NYC VAMPS (The Italians): Vampire Romance (Book Book 2)

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NYC VAMPS (The Italians): Vampire Romance (Book Book 2) Page 11

by Sky Winters

  I stared in awe for a moment at the gorgeous man in front of me as I groped for my stool. Like a moth to torchlight, I was drawn into his amber eyes. I had never seen such a color before; they reminded me of single malt whisky. And they were about to get me just as drunk if I didn’t come to my senses.

  “Hi,” I squeaked. Real smooth.

  Walker simply smiled at me and waved at the bartender who looked just as enamored and flustered by Walker as I felt. “Two Johnnie Walker’s. Splash of water.” He ordered.

  There was no wasted energy. Every word and movement was efficient and to the point. After several years of game playing, I liked what I saw.

  The bartender placed the two highball glasses in front of us with two fingers each of really expensive top-shelf liquor. I took a sip and closed my eyes as I rolled the smoky liquid over my tongue. I reveled in the smooth burn as the whiskey slid all the way down and warmed my belly. It was strong and just what I needed. “Thank you. This is really good.” I took another swig, liquid courage and all.

  Walker smirked at me and took a sip of his own drink. “A girl who enjoys a good whisky. I like it. Have you ever been to a tasting?”

  I nodded as I finished my last sip. “Yeah. I went to Scotland a couple of years ago with my parents and we did a distillery tour. The idea is to taste and spit, like you would at a wine tasting, but not all of it makes it into the bucket. I had never seen my parents so tipsy.” I giggled a little. I had warmed up a little faster than I thought.

  Walker slowly looked me over, his gaze lingering on my legs a little longer than was probably polite in a public setting. I had worn a skirt per his instructions. What he didn’t tell me to do was wear my black velvet fuck me pumps with it. I kind of made an executive decision on that wardrobe choice.

  The way he looked at me, like a predator sizing up his prey, made my belly clench and lit my nerves up with the most exhilarating and delicious fear I had ever felt. It had been so long since a man had made me feel wanted in any capacity; I was going to bask in it and it made me feel sexy, dammit.

  “Did you have to wear such a short skirt? You are getting a lot of attention, Miss Lyla.” Walker looked around the room and gave warning looks to all the buzzards eyeballing me.

  “I followed your instructions. You said wear a skirt. Next time, be more specific.” The whisky made me sassy.

  “You got me there.” He grazed his hand against the bare flesh of my thigh leaving ripples of goose bumps in his wake. Completely oblivious to our setting, he fingered the hem of the red fabric before slipping his fingers underneath. My breath hitched as his hands crept north to my hip and I felt like I should have stopped him, but I couldn’t seem to remember how.

  “No underwear,” Walker remarked, “You naughty little girl.” He leaned in close, his eyes locked on mine. “I can’t wait to get this off you.” He purred.

  I bit my lip as I felt myself blush. This was actually happening. I thought about pinching myself, but if I was in a dream I had no intention of waking until it was over. His fingers lingered on my thigh a little longer. I was disappointed when he noticed and removed them.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Walker?” an older man bellowed. We both turned to see a tall, well built man in his fifties wearing a handlebar mustache and black jeans standing just inside the doorway with his arms crossed and a hard face.

  Walker got up and approached the new man in the bar. I shrank back so as not to be noticed. This was clearly club business judging by the unfolding tête à tête. Walker stepped to the side to reveal the president’s patch on the front of the older man’s jacket; that told me all I needed to know.

  “You’re in luck Danny. I was ready to leave.” Walker’s voice growled, almost like an animal. His back was to me so I couldn’t see his face, but I could see Danny wasn’t happy.

  “I told you not to come back here until you were ready to pledge your vow to me and the club. Since you’re here, I’m assuming you’ve finally come to your senses.” Danny’s mustache twitched in amusement, and his eyes seemed to glow a bright orange.

  I heard a deep growl as Walker drew a breath through his teeth. “Ooo is that what you think? Sorry, fella. But it ain’t happening.” Walker turned and crooked his finger at me. “I just came to pick my entertainment for the night. I’ll be on my way now.” He gave a sarcastic salute to Danny, hooked my elbow, and dragged me from the building.

