Murder Uncorked

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Murder Uncorked Page 12

by Michele Scott

  The one person standing off in the corner actually looking rather smug was Tara. She gave Nikki a smarmy smile, or at least Nikki thought she did. In all the confusion, on top of the three glasses of wine she’d had, she knew she wasn’t thinking straight.

  “Oh, my God, how did this happen?” Patrice yelled at no one in particular, her arms raised above her head and flailing around.

  Before anyone could answer her, Chief Horn was herding people out of the room. Jeanine Wiley showed up after a few more minutes and followed the chief’s lead.

  Derek grabbed Nikki by the arm. “Come on, they’ll definitely want to talk to you, but I’d like to speak with you first.”

  Nikki didn’t care for the tone of his voice. He’d never sounded harsh before. He led her outside, where he passed by Simon, asking him to please let everyone else know that the party would be rescheduled, and to thank the guests for their contributions.

  “Why me?” Simon asked. “Aren’t you the big man around here? Isn’t this your gig?”

  Marco sidled up to Simon. “I am thinking it would be a good idea to listen to your brother,” he said sweetly.

  Nikki couldn’t help wondering, by the look the two of them exchanged, what they had up their sleeves. She didn’t have time to think about it, since Derek tugged on her arm again. They walked out past the gazebo, into the rose garden, where they sat down on a bench away from the crowd and the chaos. Car headlights bounced off the nearby hill-sides, with people pulling out of the estate and down the road leading through the vineyard and back to the main highway.

  Derek sat slumped over, his head in the palms of his hands, shaking his head. “I can’t believe this. I really can’t. Who is doing this, and why?”

  She could hear the gravity in his voice and the distinct tone of sadness.

  “What were you doing in that part of the house? I thought you were going to the rest room. Did you know that room had been my mother’s when she got sick?”

  This could get dicey. She didn’t want to tell him what Minnie had said to her about Meredith and Gabriel, or what was behind Gabriel’s conflict with Andrés. Before she divulged that information Nikki knew she needed to go back and speak to Andrés. That would be the first item on her agenda in the morning.

  She didn’t know fact from fiction at that moment, and before she started talking to anyone she wanted to know that what she’d discovered were indeed facts.

  As far as what might have gone on between Gabriel and Meredith, Nikki didn’t know if Derek’s ex would cop to it if it were the truth, and the only way to really know the truth about the possible affair between the two of them would be from Meredith’s mouth. Something told Nikki that Meredith wasn’t going to say a word to her about her love life.

  Nikki decided to do the best she could, by staying as close to the truth as possible. “I wanted to take a tour of my new digs and see what I was in for. I’m sorry. And, no, I had no idea it was your mother’s old room.” That said, what had Minnie been doing in there?

  “I would’ve shown you around. All you had to do was ask.”

  “I know. I didn’t want to bother you. You had a lot on your plate this evening, being the host and all. Besides, I also wanted to try and reach my aunt in Spain. I told you that she’s on a backpacking tour, and I had a real need to speak with her.”

  “It’s the middle of the night there. You could’ve asked me for the phone, too,” he replied.

  “I could have, but honestly, it was such a sudden impulse. I’d been thinking a lot about Gabriel’s murder, and since my aunt was in law enforcement, I thought of bouncing around a couple of theories with her that you and I have already discussed.”

  “Have you had any new revelations now that we have two people—both of whom I cared about—dead?”

  “I can’t say that I have. Maybe someone really wants to run you out of business. Either that, or someone had it out for Gabriel and Minnie.” Andrés was in the back of her mind. There was something dark, mysterious, yet endearing about the winemaker down the road, and Nikki didn’t want to serve him up on a silver platter. Her gut said that he was innocent, but he sure did have motive. At least in Gabriel’s case. Minnie claimed they were dear friends, so Andrés murdering Minnie did not fit. “I also think we really need to look into your suspicion that the books were being doctored. Maybe whoever is skimming profits killed Minnie and Gabriel because they found out who it was.”


  “Maybe, maybe not. The winery is quite an operation, with more than a handful of employees, family included. It’s kind of easy to point the finger at Meredith, isn’t it?”

  Derek shook his head again. “I can see Meredith as a thief, but a killer? No. I was married to her. I think I would’ve known if I was sleeping with the enemy, someone who is a sociopath.”

  Nikki didn’t want to remind him that Meredith was also a manipulative liar and philanderer. Those criteria from what she knew fit that of a sociopath.

  “I can see where Gabriel might have made enemies. I mentioned Andrés Fernandez to you, and I know there were others. But not Minnie. Everyone liked her. Gabriel could be a loose cannon. At least he was in the past. He had a lover-boy rep around town, and a temper. Say the wrong thing, and he could blow up. He was a real ladies’ man, and I know that didn’t make everyone happy around here. But Minnie, she couldn’t have done a damn thing. She was a very sweet lady. You met her.”

  Nikki nodded. “It looks like it’s clearing out up there. I’ve got an idea that the police will want to talk to me. If they can’t find me, I doubt it’ll bode well.”

