Full Blooded jm-1

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Full Blooded jm-1 Page 25

by Amanda Carlson

  We were both so focused on the now dead Stuart that neither of us processed the other snarls.

  A roar of fury erupted. “Jessica! Fight!” Rourke raced toward me at full speed. Valdov stood just behind him wearing a wicked grin, seemingly no worse off than he’d been before.

  The wolves, who’d crept in closer while I’d watched Stuart die, shifted their attention for a brief second on the new threat barreling straight at them. A few of them turned, choosing their aggressor over their prey.

  But most stayed completely focused on me.

  This was going to be a Pack attack.

  The lesser wolves would wait for the most dominant to spring first, and then they would all gleefully join in the fun of tearing me to pieces.

  Rourke reached the first wolf in the circle, picked him up like he weighed nothing, and tossed him away like a bag of garbage. He was moving toward another when a loud crashing noise sounded from the woods behind us.

  The wolves halted their forward progression, lifting their heads in unison, scenting the new threat.

  Tyler launched himself into the clearing like a missile fired from a cannon.

  He was beautifully powerful in his wolf form, and more than a foot taller than any of the wolves around us. His face was set in a gruesome snarl, his eyes flashing with an eerie menace promising swift retribution. There was a reason he was an unparalleled fighter. Few wolves were his equal. By the change in scent around me, every one of them knew it too.

  Tyler tossed his head and gave a terrifying howl.

  Within moments, our other Pack wolves returned his song. By the sound of it, they were only a short distance away.

  The cavalry had officially arrived.

  The wolves around me snapped and snarled, furious at the sudden intrusion. One of them lunged forward, his teeth latching on to my arm. His fangs sank deeply into my flesh. I’d been half hoping they’d all run with their tails between their legs when my brother had arrived in all his glory, but by the looks of the teeth embedded in my arm, they clearly weren’t going to be easily swayed from their target.

  I twisted my body, dragging the wolf along with me, my Lycan form incredibly strong, grabbing on to its scruff with my other hand so my arm didn’t get shredded, and flung it straight into another oncoming wolf who was vying for a piece of me.

  My arm was torn and bleeding, but more sweet energy raced through me, dispelling the pain quickly. My body rushed to fix the damage, and I was grateful.

  Rourke was three feet from me, fighting the other wolves in the circle. “Is that all you got?” he roared again as he grabbed another wolf by his throat, cracking its neck with more physical power than I’d ever seen a supernatural being possess without changing. “You will not fuck with me or mine! Do you hear me?” He shook the wolf and tossed it away.

  I lowered my body into a fighting stance, putting my back to Rourke’s. A savage growl rent the air from somewhere above me and I tilted my head to catch Tyler as he crashed down onto the pile of wolves in front of me, scattering them as effectively as if he’d dropped a load of dynamite. He grabbed the nearest one in his jaws and gave a powerful snap.

  Two wolves inched in around him, and advanced toward me intent on harm. They saw their opportunity and they weren’t going to miss it. We got this, I told my wolf. She happily agreed. No need for the boys to have all the fun.

  They both vaulted at the same time, springing in tandem.

  I flicked the switch in my mind, handing the reins to my wolf. She howled once and sent us to the ground, skillfully turning and lashing in a motion I couldn’t track in my human mind. Thank goodness, you’re in charge. The two were back on us in a flurry of motion. I shot my fists out, grabbing them both by the throats before they could sink their teeth into my neck. My arms were strong—stronger than they should be—and I marveled for a moment. This really shouldn’t be this easy. I was holding back two rabid wolves, one in each hand.

  Am I stronger than yesterday? No time to ponder.

  Before I could reposition myself, one of them flew backward out of my grasp. It yelped once before its voice abruptly cut off. A moment later the other went in the opposite direction. I stared up to find a furious Rourke, eyes so green they appeared like pools of glowing phosphorus.

  He stared down at me, scanning my body for damage.

