling you.

  “I need to get away from them, to hide out. I need to go under the radar, at least till it’s safe again.

  “I can’t let them find us or I will lose everything because of that fucking Club. I don’t want to suffer any more at their hands. Or the Cartel when they get their hands on us as planned.

  “Rage takes all my money now and only pays for what I need. I have nothing. I hate this life, daddy. I hate mom and all those dirty old men. I have to get us away from them. Please, save me this time and take us away to a new life. I know your hands were tied last time, Uncle Ry told me the whole story about what really happened, not the story mom, Slayer and those awful men told me.” She finishes crying her little heart out.

  I’ll do everything she’s asked, but I do have one question. One very big question. I don’t know if she even realized she said the word in her pleading, but I caught on to it. Actually, two things I caught on to that I don’t like.

  “Baby girl, who is us? You and this Rage, the one that steals your money, or is there another man in your life you want to leave with?” I need some more details here. I may not need to know everything right this minute, but I need to know this.

  “Hell no, I want to get away from all of them, especially Rage. He’s evil and hurts me. If that man hits me one more time, I just might have to kill him, and that would leave...” She stops talking mid-sentence, takes a deep breath.

  “It’s not another man either. It’s actually a girl.” Okay, so my sister is into girls and wants to get away with her. I can live with that. She seventeen years old, things are different now, kids are more open with their sexuality. It’s all good.

  As if on cue and thinking what I am Knuckles and Throttle chuckle behind me, reminding me of their presence. I give them my evil eye to shut up. Brookie hears it before continuing.

  “Not that kinda girl you pervert. God, men always have sex on the brain and think us girls are only here on earth to pleasure them
and be their play toys.” I can hear her shake her head and I’m sure she’s rolling her eyes too.

  “Sorry, baby girl, that wasn’t me. I should have told you. I have you on speakerphone, so my brothers can hear and help me with what you need. Who is this girl?”

  “Well, actually, she’s not here with me just yet...

  “Umm... Daddy... I have to tell you something.” Again, she pauses, not sure if it’s out of fear or caution this time.

  “I’m umm... I’m actually pregnant, 29 weeks with a little girl. Her daddy is not part of the Club, so they don’t own us. As a matter of fact, her father lives somewhere in Florida and is part of another Motorcycle Club. I can’t remember which...”

  She immediately throws that part in about the Club without taking a breath. She knows if her daughter... Wow, daughter - was a part of them, I couldn’t touch her. I have to wrap my head around that one, that’s for damn sure.

  Daughter... I don’t think I’ll be able to fathom that part for a while. Brookie is barely 18-years-old, not until October. My little baby sister and she’s pregnant with a little girl of her own.

  Maybe that little girl in the dream I had was her’s, not mine. She is a few weeks further along than my girl. Eight weeks to be exact. I’ll deal with that shit later. On to bigger things.

  “I’m coming for you, today. Baby girl, tell me where you are?” I ask as I sit on the edge of my seat, ready to jump up, and my brothers follow my lead.

  My heart is pounding in my chest and my thoughts are running rapidly. I have to get to her and protect them, now! That’s all that’s running through my head.

  I’ll get on a plane and meet her, and then I’ll buy a fuckin’ cage to drive her back here in. I will go by myself and get her if I have to. My baby sister needs me to protect her. You can bet your ass I will, and this time I will do anything in my power to make that happen. I’m not leaving her in her time of need, even if I need to involve my Club and my brothers in the process.

  “I’m in Indiana, in a shithole motel. I’ve been stealing cash from Uncle Ry when he comes to check on me once in a while. That’s how I got your number. I knew he would never notice or hurt me if he found out.

  “But, when Rage finds out I left again... He’s gonna kill me if he gets his hands on me. Daddy, you have to hurry. Please, I’m so scared. I got this far on the bus this morning, but I’m too scared and tired to go any further. I want to feel safe again.

  “I need to keep my daughter safe and away from them. I can’t let them take her after... You are the only person in my life I ever felt safe with,” she sobs through the phone pleading. I want to hold her in my arms and take all the pain away. I need to do that and so much more for her. It’s time to protect her.

  “I’m on my way to the airport now, baby girl. Text me the address and your room number. I should be there in a few hours. If you need anything, you call my girl. I’m going to text you her number. Her name is Jules and she will help you in any way. She’ll figure it out.”

  I see the look on my girl’s face, and she’s going to fight me on this. She’s going to have to wait until I get back to do that shit, though. I need her to stay here and safe.

  “Baby girl, Brookie, I love you. I always have and I’m sorry I left you. I’ll see you soon.”

  For some strange reason, I can picture her little girl. She’s gonna look exactly like Brookie did with those cute little cherub cheeks, big blue eyes, and blonde, almost white hair when she’s born. Just like the little girl in my dream.

  God, it seems like yesterday that I saw her, held her, and put her to bed.

  “I want to name her Aria, but then I also like Angel. I don’t know it’s silly,” she says, and I can tell she doesn’t want to get off the phone with me yet.

  “In the short time that I spent with her daddy, that’s what he called me, his angel. He was such a sweet and tender man. He was so different than the men I know. In one weekend I knew he was special.

