Redeeming Ace's Heart

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Redeeming Ace's Heart Page 31

by M. T. Ossler

  “You got two seconds to explain yourself, boy. Or you’ll be in the ring with every man in this room today, and any man out there that wants a piece of your ass,” Beast shouts in his face.

  “She cornered me by my place and kissed me. I was taken by surprise for a fuckin’ second. I pushed her off me and told the bitch I was off limits. I swear, she kissed me, not the other way around! I would never do that to my girl!” he yells lookin’ straight at Beast and sounding defeated. We all stare at him for a minute getting a read on his truth. Before anyone can respond to him, Shorty breaks away from Blaze and stares daggers at Knuckles.

  “I am not your fucking girl! You’re fucking her aren’t you just admit it, asshole. I can’t give you what you want, so you went to her. That bitch saw me coming to find you. She wanted to stake her claim!” she shouts at him. They stare at one another and don’t even acknowledge any of us in the room.

  Ever since she got back from Antonio, their relationship has gone to a whole other level. Their bond is stronger.

  “Baby, you know that’s not true. You are my girl, my only girl. That bitch doesn’t hold a candle to you. I’m sorry I hurt you I would never intentionally do that, and you know it,” he says, and they move closer to each other. We all stand back and observer them interact. For being so young, 14 and 19, the love they share is like an aged fine wine. The look they give one another is like old soul’s connecting and fusing before your eyes. It’s an indescribable feeling to witness their love.

  They meet halfway and he places one of his hands on her cheek, with the other he takes hold of her’s.

  “G, baby, I swear to you I haven’t touched her, or anyone for that matter. Since the day I laid eyes on you, it’s been only you. You are it for me, baby. I love you with all my heart and soul Giuliana Rose Castellani.” With that, he leans forward for a kiss. Their lips meet for a sweet-lovin’ one and he goes to deepen it. Snapping himself out of the love trance they had us all in, Beast taps Knuckles on the shoulder to end it now. He breaks the kiss and takes a step back but doesn’t release her hand.

  I kinda feel bad for my brother. I went months without sex, only jacking off with my own hand. He’s gone over a year and he’s young. He still has another two years before he can touch her. I just pray for her sake he can hold out for her. She would never forgive him if he hurt her that way.

  “I love you too, Dusty. Well, I suppose you don’t deserve the guys kicking your ass today, but that bitch is going down,” Shorty says sounding older and confident. In one fast move, she’s out of Knuckles grip and out the back door. The whiplash effects all of us as we regain our composure and run after her.

  Dashing from the house, frantically lookin’ for Shorty or Nicole. Then to the right, I catch a flash of long brown hair flying. I yell for the guys to follow me and rush that way. As we get closer, we catch sight of the girls. Shorty has a grip on Nicole’s hair as she tugs the skimpily clad girl around.

  “He is my man and if you touch him again I will cut your throat, bitch. Go mess with a man that wants your skank ass, mine is off fucking limits!” she shouts in her face before her fist makes contact. I’ve never seen Shorty so possessive and in ‘take no shit’ mode. It’s a bit scary to see if you didn’t know her.

  From her shouting, a crowd gathers around them and us. We all stand back and watch in horror as Shorty beats the shit out of Nicole. No one says a word or stops her, allowing her to make her public non-official/official claim on Knuckles. She can non-officially, verbally claim him and he her now, but they have to wait two years. When she’s sixteen they can officially claim one another in the eyes of the Club. It’s a shit rule when it comes to love, but it is what it is.

  Shorty pounds on her face and the guys cheer her on. The look on Nicole’s face is almost palpable. She’s embarrassed more than anything, a teenager got the strong hold on her and that doesn’t bode well for her image. She’s doing her best to mask it with disgust. I don’t think it’s working well.

  “Giuliana, drop her right now!” Cindy shouts and we all turn to her as she walks through the crowd straight to the girls. Shorty obeys and literally drops the bitch to the floor. She falls on her ass and no one can hold back their laughter.

  “What is the meaning of this young lady?” Cindy questions. Yea, she holds down a tight ship, even with the kids.

  “This bitch kissed my man,” Shorty states in a matter of fact tone, with a smirk.

  “Gigi, language, young lady. This is no way for a lady to act. You apologize to this girl right now. She knows the rules and if she did indeed break them she’s out on her ass,” Cindy states and as VP and her brother, I feel I have to intervene on her behalf. Especially with the evil eye, she’s giving Cindy.

  I make my way over to them.