  A thin coat of fur had erupted along his arms, and his nails were curled into sharp hooks, but other than that he hadn’t changed. His control was astounding. His muscles literally bounced under his skin as he reached down to pull me up. I grabbed on to his extended hand and noticed the beautiful tattoos covering his forearms had melded perfectly into the patterns of his fur.

  His eyes met mine and my heart leapt into my throat. Warrior of Old. Without a doubt, it was true. What was he? “What are you?” I breathed.

  He looked at me curiously and I realized he was seeing me for the first time in my Lycan form. Surprise crept along his features, but we didn’t have time to discuss it. “I’m yours,” he said simply.

  I didn’t push it, because there was a new commotion in the woods and my fur jumped to attention, this time in happy relief. The four vampires, who had watched the fight but had never participated, took off in a single whoosh, leaving Valdov standing alone.

  My father’s eyes blazed a blinding amethyst, looking starkly dangerous against the jet black of his fur as he thundered across the clearing in all his glory. He was so dark he absorbed everything around him.

  Nine of his wolves, including James, spread in a V just behind him, all of them terrifyingly beautiful in their true forms. Some of the New Order wolves, or whatever they called themselves, crept slowly back into the shadows, obviously unprepared or unwilling to take on this new threat. Tyler growled and snapped at the retreating wolves, but held still, awaiting the next command of his Alpha.

  My father was deathly focused on Valdov.

  Not a muscle rippled under his fur. His lips curled in clear distaste, revealing his massive canines. A threatening rumble issued from deep within, an abyss of anger boiling under the surface.

  “Callum,” Valdov said briskly. “How very lucky you could join us. It’s just entirely too bad you’re too late, after all the hard work it took you to get here.”

  Rourke’s hand slipped into mine, squeezing as he pulled me close again. There was an urgency in his grasp, and I glanced to my right following his gaze.

  Selene leaned casually against a tree with her arms crossed in front of her, clearly amused by the new turn of events. I’m sure she’d been hoping the New Order wolves would do her dirty work for her, sparing her from chipping her pretty nails killing me herself.

  We both watched as she pushed off the tree and strode confidently into the mix. Her mane flowed behind her, her eyes blinking with the first hint of red. It appeared her flight into the forest hadn’t left a scratch on her. Damn. Seeing that creamy porcelain skin marred would’ve been incredibly satisfying.

  But she wasn’t the one standing next to Rourke, his possessive growl telling the world not to fuck with what was his.

  I smiled.

  I already had what she wanted most.

  She sashayed over to Valdov, who looked like he’d eaten the canary as well as the whole cage. She’d clearly been his ace in the hole the entire time, and he wasn’t shy about letting us all know.

  “You see, Callum, it seems my Queen has invoked the favor of a Sorceress this time,” Valdov told my snarling father in a singsong lilt. “If you so much as move one furry paw in my direction, I will have the lovely Selene strike your darling off-spring dead where she stands. Are we very clear? Or shall I repeat?”

  My father turned his massive head slowly toward Selene. His power rushing outward in one solid beat, making every molecule in my being leap. All of his wolves responded to it in kind. We all bared our fangs and made terrifying noises. Our Alpha had control, and we would follow. I snarled fiercely.

  How Stuart and his band of ingrates thou
ght they could possibly take the most powerful Alpha who’d ever lived was beyond me.

  My father was magnificent.

  Selene kept her cool, ignoring his steady, piercing gaze as she stopped next to the vampire. Only an infinitesimally small quiver of her hands gave her away. Her fingers were already glowing with a spell, so the red tremor had been easy to detect. She steeled herself for a moment before glancing up to meet my father’s stare, her face wearing the same haughty expression she’d donned before.

  Honestly, Rourke had fallen for that?

  “Come on, big bad wolf. Give me something to play with here,” she toyed. “There’s nothing on earth I’d rather do tonight than annihilate your entire bloodline. Why don’t you come over here and get me?”

  My father watched her, his gaze unfaltering.

  “Where’s the huff and puff, fella? Not so tough when a Sorceress is involved?” Selene taunted. “I thought you’d be a pansy. I guess I was right.”

  Tyler surged forward in a volley of snarls and barks.