  I protested and struggled, but Walker threw me over his shoulder and marched over to his bike, dumping me on the seat when we got there. His face was hard as he straddled the leather seat. The engine roared to life and with not caring about whether I was actually hanging on our not, he pulled away from the curb and out to the street. I had no choice other than to hang on, or I was going to be a stain on the asphalt.

  My heart hammered in my chest as we turned down a back road through the woods and picked up speed. The wind whipped by so fast, I had to bury my face in Walker’s back to keep from tearing up and getting chapped.

  Within minutes the ride was over and he killed the engine. The muscles in my legs were still jelly as Walker hopped off and stormed into the little house, leaving me alone in the dark.

  Rage coursed through my limbs, every nerve in my body was lit up. This asshole had effectively kidnapped me and took me to God knows where all in the midst of a temper tantrum. As gracefully as I could manage I slung my leg over and slid off the bike to the ground. I adjusted my skirt and waited to catch my balance before taking off after him.

  “You’ve got some nerve, buddy! Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I pitched my purse down on the floor and stamped over to get in his face. All my fear and apprehension had been replaced by pure adrenaline. Well, maybe not pure; it was probably spiked with some blind stupidity.

  Walker’s eyes burned into mine, his mouth set in a firm line. It was a standoff, neither of us making a move. That was until his mouth crushed mine. Walker jammed his hands into the wind-tangled waves of my hair. I contemplated pushing him off me. I was still mad. That was until he pressed my body into his and I felt the stirrings of his erection against my belly.

  Like magic, I wasn’t angry anymore. I allowed his mouth to ply mine open and his tongue to sweep inside. I had to wrap my arms around his waist to keep from buckling; my knees had gone soft and I may even have forgotten my name under his skilled mouth.

  Energy hummed between us as I ran my hands over the expanse of his chest and the muscles of his belly. I slipped my hands under his t-shirt to feel the soft layer of hair covering his skin. I could have sworn I heard Walker growl again.

  His hand traveled south to cup my breast. The bandage dress I had worn was cut tight to go with that dangerously short skirt, but the neckline still left something to the imagination. I moaned when his fingers hooked the neckline and tugged it down, freeing my imprisoned breasts from their restraints. When his thumb brushed over a nipple, hardening it, my stomach tightened. His hands felt so good on my bare skin that I had to have more.

  I broke away and yanked his shirt over his head. The sight of him took my breath away. His arms were tattooed from shoulder to elbow with deep intense colors, shades of blue and green marked with black. The hair that covered his well-muscled torso was dark, nearly black, but not thick. I could still make out every cut of muscle on him.

  Walker smirked at me. “See anything you like?”

  I hadn’t realized I’d been staring.

  “Take off your dress,” He commanded. His amber eyes blazed as I backed up and followed my hands as I pushed the tight red fabric over my hips. I felt sexy as hell. Without taking his eyes off me, Walker sauntered over to me, jeans slung so low on his hips I could see the edge of his pubic hair. As he moved closer, I could feel the heat cranking between us.

  He ran his hands up my arms and over my breasts. Dipping down, he trailed his mouth along my neck; the soft tickling sensation was unbelievably erotic. I had to press my thighs together to take the edge
of the throbbing or there was a good chance I’d explode with desire. I moaned and let my head tip back as Walker worked his way south, drawing a nipple in his mouth. He sucked hard enough to send shockwaves through my body.

  “Holy shit, that feels amazing,” I admit as I bury my hands in his hair.

  I can feel him chuckle against my skin, a deep rumble vibrating down to my core. I liked this. We had hardly spoken to each other beyond learning each other’s names. Frankly, I had no desire to go beyond that. We were speaking with our bodies, a much more primal, ancient language I didn’t understand, but wanted so badly to learn.

  “Sit on the edge of the bed and spread your legs.” I did as commanded, though walking backwards in six-inch heels was not the sexiest thing. I sat down and moved to slip the pumps off. “Leave them.”

