Sexy Santa

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Sexy Santa Page 2

by Rona Valiere

  At four-thirty, with traffic down to a trickle, Reg made his way into the Toyland storefront. Positioning himself between Ed and Pam, he observed, not for the first time, as they talked to the last of the month’s worth of visitors. Reg talked to the two of them when there were no kids on either lap. One little boy, a repeat visitor, sat on Ed’s lap and said, “I was here three weeks ago. I just want to make sure you’ve got all the things I asked for. You remember my whole list, don’t you?”

  “It’s in my computer,” said the quick-thinking Ed.

  “Are you bringing everything?”

  “I never promised that. You’ll have to wait and see.”

  “Why not?” pouted the young lad, swinging his right foot and inadvertently kicking Ed’s leg on the down stroke.

  “If you pout you’ll get even less,” Ed warned him. “Behave yourself. It isn’t a good idea to kick Santa, either.”

  “I’m sorry, but you promised!”

  “No, I didn’t,” said Ed very certainly. “I said I’d do my best. Do you always succeed one hundred percent when you do your best?”

  The boy started crying and ran to his mom.

  “It wasn’t your fault. You handled it great,” said Reg. “In fact, that’s one thing I wanted to talk to you both about. You’ll get your checks in the mail next week, but I wanted to express the mall management’s sincere thanks for a job done extraordinarily. We’re very pleased with you both and with our experiment in having a Mrs. Claus this year too. We’d like to do it again next year, and if either or both of you are available next year, you have first dibs on the gig if you want it.”

  At five minutes to five there was one little girl left in the Toyland storefront. Shyly letting go of her mom’s hand, she approached Pam and asked, “Are you really Mrs. Claus.”

  “I believe I am. Don’t you?” She heard Ed softly chuckling at her answer.

  “May I give you a kiss?” the shy girl asked.

  “I would like that,” Pam replied with courtly grace.

  “How come you’re so much younger than your husband?” the girl asked.

  “Santa has a very young spirit. That’s what really counts.”

  “Are you going home to the North Pole together after tonight?”

  “I can’t wait to get home…with Santa.”

  “You won’t go out with him when he brings us toys later?”

  “There’s no room on the sled for me with all those toys, but Santa and I will be together later.” Her heart beat faster at the thought.

  “Well,” Reg spoke up. “It’s five o’clock. Santa has to get ready for his ride.”

  “Okay,” the little girl said. She kissed Pam again, then returned to her mother, and the two left the store. Reg locked behind them.

  “Ready for dinner?” Ed asked.

  “Let’s do it.” Pam got up from her throne and headed to the back to change clothes as quickly as possible. This time there was no chatting while lingering. This time both dressed expeditiously and hurried out with a cheery “Merry Christmas!” to Reg.

  “I’m parked on the north side, near the entrance,” Pam said, guiding Ed toward the correct exit. “The car needs a washing. I haven’t had time…”

  “As long as it runs. Do you have a preference for where we eat dinner? If not, I have a plan in mind.”

  “You’re paying. You choose.”

  “It’s called Candyapples. It’s a hole in the wall with marvelous food. They’re not doing anything special for Christmas Eve, so they won’t get crowds. We’re likely to almost have the place to ourselves.”

  “Are you sure they’re open? It seems half the restaurants in town are doing it up big for Christmas Eve and the other half are closed tonight altogether.”

  “The owner’s a friend of mine. They’re open.”

  Indeed, of the ten tables that were all the restaurant held, only two were occupied when Pam and Ed arrived. Karl, the owner and manager, welcomed them personally. “Ed! It’s good to see you again! And with a charming young lady—you must be recovering…or is this business?”

  “No. Not business. This is a very special lady. Pam, meet Karl. Karl, meet Pam.”

  “Your usual table?”

  “Of course.”

  The “usual table” was adjacent to a working fireplace, which was lit.

  “Recovering?” Pam couldn’t help but ask when they’d been seated.

  The sad look returned to Ed’s eyes. “From the death of my wife.”

  “The death of…Misty? I thought you said she was at her sister’s?”

  Ed’s amused chuckle only mystified Pam further. “Misty’s not my wife. She was Elaine’s best friend. She’s been watching over me like a guardian angel ever since the accident.”


  “The one that killed my wife. The one that cost me my driver’s license. I was responsible.” He shook his head at the memory.


  “Nothing that simple. You see, I’m epileptic. It’s been under medicinal control for years now—decades, actually, when I didn’t have any seizures at all. Well, money’s been tight for the last few years, and I thought maybe I was okay now and could get by without the meds. I took myself off them. Dumb fool move. I had a seizure while I was driving, with Elaine in the car. The car was totaled, Elaine was killed, and I, who had caused the whole mess, got off with minor injuries. There’s no justice.” He choked up and had to stop for a moment. Pam reached across the table and put her hand over his.