  “That won’t be happenin’, Cindy. Nicole was in the wrong and Shorty was in the right,” I say to Cindy and then look down at Nicole on the ground.

  “This is your final warning, you touch another claimed brother you will be out on your ass. You knew he was off limits and you pursued him anyway. I should throw you out of here now. Get the fuck out of my face and find a brother that wants you,” I say the last part as I bend down in front of her so only she can hear me. She runs off and is not seen for the rest of the night.

  We mingle and eat after that, catching up with our out of town brothers. We watch a few fights through the day and just enjoy our time with our extended and immediate family.

  The girls take the babies in Beast’s pool since I won’t let my girl in the lake until after she has the baby.

  I must say, my girl, is rockin’ a bikini with her pregnant belly hangin’ out. The most stunning sight I’ve ever bore witness to. She had me hard all day with no release.

  After a splendid dinner, we head back over to the lake for the firework display. My brothers and I set out blankets for our girls and Ryder set out one for him and Taz. I sit with Jules between my legs and hold her to my chest while we take in the show. My brother, Blaze is on one side of us with my baby sister, Beast and Bella are on the other with Ryder and Taz next to them. We are all in the same position with our loves.

  This is the life and it can only get better from here, right.

  I have the most stunning woman in my arms, my ol’ lady, my wife and soon-to-be mother of my son. I have my baby sister back and a niece on the way soon. And most of all I have my brothers and sisters, family. Love, life, loyalty, honor, and brotherhood.

  Yea, life is great.



  Three Months Later...

  Things have been better, we had a few rocky weeks after the 4th of July, but then things turned around. You’ll hear all about that in due time. Brook had Aria (Baby Angel) a few days after the Club party. They’re doing great, better than great, but again you’ll get that story soon. Blaze is an amazing daddy and it’s so fascinating to watch him turn into putty around his girls. Brook is a wonderful mother with her little girl.

  It’s still hard for me to not see her as a kid. Well, she is eighteen, and definitely not kid in many ways. Since the day I met her I saw how mature she was for her age, but when it comes to Hunter, she’s like a child again. She had to grow up too fast and still does with a baby. I must say she’s handling it all superbly. We all have our moments and she’s no exception, though.

  Well, as the months have gone on, our family has grown in more ways than one. We just seem to get bigger and bigger. Kids, families are now filling the Clubhouse that used to be all men and a few women.

  When the new Clubhouse was done, the guys decided to declare Sunday’s family day for BBQ’s in the backyard. No wild parties that day and once a month the brothers from each Club are invited to join us with their families too. We’ve only had two so far, but they have been great and we’re all looking forward to more. Some of the other Clubs have decided to do the same thing once a month instead of every week like us.

  I’ve been home from the hospital
for almost a month and baby blue is doing so good. I went into labor 10 days early and had a soothing natural birth. I thought Hunter was going to lose it from seeing me deliver our boy. He hated that I was in so much pain and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Especially, since I refused to have an epidural for the pain. We made it through, together and an hours later our little bug was in our arms.

  He eats and sleeps a lot. He’s a very good baby so far. Hunter is excellent with Zander James. That’s what we named our baby blue. Hunter didn’t want a junior, but he did want to carry on his middle name like Gio did with his boys. Our little boy even has blue eyes like his daddy. The doctor said they might change so we’ll have to wait and see how that plays out.

  Hunter is constantly in competitions with Gio over the boys. It’s cute to see the two of them with the babies. My Hunter is an excellent father just like Gio, and even though they compete a lot, they mean well.

  They think us, girls, don’t see them with the boys, but we do, we see all those big burly men become all soft and squishy with them.

  Gio, Blaze, and Hunter take them to the media room at the Clubhouse when the girls and I cook here on Thursday nights. We’ve caught them a couple of times on the floor rolling around or playing airplane with them. Ryder and Ces are so good with the boys and Angel, they spoil them all too much. Just like uncles should.

  Baby Angel is definitely their little angel princess around here. They get down on the floor with her too and play, but she is a little more delicate than the boys. They all get that and treat her like the delicate flower she is. Uncle Ces even went as far as to buy her a soft little tiara and wand and a beautiful pink princess dress.

  So, of course, Uncle Val had to purchase baby Dominic a little prince crown and baby blue onesie that says, Prince Dominic. Uncle Rom and Bash got the same one for baby Lorenzo and Uncle Lorenzo had the same one made for my baby boy Zander.

  I swear the five of them are like big kids always competing against each other.