  I was confused, but obeyed. Leaning back I rested on my elbows and spread my legs, giving Walker full view of a body part only one other man had ever seen. With that thought, I was suddenly struck with insecurity and pressed my thighs closed. My inexperience was about to show and I wasn’t very comfortable with that.

  Walker slipped his hands between my thighs and spread my legs back apart. “You keep them open when I tell you to.” Walker said sternly. I bit my lip and nodded. The dominance was so hot I forgot all about my insecurity. He was taking the lead, all I had to do was participate.

  Walker bent down and kissed me deeply before kneeling between my spread legs. I gasped in shock as he dipped down and ran his tongue against my already dripping wet flesh. He lifted my legs over his shoulders; his gaze caught mine and held me, forcing me to watch, as he licked and nibbled me. He sucked my clitoris; my body tightened in response a quiet “Ah!” culled from my mouth. When he slipped his tongue inside me I thought I was done for.

  I squirmed and writhed against his mouth as he worked me over. Two fingers slipped inside me and pressed against my g-spot. There was no point in maintaining any composure. I felt my orgasm building quickly. I dug the heels of my stilettos into his back, “I’m coming” I shout. I cried out and screamed his name. The pleasure almost brought tears to my eyes; I had never felt anything so good before.

  I fell against the mattress in a gelatinous heap. I had no energy or will to move my limbs. At some point in the haze of the afterglow I felt Walker move over my body to nibble my neck again. I can feel his stilted breath against my ear. “You are the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he whispered as he drew himself between my legs, “I’m going to fuck you, Lyla. But first I want to see you touch yourself.”

  His fingers found mine and guided my hands between my legs. I had masturbated only sporadically in my last relationship because of some misguided notion that I should be having sex with my uninterested boyfriend instead. Judging by how wet I was it was safe to say Walker got me.

  Walker reared up on his knees to get a better view of my hands and pussy. As I circled my clitoris, the sensation was almost too much. As Walker watched me he slipped off his jeans and began stroking himself. I had never seen a man do that and I have to admit, it turned me on. A lot.

  My eyes grew wide as he grew. Stephen was nowhere near that big. I started having doubts as to whether I could handle him or not. He pulled a condom out of his jeans, tore off the wrapper, and rolled it on. At that point I was breathing heavily from all the stimulation. “Stop,” Walker commanded.

  I whimpered, but obeyed. Walker slithered between my legs and positioned himself against me. The thickness of him stole my breath as he slipped inside me. I was glad for how wet I was, otherwise he would have hurt like hell.

  “God, you are so tight,” Walker murmured, letting out a grunt with each thrust. I could see the strain in the muscles in his arms from trying to control himself. I wrapped my legs around his waist and encouraged him with a roll of my hips.

  He hooked his arm under me and pulled me up to straddle his lap. I gave in and rode him, gripping his shoulders and holding on for dear life as I ground myself against him. My eyes closed as my head lolled back. “Walker,” I breathe, “I need you.”

  He gripped my hips and picked up the pace. I’m in a trance as another orgasm picked up speed. This one was less explosive, but no less pleasurable. I tip forward and moan against his neck as he pumped deeper and sent me over the edge.

  We both collapsed in a heap on the mattress, sated and seeing stars. I forgot myself and curled against him as I caught my breath. I have to give Walker credit, we didn’t know each other, but he didn’t hesitate to pull me to his chest and hold me while we both came back down to Earth.

  Chapter 3

  While Walker holding me felt nice, the silence was a little awkward. It only reminded me that I had just had sex with a man I didn’t know in a place I wasn’t familiar with. Instead of making the moment feel that much more awkward, I opted to go to the bathroom. Hopefully, I could get my head around what to do next.

  I tapped Walker on the chest and slid out of his arms. I could hear him sit up in the bed as I walked away.

  “Damn. You have an amazing ass.” Walker commented. I could feel myself blush as I giggled and hurried into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

  Yes, I had to pee so I took care of business, but what was I going to do with the sex god in the other room when I was done? I flushed and got up to wash my hands. My reflection in the ancient mirror surprised me. I looked like sexiest lion woman ever. My lips were pink and swollen from Walker’s kisses and raspy stubble. There was a pink glow in my cheeks that I had never seen before. I looked healthy, well fucked, and most surprising to me, confident.