  “That’s how I lost my driver’s license,” Ed went on with some difficulty. “Not for punitive reasons, but because of the seizure. Until we’re sure the epilepsy is back under control, I’m not permitted to drive anymore. I don’t want to anyhow. I don’t trust myself. I’ve been seizure-free for over eight months now, and I won’t make the mistake of taking myself off the meds anymore. But I’m still not permitted to drive yet.”

  Pam was listening to him carefully, yet a part of her brain was exulting at the same time. He’s not married! He’s not married!

  She barely noticed what she was eating. It was a shrimp dish with garlic and olives in a sherry-infused sauce, which came with a marvelous risotto and some creamed spinach. It was delicious and really deserved more of her attention than it got, but all through dinner her heart was singing, He’s not married! He’s not married!

  Of course, when she drove him home, he asked her in. Of course, she accepted. Of course, their first long, lingering kiss led to other things. As his tongue probed into her mouth, she let her body surge up against him as it wanted to, and she felt the hardness of his dick protruding from his pants. Boldly she took the next step, placing her hands on his butt cheeks and pulling him closer to her. He reciprocated, palming her butt globes and pulling her body firmly against his.

  Her breathing was shallow now, her mouth wide open to his questing tongue, her eyes closed in utter delight, and her nipples twin steel points as his chest rubbed against them and sent her body into a frenzy.

  In a voice thick with lust, he said, “Let’s go to the bedroom.” His condo was on the third floor of his building, and the bedroom blinds were still open. Looking out just before he closed them, Pam saw terrace after terrace festooned with holiday-colored lights. They matched her exuberant mood. Then Ed closed the blinds and Pam saw nothing but the tenderness in his eyes, the eagerness on his face, the warmth of his smile…and the dick that sprang rampant and ready from his pants as he hastily undressed. She followed suit, tearing off her clothes with abandon and dropping them carelessly to the floor. Ed drew back the covers, and the two dived for the sheets.

  She grabbed for his dick, but he stopped her.

  “Let me make love to you properly.” He pushed her down flat on the bed, then kissed her forehead, then her closed eyelids. From there he worked his way down her cheeks to the hollow of her neck and from there to her breasts. He went back and forth from the left breast to the right and back again, like a slow-moving
windshield wiper, not sucking her boobs but licking and kissing them. His tongue swirled around her areolae, taunting her nipples with light touches that spiraled her upward into a maelstrom of emotions. Her body began hunching up and down on the bed, eagerly straining toward release, although he wasn’t yet in her, hadn’t even touched her below the waist yet.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured. “So beautiful.” Abruptly abandoning her boobs, he zipped down to her feet and kissed the top of each before turning to the insteps and laving them with his tongue. Then he licked and sucked at her toes. Pam was positively wriggling with unabashed heat and need.

  “Let me—” she started, trying to sit up.

  “No. Let me. You just lie there and enjoy.” He gently pushed her back down. Now he began nibbling up the inner sides of her calves, then her thighs. At last, he reached her cleft. Even she could smell the perfume of a woman in serious heat. “Oh, beautiful scent!” he rhapsodized, taking a deep whiff before plunging face-first into her cunny and extending his tongue to lick up and down the length of her slit.

  “I can’t take any more!” she cried out. “My clit—please! My clit!”

  “The customer’s always right,” he said with a chuckle and zeroed in on her clitty button, tonguing it with precision, flipping his tongue back and forth nimbly on her throbbing pleasure point. She grabbed his head on both sides and held it, as he continued to flip his tongue back and forth over her palpitating clit. Pam’s body surged up and down on the bed as she strove to get off, pressing her pubic mound against his mouth and nose.

  Then Ed began to hum, his humming carrying through his tongue and making her clit vibrate.

  “Ohmigawd!” she moaned and, with one last upward surge, she came off against his face, orgasming wildly.

  Ed stayed with her till she was on the downside of her climax. Then, while the waves continued to surge through her, he clambered into position above her and, with one lunge, drove his dick deep into her cunny. “I’m clean,” he said breathlessly as he entered her. “Safe, I mean. I got tested after I met you. I hoped we’d wind up like this. I tested negative. Unless I need a rubber for contraception?”

  He paused, mid-thrust. She shook her head and said, “Uh-uh,” and she pressed his ass with her cupped palms to urge him to resume his fuck-motions. He followed her lead and once again pumped in and out of her, spearing her with his randy organ. She felt his dick grow impossibly huge within her, swelling till it seemed there was no more room for it to grow any larger. With every outward pull, he rubbed nerve endings she didn’t even know she possessed, and with every inward plunge he excited her to extremes she had never before experienced.

  Now he held himself up with just one hand and used the other to stimulate her clit with his finger while he continued to drive in and out of her. She quickly rose to another crest and climaxed a second time, although her body motions made it plain that she wasn’t done yet.

