Omega at Risk: MPREG Romance

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Omega at Risk: MPREG Romance Page 6

by JJ Anderson

  “I’ll shift after you,” David said.

  Ronan nodded and concentrated. This time the sizzle of energy increased as his body changed. Water sprayed on him, and then there was the musky scent of his wet wolf hair. He breathed in deeply, taking in the warm scents of David’s house. Bacon and eggs mixed with the citrus scent coming off the big bear. The smell changed, becoming stronger. And then the bear stood in front of him, taking up most of the space in the shower.

  David dropped to all fours, and his nose was shoved up against Ronan’s neck as he drew in a deep breath, snuffling loudly against Ronan’s fur. He wanted to tell David to stop it, that he didn’t want bear snot on his neck when David sat down in the corner, his paws held out so the water ran over his long claws. It was odd watching bear David play with the water in the shower.

  Ronan sat on his haunches and watched David as he turned his paw over, staring at the water beading on his fur. Their gazes met and held, then David huffed out a breath and Ronan swore the bear smiled.

  Ronan stood on all fours and moved his injured leg. There was pain and a little soreness, but it wasn’t as bad as it had been when he was human. After a moment, he changed back to human form and noticed the difference almost immediately. David shifted from a bear to human, the smile on his face wide.

  “How do you feel?” David asked.

  Ronan stretched and rolled his ankle before putting his weight on his foot. “Okay. I’m good, actually. I’m a little sore. I’m not sure I could run in this terrain, but I’m better.”

  “Only a little sore?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I mean, I probably need to shift a few more times, but I’m better.”


  Ronan reached for the soap as David moved to grab it. Their hands touched, and Ronan’s gaze snapped to David’s. Heat filled him, and the subtle awareness he’d experienced since he arrived grew, creating a rush of desire.

  David’s eyes widened, and he swallowed twice before taking his hand back and glancing away. Rejection stung, and he turned, but David’s hand on his shoulder prevented him from stepping out of the shower. Warm water pounded on Ronan’s chest then David moved, turning him so the water was on his back.

  “I don’t want you to act out of gratitude toward me. I mean, I don’t want you to think you have to do…um, anything.”

  He shook his head, his gaze roving over David’s chest then up to his face. “I don’t.”

  “Actually, I’m probably to blame for some of your pain.”

  Shock pulsed through Ronan. “What do you mean?”

  David’s face bunched before he spoke. “If I work out the timing, it was years ago, you know, what happened in Vancouver. How old are you now?”

  “I turned twenty last March.”

  David closed his eyes and shook his head. “Four years ago, did it get worse?”

  When he didn’t answer, David opened his eyes and hit him with a pointed stare. Ronan shrugged.

  “You know, it’s been bad for a while.” A hollow pit opened inside as memories of the last few years played through his mind. The beatings had gotten unbearable about four years ago.

  David reached out and smoothed his hand over Ronan’s shoulder. “But did it get worse?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. Every beating was worse than the one before. Running made everything worse.”

  David reached up and cupped his cheek. He leaned into David’s touch, enjoying the slide of David’s warm fingers. Ronan stepped closer, and David sucked in a breath. With a shaky hand, he reached out, touching David’s chest. The warmth of David’s hand on him drew him closer.

  Their gazes met, and it was like a thousand stars came alive. David’s soul was open for him. It was how it should be if he were with his true mate. But there was no way he’d found his mate this way. Could it be real? What if he was always destined to run here?

  “We shouldn’t,” David whispered.

  Disappointment hit hard. “Why?”

  Maybe David didn’t sense it. Ronan hadn’t really known how bonding with a true mate worked. His life had been dictated, and bonding was never an option for him.

  “You need to heal,” David said.

  He sucked air in through his nose which may have been a mistake. David’s scent was stronger after shifting. Though he was under the shower spray, Ronan was too close not to catch the scent of citrus and spices.

  Neither of them moved for a moment, and when Ronan finally did, his dick brushed against David’s thigh. They both hissed in a breath, and Ronan glanced up, meeting David’s stare.

  He groaned and leaned in. His body heated, and he rocked his hips again, his cock brushing against the hot alpha. He closed his eyes and gasped. Being with David this way was better than he’d imagined it would be. He liked being close to this man. What would happen if David wanted more? Could he have sex?

  David wrapped his arm around Ronan but didn’t pull him closer. David’s hand was at his chin, caressing his jaw with his thumb. Lust pumped hard through Ronan.

  “Not yet,” David whispered. “Later, once we’re done with this and you’re not afraid for your life.”

  Rejection filled him. How had he read this so wrong? He stepped back, but David didn’t let him go far.

  “I-I can’t let you get involved with me, not yet.”

  “Why?” Ronan asked.

  “If you end up back with your father—”

  “I won’t,” he blurted out.

  “I don’t want you in trouble because I can’t control myself. If you have my babies—”

  “I should be covered. My father made me get a shot last year. And you do know it takes two—I’m attracted to you too?” Ronan ran his hand down David’s chest.

  “Yes, but I’m an alpha, I’m supposed to be in control all the time.”