  Selene turned a lazy glance toward him and tinkled. “Oh, does your little wolf boy want to be first instead? How very noble of him.”

  My father snapped his muzzle once. Tyler stopped like someone had pulled a plug on his vocal cords.

  “That’s a good doggie,” she crooned. “You should listen to your daddy more often.” Selene turned to face my father again. “Honestly, wolf, you need to keep your pups on a tighter leash. My fingers are especially twitchy tonight and I wouldn’t want any … mistakes to happen.”

  As far as I knew, Selene couldn’t fight off multiple wolf attacks, even as a self-proclaimed Goddess. Sure, she could kill me, and maybe a few more, but she couldn’t kill them all before they managed to tear her apart. Werewolves were resistant to magic as a rule, but not immune. Someone as powerful as Selene could inflict major damage before the strongest ones ripped her to pieces.

  I wasn’t sure if my father would be affected by her magic, but I wasn’t willing to chance it. She wanted me, she could have me.

  I made a move to step forward.

  Rourke yanked me back to his side immediately. “Don’t move, Jessica,” he ordered in a harsh whisper. “Selene is unbelievably dangerous. She’ll kill you if she gets the chance. Even if it means her own life is forfeit—she’ll do it just to spite me. I’m not going to allow that to happen.”

  I locked eyes with him. This was not a good time for an in-depth discussion on the ins and outs of “allowing” me to do anything. “Rourke,” I whispered, “I’m not going to stand back and let her kill my family without a fight. You can’t stop me from doing that even if you tried, so don’t take it too hard. If the vamps want me, they can have me, but I’m not going to let my family—or my Pack—go down because of me.”

  Right then my brain shattered into a million pieces.

  The pressure of the fracture was so strong I reached out blindly and grabbed on to Rourke’s arm to steady myself. He kept me upright automatically and without question.

  Jessica! My father raged. Jessica! Drop your barriers right now!

  My barriers? What barriers?

  Dad … I’m here! I’m here! I clutched my head with my hand. A sledgehammer would’ve been gentler. The ache was incredible. Rourke held me firmly around the waist as he growled his alarm. I think you just shattered any barriers I had left. I’m sorry. I didn’t know they were up. I have no idea what I’m doing or how I’m keeping them up in the first place.

  Jessica, listen to me right now. You have to get out of here. Don’t worry about Selene. Take Rourke with you and run. I can’t let them take you. I won’t allow it. If you leave now, we can corner the vampire and deal with the Sorceress. Do you understand me?

  Dad, I can’t—

  Run, GODDAMN it!

  My blood seized at the command and I latched on to the front of Rourke’s shirt. He understood at once, pushing me ahead of him as fast as he could, his back blocking the sounds of my Pack as they jumped as one on the vampire and the Sorceress.

  We’d only made it into the woods a few feet when I pulled up quickly, Rourke rocking into me from behind, his arms circling my body protectively.

  There, lurking all around us, were wolves. More wolves than I could count. Each one baring their teeth, their yellow eyes dancing with excitement. There were twice as many wolves in the shadows than had been in the clearing. We could not take them on and survive.

  Rourke pulled me closer and twisted us around, putting his back to the growling wolves.

  Before we could come up with a concrete plan, there was a long, angry howl behind us.


  I broke out of Rourke’s grasp and ran. He pounded right behind me.

  I tumbled into the clearing to a completely unbelievable sight. Valdov stood over my father, his bony finger extended, tapping my father’s still muzzle like a naughty child. The rest of the Pack snarled and paced around them, too uncertain of the vamp’s intent to react. None were willing to jeopardize their Alpha in any way. James howled the loudest, his anger searing the air. He was fierce in his wolf form, with a coat of blue-gray and nearly as tall as my father. It killed him not to act.

  My father was locked in some kind of binding spell.

  Selene looked smug, and a wave of indignant rage swirled inside me. My wolf let out a sorrowful howl, followed by a nasty snarl. I gnashed my teeth.

