Redeeming Ace's Heart

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Redeeming Ace's Heart Page 23

by M. T. Ossler

  I growl again and fight with my brothers to let me go so I can separate them. Beast and Shadow’s hold on me becomes painful as they pull me back.

  “Give them a minute, brother. Then you’ll get your answers,” Beast says in my ear.

  Fine, right now I’ll give them this moment. Then I’m getting all my fuckin’ answers.

  Blaze is 6’5”, she is probably only 5’ 2” and looks so tiny in his arms. He’s so much taller and bigger than her and full of tatts. She looks like a child in his arms that he’s protecting. Well, I suppose she still is a child with a baby on the way before she even turns eighteen. What the fuck was my brother thinking sleeping with some girl ten years younger than him?

  They finally stop kissing and Brookie looks back at me after hearing my growls.

  When Blaze examines her looking at me, he follows suit and looks straight into my eyes. He sees the fury in them and the control I’m trying my damnedest to hold back here as I stand away from them.

  “I didn’t know she was your sister when I met her last year, I swear, brother. How could I have?” he says, staring me directly in the eyes, showing me the truth in them.

  “Just give me a few minutes to hold my girl and take this all in. Then we can all sit down and talk. Obviously, we all have questions that need to be answered.”

  We continue to stare each other down as he holds my sister in his arms. Everyone stays quiet until I can’t take it any longer. I forcefully shake off the guys and turn away from Brookie and Blaze, not able to watch their affection for each other another second.

  “Fine, I’ll order some pizzas and fries. My girl needs to eat and I’m sure Brookie does too. Then we’ll sit down and fuckin’ talk, calmly and rationally. Starting from the goddamn fuckin’ beginning, brother,” I say and pull out my phone.

  I look at Jules for some direction here and she seems to be as stunned and lost as we all are. She can just compose herself better than me.

  “No, we can’t stay. We have to leave, now! They’ll be coming for me,” Brookie says frantically and we all stare at her. She breaks free of Blaze’s arms and rushes to the other side of the room gathering her things.

  “Brookie, stop! Talk to us now! What the hell is going on? Who is gonna come for you?”

  I have more questions than I do answers at this point and I don’t like that. I need somethin’ concrete to go on to proceed with this situation with caution. I cannot have anyone gettin’ hurt on my watch. Especially, the two pregnant women in the room that mean the world to me.

  “Rage, Slayer, and Uncle Ry threatened to kill me if I ever left again. I didn’t want to call you and involve you and your friends in my shit. Unfortunately, I had no choice, there is no one in my life I can trust. I needed to buy some time and get further away from them, all of them, and figure out my next move.

  “The other day, I overheard a conversation between the three of them downstairs. They were saying they’re going to sell my daughter to one of the men in the Mexican Cartel when I deliver her. And me as a sex slave for their men. Since I’m not a virgin anymore and pregnant with a bastard’s child, my body is ruined. Apparently, that’s all I’ll ever be good for. They said it’s all your fault no one wants me in the Club as more than a whore like mom,” she says lookin’ into my eyes.

  “I also heard them say, they’re going to come for your girl. I didn’t know who they were talking about at the time. When you said her name today and I saw her I figured it out,” she says pointing to Jules’s round belly.

  “And now I put a target on your backs, you’re all in danger along with me. The Cartel is not to be messed with, they know all. They know she’s pregnant, I overheard them say it when they were talking. They want her baby to do with like mine. Some man named Santos or Santiago wants to punish you and her for ruining her for him. They laughed about what he wants to do her, making you watch him and all his men fuck your whore in every hole.

  “Daddy, I can’t let them take my daughter away from me before I even have a chance to hold her, love her.

  “We have to leave now! They can’t find us, any of us! They will kill us all!” she screams at me quivering so bad. Blaze, Beast, Shadow, and I all growl at the same time and snap out of our furious haze. We definitely need to get out of here and fast. I can’t chance them finding us and not having enough back up to keep the girls safe.

  Then we’ll have to buy a new Cage somewhere along the way.