  He growled in frustration and pulled out of David’s hold. His foot slipped, and David reached out to grab him. The spot David’s hand landed flashed with pain, but it wasn’t as bad as before.

  David stepped closer, and his fingers of his free hand ran over Ronan’s neck and chest, leaving tingles in their wake. Ronan shivered.

  “Besides—” David leaned in and drew in a breath before he moaned. “You’re still injured, and I would be a bastard for taking advantage of you.”

  Ronan glanced over his shoulder, his anger rising. “I’m not stupid, you know. I can make my own decisions.”

  David held his gaze and nodded solemnly. “I know but based on the bruises on your back and arms, around your ribs, and on your face, I’m guessing your father has no clue you are an adult and can make your own decisions. If you go back to his house, he’s going to think I induced you to act. You’ll never be viewed as someone who stood up to him.”

  Ronan’s brain hurt, and he had to look away. “You’re being too logical.”

  “True. I hate being logical because I’d much rather be wrapped in your arms, finding out what makes you moan with pleasure.”

  His gaze flicked to David’s again then traveled down his body, taking in the broad chest covered with fuzz, and his chiseled abs then lower, to the hard and ready hot cock.

  David chuckled and flicked off the water. “We have work to do.”

  Ronan groaned as he took the towel offered and dried his body. His gaze wouldn’t stay off David though. The man was good-looking, older, but still extremely hot.

  He pulled on clean clothes and followed David into the den. A few more shifts into his wolf form and he would be able to run. Right now, he was better. Even his ribs had almost healed.

  “Where do you want me?” Ronan asked.

  David turned and assessed him, his eyes narrowed. “I’m assuming you know computers?”

  “Yes. Though my father restricted my access. I did sneak around on the campus computers and other peoples’ phones and tablets when I could. I know how to delete browser history, but I’m not an expert.”

  “Okay, let’s find out if your father has posted anything. I
’ll set you up on this laptop beside my desktop. You’ll be using a TOR browser. It may be a bit more clunky than what you’re used to, but it will protect our location.”

  “How does it protect us?”

  “We’re using multiple cell signals with a masking TOR network which bounces us off multiple sites around the world. So we may appear to be in Russia, Japan, or even Egypt. The key is they won’t find us.”

  Ronan nodded as he stared at the computers. This was above his abilities. What if he messed up? What if David got mad and couldn’t control his anger? Not everyone was like his father, but he had so little experience with alphas who kept their cool. David wasn’t like the other alphas he knew, but could he trust him?

  “Here you go.” David opened a laptop and pushed the chair back for Ronan to sit in. Worry filled Ronan, and he had to swallow over the fear.

  David began clicking things then wrote down a few letters and numbers on a yellow notepad.

  “This is the password to get into the computer. If the screen blanks, just hit enter then type in the password.”

  Intimidated by the computer and the other technology around them, he sat with his shoulders rolled forward. David had turned to the computer in front of him and started clicking on the keys then stopped and looked over.

  “Hey, it’s okay.” David’s soft words made him even more self-conscious.

  He bit his lower lip. “I don’t want to mess up.”

  “You won’t. Start looking in the browser search window. We need to figure out what he is saying publicly.”

  “I doubt he’ll be saying anything to make himself look bad.”

  David lifted his brows. “You never know.”

  Ronan began searching, looking for anything from his father in the last twenty-four hours. It was odd looking for information about himself and his family. What if he found something about his brother?

  His first search turned up nothing, then he found a post about himself. The shock made him still. His father was describing him like he was crazy, saying he was a deranged individual who’d come under the influence of drugs and was suffering from paranoia.

  Every word read made anger rise up, and he slammed his hands down on the table as he jumped up. “This is bullshit.”

  “What?” David pushed his chair back and lifted a brow as he steepled his hands under his chin.

  “He’s saying I’m a drug addict. That I’ve…I’m suffering from paranoia. He says I’m a danger to myself.” His breath was coming in gasps, and he gripped the table to steady himself as his anger rose.

  David’s gentle touch on his shoulder brought him back from the brink. He blinked and then shook his head.

  “Sorry, it pissed me off.”

  “I get it. I found a site where he’s offering a reward for you. It’s not much, but we’ll need to keep your identity a secret if we go out.”

  “So I’ve got to ask, does he have a photo of my wolf form up there?”

  Most shifters hated having their photos taken in animal form. It was a safety measure which allowed them to have some amount of anonymity when they were their shifted self. He’d been careful changing forms near the compound out in the open, which meant he rarely shifted. It had been months since he’d gone for a hunt with his brother.

  “No, not yet. Do you think your father photographed you?”

  “No clue, but I can’t be sure of anything.”

  He sat down and started looking again. There wasn’t much from his father. He prayed his dad wasn’t taking his anger out on Ruari. His brother was too innocent to be destroyed by their father.

  “Has he said anything about my brother?” Ronan asked after another thirty minutes.

  “No.” David sat back and turned to look at him. “He’s not painting you in a good light.” David wiped his hand over his face. “He’s saying you’ve been abusing him. That you started a few years ago with hitting him. He says he’s been silent about it until now to protect you, but you threatened your brother. He says you’re a danger to everyone.”