  They started walking back toward the mansion. Nikki knew she should bring up what she thought about the possibility of a love triangle. “You know, I do have a new theory, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

  He shrugged. “There’s nothing to like about any of this. Friends and employees of mine are dead, and someone around here killed them.”

  “It may be difficult to consider, but jealousy is a huge motive for murder. I know that you don’t want to think about the possibility of Gabriel and Meredith having an affair, but I think you might want to reconsider that.” She paused, waiting for his response. When he continued walking, his hands shoved into his pockets and didn’t appear to have any reaction at all, she decided to continue. “For some reason, Minnie confided in me tonight. She claimed that she and Gabriel had been lovers.” This revelation did get a reaction.

  He stopped and faced her. In the moonlight, she could see he wore a look of incredulity. “I don’t believe that.”


  “I don’t. I hung around the two of them all the time. There was the typical friendly flirting, but nothing that indicated they were sleeping together. I don’t think they could’ve hidden it from me. They would have both known that I would’ve been fine that the two of them were together. I mean, I do have an unsaid rule about dating amongst employees. But rules can be broken. I’m certainly no dictator.”

  “Apparently, the secrecy of it all lent to the romance and fun for them. And, you said yourself that Gabriel was a real ladies’ man. Maybe he wanted to keep their relationship hush-hush for fear of another woman he was seeing finding out. I don’t know. Minnie indicated they liked it that way. Gabriel even told her that the two of them would go to Tuscany together, for more than just a vacation. If it’s not true, why would she say something like that to me? Why make up something like that?”

  “I don’t know.” He took his hands out of his slacks pockets and crossed his arms.

  There was now a definite edge to his voice. Nikki pulled her shawl tighter around her. He appeared to be almost angry at her suggestion. But she pressed on. She was already in deep, so she might as well unload another tidbit. “Hear me out. Say they didn’t want anyone to know. The real reason why? You got me. But if Meredith was sleeping with Gabriel at one time, and discovered that he and Minnie had gotten together, is it possible that she might have killed th
e two of them out of jealousy? Jealousy combined with the possibility that she could be stealing money from you, and afraid Minnie would or did find out? Maybe Meredith had a real thing for Gabriel. For a woman to stray on her husband, even a woman like Meredith, I would think the man would have to be pretty special.” That was not a good thing to say, and she knew it right after it rolled off her tongue.

  There was no more edge to Derek’s voice. He was downright angry. “Nikki, I’m hiring you to help manage this place, and be my assistant, not an amateur detective. I think I know my own people pretty well. I may be naïve in some ways, but not in this one. To be honest, I can’t help wonder why the hell dead bodies started turning up around here, right after you arrived. It’s also curious that you’re the one who keeps finding those bodies. Why don’t you twist that one around in your brain?” Derek hurried his step and walked on ahead of her.

  His words stung. Tears filled her eyes, as her ears started ringing and her gut flipped over in a bad way. She wanted nothing more than to go and pack her suitcase and get out of there.

  She could see Derek’s silhouette in front of her. He’d stopped. She didn’t know what to make of it, but kept walking toward him.

  “We need to talk some more about this tomorrow,” he said.

  She sighed heavily. “I don’t know, Derek. I think maybe it would be best if I head back to Los Angeles.”

  He shook his head. “Please don’t. Let me digest this. Stay at least through tomorrow. If you want to go home after that, fine.”

  Nikki decided she’d give him that much. She didn’t like the way the situation was souring. Funny thing was, though, she wanted to see this thing out because she was in so deep. Nikki was determined to see someone behind bars for these murders. She may not have known Gabriel, but she’d met Minnie and genuinely liked her. Moments ago she’d also genuinely liked Derek. At that moment she wasn’t so sure how she felt.

  They didn’t say anything else on their walk back to the mansion.

  Jeanine Wiley approached the two of them as they walked through the front door, running her hands through her wavy hair. “We’ve been looking for you. I’d like you to have a seat in there.” Jeanine pointed into the living room, where Patrice, the boys of summer, the vulture, and Meredith, along with her Pirate of the Caribbean, were busy chatting, presumably about the evening’s events. Cal Sumner caught Nikki’s eye, and again she noticed his resemblance to Johnny Depp.

  In the dining room, the catering crew milled around the formal table, looking unhappy that they had to remain until given the go-ahead to leave.

  Nikki took a seat in a wing-backed chair next to the sofa where Meredith, Patrice, Simon, and his partner were seated. Cal Sumner and Tara Beckenroe were leaning against the mantel of the fireplace, having an animated conversation. Derek took a seat opposite Nikki. As she sat down, the conversations ceased. All eyes on her, she couldn’t help but shift uneasily, fidgeting with her hands, wanting to sit on them. She’d never been such a focus of attention. Derek quickly and formally introduced Nikki to everyone in the room.

  “How ghastly that you found that poor girl, Nicole,” Patrice said.

  “It’s Nikki,” Derek corrected his stepmother.

  Patrice didn’t appear to care, or even take any notice.

  “Yes, darling, you must have been terrified,” Tara Beckenroe added.