  Blaze looks furious at the idea of someone touching what’s his. I know the feeling. I feel the same way when it comes to my Jules and our baby. No one will ever touch my girl in any way. I will kill Santiago with my bare hands and stuff his dick down his throat, along with all his men’s before he even gets close to my girl.

  “No one is taking you or my daughter away from me, angel. I just got you back. You’re both mine and you’re not leavin’ me ever again,” he says looking at her with soft, furious eyes. Then he turns to our brothers.

  “Beast, help me get her shit together so we can get the fuck out of here,” Blaze barks the order in a mad rush to gather all her things.

  Beast helps him with her shit as she waddles across the room. I look at the time on my cell phone. It’s 8:05, so we have some time, I hope. Unless they’ve been watching us. I check out the window, looking for any strange activity. None, thankfully, but it’s getting dark outside and harder to see in the distance. I turn back to my sister needing to ask Brookie a couple of things before I leave this room. No one is gettin’ hurt or leaving my side.

  I grab my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and send a quick text to Gator to call an emergency Church to fill the guys in. He texts back immediately, he’ll call it for an hour from now. The guys are around the Clubhouse somewhere.

  “Brookie, do you think they followed you here to the motel? Or do you think they’re on their way here?” She stops what she is doing and looks up at me.

  “I texted Uncle Ry when I arrived here, so he would think I went to work at the diner. That was right before I called you. They never know what goes on in the morning. Too drunk and stoned and up to their eyeballs in pussy to bother with me till the afternoon.

  “I usually work an 8-hour shift. I start at one and normally get home around 10. When I don’t show up then, they’ll track my phone. They’ll find it in my room on my bed, under the covers that are stuffed with pillows. I stole a burner phone from Burnie’s corner store on my way out of the city, to contact you on. Once I called you and I knew you’d come, I relaxed a little. I assumed we would leave immediately not to draw any attention to ourselves. They’ll know where I am once they get to the bus station. Uncle Ry has everyone in the city on his payroll in one way or another, including the cops. They’re all in his back pocket. They’ll come straight here looking for me.” She stops rambling and walks over to me.

  “I’m sorry, please don’t hate me. I know you’re a good man, not like Uncle Ry and the guys in that God-awful Club. You never intentionally hurt me like they have. Please understand, I had to do this for my daughter, to give her a chance at a better life. A better one than I ever had, like the one you tried to give me in the beginning. Please, don’t let them get to me and hurt me again. Please protect me and my daughter,” she cries and wraps her tiny arms around my waist. I hold her to me and she rests her head on my chest.

  “Baby girl, I could never hate you. I just needed to know how to handle this situation and keep everyone safe. I love you, Brookie, and we’re all going to keep you safe. Your daughter is gonna be safe and protected and loved before she even comes into this world. You’re family and family takes care of family at all cost,” I whisper to her and kiss the top of her head.

  “We got everything. Brook, how did you get here from the bus station?” Beast asks not hearing her tell me. Then I see him throwing her duffle bags over his shoulder.

  “I walked here and paid cash for the room. It’s a pay by the hour kinda place so it’s cheap. I gave the old man at the fro
nt desk an extra five hundred bucks to keep his trap shut if anyone came sniffing around for me.” She definitely grew up in this life and knows how to take care of herself, to a certain degree. Getting pregnant before she’s even eighteen, not so smart.

  “Blaze, you stay here with the girls. Beast, Shadow, and I will get her things in the cage and check out the area and the old man. Once it’s all clear, we’re gettin’ the hell out of here, fast.” He nods his head to me and takes Brookie back in his arms. He walks her over to the bed and sits down. They start to talk in a whisper.

  Jules walks over to me. “Blue, be careful. I love you,” she whispers to me.

  “Always, kitten, always. Listen to Blaze and keep an eye on them. When it’s clear I’ll come back for you. I love you too,” I say placing a soft, quick kiss on her lips and rubbing her belly.

  I release her and walk over to the door. I check the peephole and Beast and Shadow look out the big picture windows by the door. Thankfully, she’s on the first floor and we were able to park right out front of her room.