  The flash of shock stole his breath. “Oh shit, what?”

  “He’s telling people you’re a problem child. You caused your mother to run off, and she died because of you.”

  Anger so hot it burned his belly filled him. He slapped his hand on the table. “Are you kidding me?”

  David shook his head. “I found a chat room. There’s a post about you, and he’s being nasty.”

  Rage sparked like a wildfire. Ronan jumped up, his body vibrating with hate for his father. He was about two seconds away from shifting when David laid a calming hand on his leg.

  “Don’t allow him to get to you.”

  “He’s turned it all around. He’s trying to ruin me.”

  “No, he’s being predictable. He’s an abuser, and he’s continuing the abuse with his words. I know this hurts but it’s not the truth.”

  Ronan closed his eyes and drew in a slow breath. “Okay, what can I do?”

  David shrugged. “I’m not sure, but if his dealings are illegal, there has to be some proof of it somewhere.”

  Ronan stilled as realization dawned. He’d have to go back for more than Ruari. “His office.”

  David swallowed, his gaze staying steady. “How hard will it be to get in there?”


  David lifted a brow and his lips tilted up in a sly smile. “I’ve always liked impossible odds.”

  Ronan shook his head as he stared at the alpha bear. How had he found someone so kind to help him? What if he’d stumbled around the forest and never found anyone? He’d be dead by now. He had little doubt, his dad would have killed him.

  “So what do we do?” Ronan asked.

  “Let me think. He certainly hasn’t planned on you meeting me.”

  Fear stayed close though David’s optimism gave him ideas interlaced with hope. Maybe they could do something good. What if he could trip his dad up? What if he was able to come out on top and save his brother?

  David leaned in and clicked through a few screens. “This. Look at this.”

  He leaned over and read a post about his dad. The post was a detailed account of how his father had killed a man’s daughter. The man received a payout, but he was still angry. A few commenters wanted this guy to go to the cops, but he said he couldn’t. One person said the man should kill Marks’ kids. He gasped, and David leaned in closer, staring at the screen with him.

  “You got to the part about someone wanting to kill you?” David asked.


  “There are a lot of disturbed people out there. I can keep you safe here.”

  Ronan shook his head. “But for how long?”

  “I don’t know. But if there is any question of your safety, we can send you to my old pack in Canada.”

  Could he go to Canada? What would living there be like? Would his dad hunt him down in another country?

  “Would they take me? Are you still on friendly terms with them?”

  David nodded. “Yes. They would take you in, no question. And they’d keep you safe.”

  He stared at the screen, not really seeing the words. How had his life gotten so twisted?

  “What are you thinking?” David asked.

  “I didn’t mean for this to happen. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

  David nodded and then turned back to the computer. Why wouldn’t his dad let him go? He didn’t want anything from him. Well, he did want his brother, but his dad could keep his money and everything else.

  For some reason, he’d assumed getting away would be easy this time. He’d planned better, but still, his dad had figured it out. He didn’t know how to contact his brother without his dad knowing. Ruari was on his own for now.

  The fear for his brother made it hard to breathe. There were so many what ifs swirling. If his brother died, he’d never forgive himself.

  Chapter Eight

  David worried about Ronan. The man had been beaten severely. He wasn
’t in any shape to fight, and he was small. No way would he ever win against his dad. Ronan had good intentions, but what good were those when going up against a giant?

  He waited until Ronan was asleep to look deeper into his father. Richard Marks was an asshole and needed to be taken down. It would take a great plan and plenty of muscle to destroy the man. He didn’t have either yet, but maybe he could muster enough support to wage war against the jerk.

  The next morning, Ronan was up and moving around a little easier. They were polite to each other, maybe even too polite, but he could tell Ronan still had an issue with the desire passing between them.

  He had his garden to look after, and Ronan offered to help him. Together they harvested the ripe vegetables and fruits, eating some as snacks before David put a chicken in the smoker.

  Ronan was too scared to shift outside, and David understood why. His dad had loads of people looking for him. It had to be frightening to know his father was so powerful and could squash him.

  The day moved slowly, and he didn’t go out to hunt. Instead, he caught up on reading articles and his email. Ronan had an easier time with sleep. The next day was more of the same. On the third day Ronan was there, David went for a run and hunted a little. He brought back a deer for them both to feast on.

  He was impressed by Ronan’s interest in gardening. The young man was a quick study and seemed to enjoy digging in the dirt and finding ripe fruits and vegetables. They sat down for dinner and Ronan talked about his gardening experiences.

  “While you were out, I started looking up stuff about the plants in your garden. You placed your squash too close to your broccoli. You should move them next season—I mean you could move the broccoli now, but you need to next season for sure.”

  He was surprised by the information. “I did?”

  Ronan put a piece of broccoli on his fork. “Yes, you did.”

  David’s stared at a spot on the wall, thinking back to when he’d planted his garden. Had he been that out of it? “Hmm, I guess it’s an oversight I shouldn’t have made.”

  Ronan shrugged. “I can move the broccoli. I found a spot where it would flourish.”


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