  The blonde tendrils I had so carefully styled before I left the house were now dreaded up and fuzzy. Between the bedroom and the motorcycle there was a chance I would never be able to tame my hair again.

  I turned and checked out my naked backside. It was a little too big and full, but damn if it didn’t look good with a little pink on it. For the first time in my life I felt good about the way I looked.

  I clicked the light off and strutted back out into the bedroom. Walker was gone. I hadn’t heard him leave, but the panic still rose in my throat like bile. I didn’t know where I was or how I got here. I wasn’t sure if he had neighbors so I pulled Walker’s t-shirt on to go look for him.

  The house was empty and quiet. A chill crept up my spine, I felt like I was in a horror movie and Leatherface would be lurking around the next corner to cut me to pieces. “Walker?” I called out, my voice echoing off the bare paneled walls.

  The way the cabin was set up was very Spartan. There were no photos or knick-knacks. The brown leather couch was completely devoid of throw pillows and blankets. If it weren’t for the wood and earthy colors, the room would have felt very barren and cold.

  Since Walker wasn’t around, I decided to give myself a tour of the rest of the space. Not only did I feel like I was in a horror movie, but peeking out the front windows I was literally in a cabin in the woods. I could just barely make out another building through one of the sparse spots between the trees and only because it had its porch light on.

  Making my way towards the kitchen, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was up. Where had Walker gone? He had left me alone and I started to freak out. I took a few deep breaths to steady my nerves. I just focused on my breathing until the silence didn’t bother me anymore. And then my stomach growled.

  In the empty space, the rumble seemed to echo off the walls, driving me to have a giggle fit. I wasn’t sure if it was my setting, situation, or both, but I was suddenly eight years old and bodily functions were super funny again.

  I could hear the turning of a key in the deadbolt and froze, my prior mirth abandoned as the front door creaked open. I let out the breath I had been holding when Walker appeared carrying a bundle of firewood.

  “I can help you with that,” I offered. I quickly met Walker and grabbed a few logs off the top of the pile.

  “Thanks. Just set them over by the woodstove.” He pointed to the corner
of the living room with his chin.

  I left him to drop my pile when I could suddenly feel his eyes on me. “You look good in my shirt.” He commented.

  I sashay in a circle, “What, this old thing? Thank you, sir.”

  Walker padded up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Sir? A guy could get used to that kind of talk.” He bent down and nuzzled my neck. The sensation heightened my already overworked senses.

  “Would you like that, sir?” I teased, “Having a woman at your beck and call? To take and ravish when ever you wanted?” Wait, why would I suggest that? Was that something I wanted?

  I could feel Walker’s shoulders shake. He was laughing at me!

  “If she were as gorgeous as you? Abso-fucking-lutely.” He pressed his pelvis against mine. “You wanna be that woman? I have to admit the thought of you trussed up and moaning is a tempting one.” He dragged a finger between my breasts as he spoke.

  “Are you telling me you’re into that sort of thing?” Please say yes. I’ll do whatever you want.

  “I am, but only with the right partner.” I felt his facial hair graze my jaw as his teeth caught my earlobe. I moaned and gripped his biceps. I was going down if I didn’t.

  He nipped and kissed down my neck, sending little jolts and shivers through me. As his hands traveled down the front of my body, I was mentally screaming at him to fuck me.

  I felt the caress of very large hands on my legs as Walker dragged them up my thighs, riding up the hem of his t-shirt, which hardly covered anything anyway. His breath caressed my ear and the vibration of his voice against my skin made me soaking wet.

  My body protested as I pulled away. Walker looked confused. “Did I step over the line?”

  “Oh hell no. I am dripping right now I want you so bad. I was just curious, did you want to see me again after tonight?” I crossed my fingers behind my back.

  “Are you kidding? With an ass like yours I’m not letting you out of my sight.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me against him. “Of course. I would like to take you out to dinner once in a while too.” One corner of his mouth turned up into an adorable crooked smile.


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