  They nod to me, giving me the all clear and we shuffle out the door, locking it behind us.

  We get everything in the cage and do a perimeter check. Shadow checks in with the old man to see what he knows. He kept his trap shut about the pregnant woman in one of his rooms and Shadow gives him an extra five g’s to stay quiet for good.

  Beast starts up the cage and waits outside with all the doors open. We decided to bring them all out at once, instead of one at a time, and get the hell out of dodge faster.

  It’s pitch dark out now and I don’t like this shit at all. Blaze lifts Brookie in his arms and takes her in the back, the third row, to have some privacy. Jules and I take the middle row seats and I make sure my girl is secure before we take off. Beast is driving, and Shadow is in the passenger seat. Once we’re all settled and secured, he takes off like a bat out of hell.

  We head straight to the main highway and get on the interstate. My girl needs to eat, but we need to put some distance between us, the motel, and that town.

  Thankfully, Brookie has some snacks with her and they will hold the girls off, for a while.

  We’ll hit a drive-through for food soon, until then, we all need to talk. I need some fuckin’ answers before I lose my shit.

  I’ll call Gator soon, once I get what I need from the two in the back seat.

  Chapter 24


  Fuck, it can’t be, could it? That voice on the other end of Ace’s phone sounds like my girl, my angel that I lost. The girl I let get away and have been searching for ever since. We met at the bike rally in Daytona back in October. I saw her for the first time Thursday afternoon when we were walking on the street checking out the vendors with the girls – Bella and Jules. I felt an instant connection to her, even from across the street, and wanted to talk to her, be close to her. I never got a chance that night needing to stay near Bella and Jules. It was a good thing too, because that was the night Antonio breached our security at the bar and cornered Bella in the ladies’ room.

  The next day the girls stayed at Maddox’s Clubhouse and I made it my mission to find the golden - blonde haired angel. Throttle – my wingman since I lost Beast and Ace – and I found her and her friend that afternoon at one of the bars. It wasn’t hard to find her, there was a magnetic force at work pulling me towards her. Once I got closer to her, I felt it intensify. Right then and there I knew she’d be mine forever. I understood everything Beast and Ace had felt for their girls at that moment. Almost like a warm fuzzy feeling inside, cocooning my dark, cold heart. I had to be closer to her, touch her. Just her hand would have sufficed.

  I could tell immediately she wasn’t like the other girls around, partying with all the bikers. She was like Bella and Jules, pure and innocent to a point, but seen a lot of bad in her short life. Yea, I could also tell she was young. Maybe early twenties at most. It was all the dark make up on her face that was deceiving, all made up she looked twenty-six or so. And her body... Fuck her body was off the charts, full breasts, and curves for days.

  I insisted she have lunch with me, so we could get to know one another. Her friend wouldn’t hear of it and joined us, flirting relentlessly with me and Throttle the whole time. I never heard a thing the bitch had to say, not able to take my eyes off Brook, my beautiful angel sent from above.

  After lunch, I still didn’t want to leave her side as we walked around the rally to the vendors with Throttle and her friend. Eventually, Throttle did me a solid and took her friend away, leaving us alone.

  Not wanting to leave Brook, I found us a room in the next town and we stayed there the rest of the weekend. I didn’t care if we fucked, I just wanted her to myself. Of course, we fucked, the whole fuckin’ time. I popped her cherry that first night, like I said pure and innocent. Shocked the fuckin’ shit out of me.

  Best three days and three nights of my life, though. She told me she had to leave to go back to Chicago Monday morning to get back to school. I assumed since she seemed to be smart, she was in college. Never asked her age, we talked but she avoided a lot of personal questions about herself. I respected her wishes and answered most of her questions about me.

  We talked about her staying in Florida with me or coming back soon. She wanted to stay with me, but said sadly that she couldn’t. She promised she’d come back to me soon and for good.

  Then Monday mornin’, when I woke up she was gone. The bed beside me was cold and I felt... hollow inside. It was a feeling that never went away, it just got worse. I searched for her, but it was like she vanished.