  “I wonder,” Meredith cut in. “What were you doing there in the first place?”

  Jeanine Wiley came back into the room, followed by a hulk of a man with narrow eyes the shape and color of a raven’s. Nikki thought she’d seen him in uniform the day before, helping with the murder investigation.

  Jeanine walked over to Nikki. “That is what we’d like to know, too, Miss Sands. What were you doing in there?”

  “I wanted to make a phone call.” She looked up at the man next to Jeanine.

  Jeanine followed her eyes. “This is Officer Mark Anderson. He’s helping with this investigation.”

  Nikki smiled. Officer Anderson sort of grunted at her. Another brain surgeon for the team.

  “We have phones all over this house. Why go all the way upstairs, to the very last room?” Patrice chimed in, her phony smile looking more and more like the snarl on a pit bull.

  “Shouldn’t we go somewhere private?” Nikki asked Jeanine. Here she was telling the cop how to do her job. Wasn’t there a golden rule anyway, about separating suspects, witnesses, whatever?

  “Good idea.”

  “I think I should question Miss Sands,” Officer Anderson said.

  Nikki rolled her eyes. The lug speaketh. What intelligent notation was going to cross his lips next?

  “That won’t be necessary. Chief Horn asked me to talk with her,” Jeanine replied.

  “I think I should do it,” he said, placing his hands on his hips, over pants that were far too tight for him.

  The sight was obnoxious. What was he trying to prove? Nikki immediately didn’t like him.

  “That’s all right, Mark,” Chief Horn interrupted, walking into the living room. “Jeanine can handle it. We have plenty here to keep us busy. Officer Wiley, why don’t you and Miss Sands take it outside for a moment.”

  Nikki heard the chatter start up behind her before she was even out of the room. She also heard Derek trying to defend her. That helped ease her troubled mind somewhat about the conversation they’d had while walking back to the house.

  “I don’t know about your Goldilocks girlfriend. She seems to show up around dead bodies a bit too soon after they’ve expired, don’t you think?”

  “Simon, you’re an idiot. Leave Nikki alone.”

  “Yes, Simon. Be nice. But I do like the nickname Goldilocks for her. It’s truly fitting.”

  Nikki closed her eyes for a second and sighed, recognizing Tara Beckenroe’s voice. Maybe she shouldn’t have come up here. But, it wasn’t like the decision to join Derek for a long weekend in Napa was a no-brainer. Cute guy wants to hire you for a new high-paying job at a world-renowned winery in Napa Valley. Hmmmm? Who knew there’d be dead bodies and lunatics involved?

  “I’m sorry to have to ask you these questions, but you did find both bodies, and it is kind of odd,” Jeanine said.

  “I know it is. But, come on, what motive would I have? I didn’t even know these people. I met Minnie once earlier today, and then spoke with her all of ten minutes this evening.”

  “No, a motive doesn’t seem likely with you.”

  “Of course not.”

  “But. . . .” Jeanine Wiley crossed her arms in front of her, over her pink sweatshirt. She’d obviously been pulled away from her TV screen to drive out to the estate.

  “No, no, no.” Nikki stifled a laugh, because she could see exactly where Jeanine’s interrogation was headed. “I am not, repeat, not, some freakish psycho serial killer. I may have some neuroses, and my anxiety levels do go a bit high at times. I’ll even admit to having popped a Xanax or two in my day. However, I do not, and would never, go around killing people, especially ones I didn’t know. But there’s some wackadoo around here, playing all of you for suckers. If I were you, I’d start looking at the freaks who live inside that house.” Nikki nodded in the direction of the mansion. She thought about mentioning Andrés, but shoved the thought aside for the time being. He’d told her that the police had already questioned him about Gabriel’s murder. They would have already arrested Andrés if they’d discovered significant evidence.

  “Do you know something about anyone in particular around here, Miss Sands?”

  “No, and quit calling me Miss Sands.” She knew that she wasn’t saying the right things to Jeanine Wiley, but she was extremely irritated. “Call me Nikki.”

  “Were you with Mr. Malveaux all evening, except for your escapade upstairs?”

  This was kind of a tricky question, when Nikki thought about it, remembering the several moments Derek left her at Minnie’s side to retrieve the oysters and more wine. Technically, she had been with hi
m, because if asked the question of somebody on a date, one might say, ‘I was with him last night.’ Jeanine didn’t word the question the way she might have intended, in the sense of continually being in his presence all evening. Nikki knew a lot about technicalities . “Yep. I was with him.”

  “I know we’ll have some more questions, but for now why don’t you join the others?”

  Nikki went back into the house. Tara, Patrice, and Meredith’s date were still in the living room. Cal Sumner was a pretty sexy guy with his longish hair falling just so in front of his deep, dark eyes. He immediately stopped talking to Tara as Nikki entered the room and approached her.

  He stuck out his hand. She took it. His handshake was firm. She liked when a man shook a woman’s hand like that. She hated those dainty handshakes that most men gave women, like if they squeezed, they would break the woman’s hand. “I’m Cal Sumner. I own Sumner Winery down the road.”


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