  “In my way, it’s like having him be a part of her life. I haven’t been able to find him and tell him. I’ve tried, but I don’t know his last name, only his first name and road name. Plus, they watched me like a hawk and would have hurt him for getting me pregnant if they knew who he was.” She stops talking, remembering something.

  “I think I remember you calling me that when I was a little girl too. Did you call me Angel, daddy?”

  As she says the words, I see a strange look on my brother Blaze’s face. He looks stunned, furious, and on the verge of destroying the restaurant. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but I’ll find out. I’ll deal with him later and find out what crawled up his ass.

  “That’s how I always saw you, as my little angel. Angel, I love it just like her mama. I’ll see you soon, baby girl. You stay put, you hear me, and call Jules if you need anything or just want to talk to someone to stay calm. She’s pregnant too, so maybe she can help you. I’ll be there before you know it. Brookie... I love you, baby girl. I can’t wait to see you, hold you in my arms again, and hear all about your life.”

  “I love you too, daddy. I’ve missed you so much it hurts my heart. I always thought you left because I was bad, and you didn’t love me anymore. After Uncle Ry told me the truth, I tried to reach out to you. But...”

  “I can’t wait to see you again and tell you everything, daddy. Hurry, please. I’m so scared of being here alone.” I hear her crying as she hangs up the phone and the line goes dead. The pain in her voice is like a vice to my heart.

  I’m comin’ Brookie. Stay strong until I get there, baby girl.

  I place the phone on the table, taking a few deep breaths, thinking, and rub my hands up and down my face. I feel like I’m in an episode of the Twilight Zone. After all these years my baby sister called me and wants to see me.

  And, my baby sister is having a baby of her own, alone. Before I think too much about that now, I have to think like a VP and take all emotions out of the equation. I need a plan.

  I don’t get long to think cause Jules is in my face, literally.

  Chapter 22


  “I’m going with you. She’s scared and as much as she needs you, you need me. She’s also going to need a woman there. Especially, being pregnant. Please, Blue, don’t shut me out. Text her Bella’s number and if anything, Bella has Gio or Gator. Hunter, please don’t leave me here.” I plead with him in a low tone. I know I’m playing on his heartstrings. I’m not going to stay home while he runs off to help her. We are a team. He needs me, and she needs him, so we’ll all have each other to get through this.

  Plus, with all this Cartel shit going on, I’m scared to death to be without him. I need to stay close for my own sanity.

  I could hear the pain, fear, and relief in her voice, along with the heartbreak. That girl’s been through hell in her short life and needs supportive women around her. And most of all, she needs Hunter. I must admit, it was weird hearing his baby sister call him ‘daddy’. I’m not sure how I feel about that, but for now, I won’t dwell on it. This is about Brook and Hunter, not me. Whatever she needs to adjust and rebuild her relationship with Hunter, I’ll support them. I will be there for both of them in any way I can.

  He’s watching me, evaluating his options. He’s not sure how to proceed with me and that’s not going to cut it for me. I’m strong, and I can be a bitch, but most of all I can be sweet to get my way.

  They all stare at us, waiting for Hunter to respond.

  Then, I see it in his eyes, what’s holding him back. The baby.

  “Blue, I love you and I know how important Brook is to you. I want to help and be by your side the whole way. We’ll be fine, I promise. I can’t be away from you,” I whisper the last part. If he shuts me out now, it will kill me, and I don’t know where we’ll go from here.

  He scared for me, us, I can see that, though. He’s afraid I might lose this baby too, from flying. Even after the doctor said everything has been good, and there is nothin
g to fear. Plus, it’s still okay for me to fly, at least for another few weeks, according to all the books. I’m only 21 weeks.

  While I’m waiting for Hunter to answer me, I hear Blaze growl behind me. What is his deal? This has nothing to do with him, so why does he sound so pissed? He’s breathing heavily, and I don’t have to look at his face to know he’s mad as hell about something. Maybe it’s what she said about that guy, Rage, hitting her. Blaze doesn’t like men that hurt women, at all. Hopefully, we’ll have a couple of hours on a plane and I can calm his shit down and find out what crawled up his ass.

  “Fine, you’re right. I need you with me and they’re going to need both of us. I love you too, kitten. If it’s safe for the baby, then fine. I’m not shutting you out, I swear. I’m just worried. I’m trying to think clearly for all parties involved. We are a team and as a team, we do things together. Let’s go get our girls,” he says, placing a kiss on my lips. His right-hand roams to my belly. Then he addresses his brothers.

  “Blaze can you come with us, drop us off at the airport and take my cage back home?

  “Throttle pull everything you can on this new shit with Ryan’s Club, and that Rage, when you get back to the Clubhouse.

  “Beast, contact Gator, have him have a prospect at our house to get the guest room and bath ready for her. Make sure they stock my fridge with extra food and juices. Healthy snacks only, no matter what Jules tells them.

  “Also, contact Ryder and Ces and get them back here. I know they’re on their honeymoon, but they’re family and they need to be here. I need Ryder to weed through all the shit Throttle pulls up.” Hunter runs his hand through his hair, frustrated and worried.

  “I’m sorry, Shorty, Bells for ruining you’re shopping day...” Hunter starts to say before Bells cuts him off.

  “Nonsense, Ace, family comes first. Go get your girl and bring her back here where she belongs. You can protect her and her unborn child better here with our family to help.” Bella gets up and comes around the table to give Hunter a hug.


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