  That mornin’, I called Throttle for help tracking her down, because he knew what she looked like. Together we checked all over social media and found nothin’, considering I only had her first name I knew it would be hard. Her friend kept calling her Mac and I assumed that might be it, but still found zilch. He checked all the flights from Florida to Chicago, with no luck. I never gave up, even with all the shit going on around the Club. I paid my dues for my brothers and did what I needed to for them and the girls. Every day, though, the emptiness I felt inside festered like a bad wound causing the black cloud to close in on me.

  Until today that is, when I hear the voice of an angel coming from my brother’s phone. I knew in my heart it was her and I had to get to her. When she said she was pregnant, I hoped it was mine and not the scum bag Rage’s that hurt my girl. I tried to figure the dates in my head when we met. The bike rally was about 27 weeks ago. I’m not sure how it all works, determining how far along a woman is, but that’s too close for my comfort. I wanted so bad to ask Jules on the plane on the way here but resisted. If it wasn’t my angel I didn’t want to set off my brother for no reason.

  My heart was in my throat the whole way to that dingy motel room she was hiding out in. When we walked in and I saw her in Ace’s arms, reality came smashing down on me. She was my angel, but she was also my brother’s sister and I crossed a major line. A line that I hope doesn’t destroy us, especially if the baby is mine.

  Once, I finally got her in my arms, I held her tight and didn’t want to let go. Feelin’ her tiny body against mine, her warmth, her touch on my skin, it was like coming home. My world was set right, and the black cloud vanished. Then the words she said while I held her melted my heart. Hearing her say the baby growing in her belly was mine... I turned into a pussy, I know, and I cried. Never thought I ever wanted to be a father, but hearing those words, I want it. I want it more than anything in this world besides Brook. My two angels in my arms for the rest of my life, I will die a happy man.

  “Jaxson, I’m so sorry I left you that morning. I was so scared about what they were gonna do to me when I got home cause I left. I freaked out and never should have left you,” she cries into my chest.

  I can’t hold back any longer. I don’t care if Ace hates me after this, I need her closer. I need her lips. So, I pick her up off the floor and take what I want. I kiss her with all the love, passion, heartache, and
loss I’ve felt for her the last few months.

  When I release her lips, I see the murderous look on my brother’s face. We are gonna have to hash this out sooner or later. Later would be better for me, having her back in my arms, I don’t want to leave her side just yet.

  Brook announces the true story for her call and I panic. I need to keep her and my baby safe. I won’t let those Cartel bastards touch what is mine. We need to get the hell out of dodge and back to the Clubhouse where it’s safe. When the guys leave us, I take Brook to sit down on the bed and talk. Jules takes a seat in the chair on the other end of the room giving us some privacy.

  “I’m gonna protect you and keep you both safe. You have my word, angel. We need to talk so I can tell you somethin’ and make some things clear to you,” I say and take a deep breath as I gaze in her beautiful cobalt blue eyes. They are sparkling for me.

  “I fell hard for you that weekend and have searched for you every day since. Now, that I have you back and you have my baby growing inside you.” I place my hand on her belly again and feel my little girl moving around inside her momma. “I’m not letting you go, either of you. You are mine, my responsibility, mine to care for and protect, and I will do just that,” I tell her straight up how it’s gonna be.

  “Can we take a step back and take this slow, please? That weekend we spent together was incredible and we connected on so many levels...” She pauses afraid to say anymore and I feel the but comin’ from a mile away.

  So, I prompt her. “But...” I wait patiently as we gaze into one another’s eyes. I see her and how unsure she is at this moment.

  “But, so much has happened since we met, and I need to take a breather. I just got my brother back and I want to build a relationship with him again. When I called him, I didn’t expect to find you too. I’m glad I did. I...” she stops again and swallows hard.

  “You have to understand, I haven’t had any decent men in my life or love for that matter. I can’t jump into this with you head first without knowing you better. I just need some time. Please, for our little girl.” Damn, she knows how to play the big cards and pull at my heartstrings.


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