  We need more girls around here. One day, maybe soon. I’m not thinking about that now since Zander is only over a month old. I know Hunter wants a big family and so do I, but we need to enjoy our little guy for a while. Then we can talk about having another one, or God will just set the path for us.

  “Hey, girls, you ready to go spy on the guys and the kids,” Sam asks with a sparkle in her eyes. She loves to see the guys with the kids as much as us, especially when she watches Gator. A few times she’s teared up, not sure what that’s all about, maybe she’ll tell us her story one day.

  “Let’s do it,” Bella says grabbing my hand. I seize Brook’s and Sam snatches Gigi’s on the way out of the kitchen.

  It’s Thursday night, the girls and I are cooking like usual. We prepared three different kinds of meatloaf, potatoes au gratin, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, rolls and for dessert, apple pie and Boston cream pie. The guy’s requests for tonight and we made them from scratch. The food is in the oven baking, so we have a few minutes.

  We quietly tippy toe to the media room, the door is open. As we approach we hear laughter and the twin’s names being yelled from the men. Sam and Brook make their way over to the other side of the door and Bells and I stay on our side.

  We peak in and see the twins on the floor side by side and crawling forward. The guys are egging them on as the race towards Gio and Val waiting on the other side of the room.

  Blaze is holding his little girl and in a cute little voice, he talks to Angel, yelling Lorenzo’s name. He’s in the lead hurrying over to his daddy. Hunter has Zander in his arms, shouting for Dominic to move his little tushie faster to get to his Uncle Val’s arms.

  Hunter knows little Dom is special to me. I know that’s bad to say, I love the boys both the same, but Dom and I connected from the first time I held him in the hospital. I’m his Godmother too and Maddox is his Godfather. Ces and Gator are Lorenzo’s. We asked Bella and Gio to be Godparents to Zander.

  We sit back and watch the boys race forward to the two big men waiting for them with their arms outstretched. Lorenzo is losing steam as he slows down and Dominic hurries forward.

  I want to laugh, but before I do, I look at Bella behind me. When I see the bright, gleaming smile on her face, I can’t hold it back any longer and I let it out. The girls join me, and we laugh our asses off at the guys.

  Finally, Lorenzo builds up his strength and races forward, with drool spilling out of his mouth, and a goofy smile on his face. He passes his brother getting closer to the finish line. Dom speeds up towards his daddy. The race ends with both boys making it to their daddy at the same time and trying to pull themselves up. Gio gathers both his boys in his arms and Bella pushes past us and through the guys. She falls to her knees in front of her boys and grabs the three of them in her arms. Still, with the smile on her face as she takes one of the boys in her arms so Gio can hold his family. Kissing them all on the head as Gigi makes her way over.

  I walk over to Hunter and Brook makes her way to Blaze next to him. I see Sam bury her face in Gator’s neck. Hunter takes me in his arms with our boy. Blaze holds his girls in his arms with a luminous smile on his handsome face as he kisses Brook on the lips.

  “Fuck, now who gets the money,” I hear Bash say behind us. These schmucks actually bet on the babies, who does that. I have to laugh, though cause only these handsome idiots would do that.

  “Bash, you fuckers bet on my babies!” Bella screams at them astonished with the face to match. Then just like a bolt of lightning her face changes to a smile. The room fills with laughter.

  “It’s all in fun, baby,” Gio says, hugging her closer and burying his head under her ear. I’m sure he’s whispering something naughty to her or he wouldn’t be hiding it from all of us.

  “Lovey, it’s good for the boys to learn to compete. All boys do it,” Ces says to her. She laughs and looks at him. “Yes, I know, and they never seem to grow out of it either. You and my brothers are the worse,” she sasses at him.

  My phone buzzes indicating it’s time to get dinner out of the oven. The girls and I leave the guys and the kids to set dinner out.

  Once it’s all set we gather around the large table and enjoy a spectacular dinner with our family. Everyone has joined us tonight, except for Aunt Cindy. She needed a little vacation from us, so she’s actually in Chicago visiting Ricco. We were all shocked when she announced it, Gio the most. She’s an adult and a widow, so she can do as she pleases. I just hope she doesn’t leave us anytime soon.

  Well, no one knows what tomorrow will bring, only God does.

  As it is now, life is good and quiet, and I hope it stays this way for a while. I want to enjoy our family, all of them. Large families can be hectic to some degree, not ours, it’s welcomed. The more the merrier is our motto. Family fills your heart with the most blissful joy and love you will ever experience.

  THE END...

  FOR NOW...




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