  “Ah, Callum. Did you honestly think we would come unprepared after the last time we met?” Valdov tsked. “It looks like you’re woefully outnumbered this time, and desperately unprepared for this battle. Oh well, better luck next time. We will be taking your daughter now, but don’t fret overly much. I will make sure she’s kept … alive.” He grinned, flashing his fangs. “At least for the time being anyway.”

  My father’s fury raged through my veins. I felt it as clearly as if it were my own. My wolf responded with a yelp of anger.

  I was still in my partial form, but a new blast of adrenaline rocked through me. I grinned. Let’s take them down. My wolf ripped her jaws in the air.

  Almost as if Valdov had read my mind, he turned to Selene, who’d been lurking a few feet away. “Enough playing, witch! Now do the deed we came for and we will be gone!”

  I turned my gaze on Selene for the first time. A line of blood trickled down the side of her mouth, marring her perfection nicely.

  Then I noticed something at her feet.

  Tyler lay unmoving.

  I strode forward, snapping, my wrath blinding me to anything else. I wanted her away from my family. “How dare you!” I shouted. “Why don’t you come and get me! I’m the one you want. Or are you too scared I’ll kick your sorry ass from here to the unknown? Come on, you bitch. Fight me!”

  Selene tipped her head back and laughed. “Oh, please. This is just too easy.” She glanced caustically at the fallen wolf by her foot and kicked him. Hard. “Oh, did crippling your little brother tie your undies in a bunch? Or is it Daddy over there frozen with no place to go? Hmm? Well, I’m sure I can finish this one off”—she gestured downward—“right after I finish you.”

  She lifted her fingers and started chanting.

  “Is that all you’ve got, Selene?” I sneered as I stalked forward, not caring anymore. “Too afraid to meet me without your fingers twitching? I’m not exactly surprised, since you look like the weakest piece of ass I’ve seen in a long time. Looks like you’d be hard pressed to keep a man interested long enough for a second run. I’m sure Rourke got tired of you the moment after he fu—”

  “Enough,” she screamed. “You’re going to pay for that!” She flicked her wrist.

  I dodged her spell, feinting to the side at the last moment, but I turned, watching in horror as the shimmering lines hit Rourke, who had been standing just behind me.

  “No!” I screamed, grabbing a hold of him before he crumpled to the ground. I dropped beside him, my fingers seeking his pulse. It was still there, thank goodness. He wasn’t dead. I had no i
dea if the spell would kill him, but he was breathing.

  I lifted my head slowly.

  My lids burned as my eyes flashed a strobe of color. A vicious howl rose in my throat. “No, you have it wrong, Selene. It’s you who will pay.”

  Nothing else existed. My wrath was a thick, throbbing haze. I strode straight ahead, my wolf racing back and forth in my mind waiting to tear her to pieces. Not even Selene’s tinkling laugh daunted me.

  I was almost to her when a flicker of fear finally registered in her eyes. She gathered herself quickly. “Little mongrel, it’s time for you to go nighty-night,” she said as she snapped her wrist at me, red lines racing between the few feet separating us. The spell struck me fully, but not before my hand shot out, connecting with her creamy porcelain face. There was a loud crack and she flew backward. My body went rigid.

  I fell to the ground.

  Red lines began to transverse my mind, streaming through me, her spell binding me.

  But there was satisfaction painted on my lips as I watched red drip down her broken face as she staggered to stand. Take that, you harlot.

  My wolf snapped and tore at the threads growing thicker in my mind as fast as she could, but it was no use. There were too many. The spell was going to overtake me within moments.

  The wolves within the trees launched into the clearing and my Pack erupted in battle around me.

  Valdov walked over and leaned above me like a circus ring-leader, reaching down to caress my face. I cringed inwardly, my body unable to move. “Hurry, witch, she is too strong. This will not hold her for long.”

  A haughty voice responded, “That will hold her just fine. She is not stronger than I am, vampire. You’ll have plenty of time to get her back to your precious Queen. Now get her out of my sight before I decide to kill her for real.”

  My body rose in the air.

  Wind rushed against my face as Valdov took us into the clouds.

  A terrible keening howl bellowed from below.


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