  Wrapping her legs around his back, she pulled herself up and down emphatically as he continued to plunge in and out of her. The hand that had been manipulating her clit now latched on to one of her breasts, and he thumbed her nipple while he continued to fuck her with abandon. “Can you come again? I can’t hold off much longer.”

  “One more. I’m almost there.”

  He rat-a-tatted into her, now letting go of her boob to work a hand under her butt cheek and grab it, pulling her toward him. Then he slipped a sneaky finger into her butt crack and probed for her anal opening. Finger-fucking her asshole, he hit on a whole new set of nerve endings and drove her right over the edge. As she tumbled over the precipice for the third time, she felt his dick swell impossibly even more huge, pulsate, and throb within her as it disgorged its load of jism.

  Then Ed collapsed half on top of her, half to the side, and he ran his hand through her hair and murmured, “Thank you. Thank you. That was wonderful. I waited so long for that. I’ve wanted you since the day I met you.”

  “It wasn’t one-sided, but I thought you were married to what’s-her-name.”

  “Misty,” he reminded her. “Do you have a mental block against her name? You don’t need to block her out. She’s no threat. Nobody is. There’s nobody quite like you. I hope this evening wasn’t just a one-time thing.”

  “Don’t say ‘wasn’t’ like the evening’s over already.” Pam turned her head and consulted the bedside clock. It was eight-thirty already. She was shocked.

  “I’m not chasing you home. You can stay all night if you want, but I imagine you have to get home. It’s Christmas Eve.”

  “And I was foolish enough to offer to host a cooperative Christmas dinner at my house tomorrow. Everyone’s bringing something. I’m responsible for the turkey, stuffing, and gravy, so I do have to be at it early to get things going, set the table, tidy up the house…thank heavens I have a cleaning woman, so at least the house is in reasonable shape. I certainly wouldn’t have had time to do any serious cleaning in the last month. I barely made it to the store a few evenings ago to get what I needed for tomorrow. What are your plans?”

  “Misty invited me to join her and some friends.”

  “Is it too late to beg off and come to my house instead?”

  “I imagine if I explained the reason, Misty would understand. But I don’t have any food contribution.”

  “You could bring wine.”

  “I could indeed. I have quite a few bottles in the cabinet in the living room. I could bring several. Some red and some white? Are you sure my showing up isn’t going to discombobulate you, though? There’ll be enough food? Nobody else will mind my being there? It’s not an imposition?”

  “Imposition my ass—it’ll be a pleasure! You’re bringing wine, and you could also be part of the cleanup crew and then plan to stay over afterward. Along with the wine, why don’t you bring your toothbrush?”

  “I have a spare toothbrush. Why don’t I bring it with me and leave it at your place? Or is that being too presumptuous?”

  “It fits in with my plans nicely.”

  “And your plans are…?”

  “To never let you come home.” She felt her eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “You may be biting off more than you can chew.”

  “I have strong teeth.” She took a playful nip at him.

  “Ow!” He laughed. “Then you’re going home tonight?”

  “Yes, but I’ll be back to get you tomorrow.”

  “You’re going to be cooking. I’ll catch a cab.”

  “No. My friend Julia lives near you. She’s picking up Naomi, and she can stop and get you too on the way over. You’ll need to write down your actual address so I can give it to her. I know how to find this place now, but I don’t know what your address is.”

  “You really have to go home tonight?” He sounded wistful.

  “I think so. But think about tomorrow. Christmas Day—and you’ll be there. Santa brought me exactly what I wanted for Christmas. Thank you, Santa.”

  “You’re welcome, Mrs. Claus.”

  Being Mrs. Claus to his Santa had a deeper meaning now. Her heart was singing joyous Christmas songs as she reluctantly got up from his bed and got dressed. He wrote out his address for her, added his phone number, took down hers, and asked her, “What time should I expect your friend?”

  “Around four, I think. It’s going to be a very merry Christmas indeed.”

  “Our first Christmas together—the first of many, I’m sure.”

  “I’m sure,” she agreed as she walked to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Merry Christmas, Santa.”

  “Merry Christmas, my love,” he answered, patting her on her tush and kissing her lightly on her lips. “Merry Christmas.”

  Also Available

  A Green Knight and a Hot Night

  by Rona Valiere

  About the Author

  Rona Valiere is one of the pseudonyms of a much-published author who has written both e-books and conventional, both fiction and nonfiction, both “Adult”
and mainstream. Her various books appeal to a wide range of interests, and there is nothing she would rather do than write, although cooking is a close second choice, since it also appeals to her creative side.

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  Rona Valiere

  Copyright © 2010 Rona Valiere

  Cover art by Kayden McLeod

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are eighteen or older.

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